Villainess With a Cat Changing System

Chapter 21


"What I owe you, I will pay it back with my life. Please don't hurt my sister, please..." Lin Shuxiao said tremblingly, her eyes were red, and she couldn't breathe.

"Steady your emotions, don't be so excited. These are all fake. My relationship with your sister is absolutely innocent. Do I look so much like a playboy?" Huo Zhen said hastily. I feel a little funny and distressed.

Before, he heard from Lin Shuwei that Lin Shuxiao was frail, introverted and autistic since she was a child, and went to school intermittently. This child is really simple, like a blank sheet of paper.

The relationship with my sister is really good, no matter how timid I am, I am willing to do everything for my sister. Lin Shuwei didn't spend so much money to treat her illness in vain.

"You... don't look like it. But this..." Lin Shuxiao said. Huo Zhen did not look like her, but how to explain these things

"These are all fake. As for these photos, the truth is hidden and taken out of context. The photo you see on this proves that the car is mine. It was a few months ago. When my sister didn't have her driver's license, I took her I was working yesterday, and my sister must have been driving the car. It is easy to find evidence, such as a driving recorder or other video surveillance. I will search, maybe my sister has clarified it." Huo Zhen looked at it Lin Shuxiao said, click on the phone to search.

"Look, the clarification has been sent." Huo Zhen found the video from Tianyu Company, and showed it to Lin Shuxiao with a time stamp.

Under Huo Yu's urging, the video was quickly found and posted, and the photos with Huo Yu were released, and lawyers' letters were also issued to those who spread the rumors.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Lin Shuxiao looked at the evidence, then at Huo Zhen, her face blushed.

"Why can't you think that it's because of your sister's ability? The Tianyu company where your sister works is managed by my sister Huo Yu. She values your sister very much and thinks she has great potential. She gave her resources, Naturally, someone else’s will be taken, and interests will compete, and there will be some dirty tricks. The people who sent you these messages have sinister intentions. Can you lend me your mobile phone for use? I’ll check who sent it to you " Huo Zhen said slowly, and handed Lin Shuxiao a tissue to wipe her tears.

Feeling guilty and embarrassed, Lin Shuxiao handed the phone to Huo Zhen.

"Drink the soup." Huo Zhen opened the soup that Lin Shuxiao had brought for her to drink. He went out to find his assistant and asked someone to track down the person who sent messages to Lin Shuxiao.

It was clarified on the Internet that Huo Yu drove Lin Shuwei, but now that the times are open, Lin Shuxiao simply didn't think much about it, but there was another voice on the Internet.

"Huo Yu took Lin Shuwei to a nightclub for a night? It's even more exciting."

"I seem to have watched a drama where the female boss and the young rookie fall in love and kill each other."

"Didn't Huo Yu target Lin Shuwei very much before?"

"It is said that they are rivals in love. Could it be that rivals in love have turned into lovers? Exciting!"

This spontaneous Jifu was only a small number of people, who were overwhelmed by the remarks of the navy hired by Huo Yu's company, and all kinds of speculation about Lin Shuwei came to an end again.

It's just some CP fans that have been generated, quietly growing, although they haven't formed a climate, they have sprouted.

Naturally, Huo Yu didn't know, she only knew that Lin Shuwei's matter had been clarified, and then asked Sister Liu to hire a lawyer to make an example, and then invite more sailors to monitor malicious remarks about Lin Shuwei on the Internet at any time, and monitor and resist around the clock.

Huo Yu didn't pay attention to it before, she never avoided people, she just brought Lin Shuwei with her, and it happened that Lin Shuwei made enemies again, so these negative news broke out again.

She learned a lesson after this incident.

Not long after these orders were given, Huo Yu received a call from the finance company of Tianyu Company, saying that the company was out of money!

"What? I remembered, my dad froze my card, and the financial side of the head office no longer allocated money to us!" Huo Yu heard what the financial said, and remembered what Huo Zhen told her before.

Father Huo was angry, so he cut off Huo Yu's supply.

