Villainess Wants To Turn Over A New Leaf

Chapter 26: [26] Two more


Lin Jingyuan took a heavy step towards the third brother and fifth sister who were talking and laughing.

Approaching, I saw Lin Feilu handing a delicately crafted sachet to Lin Qing. When she laughed, her eyes were like crescent moons, and the pear vortex was sweet and shallow, which made her feel good.

"His Royal Highness, this is Xiao Wu's return."

Lin Qing brushed the snowflakes that had just fallen on the back of her hand, and smiled: "Didn't you say you don't use it?"

Having said that, I still took the sachet. Xiao Lan's needlework is better than the craftsmen in Brocade Workshop, and the sachets made are also very delicate. Lin Feilu said it was a gift to His Royal Highness, Xiao Lan even more attentively, embroidered magnolia and repaired bamboo with the best silk thread.

The sachet was bulging. He took it to the tip of his nose and smelled it. There was a very light orchid fragrance, mixed with other fragrances, which was not very clear, but it smelled very good.

He smiled and said, "Why give me this?"

Lin Feilu put her hands behind her back, half tilted her head to look at him, eyes clever and pure: "There are clouds in "Li Sao", Hu Jiangli and Pizhixi, Ren Qiulan thought he would admire. His Royal Highness Zhilan Yushu, when Peiqiu Orchid."

Lin Jingyuan: "?"

What are you talking about? What are you talking about? ?

Lin Qing raised her eyebrows slightly, as if she had never expected her fifth sister to be so familiar with ancient books and talk so well. The world praised him Zhilan Yushu, Lin Feilu's rainbow ass are just right, Lin Qing felt a little more fond of her, and she tied the sachet around her waist without any explanation.

He could see that Lin Jingyuan's eyes were dripping blood.

what! So jealous! Why didn't he!

He reluctantly bowed his hands and saluted Lin Qing: "Brother third."

Lin Qing saw him and said with a smile: "The fourth brother is out. By the way, what did the Taifu leave you for? You didn't write your homework?"

Lin Jingyuan violently jumped: "Who said that? The Taifu left me praised me and rewarded me with a writing brush!"

He took the brush out of his cuff and showed it to him.

Lin Qing took a look at it, nodded in praise, and said, "Good writing."

Lin Jingyuan: "Do you like it? If you like it, how about using your sachet to exchange it with me?"

Lin Qing: "..."

Lin Feilu: "..."

Lin Qing silently handed the brush back, and acted to express her rejection.

Lin Jingyuan's mouth pursed so much that he could hang a bucket, and he glanced at Lin Feilu particularly complainingly. Lin Feilu pursed her lower lip and yelled sweetly, "Brother Jingyuan~"

He snorted.

Lin Feilu rubbed over and tugged at the corners of his clothes again, "Brother Jingyuan—"

Lin Jingyuan was about to surrender, but Yu Guang saw the beautiful sachet on Lin Qing's waist, thinking that it was made by Xiaolu, stitch by stitch, and she picked the orchids one by one, and she didn't have any. This kind of treatment became angry again, and he held his head silently.

Lin Qing couldn't help smiling and said, "What are you angry with Wumei?"

Lin Jingyuan said that you still have the face to ask, and shouted angrily: "She has never given me a gift!"

Lin Feilu: "?"

Did my "The Analects" feed a dog

She couldn't help but retorted in a low voice: "I have given it, I have given you "The Analects", and... "

Before she finished speaking, Lin Jingyuan interrupted her incredulously: "The Analects can also be called a gift?!"

Lin Qing: "..."

Lin Feilu: "..."

He was angry and aggrieved: "Just like this brush, it will only give me a headache!"

What should I do if the bear child has a temper

Others: Just a little bit.

Lin Feilu: Just play once.

She blinked, her eye sockets were red, tears hanging on her eyelashes would not fall off, her red nose choked and said, "Brother Jingyuan doesn't like it, then give it back to me. And the Begonia in the book Return the flowers to me together."

Lin Jingyuan: "!"

He didn't dare to be awkward anymore, he hurriedly went to coax his sister, "I... I don't like it, I just, oh! Don't cry, brother is wrong, brother is not aggressive at you!"

