Villainess Wants To Turn Over A New Leaf

Chapter 24: [24] Three shifts


Xi Xingjiang is still in the mood to tease her, of course he is confident that the arrow will not hurt her.

The rider sits high on horseback, and the target is high. With the size of Xiaodouding, unless the opponent is a blind man and shoots the arrow on the ground, it is possible to shoot her. It is safe to not move.

Lin Feilu wanted to jump up and hit him on the knee just to say it in his straight male way.

She was still staring at her with big eyes and small eyes. There was a "call" in front of her. The horse neighed, and the front hoofs rose to a halt. The teenager on horseback jumped down and walked towards them quickly, and said anxiously, "Yes. Hurt?"

Lin Feilu looked at the people here.

He is about the same age as Xi Xingjiang, and his height is almost the same. He wears a dark red riding outfit, with a jade belt around his waist, and a moiré neckline. He is elegantly dressed and neatly dressed. The quiver on his back is inlaid with gold edges, and he even holds it in his hand. Bows and arrows are glowing in darkness in winter, and you can see that they are not ordinary products.

Lin Feilu's thoughts of speculation just came up in his mind, and it was confirmed by Xi Xingjiang next to him.

He bowed his hand and bowed: "His Royal Highness." He smiled and said, "I'm not injured, I'm far away."

Sure enough, it was her three-emperor brother, the queen's son, and the current prince Lin Qing.

Lin Qing nodded slightly, and seeing the two standing unharmed, the eagerness between the handsome eyebrows and eyes slowly disappeared. Lin Feilu had heard about the prince from the palace before, and praised him for Zhilan Yushu, gentle, courteous, frugal, modest and studious, and he was very fond of Emperor Lin.

Seeing it now, it is true. Although he is a crown prince, he is full of nobility, but his gestures are very elegant and courteous, and he is not arrogant and arrogant at all when he is in a high position. It's just that those eyes are a little deep when looking at people, like hiding a lot of thoughts in them, with a composure that doesn't fit this age.

Lin Feilu also learned to walk in Xinjiang, obediently bowed to him, and said suddenly: "Little Wu has seen His Royal Highness."

She was just looking at Lin Qing, and of course Lin Qing was also looking at her. Seeing that the little girl was born with red lips and white teeth, her eyes were full of aura, and the pear vortex was faintly visible with a smile, which was very lovely.

Seeing that Lin Feilu was brought by Xi Xingjiang, he couldn't help asking: "Xingjiang, is this your sister?"

Xi Xingjiang looked like he had seen a ghost: "Isn't your lord? I don't even know my sister?"

Lin Qing was taken aback, and then glanced at Lin Feilu. He didn't know what he thought of, and then shook his head and smiled: "It's a bit familiar, but my five emperor sisters?"

Lin Feilu obediently said: "Yes."

Xi Xingjiang copied his hands and stood beside him, and tweeted: "His Royal Highness has such a lovely sister who doesn't know it. It really makes me jealous. If I had such a sister, I would definitely hug and hold her every day."

Lin Feilu: "..."

Lin Qing: "..."

Feeling disgusting.

Fortunately, he did not continue this topic, but turned his head to look at the target with arrows all around, and asked Lin Qing: "It is so cold, why would Your Highness come here alone to practice riding and shooting?"

Lin Qing smiled slightly: "Although the weather is cold, I dare not waste my homework."

Xi Xingjiang grinned: "Isn't it because you want to make progress secretly and get the top spot in the spring hunt, right?"

Lin Qing's eyes were obviously stagnant, but only for a moment, and quickly returned to normal. He looked down and smiled: "Xingjiang said and laughed."

Lin Feilu suddenly felt that if Lin Qing was a monarch and Xi Xingjiang was a minister, it was estimated that Lin Qing would chop his head in a short time.

What else Xi Xingjiang wanted to say, Lin Feilu shrank in the cloak and sneezed a little, and the two really interrupted the conversation. Looking at him, Lin Qing asked, "Which is the fifth sister?" He said helplessly to Xi Xingjiang: " The weather is cold, what do you take her here, it is windier than other places."

Xi Xingjiang said: "Take her to see my little pony, and teach her how to ride and shoot by the way."

Lin Qing was half joking and half reproaching: "Naughty, how old the fifth sister is, you can be stubborn, and you want to spoil my sister. If your son is cold, you won't send her back."

Xi Xingjiang said, "Don't, it's all here, why don't Your Highness have a try with me?"

Lin Feilu: "..."

I don't know how this person died in the future.

Lin Qing didn't speak, but the eyes grew deeper and deeper. Lin Feilu couldn't stand it anymore. He tugged at the corners of his clothes and asked in a gruff, "Where is the little pony?"

Only then did Xi Xingjiang remember the main purpose of coming today, and finally did not die. He smiled and said to Lin Qing: "Forget it, I will take the deer to see Maju, and I will find your Highness for advice on the next day."

