Villainess, I’ll Pamper You

Chapter 96: floral skirt (11)


"Not long after I separated from you, I successfully advanced through Miss Ning's method of absorbing crystal cores." Song Tiantian told what happened in the past few years, "Fang Cheng, the people in that team, don't believe it. As for Gu Dong Ling, he even bothered me a few times and was beaten up by me. Some time ago, I don't know if his brain was pumping, but he still wanted to snatch my food, and I broke his leg in the end."

"In the beginning, I really thought there was something wrong with his IQ," Song Tiantian said in a low voice, "Later I accidentally discovered that the purpose of what he did was actually to want Fang Cheng and a few people to deal with me, and it would be better for us to lose both. This man has a really vicious mind. But he didn't expect that Fang Cheng and these people would not try their best to provoke people they can't afford because of Gu Dongling."

"I originally wanted to kill Gu Dongling, but it was Fang Cheng and the others who begged for mercy. I agreed and only broke his leg." Song Tiantian smiled, "I also want Gu Dongling to experience it. , I wanted him to understand the pain at the beginning, Fang Cheng, Pei Wenqing, and Lei Zhe, even if they had that kind of relationship with him, compared to his own life, he, Gu Dongling, was nothing. Where does so much truth come from?"

After saying this, she glanced at Han Xiaojiao and A Xin slightly ambiguous, "Of course, there must be true love between Miss Ning and Xiaojiao."

In the past few years, she has watched everything that happened in the last days with cold eyes. There was a constant scramble, and even cannibalism occurred. Couples would fight for a piece of bread, and relatives would also kill each other for food, survival. The indifference, darkness and cruelty of humanity have exploded out of control at this time.

Many times, when she was about to fall into it, and turned into a machine that lived for the sake of life, who regarded human life as a must, murdered like a thorn, and ignored everything, she couldn't help thinking of Ning Xin holding Han Xiaojiao in her mind. At that time, Han Xiaojiao was slow, stiff, and could not speak yet. Her pale skin and gray eyes were actually a bit scary.

And the woman named Ning Xin was very patient. To help Han Xiaojiao comb her hair and do her makeup, Han Xiaojiao has to change a beautiful and clean floral dress every day. Ning Xin just stood outside the door and waited, often for an hour.

Ning Xin is a living person and a very powerful person. In fact, she can go higher and farther. In this apocalypse, she can break out into the world and be supported by countless people. But what she chose was to give up the world and only stay by Han Xiaojiao's side. Every time she thinks of the love between this person and a zombie, her somewhat cold heart will be warmed. This sweet love will soften her cold heart, and will not cause zombies to lose her nature because of everything in the end times.

"Later I recruited many women with the same aspirations as me, and they didn't want to be pushed around."

"Afterwards, I got a very special body-refinement book. Those women who don't have the awakening ability can also practice body-refinement, and they are no longer allowed to be bullied."

Song Tiantian said this with a bright smile on her face. She held Han Xiaojiao's hand and said, "I have found my goal and have the ability to achieve my goal."

"The fall of city C has little effect on us. My space is getting bigger and bigger, and all important things are placed in it. I heard that city B is about to develop a medicine to kill zombie viruses. , but now we have to face, not zombie viruses, but mutant animals and plants that are more terrifying than zombies."

Speaking of this, Song Tiantian was a little worried, "Xiaojiao, will the virus that kills zombies be harmful to you?" After asking, she thought of A Xin on the side, and felt that this question was superfluous, Miss You Ning Now, Xiaojiao will be well protected.

"No." Han Xiaojiao said, in fact, none of the zombies who drank the spring water could be eliminated by medicine. "I have a place to live."

Han Xiaojiao and A Xin said that she would take Song Tiantian to visit the castle. Ah Xin replied, "Then go to the castle now?"

Song Tiantian was a little surprised when she heard the castle, zombie castle? She blinked. Could it be that Miss Ning built it for Han Xiaojiao? If so, she covered her mouth, wouldn't that be the castle's hidden beauty? This love is really as wonderful as ever.

When Song Tiantian looked at the splendid and beautiful castle, she almost shouted out in surprise, this is too like a dream, right? In the apocalypse, you can still see such a beautiful and complete castle.

Miss Ning really loves Xiaojiao very much, right

She was a little envious of this love, and now she is especially like a lemon essence, sour to death.

"This is... me, and Axin's." Han Xiaojiao said very proudly, holding Axin's arm. This action is to swear to someone that the castle and Axin are hers, or anyone else will rob them. The one that doesn't go.

Seeing Song Tiantian's envious look, Han Xiaojiao walked over, patted Han Xiaojiao, and comforted, "You, there will be."

