Villainess Wants To Turn Over A New Leaf

Chapter 45: [45]


If there was only a trace of guilt before Lin Di, then at this moment, this trace of guilt has expanded infinitely, and it is about to wrap up his old father's heart.

Xiao Tuanzi was still wiping her tears. Lin Zhanyuan saw her sister crying, anxious and sad, and ran over after throwing the pen.

He thought it was this stern-looking uncle who made his younger sister cry fiercely, and he was obviously afraid of him, but he still opened his arms to block his sister in front of him, and plucked up the courage to look at him and said, "No... Don't bully my sister!"

He was born pure and handsome. Among all the sons of Emperor Lin, no one had such a pair of clear and pure eyes.

It's just that the eyes are red at the moment, like the rabbit at his feet, very aggrieved and sad.

Emperor Lin's fingers were a little stiff, he looked at the two children for a long while, sighed and stretched out his palms, and landed on the heads of the pair of children respectively, and touched comfortably: "Okay, two little crying bags."

Xiao Lan also walked over at this time, leaning forward and said, "Your Majesty, it's because my concubine has failed to teach me."

Lin Di turned to look at her, with a rare and solemn tone: "No, you taught these two children very well."

He took a child in one hand, pulled it to the side of Ruansu, first carried Lin Feilu up, looked at Lin Zhanyuan, who was nervous next to him, and then leaned over and hugged him to Ruansu. He squeezed and laughed: "It's quite heavy."

Xiao Tuanzi leaned on his lap, looked up at him for a while, and asked in a low voice: "Doesn't the father hate brother?"

Emperor Lin coughed dryly, concealing his guilty conscience: "I am different from others, of course not."

The little dumpling gave a cheer, and suddenly leaned in to wrap his arms around his neck, and gave him a mouthful: "Father is the best and best person in the world!"

When Emperor Lin had been so close to his children, he was stunned by his daughter, but when he saw the happy appearance of the little dumpling, he laughed again, and said to his heart that the daughter is indeed a caring little padded jacket!

He glanced at Xiao Lan next to her, and she seemed to be moved by this scene too, with a hint of red at the end of her eyes, but a gentle smile on her lips, with a different style.

Lin Di took her hand and let out a long sigh: "I have neglected you these years."

Xiao Lan pursed her lower lip slightly, tears in her eyes, but she didn't hide her sincerity when she looked at him: "The concubine has never blamed your majesty." She lowered her eyes and smiled, "And there are these two children by her side, her concubine. These years have actually gone very well."

No complaint or jealousy, and generous, Lin Di was very satisfied.

The atmosphere in the house is much more harmonious than before.

Lin Di remembered the four snowmen she had piled up in the plum garden when she first saw Xiao Wu. At this moment, I look at the children and wives around me. It is exactly the phrase "a family of four is neat and tidy."

He has countless children, but at this moment it seems to be the first time, like an ordinary man in this world, he feels like home. This kind of plain and warm atmosphere was something he couldn't feel in any other concubine's palace.

The emperor always said that he was a lonely person, meaning that only he could understand it. Sitting in this position for a long time, sometimes I miss the warmth.

Xiao Lan's tenderness, daughter's intimacy, and son's innocence just made up for his lack of emotion.

Emperor Lin had completely forgotten the resistance and hesitation in his heart before coming today, and was immersed in this rare and precious warmth. He hadn't taught Lin Feilu to play chess for a long time. At this moment, people set up a chessboard to play two games. They were surprised to find that the chess skill of this little team has improved a lot, and the chess way has its own style.

What did he think of and asked Xiao Lan: "Do I remember your chess skills are good?"

Xiao Lan said, "Your Majesty is absurd, but I have learned a little bit."

The emperor Lin greatly increased his interest: "Come on, kill a game with me."

Lin Feilu gave up her position and sat on the side obediently watching the two play against each other.

Xiao Lan lives up to the name of a talented woman, and is proficient in everything. Sure enough, Xiao Wu's chess game was learned from her, with a touch of tenacity in the softness, and she could kill her without leaving a piece of armor. In the next step, she could unexpectedly pull back a piece.

