Violence Girl is Cute

Chapter 100: Not just you, I'm also crazy


"Cai Xiaoxiao, are you crazy?"

"Yes, I'm crazy, I'm crazy! I'm crazy to like you so much, so I can't worry about you so much!"

For him, only Yun Xizhao can get the eye. Cai Xiaoxiao thought sadly: Then what am I? What am I doing? She had always wanted to know the answer, but she seemed to know it now.

Is it worth it

"You have never looked at me directly, no matter how hard I try to stand in front of you... you will never look at me more."

Ouyang Liang glanced at her, and the tears from the corners of her eyes made his heart soft.

"Yeah, you are crazy. It's not just you, I'm also crazy..."

Looking at his bleak and thin face, Cai Xiaoxiao was desperate. She couldn't do more for him, because she knew that no matter what she did, she couldn't compare to the girl's position in his heart. She worked so hard, but others got everything she wanted effortlessly, how ironic, but how helpless.

"I thought you wouldn't cry." Ouyang Liang said without looking up.

Cai Xiaoxiao rubbed the corners of her eyes in surprise, and the back of her hands felt damp.

Ouyang Liang even laughed and said: "In fact, sometimes I feel that being a woman is more comfortable than being a man. You can feel relieved by crying when you encounter unhappy things, but we can't cry."

"No one prevents you from crying." She replied, sobbing.

Ouyang Liang leaned against the big tree beside the road, fumbled for a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his trouser pocket, took out one and lit it, took a deep breath and blew out a cigarette ring.

"Didn't the doctor tell you to stop smoking?" Cai Xiaoxiao grabbed his cigarette and slammed it out.

However, Ouyang Liang took out another cigarette, held it in his mouth, and lit it again: "Smoke as you want, what does it mean?"

She asked coldly: "Is it the same when you and Xi Zhao are together? You won't listen to anything she says?"

He frowned: "I listen to what she says."

Cai Xiaoxiao stopped talking, and looked at the sparkling Lihe beside him. Although it is early spring, the wind at night is still cold, making people feel like falling into an ice cellar.

"... Show me your wrist, did I hurt you just now?" Suddenly, Ouyang Liang asked vaguely.

"Don't worry about it." She was a little angry.

Ouyang Liang smiled and said, "Are you angry?"

Listening to his relaxed tone, it seemed that she was not so sad anymore. She looked down at her wrist, and the place he had just grabbed was a bit bruised. He stretched out his hand to pull her hand, but she shrank back, avoiding his touch.

"Why do you care about my pain again? You were so fierce to me just now, so just keep on fierce."

Cai Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't want to fall into his trap anymore, and could no longer be soft-hearted.

"I'm wrong, I'm in a bad mood... However, I warned you not to mess with me." He threw up another eye circle.

"I'm willing, and you can't control it!" she replied stubbornly.

Ouyang Liang waved his hand a little irritably: "Well, well, you are great, I can't control you."

The wind at night more or less dispelled his anxiety. It has been a week since Xiao Xiyang went abroad. He had suffered pain and depression. He borrowed wine to seduce his sorrows every night, but there was nothing he could do. As long as he thought that he would not even be able to see her in the days to come, he was very irritable. Can't think. She's really cruel, little girl.

But Qiangwei did not dare to think about it.

The moment he heard the news, he even thought he had traveled back two years ago. At that time, Yu Zhu had just left, and his mind was blank. He hadn't been able to think for a long time, and he couldn't even speak.

Seeing Qiangwei lying in the cold freezer, his bluish-white cheeks, the breath of coldness, and the lifeless eyes, he only felt that the sky was falling.

Finally freed.

They were all relieved, and he was the only one left to linger in this world.

Not being able to love is probably the most painful thing God has given when creating all things.


Five years later.

Lu Chen got off the plane, looked at the crowded streets, frowned and asked, "Then I'll go first? Are you okay alone?"

"Don't worry, I'm not a kid anymore."

Yun Xizhao said goodbye to him, pulled his luggage alone to the taxi spot at the airport, stopped a taxi and drove straight to his hometown. Because of the purchase of a new house, the Lu family has moved away from the original place, leaving only an empty bungalow, and the Yun family also bought a house in the next city due to the adjustment of the work of Lingshuang.

She wanted to go back to her hometown to take a look, so after living for half a month, Lu Chen asked Lu Chen to go back to her home and take care of all the trivial things about getting married.

Yes, they are going to get married this time when they return to China.

In this short half month, let her enjoy the sky and the bright sunshine after five years of absence. From the moment she got off the plane, her heart kept beating violently, as if playing the most exciting movement, reflecting the excitement at this time.