Lin Qing still looks like a Qianqian gentleman: "Waiting at any time."

Lin Feilu held her small fist and bowed and bowed to Lin Qing with her small body: "Little Fifth retire."

He made Lin Qing amused at once, and gave a false hand: "Fifth Sister, don't be polite, go back early after watching the horse." What he thought of, took off a jade pendant of excellent color hung on his waist and handed it to him. She said, "This jade has been guarded by a high monk, and it means peace. When we meet for the first time in a hurry, I will give this thing to the fifth sister."

Lin Feilu pursed his lips, looked at Yu, and then at him, his eyes flickering, and after receiving it with his hands, he said softly: "Xiao Wu has nothing on him, and I will return the gift next time."

Lin Qing smiled and said, "No, it's okay to have a heart."

After such a delay, Lin Qing did not continue to practice, and asked the guards to lead the horse back, and left the hunting ground while the two watched.

Lin Feilu looked at the jade pendant for a while, and heard that there was a faint sandalwood on the jade. The crown prince gave me the gift of carelessness, and the jade was fragile. She put it in her arms properly, patted her small chest, and raised her head to follow Xi Xingjiang next to him. Said: "His Royal Highness is really nice."

Xi Xingjiang was leading her to the stable, and he agreed: "I also think it's pretty good."

Lin Feilu: "..."

You feel like a shit, too.

You offend people two or three times with a single sentence, and you don't know why you die in someone's hands any day.

Lin Feilu felt that this was the stupidest person she had ever encountered except Lin Xi since entering the palace, and Lin Jingyuan would wink better than him. Think about him as the eldest son of Zhenbei Hou's Mansion, and in the future, he will have to take over the handsome seal of the general. When Lin Qing becomes the throne in the future, if he is still as mindless as he is now, I am afraid that the good days will come to an end.

Lin Feilu felt that he was really broken for these NPCs.

The horse that Xi Xingjiang raises on the hunting ground is completely dark and the breed is very good. When someone comes over, he does not move his body. He raises his head very proudly and does not even buy the owner’s account. Xi Xingjiang reaches out and touches it. Snorted.

He wasn't annoyed. He turned around and smiled and said to Lin Feilu: "The fierce horse needs to be tamed. When it grows up, I will train the horse to show you. How about giving it to you if it is tamed?"

Lin Feilu said, "Okay."

Xi Xingjiang smiled and said: "Then you first call Brother Shizi to listen. Maybe I am happy and I will give it to you now."

Xiaodouding shouted his name angrily: "Xi Xingjiang! Shameless!"

Xi Xingjiang was taken aback for a moment, and was overwhelmed with joy: "What are you scolding me for? You are an inexperienced little beanie."

Lin Feilu made a face at him.

In the morning Fang Ting's snow was swept by the cold wind and then fluttered down. The sun retracted into the clouds, and no light was seen. Xi Xingjiang worried that it would be difficult to walk when the snow fell for a while, so he didn't stay any longer, and took her off the hunting ground with the hat on Lin Feilu's cloak.

After that day, there was heavy snowfall for a few days. The snow was almost half a person high, and the sound of snow sweeping could be heard everywhere in the palace.

When Lin Feilu followed Xiao Lan to greet Concubine Xian, she chanted a few words. If the snow keeps going, the people are afraid of a snow disaster. Emperor Lin was very worried about this, and he discussed the solution with his courtiers every day, so he didn't step into the harem for a long time.

Of course, the concubines of the harem did not care about people's economy and people's livelihood. They only hope that the emperor can enter the harem several times and turn over the signs.

As Concubine Xian said, she didn't know how to turn the topic to Xiao Lan. She looked at her looking down and embroidered, and suddenly smiled and asked, "Master Lan hasn't seen your Majesty for many years, right?"

Xiao Lan's fingers trembled slightly, almost stabbing a needle, and whispered back: "Hui Niangniang, it has been four or five years."

Concubine Xian looked at Lin Feilu who was eating snacks next to her, and sighed: "So, even Xiaolu hasn't seen her father in many years."

Concubine Xian said slowly: "If you haven't entered a newcomer in the past two years, your majesty's harem has been less frequent, and you have more familiar faces. It is estimated that you are lacking. Although you are an old man in the palace, but your appearance is not inferior to that year, you want to come to see your majesty. I like it too."

Xiao Lan still whispered: "Niang Niang joked."

Concubine Xian took her hand and smiled meaningfully: "The red plum blossoms in the palace have been blooming very well recently, and there will be some scenery accompanied by heavy snow. If you find a day, you can accompany the palace to enjoy the plum blossoms."

Lin Feilu finished eating the snack in his hand and heard Xiao Lan say: "Yes."

The concubine in the palace has always worried that Concubine Xian will push Xiao Lan back to the eyes of Emperor Lin.

What they worry about will eventually happen.