Song Tiantian was dumbfounded, how could there be a second person like Miss Ning in this world? Even if there is, it may not necessarily be met by her. Love is something that can't be found. Some people can't meet in their whole life, can't appreciate its beauty, and even be deceived by some false affection.

When Song Tiantian thought about this with her head down, she didn't notice the taciturn man who was wearing a hat and had been following behind her. The thought flashed in his eyes, and finally his eyes fell on her again, looking a little dull, as if it had never changed.

Han Xiaojiao proudly took Song Tiantian to visit the castle, and Song Tiantian found that this place is really good. Zombies live in the castle, and the small western-style building outside is actually human. When they passed by, those people were planting vegetables or something. From their smiling faces, it could be seen that they lived a safe and happy life.

The zombie castle can really be regarded as the paradise of the end of the world.

Later, Han Xiaojiao asked her if she wanted to stay.

If it was the beginning, she might choose to stay here. But she glanced at her, and the women behind her shook their heads, "No, although this place is good, it's not our world. Xiaojiao, I accept your kindness. Those of us have been working hard to live in the end times. , fight for yourself, not to enjoy Taoyuan."

"Now we all have the ability, and we also want to make a breakthrough in the end of the world. With the ability to change the world, I don't want to waste this strength." Song Tiantian said softly, "If I don't stand up, it won't be a few years. , the women of this world will usher in the real apocalypse in the future."

Before, she couldn't handle it.

Now that she can manage, how can she stand by

She got this ability because of her resistance to bullying. Perhaps it was God who saw that she dared to resist and saw her unwillingness, and then gave her supernatural powers and let her get the body refining technique. With these things, she is content with pleasure, doesn't she live up to God's trust

Han Xiaojiao nodded, hugged Song Tiantian, released her, and gave her a thumbs up, "Great!" Han Xiaojiao glanced at the man whose eyes were focused on Song Tiantian, and looked at her for a long time. Said, "Zombie... King."

The man raised his head in surprise, and stared at Han Xiaojiao with a pair of eyes that were about to become normal. Han Xiaojiao is a zombie, he knows it. It can be seen from her performance. What puzzled him was that he couldn't use the zombie's sense to contact Han Xiaojiao. Vaguely, there is another feeling that Han Xiaojiao can influence his actions. Of course, because he has consciousness and strength, the influence of this kind of influence is not big and can be restrained.

If the two fight, he doesn't know who will win.

"His name is Yin Ke, and now he's my partner." Song Tiantian introduced, "he is indeed a zombie. We knew each other before and grew up in the same place. Once, we accidentally went to the zombie's lair and was caught After calculating, fortunately, with his shot, there was no big loss."

Song Tiantian dared to introduce it directly because this is a zombie castle. Whether it's A Xin or the people here, they don't care too much about who Yin Ke is. Since that time, Yin Ke has been by her side.

"Yin Ke, this is the zombie castle. In the future, humans will destroy all those unconscious zombies. In the future, there will be no place for zombies. You can live here if you want." At that time, Song Tiantian had this plan. The zombie king should be unfettered. There is no need to just stay by her side and be in the company of humans all day long. This is not the life that a zombie king should have. Humans cannot tolerate a zombie, whether he is conscious or not, whether he will attack people or not.

Yin Ke hardly thought about it, just shook his head lightly. From the day he met Song Tiantian, he had decided to protect her until the end of his life and the day she no longer needed him. He doesn't need anyone to accommodate him, as long as Song Tiantian doesn't drive him away, that's fine. They used to be neighbors, and he had a crush on this girl from the beginning, but she already had someone he liked, so he chose to secretly secretly fall in love. When they met again later, he never thought about what would happen to her. He is used to guarding and liking silently, and does not need any results.

"Really don't stay? This is the best place." Song Tiantian still had some regrets, "I heard from Miss Ning that zombies will evolve. You are now the zombie king, and when you evolve into the zombie king, just You can return to a normal person. Yin Ke, this place is really suitable for you."

Yin Ke still shook his head, this time he said, "I said I wanted to protect you."

Song Tiantian was a little helpless, "I can protect myself."

"I said it." Yin Ke insisted, "I swear, I can't break my oath, and I will be struck by lightning."

Song Tiantian: "..." Why didn't she know that if the zombies swear violated their vows, they would be struck by lightning

Han Xiaojiao held Axin's hand, tilted her head to look at Song Tiantian and the zombie king, and suddenly leaned against Axin and laughed. She shouldn't have guessed wrong, this zombie king should like Tiantian very much, so he wants to protect her. However, this zombie king doesn't seem to know much about talking, coaxing girls, or sweet words. He has failed to evolve. How can he speak in such a stiff tone when chasing girls.

