Villainess Wants To Turn Over A New Leaf

Chapter 34: [34] Two more in one


Lin Feilu has always boasted that he is not a good person.

She did do things that good people couldn't do. She knew it was wrong, but she didn't feel guilty about it. So when she died, she realized it was a punishment from God, but she was still calm.

But no matter how bad and evil, no human life has been involved.

Can killing people be done casually? ? ? She is green tea, not an anti-social metamorphosis.

But in this wicked feudal era, this harem that cannibalized people without spitting out bones would kill her at the beginning, and it would kill her as soon as she came up. It was too poisonous.

In contrast, the last time Jingmei was framed was actually quite euphemistic.

Lin Feilu feels that he still needs to grow up, combine the green tea methods of the new era, integrate the customs of the old era, and strive to make himself greener more in line with local characteristics.

The food and clothing problem of insufficient food and clothing has been solved, and it seems that the next thing that needs to be solved is the survival crisis.

This Concubine Mei is a bit interesting, she is the most difficult boss she has encountered since entering the palace.

She still has no definite evidence to prove that the person who wanted to kill her tonight was arranged by Concubine Mei, but out of her sense of smell and sensitivity to the same kind, she felt that even if it was not arranged by her, she could not get rid of it.

Just for the few words she just transferred the hatred to Xiao Lan, Lin Feilu guessed that there might be some unknown old grievances between her and Xiao Lan.

In short, the difficulty of the dungeon is escalating, which is extremely challenging, and you need to be careful.

When she shrank in the bed and thought about it, the Emperor Lin had already ordered someone to make the bed. Right next to her, across a gauze tent, the chief eunuch Peng Man next to Lin Di was a little worried and said: "Your Majesty, this new bed is unstable. Sleep in the room."

Emperor Lin waved his hand: "No, Xiao Wu was frightened tonight, I will accompany her."

While talking, he walked over to the bed and sat down. He saw Xiao Tuanzi half his head under the quilt with his hands, leaving only a pair of dark eyes outside, and he looked at him timidly. The ends of the eyes were still red, like a poor little who was bullied and didn't cry, beautiful and distressing.

Emperor Lin stretched out his hand to touch her messy head, and coaxed: "The deer is not afraid, the emperor is guarding you."

She rubbed up slightly, rubbing her small head against his palm, an expression of dependence. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to call him, but only made a hoarse sound, which sounded even more pitiful.

Emperor Lin turned his head and asked, "Has the Emperor Xuan's doctor yet?"

Peng Man said: "It's announced, the accompanying emperor lives in the camp outside. It will take some time to come here. The minion estimates that it will be coming soon."

As he was talking, the outside guard passed the imperial doctor, and the Emperor Lin ordered someone to come in.

The imperial doctor was also in a hurry with the medicine box on his back. Hearing that the fifth princess was assassinated, he thought he was injured and saw blood, so he took everything he could. After a glance, she realized that she had just hurt her throat, but she was relieved.

In addition to the medicine to repair the throat, some tranquilizers were also prescribed to prevent the little princess from being overly frightened.

After prescribing a prescription, Emperor Lin ordered someone to boil the medicine again. Peng Man said worriedly: "Your Majesty, let the minions guard, go and rest, there is still one day away tomorrow."

Lin Di yawned, and was about to speak, his little ball got up from the bed, two little hands embraced his arm and shook it gently.

She was speechless, and could only make a small mute voice, "Father, go to sleep."

Emperor Lin couldn't help laughing, and when he lifted his arm, he carried the small dumpling to himself: "I am not sleepy. When my five princesses drink the medicine and fall asleep peacefully, I will go to bed again."

Xiao Tuanzi looked at him eagerly, seemingly touched, and plunged into his arms.

Lin Di couldn't stop the little daughter's coquettish offensive, and felt that the hard heart he had cultivated for a long time was weakened by a half.

He did what he said, and he really waited until Lin Feilu drank the medicine and fell asleep before going to rest. Where the emperor lived, let alone an assassin, even a mosquito could not fly in. Lin Feilu no longer worried, adding the sleep aids in the medicine, and soon fell asleep.

Early the next morning, the sound of carts and horses pulling out of camp came from outside.

