Villainess With a Cat Changing System

Chapter 42


The assistant continued to tell the story roughly.

Su Manhe and Lu Fangling are the two heroines of the story.

Su Manhe is a geological prospecting engineer who is doing geological prospecting at the junction of Nepal and Tibetan areas. After a traveler took a photo with her, it went viral on the Internet and was seen by Lu Fangling.

When Lu Fangling saw it, she was terminally ill and was about to die.

Su Manhe is the person she has had a crush on since high school. She has been trying to find her since she fell ill, but she has not found it for a long time. I didn't expect to find it through the Internet.

The threat of death made Lu Fangling pluck up the courage to send a confession video to Su Manhe.

In the middle, the story of the two people's high school days is interspersed.

Su Manhe, who suffers from affective disorder, is cool and indifferent, after receiving the confession video, she went back to the inland by accident and found Lu Fangling. Not only did she fulfill Lu Fangling spiritually, but she also saved Lu Fangling from a critical illness because of the successful bone marrow matching.

Su Manhe's emotional disorder was also cured through contact with Lu Fangling.

It is a simple and healing story.

The undecided role is the role of Su Manhe, who needs to go to the plateau in Tibetan areas to shoot, and there are sports scenes of high school sports talents, and the scene of working in a martial arts gym and fighting with others. He is a handsome and cool character with an indifferent expression. Acting with eyes is also a challenge for actresses.

"I've seen your fighting scenes before, and I've also seen your performance in survival shows. Your physical condition is quite suitable. It's just that your temperament is gentle. No one can say for sure if you don't perform. Here is a scene, You are ready to go, after three days, let Guan Guan take a look, the only way she passes the test is the real pass." The assistant said.

Lin Shuwei didn't read the detailed script, but with director Guan's style, this movie is definitely good-looking.

In terms of plot, Lin Shuwei liked Huo Yuhou and would not mind same-sex themes. She is not afraid of going to Tibetan areas as required, and various activities that require physical exercise.

Lin Shuwei went back to prepare for the arranged scene with all her strength.

At night, Huo Yu turned over in the cat's nest, and the 006 broadcast came with a ding.

"Ding, Lin Shuwei misses the host, happiness value -200."

Huo Yu grabbed the scratching post under him, tears in his eyes, it's coming again!

The happiness value really cannot stand the toss of "missing".

"Lin Shuwei, you woman, don't you know how to be ashamed, you always miss me in the middle of the night, what is there to miss?!"

Huo Yu groaned, got up and went to the cat passage to take out the hidden mobile phone.

She will be forced to work in the middle of the night.

After calling Lin Shuwei and sending a private message, Huo Yu checked his mailbox.

Lan Xin replied to her.

Lin Shuwei's new movie is about to be released, and the trailer has been released, but the attention is still not enough.

Huo Yu knew that Lin Shuwei was looking for a company to do publicity, so he discussed with Lan Xin, asked Lan Xin to help, and used the best team to help Lin Shuwei do publicity.

She will give the money that is not enough, don't let Lin Shuwei know.

If Lin Shuwei knew about this, the misunderstanding would be even greater.

Seeing the email, Huo Yu knew that Lan Xin had accepted the announcement of Lin Shuwei's movie, and he was relieved.

Lin Shuwei's first movie can't hit the street.

Lan Xin's company has been doing very well in this regard, with strong resources and connections.

Lanxin Company helped to publicize it, and Huo Yu himself also sent a notice in the fan group, mobilizing everyone to publicize together, ready to deal with black powder attacks at any time, and at the same time gave red envelopes to the key fans who participated in the promotion of the field control in recent days, and will also book the field in the future Invite fans to watch the movie.

Everyone in the fan group knew Huo Yuhao and cheered for her.

"The pink head is mighty!"

"Rush ducks under the leadership of the little baby!"

"It's time to fight!"

The fans were enthusiastic.

"Ding, Lin Shuwei saw the message from the host, happiness value +500."

"Ding, Lin Shuwei misses the host, happiness value -500."

Huo Yu was shocked before the smile on the corner of his mouth spread.

If, if you become a human, let her hug you in front of her, will your happiness value not drop

As soon as this idea came up, Huo Yu shook his head violently and pushed it back.

What is she thinking? !

Why use your body when you can solve it with money? !

Huo Yu sent Lan Xin an email, asking her to do some things when the announcement was made, if she didn't have enough money, she could give it. Huo Yu has made a lot of money doing securities trading in recent days.

"Advertise Lin Shuwei's new movie on the electronic screen of the tallest building in Fengcheng."

"Ask twenty or so celebrities to help promote it on Weibo."

"Hire a helicopter to promote in Fengcheng the day before the premiere."