Huo Yu's card was frozen, which meant that her private money would no longer be needed.

Only Tianyu Company was under Huo Yu's name, and Huo Yu's father let Huo Yu to toss about, to be responsible for his own profits and losses, and to go bankrupt, knowing how miserable she would be without the support of her family.

"Financially, it is now in negative equity. Our company is newly opened, and most of the artists have not yet started to make money. The investment you promised in the few dramas you want to invest in before has not been paid, and two of them have already signed contracts. The funds have not come up according to the The agreement is to pay liquidated damages. In addition, the money for the one million fans bought for Lin Shuwei has not yet been settled..." The financial manager continued to talk about the company's financial difficulties.

Huo Yu was stunned, she used to only care about spending money.

Once the source of funds is cut off, it will be difficult.

"When I go to the company, you can list the account details for me and send them to me. I'll take a look." Huo Yu said after taking a breath.

When Huo's father got angry, the move of cutting off the money was too cruel.

Huo Yu's own private money can't be spent, and she can't afford to lose that person by selling jewelry.

You can borrow it from Huo Zhen, but Huo Yu doesn't want to bother his brother for the time being. Don't let the old man get angry and cut off Huo Zhen's funds.

It's better for her to think of a way first. She has a lot of sisters who play with her, all of whom are rich, rich second generation, and see if she can borrow some money to make a living first.

Huo Yu checked the time, and Lin Shuwei's training was almost over, so he simply picked Lin Shuwei away in advance.

When Huo Yu arrived at the company, he called the accountant for a meeting, and Lin Shuwei helped Huo Yu get things and followed her.

Huo Yu looked at the financial statement and his head grew dizzy.

"Mr. Huo, I shouldn't have interrupted. But you can remove the points about me, so you don't have to spend money on me. For example, buying fans, buying navy, and buying marketing accounts to send soft articles regularly. Invest in female protagonists exclusively for me I can audition and try to improve my acting skills to get a chance." Lin Shuwei's voice came.

"Ding, Lin Shuwei sees what the host has done for her, the happiness value is +50."

Huo Yu paused when he heard 006's broadcast, and remained cold.

Confused, she brought Lin Shuwei in.

These are all used to increase Lin Shuwei's happiness value, but before the happiness value is raised, there is no money to supply it.

Lin Shuwei knew that these things actually increased her happiness value, so it was not in vain.

"If you know you shouldn't interrupt, don't interrupt. I will make my own decision. Go and get me a glass of water." Huo Yu coughed lightly and said.

Lin Shuwei got up and poured water for Huo Yu obediently.

Huo Yu wrote and drew on the paper, discussed with the financial manager for a while, and determined the trade-off relationship.

With the divestment of two film crews, there is finally some money left, at least enough for the company to pay the staff.

Huo Yu was brought up pampered, and he didn't care about financial management. This was the first time he cared about money.

But in order not to succumb to Father Huo, she had to do this.

Before he could figure out what to do next, Huo Yu received another call from Xiang Xiaoli.

"Mr. Huo, I sent you the details of the cat apartment's expenses. The money you allocated before was only enough to maintain the cat apartment for half a month. When the weather turns cold, more expenses will be needed to continue to take in stray cats. If the cat gets sick , the cost will be even greater. I heard that Mr. Huo has frozen all your cards. Can the cat apartment still be opened?" Xiang Xiaoli said on the other end of the phone.

"..." Huo Yu was speechless, and almost forgot about the cat apartment.

The cat apartment didn't want to make money at all, but because a few kittens helped her, she promised them food and shelter.

If there is no money now, even the cat apartment cannot be maintained!

"The cat apartment continues to maintain the status quo. You don't have to worry about money." Huo Yu gritted his teeth and said.

After Huo Yu hung up the phone, he made several phone calls in a row, asking the girl who usually played with her to borrow money.

"Xiao Yu, my money is also very tight recently, and my mother is very tight!"

"Xiao Yu, I have something urgent, let's not talk about it, bye"

"Borrowing money? I'm all in negative equity. You are looking for the wrong place to borrow money from me!"