When Lin Feilu opened his eyes, Emperor Lin had already finished washing and dressing under the service of the palace servants. In fact, it is not easy to be an emperor. She used to watch a documentary and saw a sentence saying that "the courtiers missed the cold in the fifth watch", which means that the ministers will go up to the court and wait for the emperor to meet in the first five watch days.

It's about five o'clock on the fifth shift, and it can be estimated that the emperor will get up at about four in the morning. This is even more difficult than a third-year dog.

It's impossible to see you in Los Angeles at four in the morning, but you see every day in the palace at four in the morning.

Lin Feilu still admires these emperors.

To leave her here is to give her the throne, and she doesn't want it either.

Between the throne and lazy sleep, she chooses lazy sleep.

Lin Di turned around and saw her big black eyes looking around, and smiled: "Xiao Wu is awake." He instructed the people next to him: "Serve the fifth princess and get up."

Lin Feilu saw Song Yuhou next to her. She probably hadn't slept all night, her eyes were red, but she smiled at herself as shamefully and quietly as usual.

Lin Feilu looked at her life-saver, and couldn't help but think of her brother, the guard who had agreed with him. She suddenly felt that all kinds of this harem had long been fatal.

The convoy was assembled and set off. This time, Lin Feilu did not return to his carriage, but was brought to the top of the car by the Emperor Lin.

If the frame of Prince Lin Qing yesterday was a BMW, then the sage of Lin Emperor was Lincoln, the extended version.

Yesterday she still felt sorry for the emperor's difficulty in traveling, so she was beaten in the face today.

Sure enough, the emperor will not treat himself badly.

After the car was on the way, the guard who had checked the whole night came to report and found nothing. Lin Feilu was not surprised by this result, but Lin Di's complexion was not very good, so he ordered him to continue the investigation.

Lin Feilu drank two medicines and took a rest for one night. His voice had recovered a bit and he could barely speak. Climbing up from the cushion with hands and feet together, the arm holding Lin Di shook softly: "Father, don't be angry."

She found out that Lin Di, just like Lin Jingyuan, would act like acting like a baby. When she acted softly, the anger on his face disappeared, smiled and hugged her to her lap, touched the little tugging on her head, and sighed: "I'm not angry, I just want Give the deer an explanation."

Xiao Tuanzi blinked his eyes and said softly, "Little Deer, don't confess."

Emperor Lin raised an eyebrow and smiled and asked, "Then what do you want?"

I saw her stretch out her little finger, quickly pointed at the cakes on the table next to her, and said embarrassedly: "I want that."

Lin Di laughed and scraped off the tip of her small nose: "You little greedy cat."

After that, he asked Peng Man to bring the plate over, and Lin Feilu held the cake in both hands, quietly and well-behaved gnawing aside. She has bright eyes and a bulging face, shaking her head while eating, like a cute little hamster.

Emperor Lin watched by the side, and the more I watched, the more I loved it. Although the eldest princess is very fond of his daughters, Lin Nianzhi's personality is too active, and sometimes it still makes him feel headache.

The second princess died early, and the third princess didn't need to say, but now that she thinks of it, she is disgusted.

But the four princesses are too dull and honest, and they don't hide their fear when they see him, it is difficult to have the joy of her daughter's knees.

Su Bi’s six princesses are only three years old now. Although they are naive, they lack the aura of Xiaowu and are too young. Many things are based on instinct. They cry when they say they cry. Lin Di went there several times and met her howling. I couldn't stop crying, I was a little scared.

He valued the prince more on weekdays, and spent time on several princes, checking his homework and spotting riding and shooting. Several princes respected him for being afraid of him, and they had always been well-behaved and did not dare to be presumptuous in front of him, so the intimacy between father and son was lost.

He didn't spend much time with his daughter, and at this moment, he suddenly felt that his daughter was much cuter than his sons.

The daughter will act like a baby, she will call her father softly, and she will be able to make a cute little bit of a dead man!

Can the prince do it? !

can not!

Lin Feilu's undisguised love of Lin Di's eyes was of course also aware of it. She was still holding a snack in her small hands and gnawing her head, but her small body turned slightly to the side, leaving only half of the back of Lin Di's head.

Lin Di was amused by her shy little boy, and felt like she hadn't been so happy for a long time.