Few people in the harem concubine can play against him. There used to be a concubine Mei, whose chess skill is not comparable to Xiao Lan.

However, he was still inferior to him, Xiao Lan couldn't stand his flexibility under his fierce attack, and finally lost. Lin Di only felt that the game was heartily and heartily, and said with undiminished interest: "One more game."

Xiao Lan glanced at the sky outside the window, and asked softly, "Your Majesty will stay for dinner?"

Emperor Lin didn't even think about it: "Naturally."

Xiao Lan said: "The concubine is going to make preparations."

Lin Di said: "Let the imperial dining room be delivered, no need you to do it."

Xiao Lan looked down and smiled shyly: "Your Majesty won't come for a long time, I want to cook by myself."

Emperor Lin thought for a while, but didn't object. As soon as he nodded, Lin Feilu crawled over with his hands and feet: "It's me, it's me! Father, it's me and you!"

Lin Di laughed loudly: "Okay, come!"

So Xiao Lan went to cook, the father and daughter played chess, and Lin Zhanyuan played with the rabbit in the house.

Lin Di didn't know the rabbit, he glanced at it and smiled: "The boss also raised a rabbit, but your brothers have a common hobby."

Lin Feilu said while playing chess: "This is Brother Dahuang's rabbit!"

Lin Di was a little surprised, but only thought it was Lin Ting's gift to the sixth child, so he didn't ask much.

In the evening, Xiao Lan personally cooks the food and serves it on the table. She has exercised very well in her cooking skills over the years. It is not the same style as the large fish and meat exquisite dishes in the Yushan Fang. It has the warmth of a home-cooked side dish, and it can satisfy the picky eaters like Lin Feilu, and the taste is naturally not bad.

She had learned from her daughter that Emperor Lin didn't like to eat things that were tired, and these dishes were fresh and delicious. After Lin Emperor was used to eating the meals at the Imperial Dining Room, he suddenly changed the taste, and was full of praise after tasting them.

After eating, the sky gradually darkened, and after talking to them for a while, Emperor Lin walked out of the gate of Mingyue Palace contentedly.

Xiao Lan and the two children sent him away at the door. When Emperor Lin disappeared at the intersection, Qing Yan and Yun You couldn't hide their excitement and whispered, "Congratulations!"

On this trip today, everyone knew that Xiao Lan was going to be pampered again.

She just smiled faintly, and took the hands of the two children and walked into the house.

The next day, news spread in the harem that Emperor Lin spent an afternoon in Mingyue Palace and had dinner. The five princesses have been favored for a long time, but your majesty has been reluctant to go to Mingyue Palace. Everyone knows that he minds that fool, and privately argued that if there is that fool for one day, your majesty will not enter Mingyue Palace for a day. .

Unexpectedly, Emperor Lin not only physically slapped them in the face, but within two days, he also turned over Xiao Lan's sign.

Once this brand is turned over, the signal of re-petition is obvious.

After Mei Bin heard about this, she smashed another set of teacups. But she is still in the ban, and can't even make a step out of the palace gate. The palace people in the palace also left a lot, leaving only two or three to serve, and there were not enough men to run errands.

Not long ago, my father also sent a letter to her, saying that her majesty's character should be understood by her. Now she is angry, and any movement is unnecessary. Let her stay calm and calm her body first. When he returns from Jiangnan after he has taken care of the flood, he will be able to help her find a solution together with his family.

So no matter how mad and anxious, she can't do much now, she can only hope for Concubine Yu Hui.

But Concubine Hui is cautious, and she has stood behind others for many years and never came forward on her own. It was also because Xiao Lan's holy pet was pregnant and she was pregnant. If she gave birth to a prince, her status would be affected.

Now Xiao Lan has just returned to favor, and with Huifei's character, she won't be able to move so quickly.

The hostile forces stood still, and the neutrals watched from the sidelines. Only the concubine Xian who had been friends with Xiao Lan came to congratulate her. Xiao Lan didn't love interpersonal relationships before, so there was no one to help when she was framed, but now she is much smoother than before.

The situation in the previous dynasty has always been closely related to the situation in the harem.