She is like a timid child, returning to her mother who had been away for a long time, uneasy and joyful. 

Finally home.

Standing in the old bedroom, Yun Xizhao let out a faint sigh. In five years, she has grown from a youthful and lively girl to an orchid-like delicate woman. This familiar and unfamiliar place bears seventeen years of youth. Now that I come back, I can't help but feel a trace of sadness when I think of the past bit by bit.

I took out my phone and took a look, hesitated for a moment, and put it back.

Do you want to call to inform your former friends that she has returned

The slender fingers stroked the silver-white phone in the palm of his hand, again and again, with very gentle movements, but it revealed the owner's state of uncertainty at the moment.

Thinking like this, Yun Xizhao opened the address book in the phone.

The colorful screen was shining with the constantly scrolling list, and finally, her eyes fixed on a name.

Ouyang Liang.

Really, it's been a long time.

She took a deep breath, trying to suppress the pain in her heart.

Fool, it's been so long, why does the thought of that person, or even just that name, make my heart sore

She leaned on the edge of the desk, her eyes slowly extending to the charming scenery outside the window at dusk.


The elegant classical music flowing in the coffee shop, like gurgling water, passes through the hearts of everyone who sits in the shop and tastes coffee. A young woman with a hurried look quickened her pace and stepped into the door of the coffee shop in three steps. The light inside was dim but soft, and the orange light smelled of tranquility.

Cai Xiaoxiao stood at the door like this, and stopped with some hesitation. Because, at the moment she entered, her eager gaze had automatically searched for the existence of Yun Xizhao.

There was a trace of resentment in her heart, but she gradually returned to calm.

Should I complain? Should I hate it

Five years have passed since the matter, and Aliang may have come out.

Originally, she didn't want to see each other again, but once she heard from Peng Feifei that Yun Xizhao had returned to China, she couldn't help calling her to meet him immediately.

However, at this moment, Cai Xiaoxiao hesitated.

Why meet again? Looking at the slender white figure, she couldn't help asking herself.

There was no news for five years, why did she come back? If this matter is known to Aliang, what kind of performance will he have? All these conjectures really made Cai Xiaoxiao feel a little unbearable.

So scared, everything is just a dream like a one-man show. She has had too many dreams like this.

Aliang has slowly accepted her now, and after five years of hard work, she has finally become a woman standing next to him.

At the moment when Cai Xiaoxiao stood in a daze outside the glass window of the coffee shop, the white figure by the window shook in front of his eyes, and a familiar and unfamiliar voice came over.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, are you here? Come in quickly."

Cai Xiaoxiao slowly raised her misty eyes and saw Yun Xizhao standing quietly in front of her with a warm smile, as if dreaming. She once liked this elementary school girl so much, but the two became rivals in love.

Everything is like a dream of a world away.

There was no imaginary hugging and crying, and no sensational and tearful exchange of thoughts. The two of them calmly, face to face, sipping pure coffee, and talked about everything.

Cai Xiaoxiao thought that she would not be able to restrain complaining, and even scolded her. Why was it so cruel in the first place? Obviously knowing the news of Li Qiangwei's death, he resolutely left Ouyang Liang.

Can't bear to look back.

However, now she came back calmly, as if nothing had happened.

Cai Xiaoxiao asked: "Are you happy in America?"

"Fortunately." Yun Xizhao took a sip of coffee.

"You haven't called me a single call."

"Sister Xiaoxiao, you said that I hope I will withdraw from Ouyang Liang's world from now on. Because you have been by his side, I don't want to disturb you either."

Cai Xiaoxiao sighed. She faintly felt that Yun Xizhao was so different from before.

"Don't you worry about him at all? After Li Qiangwei's death, don't you worry about him?"

"... I don't worry about his position anymore." There was not much explanation, and it seemed that no special explanation was needed. Yun Xizhao just answered her simply.

Cai Xiaoxiao's anger was about to fill up again: "You are so cruel. I have never seen a woman as cruel and unfeeling like you."

"... I'm sorry." She avoided her eyes.

Cai Xiaoxiao glanced at Yun Xizhao, the waves under his eyes moved slightly, and then he lowered his eyes. She could really feel the pain in her heart, it was like the torment of a sharp knife.

The once warm and tough Yun Xizhao, the primary school girl she admired most, seemed to have completely become another person. There was no longer just a warm smile in his eyes, but a sense of indifference, calmness, and unspeakable strangeness.

Cai Xiaoxiao lowered his head silently, no longer speaking, twisting the small spoon tightly with his fingers.