"Prepare to buy hot searches to prepare for the movie's release."

Huo Yu sent everything he could think of to Lan Xin, asking her to help.

After doing this, Huo Yu stuffed his phone back into the cat passage, climbed back to the cat's nest and continued to sleep.

Lin Shuwei read the script for the audition and was thinking about the role.

Although it was just a fragment, it made Lin Shuwei feel a lot.

Bringing it into her and Huo Yu made her heart boil and burn as if something was congested.

Three days later, Lin Shuwei passed the audition and decided to join the crew of "Venom Grass". Lin Shuwei received the complete script and began to study it.

On the other hand, Lan Xin's efficiency was very high, and the schedule was quickly confirmed. It was a summer vacation. At the same time, there were more than a dozen films competing, including the big production "Legend of the Wild".

The film began to be screened and roadshowed. Many film critics were invited to watch the film and asked them to write film reviews.

When they are released at the same time, there is competition at the movie box office, and there is a secret war to blackmail the other party.

Huo Yu started to get busy, leading the fans to tear up the black fans.

As the schedule of Lin Shuwei's movie was confirmed and screenings began, competitors began to mobilize black fans to black Lin Shuwei.

"Lin Shuwei's white-eyed wolf has a problem with her character. I refuse to watch the dramas made by such people!"

"Lin Shuwei once got involved by a third party, it's really disgusting!"

"It's shameful for Lin Shuwei to gain popularity by selling Ji Qing!"

"Lin Shuwei and Tian Yu terminated the contract, maybe it's because Huo Yu hates Lin Shuwei!"

"Lin Shuwei is just a licking dog, and she has nothing left after licking her."

All kinds of news and photos of Fancy Hei Lin Shuwei on the Internet have been released.

These remarks made Huo Yu angry.

Tianyu's official account had already issued a statement that the two companies had terminated the contract peacefully, and some people were talking about white-eyed wolves here, and the third party, licking dogs, was even more nonsense.

Huo Yu used the trumpet to tear up the black fans, and asked Tianyu Entertainment's team to clarify again. At the same time, they investigated the source of the black fans, and Lin Shuwei's possible opponent.

Later, it was discovered that the team of "Legend of the Wilderness", which was released almost at the same time as Lin Shuwei's movie, had this suspicion.

People related to the team have contacted Shuijun and the marketing account, and purchased business from them.

Whoever hacks us, we will hack anyone!

Huo Yu will not be soft-hearted.

She also bought a package to fight back against black people.

In addition, for the other actor, Huo Yu didn't fabricate black material. She gave out points and asked 006 to collect black material. He hacked the computer of the famous paparazzi and got a lot of dirty material.

In the prehistoric legend, there is Liu Yiru, the original artist of Tianyu.

At the beginning, Liu Yiru terminated the contract and left to pay the liquidated damages, freeing up resources, and people went to higher places, and Huo Yu didn't bother to care.

But at this moment, it was found out that Liu Yiru's assistant had bought the Navy Hei Lin Shuwei, so Huo Yu was not polite.

Released the black material of Liu Yiru captured by the paparazzi.

Liu Yiru left Tianyu before, someone paid liquidated damages for her, and she can continue to have good resources to keep up. Apart from her own popularity, it is because she has climbed up to a benefactor, who is where she is now. A shareholder of the company.

If the shareholder is single, it's okay to say, it can be said to be in a relationship.

It happens that this shareholder is a married person, which is a scandal.

As soon as the news came out, it became a hot search.

The movie is about to be broadcast, and one of the leading actors has a scandal. This matter is big or small, enough to keep their team busy for a while.

Liu Yiru, who was thinking of watching Lin Shuwei's jokes, was caught off guard by the release of the black material. The other party didn't even trade with her, but directly paid the material, and it was a stone hammer. Seeing the video, Liu Yiru almost fainted.

This stone hammer has smashed her personality.

If she doesn't think of a way, she will be doomed.

Liu Yiru didn't care about Lin Shuwei any more, and was busy withdrawing hot searches, taking connections, and dealing with the anger of the benefactor's original wife.

While staring at the black fans, Huo Yu fulfilled his promise, using a trumpet to invite fans to watch the movie in the name of the fans, and gave away 10,000 tickets.

All Lin Shuwei fans who reach a certain level can receive movie tickets.

People in the fan group knew Huo Yuhao before, but they didn't expect to be so embarrassing!

#林淑威土豪粉丝# No one sells themselves in the hot searches.

An ordinary movie ticket is about 40 yuan, and it is really rare to spend more than 400,000 yuan to chase stars.

If they knew that Huo Yu had done more things behind his back, they wouldn't be surprised by these things.