After getting through several calls, they refused for various reasons, and some simply refused to answer the phone.

What a plastic sister!

Huo Yu was very angry.

"Mr. Huo, I have some money here, which is more than one million yuan that you sent me. I said I would give it to Mr. Huo, but now I will give it to you. Please ask Dr. Wang. If you pay favors, you must have spent money. The operation Mr. Huo paid for the fee before." Lin Shuwei came over and said when Huo Yu was about to drop his phone.

"If the company goes bankrupt, your money will be wasted." Huo Yu looked at Lin Shuwei.

She knew that Lin Shuwei had the money, but she never thought about borrowing money from Lin Shuwei, and she didn't expect Lin Shuwei to send the money up.

If the money she gave away is returned, she will lose face!

"Take the money as your investment shares in Tianyu's salary." Huo Yu said with a cold face, but still accepted Lin Shuwei's money.

Say what you want to make money! !

Huo Yu remembered what he had told the Desert Island Survival Variety Show about letting her be an airborne guest.

She is good-looking, and took over the Tianyu Company, which has attracted much attention, and is also somewhat popular on the Internet.

The program team also took a fancy to the contrast between this program and Huo Yu and agreed to her as an airborne guest.

Her purpose was to look at Lin Shuwei, and she was so proud that she didn't ask for a paycheck.

Now think about it, it's all money!

The contract has not been signed yet, but the money is still required!

Huo Yu asked Lin Shuwei to go to the outside room, and she called the investor of the program group, a sister she knew.

"Sister Lan Xin, I also want to experience the feeling of getting paid as an artist, so don't try to renege on it. When will you sign the contract?" Huo Yu said to the other end of the phone. Speaking of this, she was a little embarrassed.

"Xiao Yuyu, you still want to fool me. I've heard about it. Your father said hello to someone, saying that whoever lends you money will turn against anyone. We agreed before, of course I won't I regret it. But if you want to get more pay, you have to listen to the arrangement of the director team. You can’t leave casually. Others are twice as tall. Think about it clearly, the program team will take you as a highlight." The woman named Lan Xin on the other end of the phone chuckled a few times and said, she is also in Huo Yu's circle, so of course she knows this too.

"Since you want to take me as a point of view, it's only twice as high, isn't it too little?" Huo Yu paused and said.

"Hehe, Xiao Yuyu, then I still have conditions. Your contract must be the same as other people's, and you can't be special. The director team has the final say on editing. In this case, including my love for you, your The salary is five times that of others, isn't that generous enough?" Lan Xin said with a smile.

"Okay, deal, your money should arrive as soon as possible!" Huo Yu said after thinking for a while.

Money is needed everywhere, Lin Shuwei's little money is not enough!

Isn't it just a survival show in the wilderness!

People say that there are scripts, and it looks thrilling, but it’s actually the same as making a movie, eh!

Huo Yu agreed to the program investor's request, and soon the other party contacted her to sign the contract, and called her the salary in advance.

Tianyu Company did not directly collapse.

Huo Yu has his own tuba. After signing the contract, the official account released the lineup list, @胡虎玉, everyone who knew Huo Yu was surprised.

"Wow, Miss Huo participated in the reality show of survival in the wild, so looking forward to what to do!"

"Miss Huo is really a ruthless person!"

"I look forward to Miss Huo's reaction when she eats natural protein."

"I'm afraid she'll smash the camera."

"I bet ten packs of spicy strips, Huo Yu will last less than a day!"

The enthusiasm on the Internet quickly became spontaneous, and Huo Yu's identity was known to more people.

#Huo Yu#

#Huo's Group Little Daughter#

# Desert Island Survival Six Days Seven Nights Lineup#

These tags quickly climbed to the top of the list.

The hot search leader didn't bother to watch it, she was going back to become a kitten, because before going to record the show, Lin Shuwei really wanted to see her kitten once, she hadn't seen her for many days, she thought about it terribly.