Lin Feilu sniffed, and asked pitifully: "Then are you still angry?"

Lin Jingyuan couldn't wait to put his fingers up and swear: "Don't be angry, don't be angry! "The Analects" is also excellent!"

Lin Qing was amazed.

Lin Feilu burst into laughter, and the three of them left Taixue and returned to the palace together.

As the prince, Lin Qing now lives in the East Palace. Among all the princes, he now has his own palace. The three of them were on the way. Lin Qing took a few sentences of his fourth brother's homework on the road, and found that he did make progress. Thinking of the previous rumor in the palace that the fifth princess supervised the fourth prince's studies, he couldn't help but look at her fifth sister a little bit higher.

He likes smart people, and associates with smart people without worry and trouble.

This young fifth sister is much smarter than his other sisters.

The three of them were talking and laughing, and when they passed the small broken bridge, the sound of arguing suddenly came from the pavilion on the ice lake.

Recently, the lake has been closed by heavy snow, and the surface of the lake full of lotus flowers in summer has also frozen. The withered lotus branches stand on the ice, which is very Zen-like, and the concubines of the future palace also love to come here to enjoy the scenery.

Looking up, there were four or five women standing in the pavilion with white gauze curtains, while two people were kneeling in front of them. With his head down, Lin Feilu looked at it at the first glance, but he still didn't recognize who it was. I just felt a little familiar, and realized after a while, it was her mother and Qingyan!

Just listen to the woman headed by the powder coat arrogantly said: "If I tell you to kneel, you have to kneel until I am satisfied!"

Qingyan couldn't help but kowtow at her: "Our master accidentally ran into Lingmei, please forgive her."

Xiao Lan stopped in a low voice: "Green smoke."

Qingyan stopped moving and cried silently.

There were two concubines beside the pink woman, both of them covered their mouths and laughed, mocking in their eyes.

Lingmei took two steps forward, squatted down under the help of the maid, and pulled Xiao Lan's hand to her eyes, and asked as she looked at it, "I heard that your hands are very clever. A lot of beautiful clothes?"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Lan's fingers were pushed down and Xiao Lan's fingers were bent into a terrible arc, and her face turned pale with pain, and she didn't say a word.

Lingmei sneered and had to move. Suddenly a small figure rushed over behind her and pushed her away.

Lingmei was squatting with an unstable center of gravity, and was directly pushed staggered. If it weren't for the hand of the maid beside her, she would hit the stone table beside her.

The people around all shouted in exclamation and hurriedly helped her. During this period, Lin Feilu who rushed over had already pulled Xiao Lan up.

Xiao Lan didn't expect to be bumped into this scene by her daughter, her face was a little ugly.

She was frustrated today, so she let Qingyan come out to walk with her. Hearing that the dry lotus here is very Zen-like, she is a person to the Buddha, so she came here.

Unexpectedly, when I first arrived at the pavilion, I met Lingmei who was two ranks higher than her. Last time she became a laughingstock for everyone about Meiyuan, knowing that there is no possibility of her being loved again, and of course people will fall into trouble.

She wanted to pull her daughter behind her, but Lin Feilu stayed in front of her. Although she was small, she was aggressive when she opened her arms and stared at each other with anger in her small face.

Lingmei was lifted up yelling, and her voice was sharp and thin: "Which thing that doesn't have eyes dares to be so presumptuous!"

As soon as this word fell, I heard a stern rebuke from behind: "I see you only presumptuously!"

Everyone turned around and saw that they were the prince and the fourth prince, and they quickly saluted.

Although Lin Qing is not very old, he already has the demeanor of the Eastern Palace. He started to fire a bit like Emperor Lin: "Seeing that the princess does not worship, he oppresses the concubine and disturbs the harem! Are you all deaf to the mother and queen's usual teachings?!"

Lingmei was trembling even more. She was about to quibble. He raised his eyes and saw that the four princes gritted their teeth and stared at her, seemingly wishing to rush over to slap her skin, and quickly bowed his head in fright.

Lin Qing said sternly: "The father was busy with the political affairs of the previous dynasty, and the mother was troubled with the trivial affairs of the harem. As concubines, you should abide by the court order and maintain peace, but you are still making troubles. Is this palace rule really a decoration?"