For example, after the downfall of Mei Bin, the position of her mother's faction in the court was greatly reduced, and Emperor Lin also demoted the official of one of Liu's children because of a trivial matter. The court officials who used to befriend Liu's family are not very popular now.

The Xiao family also received some benefits because of Xiao Lan's favor, but these benefits disappeared with the fall from favor. The Xiao family had given up on Xiao Lan a long time ago, and had sent a cousin of Xiao Lan into the palace before, in an attempt to regain the holy favor.

It's a pity that my cousin is not up for it. She has not seen Emperor Lin more than three times in the palace for many years. She is a lady, not as high as Xiao Lan.

The Xiao family blamed this on Xiao Lan, thinking that Emperor Lin had angered the Xiao family girl because of her. In the past few years, let alone taking care of it, he hadn't even received a letter.

Xiao Lan was crying day and night at first, feeling that his parents were affectionate, but now that the two children are always with her, she wants to go away.

Now as soon as the news of her re-petition came out, there was immediately movement from the Xiao family. In fact, when Lin Feilu went to the palace with Emperor Lin on holiday, the Xiao family was a little bit ready to move.

After all, the five princesses are the granddaughter of their Xiao family.

Just thinking of the fool Lin Zhanyuan, your Majesty was moody, and the fifth princesses didn't know whether they would be favored for a long time, so they temporarily suppressed it.

Until now, it was completely relieved.

So first a letter from the family was sent to the palace.

For countless nights of tears, Xiao Lan was thinking, if his mother and father could comfort her, it would be great if he could tell her that you still have us. Even if it just lied to her.

But there is nothing, outsiders avoid her, and family members avoid her.

She once asked someone to send a letter to her parents, but she only got one sentence, saying that the Xiao family had never raised your daughter. Just forget it if you fall out of favor, and don't hurt your mother's family anymore.

After the pain for a long time, it became numb.

If her parents didn't give it to her, she gave it all to her child.

Now that many years have passed, I suddenly received a letter from my family. Looking at the familiar fonts on the paper and the words containing greetings and concerns, Xiao Lan was not as excited as she thought.

She finished reading the letter calmly, folded it, and threw it into the brazier Lin Feilu used to roast dried flowers.

The Xiao family did not receive a reply from her daughter, and a few days later, another letter came in. After so many times, there was still no news, Xiao mother worried and said to Xiao father: "I am afraid that Lan'er still resents us for being indifferent to her all these years."

Father Xiao did not hide his anger: "As a child, there is no reason to hate your parents! I think this unfilial daughter has been in the palace for too long, and his heart is hardened!"

Mother Xiao thought for a while and said: "Next month will be Xiao Wu's birthday. Then we will enter the palace to have a banquet. Let's talk to her face to face after seeing Lan'er. This child has always been careful and soft, she is now angry, waiting to see us , Never turn a blind eye."

The breath of spring is from light to strong, and from strong to light.

When the leaves were green in the late spring, Lin Feilu's six-year-old birthday finally arrived.

Emperor Lin ordered a large-scale operation, and the palace naturally did not dare to neglect it. It was done in accordance with the standards of the state banquet. The emperor's relatives and relatives were invited and prepared gifts.

Not only that, Emperor Lin personally sent a letter to the Queen Mother who was practicing Buddha in Mount Wutai. The letter stated that it was the fifth birthday, and that your old man had been away from the palace for more than a year, so it's time to come back and have a look.

In her later years, the empress dowagers worshipped the Buddha and moved to Wutaishan as her permanent residence many years ago.

As the last palace fighting champion, she was very upset watching her son's harem fights. She was old and didn't want to participate in them anymore. Since leaving the palace, she didn't encounter any major incidents, and basically only came back once a year or two.

Looking at this earnest letter from her son, the queen mother couldn't help but wonder if she is old and has a bad memory

Who is Xiao Wu

When she went back to the palace last time, hadn't she heard of such a person

Not to blame the Queen Mother.

There are many princes and princesses in the palace, and she doesn't worry about the emperor's heirs at all, and rarely does it. I rarely go back to the palace, and I don't know that a princess who is not favored in life is also normal.

The queen mother thought for a while and decided to pack up and return to the palace to see who the emperor was, who was the little fifth who organized a state banquet for the sake of a little princess.