Han Xiaojiao thought, as if she hadn't talked sweetly to Axin, so she took a peek at Axin, why don't you try it back? A Xin has always taken care of her, but now she refuses to get married, will A Xin feel sad? Thinking of this, Han Xiaojiao felt a little flustered. She always wanted to be perfect, but she didn't seem to have considered A Xin's thoughts. She bit her lip and frowned, looking very serious.

A Xin found out and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

"Axin." Han Xiaojiao took Axin's hand and said seriously, "I, like you, really, really... like it." So, it's not that she didn't get married on purpose, it's just that she is not perfect yet, the one on her neck The ugly holes are still there.

"I know." A Xin said, "What are you thinking about?" When Han Xiaojiao started talking, she secretly practiced the phrase "A Xin, I like you" while she was away. Inevitably will hear. However, Han Xiaojiao never told her face-to-face. She guessed that the other party was not ready. She thought that the sentence was not smooth. Xiaojiao liked perfection. How could she do such an imperfect thing

As for why she said it now, it should be something Xiaojiao had in mind, she already felt the other party's unease.

Han Xiaojiao was extremely embarrassed, "You..." How do you know? She hadn't confessed before, but Ah Xin actually knew that it was too unfulfilling.

Han Xiaojiao looked at A Xin, is that so? Therefore, she should really speak quickly and then confess, but now she can't express it clearly, but Ah Xin's reaction is really terrifying.

She stole a glance at A Xin, she confessed it all, and the other party didn't give a reaction

A Xin let out a low laugh, leaned into Han Xiaojiao's ear, and said softly, "I know, Xiaojiao, I like you too." The warm voice penetrated into the eardrum, Han Xiaojiao only felt that her body was getting hot. Even though her body was still as cold as a dead thing, she felt that her blood was boiling and her heart was still beating. But when she touched it, her heart didn't beat, and where she touched her wrist, her pulse didn't beat either, it was still the same as before. I let go of my hand and smelled A Xin's breath. The feeling just now came back again. I always felt that she was a normal person, her heart could beat, her pulse was also beating, and her blood was hot and hot.

Song Tiantian looked at the two interacting with envy, but didn't bother. She likes to see such scenes, the love between Xiaojiao and Miss Ning makes people happy. Every time she sees it, it warms her heart. Yin Ke found Song Tiantian's crazy expression, and he couldn't believe it. Why did he feel that Song Tiantian's expression was especially like seeing two favorite idols both in love

Song Tiantian lived in the castle for three days, and Han Xiaojiao entertained her and her subordinates with the food grown by the people in the zombie castle. All were very happy, clean greens, they hadn't eaten in a long time.

Where they passed, many branches, weeds, and roots were dug up and eaten.

That is to say, the animals and plants mutated later, and the mountains became dangerous. Otherwise, many people would definitely go to the mountains. Someone has been there once, but as soon as they entered, they were entangled by mutated plants and sucked blood to death. Therefore, no one dared to go to those unfamiliar mountains again, for fear of dying.

Before Song Tiantian left, she secretly asked Han Xiaojiao why she didn't marry A Xin. Han Xiaojiao embarrassedly pointed to the hole in her neck and wrote on the paper with a pen: I am so ugly now.

"Miss Ning won't care." Song Tiantian comforted, "I think you can really get married. It's a matter of time before you evolve."

Han Xiaojiao buried her head and wrote again: I know Axin doesn't mind, but I still want to wait until I'm perfect before getting married. I understand that Axin won't dislike me for being ugly. But, I just want to be perfect and make our wedding more perfect. My body is cold, which is too different from that of humans, and I will catch Ah Xin.

Song Tiantian's persuasion to get married failed, "Then try to evolve, Xiaojiao." Seeing Han Xiaojiao touching the hole in her neck, she suddenly understood. A woman is a person who pleases herself. Xiaojiao wants to be more perfect because she likes Miss Ning too much. She holds Han Xiaojiao's hand, "Come on, you can do it. When you get married, you must call me."

"Yeah." Han Xiaojiao also encouraged Song Tiantian, wishing her well, "Dreams... come true." After a while, she said, "Yin... Yin Ke is not bad."

Song Tiantian didn't quite understand the last sentence, she just thought that Han Xiaojiao thought that Yin Ke was a good zombie, and gave a casual compliment.

Song Tiantian took the gift from Han Xiaojiao and led the women away. The day after Song Tiantian left, Han Xiaojiao took A Xin out to pick up people and zombies.

In three months, they picked up a lot and came back. At this time, Han Wu heard news that they should not go out. The medicine for killing the zombie virus at the base has been researched. Now, they're going to use the rainfall pattern to dilute the potions and drop them on the ground. Any zombies contaminated with these medicines will die.