Several concubines interceded: "His Royal Highness, please forgive me!"

Lin Qing snorted coldly, "I will report this matter to my mother, and she will let it go!"

Lin Feilu wrapped a basket of tears and turned around and took Xiao Lan's hand and called twice, "Mother concubine, are your hands okay? Does it hurt?"

Lin Jingyuan also ran over, glanced twice, and said anxiously: "Go back and ask the doctor to see it!"

Xiao Lan smiled and calmed her: "Mother is okay, it doesn't hurt." Then he saluted Lin Jingyuan and Lin Qing, "Thank you, His Royal Highness, and His Four Princes."

Lin Qing nodded a little, regarded as accepting her courtesy, removed the dignity of her talent, and changed back to a modest and polite appearance, and said to Lin Feilu: "Little Five accompany the nobleman Lan to go back, and ask the doctor to take a look."

Lin Feilu nodded, her watery eyes filled with gratitude.

Lin Qing calmed down a few more words before leaving alone. Lin Jingyuan was worried that something would happen on the road, so he simply accompanied them back.

Fortunately, Lin Feilu pushed her in time. Before Lingmei had time to attack her, Xiao Lan's fingers were not in serious trouble, and the imperial doctor prescribed an external medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

Lin Jingyuan relaxed, and after playing with Lin Zhanyuan, the little rabbit left.

Before I left, I was still thinking about the sachet made by Sister Xiaolu. Ai Ai said, "I don’t like that "The Analects", but it has a different meaning from what I did by myself. I... I also want you to make it by myself. gift."

Lin Feilu promised: "Okay!"

Lin Jingyuan then left happily.

On the other hand, after Lin Qing left, he went to the Changchun Palace where the queen was located, and explained the affairs of the day.

Although the queen said that she devoted herself to the Buddha, the two noble concubines assisted the sixth house on weekdays. But since the prince met and reprimanded him, he naturally wanted to take his heart out and went on with the ambitions. Today, the concubines who embarrassed Xiao Lan were fined for monthly payment and had their feet banned for half a month.

Lin Qing only returned to the East Palace.

As the prince, his homework is heavier than other princes. He also knows that he can't be slacking off in order to be loved by his father for a long time. He has strict requirements on himself, and starts reading and practicing calligraphy as soon as he returns to the palace.

At lunch, Emperor Lin happened to be free, so he came to the East Palace to investigate the Prince's homework.

There was a snow disaster recently. The father and son asked and answered questions about the way of people's livelihood. Lin Di was very satisfied with his performance. Before leaving, he became interested in the distinctive sachet on his waist.

Lin Qing took it down and handed it to his father.

After smelling it, Emperor Lin felt that the scent was very light and comfortable. He smiled and said, "It looks brand new, and is it newly provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Lin Qing said, "No, it was given to the children by the fifth sister."

Lin Di was stunned for a long time, but he didn't remember who the fifth sister was.

Seeing his dazed expression, Lin Qing had to remind: "It is the daughter of Noble Lan, the fifth princess of the father."

Oh, that fool.

Lin Di's face faded, and after looking at the sachet in his hand, he suddenly felt that it was not so unique anymore, and returned his son with uninterestedness. It's just that for the first time in my heart, I have an impression of my own daughter. Lin Feilu is at Lin Di's place, and finally he is no longer the one who has not been investigated.

Lin Qing hung the sachet back to her waist again.

He likes this style and fragrance, and wears it every day. The only downside is that every time he meets the fourth brother, he will receive his faint look.

Fortunately, within two days, Lin Jingyuan finally received a gift made by Sister Xiaolu—a box of hand cream.

Hearing her talk about the process of making hand cream, Lin Jingyuan felt satisfied immediately! This is more troublesome than making a sachet! She really is still Sister Xiaolu's favorite person!

Until he saw his eldest sister Lin Nianzhi take out a box of the same style to wipe her hands in class.

He also smelled the familiar white plum scent from Xi Xingjiang's hand at the same table.

Lin Jingyuan: She seemed to love me only briefly.