When Lin Shuwei was on the road show, the reporter told Lin Shuwei that some fans gave away 10,000 movie tickets.

"Lin Shuwei's exclusive baby, are you familiar with this fan? What do you want to say about her giving away 10,000 movie tickets?"

The reporter asked Lin Shuwei this way.

"I know her. I really want to see her. Here I want to tell her what I want to say through the media: Lin Shuwei's exclusive baby, I know you, I have read all the private messages you sent me, thank you for your encouragement, And pay. You don’t need to spend so much money, I can feel your sincerity. Let’s make an appointment to meet, shall we?”

Lin Shuwei froze for a few seconds, then said to the camera with a smile.

"Excuse me, what do you think of Huo Yu and Ms. Gu's family's steamed fish CP once again forming a big hit in the new reality show?"

Just as Lin Shuwei answered a question, someone asked loudly.

The previous CPs of Lin Shuwei and Huo Yu were very popular, and they once rose to the second place in the CP rankings.

Lin Shuwei was stunned for a second when she heard this question, and the expression management made her immediately correct her expression, with a smile on her face.

"I'm jealous. Mr. Huo, how can you form a CP with me and another team?" Lin Shuwei said half-jokingly.

The reporter asked Lin Shuwei a few more questions, and Lin Shuwei answered them all.

Huo Yu was sleeping and was woken up by 006.

"Ding, when Lin Shuwei heard what the reporter said, her happiness value is +500."

"Ding, when Lin Shuwei heard what the reporter said, her happiness value is -1000."

"What?!! The happiness value increased by 500 and dropped by 1000!!!" Huo Yu almost fell off the bed.

Huo Yu picked up his mobile phone to check Lin Shuwei's recent interview video, and saw a short interview video of Lin Shuwei answering reporters' questions.

Hearing that Lin Shuwei wanted to meet her trumpet, Huo Yu blushed. Impossible, absolutely impossible! She wants to cover her little vest! !

Naturally, Huo Yu didn't know that she had lost her horse. She operated this trumpet herself, and even Xiang Xiaoli didn't know about it.

This reporter's question should increase the value of happiness.

Huo Yu continued to look, it was the reporter who asked Lin Shuwei about steaming fish CP.

Steamed fish CP is one of the most popular group of CPs created by netizens after Huo Yu and Gu Nanzhen filmed "My Rich Sisters and Me". It has already reached the fourth place in the CP ranking and is still rising.

And when it was the hottest, Heiho, who had reached the second place, had already dropped to the seventh place.

Isn't Lin Shuwei angry because of this

Huo Yu was thinking, and suddenly 006 came to broadcast again.

"Ding, Lin Shuwei sees steamed fish CP, happiness value -500."

"Ding, Lin Shuwei saw the image of the host and Gu Nanzhen, happiness value -500."

"Ding, Lin Shuwei misses the host, happiness value -500."

Huo Yu listened, his body turned into a cat.

"Ahhh! Lin Shuwei! You are crazy!!"

Huo Yu scratched the sofa frantically.

On the other side, after the interview, Lin Shuwei stared at her phone in a daze in the background.

Lin Shuwei had no time to watch Huo Yu and Gu Nanzhen's variety show during this time.

Unexpectedly, the two of them also have CP fans, there are really many!

Those CP fans are frantic, edited and misplaced, and write stories that make people believe it.

Just looking at it, Lin Shuwei became jealous.

Mr. Xiao Huo spends money for her, hits black fans, and sends all kinds of heart-warming private messages every day, but at the same time forms a CP with other people, having such a good time!

Can't! Can't!

Lin Shuwei clenched her fists. She wanted to see Huo Yu very much.

It's just that the movie hasn't been released yet, and everything is a question mark.

They haven't seen each other for months.

Every time Lin Shuwei went to the cat apartment, she never saw Huo Yu.

No one answered the phone.

Xiang Xiaoli will never know.

Huo Zhen didn't know where Huo Yu was going.

In the company, as long as she goes, Huo Yu will definitely not be there.

Lin Shuwei suspected that Huo Yu was hiding from her on purpose.

She is too busy now, and she is not in Fengcheng, so it is impossible for her to stay somewhere and wait for Huo Yu.

Now, she wants to see Huo Yu, even with a glance.

Lin Shuwei thought for a while and called Xiang Xiaoli.

"I would like to invite Mr. Huo to the premiere. Regarding the termination of the contract last time, even though Tianyu made a statement, there are still many rumors on the Internet. If Mr. Huo can show up, he can definitely break the rumors."

Lin Shuwei said to the other end of the phone.

Xiang Xiaoli was in charge of sending the message, and sent an email to Huo Yu to check.