Any creature infected with a zombie virus will be wiped out.

On this day, Han Xiaojiao was sitting on the castle with A Xin by her side. They looked at the cloudy and cloudy place in the distance, and didn't say a word.

After a long time, it has been raining over there. This time, the rain is a little different. It is the rain that kills the zombie virus. Those zombies who are unconscious and biting people are her kind, and they were once the same kind of humans. Han Xiaojiao was still a little sad, she hugged A Xin and buried her head on A Xin's shoulder.

Will there be zombies left in the castle in the future

"The zombies here will live longer than humans. With Xiaojiao here, they won't bite or be killed by humans. This is Xiaojiao's kingdom, you have the final say."

Han Xiaojiao rubbed her head against A Xin, and A Xin would comfort her. Depends on her every time, no matter how wayward she is. Just like what I dreamed of before, that figure will always stand by her side and never turn her back to her.

She must have been a good person in her last life.

The kind that saves the world by Puji, otherwise how could you meet such a good person as A Xin

There are no more zombies wherever the potion rain has been exposed. Following the medicament to kill the zombie virus, the medicament to kill other viruses was developed later. So that those infected creatures have only one death word in the face of human beings.

But there is still no way for humans to mutate animals and plants. Just like the power user, this is a mysterious power bestowed upon them by the world, which cannot be researched in a short period of time.

Without zombies, without that terrifying virus creature, the end times are still dangerous. But compared to before, the circle of human existence is expanding, and the system of maintaining rule is also recovering. Unlike before the end of the world, this time the rulers are all power users who control power and resources.

A few years later, the last days are no longer called the last days, but should be called the era of superhumans. Abilities, not only human beings, but also other creatures and plants on the earth can be called Abilities.

Other creatures with powers, and plants, have become enemies of mankind.

In this era, another profession was born, the name is hunter, which specializes in hunting other psychic creatures and plant hunters.

This world is also divided up by those who are in charge of the supernatural beings. Among them, the Han family is headed. The most powerful one was not the Han family. It was because a woman named Song Tiantian suddenly emerged and insisted on standing on the side of the Han family. At that time, many people could not imagine the scene. The dozen or so trucks were full of powerful women, just like the women's army.

Song Tiantian supports the Han family, first because of Han Xiaojiao, it is better to find the Han family than to cooperate with others. Second, after contacting the Han family, she thought it would be better to cooperate with the Han family.

The only condition for her and the Han family is that after the end of the apocalypse, women are not allowed to be used as reproductive tools, and women should also enjoy equal rights.

And, she hopes that the women of the last days, if they want, can be managed by her.

This condition, of course, was opposed by many people. Everyone knows that after the end of the world, there are fewer women, so they expect more women to give birth to restore the population earlier. If women gave birth by themselves, the human race would be extinct.

But many women heard about Song Tiantian's idea, and most of them chose to rely on Song Tiantian. Song Tiantian refused to come and let all these women practice body refining.

It didn't take long for weak women, no longer weak, to face a woman who could cripple a normal man with one arm. Can they still force a woman to have children constantly

Of course not.

The general trend, Song Tiantian changed the outcome of women being forced to become reproductive tools. Strong women are needed after the end of the world, and that body refining technique can only be practiced by women. Countless people feel annoyed by this, but there is no way to do it. .

Fortunately, Song Tiantian just doesn't want women to become reproductive tools, not to prevent women from voluntarily having children. However, women who have experienced the end of the world and encountered many injustices, even if they are willing to give birth, how can they give birth casually. Unless they find someone they like, they will never want to get married and have children casually in this life.

They cherish the life of independence and freedom now, and this is what they fought for with their lives.

Humanity has ushered in its greatest crisis and may face its demise.

Song Tiantian looked at those flustered people and didn't think she was wrong at all. Even if human beings are extinct, women cannot be forced to become reproductive tools. This is what she thought subconsciously, and has persisted to this day.

During several years, many people came to talk to Song Tiantian, and then they were beaten up by these women who seemed to have copper walls and iron arms, and threw them out.

"What should I do? If Song Tiantian doesn't let go, no one can force it. Even if Song Tiantian lets go, who would want to have children with these hard-winged girls?"

"Let's talk to her again."

Song Tiantian came as promised, listening to these people talking about the extinction of human beings, and smiled, "Actually, you can change your direction, why should women give birth? You men want it, it's better to give birth yourself."

Before, she also heard from Han Wu that these people actually developed a potion for three or five births, and planned to use it for women who were planning to have children.

Such a thing already exists.

The pregnant woman didn't even know that her husband had taken such a drug, and when she saw that her belly was getting bigger and bigger, she felt something was wrong. It was later found out that she was pregnant with five.