Lin Feilu finished his snack, took the kerchief handed by Peng Man and wiped his hands. With a satisfied expression, his small body swayed slightly following the swaying arc of the carriage. Shui Lingling's eyes widened when he saw something suddenly. NS.

Lin Di followed her gaze and looked at it. It turned out to be a sachet worn on his waist.

I saw that she tilted her head in some doubt, thinking that she had read it wrong, and then she took a closer look, and found that it was the sachet that she gave to His Royal Highness. How could it be here? She seemed to be a little skeptical of life, and grabbed her own little juggling, looking at Emperor Lin with a little face in confusion.

Emperor Lin felt a little frustrated, so he coughed dryly and said, "This is a gift from your three emperor brothers."

Xiao Tuanzi lifted his brows and blinked clearly.

The father and daughter got along very well. After a while, the carriage stopped for a while, and the palace outside reported: "Your Majesty, Concubine Mei is here."

Emperor Lin smiled and said, "Come in."

When the car curtain was lifted, Concubine Mei bent over and walked in wrapped in a gust of fragrant wind. She saluted first, and then said softly: "My concubine is here to accompany your Majesty to finish the unfinished game of chess yesterday."

The Emperor Lin hugged Lin Feilu aside and sat down, and said with a smile, "Okay, Peng Man, play chess. I want to take a closer look today and see if your chess skills have improved."

Concubine Mei groaned: "Your Majesty made fun of her concubine again."

The two laughed and chatted for a few words, Mei Fei looked at Lin Feilu, who was nibbling snacks on the side, with a look of concern: "How is the voice of the fifth princess today?"

Lin Feilu nodded obediently, with a lovely smile that was harmless to humans and animals.

Peng Man quickly set up yesterday's chess game, Mei Fei and Lin Di sat opposite each other, each holding a piece, and began to play. Lin Feilu sat next to Lin Di, holding a corner of his clothes with a small hand, watching obediently.

Emperor Lin fell down, feeling that the little dumpling next to him got closer and closer. He turned his head and looked, and found that the little dumpling was staring at the chessboard intently, the corner of his mouth was still covered with pastry pieces, but his small face was completely absorbed, as if he was fascinated, which made people laugh.

Seeing that he hadn't settled, she turned her head to look at herself anxiously, her small eyes full of urging.

Lin Di finally couldn't help but laughed, rubbing her little head: "You look so serious, do you like this?"

Xiao Tuanzi lowered her eyes a little embarrassedly, pursing her lips and nodding lightly.

Lin Di asked again: "Will you be next?"

She shook her head.

Emperor Lin smiled and said, "I teach you."

He raised his hand and messed up the chess game, instructed Peng Man to sort out the black and white pieces, and then said to the stunned Concubine Mei: "It's no more today, I teach Xiao Wu, you go back first."

Princess Mei: "..."

Without showing a trace, she glanced at the innocent and cute little girl next to Lin Di, but she didn't say anything in the end, and laughed softly: "Yes, the concubine will go back first."

As soon as she left, Lin Di happily taught her daughter to play chess.

Lin Feilu really doesn't know how to go, but she can't hold people smart. As soon as Lin Di explained, she understood, and in the morning she understood the basic rules and formulas. By the time she went on the road again after lunch, she was able to stumble and play against Lin Di.

Although he was strangled by the Emperor Lin in just a few children, the five-year-old child was so smart that he was shocked.

After the shock, there was another surprise.

He always cherishes talents, and Dalin also values literature and does not martial arts. Any concubine in the harem who is full of poems and talents will be favored by him. He has stricter requirements on several princes, so the prince will be so stressed.

Although he didn't ask much for the princess, Lin Nianzhi was loved by him because of his cleverness, let alone Lin Feilu, who made him look different at this time.

He remembered that when he first met Xiao Tuanzi in Meiyuan, she made a wish for peace in the world, and he should understand that this child is different from others.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Lan gave him a foolish son, but gave birth to such a talented little princess.

This is probably God's pity.

The Emperor Lin sighed for a while, watching Lin Feilu, who was still studying the chess game, unconsciously disliked her mother concubine.

In the evening, the marching convoy finally staggered to the palace on the mountainside. The palace is also stationed all year round, and the halls have been cleaned up and equipped, just waiting for the master to move in.

The place where Lin Feilu lives is called Tingyu Pavilion. Seeing that there is only Song Yu following her, Emperor Lin assigned an eunuch next to her, called Kong Fu, to serve in the past. Another group of imperial troops to protect themselves was stationed in Tingyu Pavilion, so as to prevent the previous thieves from attacking again.

The combat effectiveness of the Forbidden Army is one of the best, and even the palace people have to take a detour to a stop around Tingyu Pavilion.

At this time, it was getting late, and the boats and cars were tired for two days. Naturally, it was necessary to take a rest for the whole night. There are already two maids waiting in the Tingyu Pavilion, and Song Yu and Kong Fu are four people, and they are more than enough to take care of Lin Feilu.

Everyone knew that the five princesses were driving up the mountain with the saints. Looking at the guards' posture, they secretly said that the five princesses were blessed in disguise, but they were favored by your majesty.

After dinner, Lin Feilu circled around and looked at the dignified guards with peace of mind.

The opponent missed a blow, and Emperor Lin was investigating the matter again. There was a guard standing guard, so he shouldn't dare to act rashly anymore. She didn't worry much, Song Yu was very nervous, and whispered to her: "Princess, the maidservant should sleep with you in the same bed at night."

Lin Feilu smiled and said: "The other party is not stupid. If he really comes back, he will definitely not be fooled again. Don't worry, he won't dare to come again with the guards."

Song Yu said anxiously: "The slave and maidservant are always worried. Before leaving, the maid confessed that the slave and maid had to take care of the princess, but she didn't expect that there would still be such a disparity... "

Talking and crying again.

Lin Feilu took her hand: "You have taken good care of me. Without you, I would have died last night."

Song Yu hurriedly said: "The princess is not allowed to say that unlucky word! The princess is auspicious and will definitely grow up in peace!"

The two talked as they walked, and as soon as they entered the yard, they heard a stern shout from the guards outside: "Who would dare to jump over the wall! Take it down!"

Not to mention Song Yu, Lin Feilu was taken aback. Isn't it right? It's just dark this day, so the other party can't wait to want her life

Unexpectedly, after a panic, Xi Xingjiang's slightly embarrassed voice came out: "It's me and me! Eh eh eh, put your knife down, and see who this world is?!"

There was a rush outside: "I have seen His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness is..."

Lin Feilu was strange and stepped out.

He saw Xi Xingjiang standing in the corner holding a stack of rolls, touching his nose with some embarrassment.

She was really angry and funny, calling him hoarsely, "Xi Xingjiang! What are you doing here?"

Seeing that there was a misunderstanding, the Janissaries returned to their original posts in a disciplined manner. Xi Xingjiang walked over with the blanket with his chin raised, but he couldn't hide his embarrassment. He stumbled and said, "I... I'm worried that the assassin will come again last night, here to patrol!"

Lin Feilu: "Why do you hold the blanket during the tour? If you meet an assassin, do you plan to smother him with a blanket?"

Xi Xingjiang: "..."

He was so angry that he raised his hand and rubbed the small tugging on her head: "Who am I worried about? You still run on me!" He pushed her inside, "Walk around, go in first."

When he entered the courtyard, he raised his hand and closed the courtyard door. The palace people inside saw him saluting. Xi Xingjiang waved his hand and followed Lin Feilu into the room, and then threw the blanket he was holding on to the floor beside Lin Feilu's bed.

Lin Feilu: "?"

Seeing him start laying on the floor, Song Yu hurriedly said, "What is this world doing?!"

Xi Xingjiang laid the blanket rolls without raising his head: "Can't see it? Where's the floor shop."

Song Yu was anxious and frightened: "The servant girl knew that Shi Zi was playing the ground shop, but what did Shi Zi do here? Is it possible to spend the night here?!"

Xi Xingjiang: "Yeah."

Song Yu knelt down to him immediately: "The elder son must never! Our princess... Although our princess is young, she is a woman. Men and women can’t accept it. If the elder son spends the night in the princess’s room, the princess’s reputation can be passed on. It's ruined!"

Xi Xingjiang raised his head and glared at her unhappily: "Fate is almost gone, and what is Qingyu doing? Before returning to the palace, Ben Shizi will be here. If the culprits dare to come, come and kill one, and two. Kill one!"

Lin Feilu: "..."

Song Yu was already worried about the assassin. Hearing what he said, he was stunned, and began to repeatedly struggle between the princess's reputation and the danger of life.

Xi Xingjiang laid the floor and lay on the floor happily, raised Erlang's legs with a pillow in his hand, "Okay, wash and sleep."

Lin Feilu: "... Get out of here."

He half lifted his body, squinted at her from the bottom up, and taught: "Girls can't be so vulgar!" He swayed Erlang's legs leisurely, "Eh, Xiaodouding, I'm surprised, you are in front of your emperor brother. How come that soft and cute energy is gone by me?"

Lin Feilu: "I won't give you a drop! Get up!"

The more she was the murderer, the happier he was. The two were glued together, and there was a sound of footsteps outside the house, and soon he heard the palace salute: "I have seen the Fourth Royal Highness."

Lin Jingyuan shouted "Little Deer" all the way and ran in.

As soon as Fang entered the room, he saw Xi Xingjiang lying on the ground, his eyes widened, and he was furious, and rushed towards him: "You shameless man! What are you doing in my sister's room?!"

Then Lin Feilu looked at the two people and started struggling again.

The destructive power of the two bear kids is almost doubled.

In the end, Xi Xingjiang took out a short knife from the quilt and shouted, "I'm here to protect the deer!", and this "war" was ended.

Lin Jingyuan looked at his dagger and at the fifth sister standing aside, his eyes rolled, and then he lay down on the floor: "Then I sleep here too, and I also want to protect my fifth sister!"

Xi Xingjiang sneered and said, "Just your three-legged cat Kung Fu?"

Lin Jingyuan was furious: "Don't look down on people!"

Seeing that the two were about to pinch again, Lin Feilu was about to make a noise, and another person came in suddenly outside the door. He walked in a hurry, looking at the eyes, first came in to please Lin Feilu and Lin Jingyuan, and then said anxiously: "Second son , Niang Niang spread the word."

Xi Xingjiang paused, with a trace of awkwardness on his face, and then asked with a dry cough, "How did my aunt know that I am here?"

The man lowered her head and said, "The lady said, she not only knows that you are here, but also knows what you are going to do. If your time for a cup of tea does not show up in front of her, she will come and break your leg in person."

Xi Xingjiang: "..."

Lin Feilu: "..."

Lin Jingyuan: "Hahahahahahahaha..."

Xi Xingjiang stared at the eunuch with an annoyed look. He heard Lin Jingyuan's unbridled ridicule and was a little ridiculous. He also wanted to bargain: "Go back and tell my aunt that I will stay to protect the fifth princess."

The eunuch still hung his head, and dutifully repeated: "The lady said, there are guards stationed here, and you don't need your protection. If you insist on staying, then... Then roll on the eaves of the corridor and sleep."

Xi Xingjiang: "..."

The weather is still cold in winter, and the temperature on this mountainside is even lower. If he sleeps on the eaves of the house, he will freeze to death tomorrow morning.

He glared at Lin Jingyuan who was mocking arrogantly, then rolled up the laid quilt and walked out aggressively in his arms. Lin Jingyuan laughed wildly: "Leave the quilt for me!"

Xi Xingjiang turned his head and said viciously: "Go back to the house and get it by yourself!"

Lin Feilu wanted to laugh too, but seeing that he actually only wanted to protect himself, he was still very suffocated, and waved at him: "The old man walks slowly."

Xi Xingjiang: "..."

His arrogant and arrogant back figure turned out to be a bit embarrassed at this moment.

As soon as he left, Lin Jingyuan slapped the table in the room and laughed frantically for five minutes. Finally, Lin Feilu asked, "Brother Jingyuan, the empress whom I just mentioned, is the empress Xi Gui?"

Lin Jingyuan smiled and said, "Otherwise, who else can cure Xi Xingjiang?"

Lin Feilu recalled the few remarks repeated by the eunuch just now, and thought the concubine Xi, who had never met before, was strangely interesting.

Lin Jingyuan was still laughing frantically about Xi Xingjiang's deflation, so he heard Lin Feilu say: "Brother Jingyuan, you should go back too, otherwise Concubine Xian will send someone in a while."

Lin Jingyuan: "..."

Suddenly couldn't laugh.