Violence Girl is Cute

Chapter 101: What has changed in five years?


Memories are like a silent black-and-white movie, which opens quietly and ends quietly. No music, no protagonist, no dialogue. Nothing at all.

Yun Xizhao did not speak any more. She doesn't know how many secrets are hidden in her slightly cold heart. Since those three terrible voice messages five years ago, she has experienced a nightmare that has been repeated in her mind. Li Qiangwei's death seemed to have taken everything away and could never return to her side. There is no happiness, no peace.

There is only black, only the screaming, frantic, screaming over and over, and the despair that resounds in my mind.

They could not escape the death of Li Qiangwei.

This is a shocking nightmare that will never wake up, constantly unfolding in front of her eyes. Some memories are burned, and some memories are buried in the bottom of my heart. Which ones should be kept and which should be deleted? After so many years, she is a fool, still can't make up his mind. Therefore, one can only choose to escape.

Yun Xizhao smiled wryly.

After all, she is not a strong person, she will be tired, and she will run away. Perhaps sometimes he is just a coward, unwilling to face the bloody truth, so he hides in his own world and does not want to wake up.


The night fell without warning, and the faint light of the sky shone on the top of the head. The cool wind at night came oncoming, blowing away the floating clouds in the night sky.

Yun Xizhao walked slowly on the way home, lowered her head, quietly thinking about her thoughts.

The conversation with Cai Xiaoxiao this afternoon has made her a little tired. Now, she wants to go home early, lie down on her own bed, and get a good night's sleep. The breeze came gently, her long hair flying in the air along with her long skirt.

In the darkness of the night, there is a thin back hidden in the shadow of the swaying leaves, looming. Under the dim yellow street lamp not far away, a slender shadow was quietly leaning on the lamp post, motionless. It was as silent as a stubborn stone, stationed there, as if it hadn't moved for centuries.

It wasn't until the sound of rustling footsteps that the figure trembled slightly.

When Yun Xizhao raised her head inadvertently, she happened to meet the gaze that the man was looking over.

The night is as cool as water, and the surroundings are quiet.

The skin on Yun Xizhao's lips moved slightly, as if there was something to blurt out, but she swallowed abruptly.

Ouyang Liang, who was ten meters away, turned around and looked straight at her, ignoring her somewhat evasive gaze.

long time no see.

A Liang.

She looked at him quietly, her eyes filled with water.

Cai Xiaoxiao still told him the news of her return to China.

I haven't seen him for five years. He seems to have grown a lot taller. He looks taller and handsomer than before. Even his expression has lost his former nobleness and heartiness. He has become calmer and more masculine. The meeting, which had originally wanted to delay as long as possible, was now placed in front of her abruptly, and she suddenly felt a trace of panic. What should I say

"Okay night? Or, "Are you okay?"

Yun Xi's water-like eyes were fixed on his tall figure, her lips trembled, but she couldn't say anything.


The silent atmosphere between the two was broken by his low call, and that claim, listening to her ears, actually felt a little tired and relaxed.

Yun Xizhao took a deep breath, trying to make her voice steady and not trembling: "... It's been a long time, do you want to go up and sit down?"

"it is good."

He followed behind her, entered the courtyard of the Yun family, and walked to the dark gate.

In a house where no one has lived in many years, no one repaired even the street lights in the corridors were broken. At the door of Heigulongdong's room, Ouyang Liang heard the sound of her pulling a key from her bag, and then fumbled for the sound of opening the door.

"Xizhao, give me the key, I'll open it for you."

"No, I'm right on the keyhole." Yun Xizhao refused softly, and didn't stop the movement in his hand.

He paused, a trace of sadness passed through his heart.

Between them, only polite is left.

With the sound of "Kara", the door lock was opened, and Yun Xizhao opened the door with both hands, not forgetting to greet him: "Come in."

However, immediately, the surroundings became quiet. Because after Ouyang Liang followed her in, he habitually reached out to touch the light switch on the wall, but unexpectedly, her slender palm also stayed on that switch. His big hand covered the back of her hand, and the hot temperature of his palm was transmitted to her as the skin touched. She did not withdraw her hand, nor did he.

The slight breath of the two reverberated in the empty room.

With such close contact, Ouyang Liang stood behind Yun Xizhao, and even smelled the faint fragrance from her beautiful hair. He swallowed a smudge in his throat, and he tightened the corners of his mouth. For a long time, it has been a long time since I really touched her existence. Even in a dream before, he has never felt it as accurately as today... If this is really a dream, he would rather never wake up for the rest of his life.

But happiness is often so short-lived. After a few seconds, the small fingers under the palm moved, and the room suddenly became bright.

Yun Xizhao withdrew her hand, with an imperceptible flush on her face, and said softly, "... Sit down first, what do you want to drink? I just returned to China not long ago, and there is nothing to eat at home."

Ouyang Liang didn't answer, and looked around the furnishings in the room.

This is the home where she has lived for seventeen years. The TV on the small counter, the cushions under the rectangular dining table, the Western paintings on the wall, and even the small decorations on the coffee table seem to have retained what she used to be. The shadow of the movie is kept here intact. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to caress a thin scratch on the wooden shoe cabinet, his heart choked like a fishbone, making him unable to breathe.

Yun Xizhao glanced at him, then quickly turned her head away.

The sadness and nostalgia in Ouyang Liang's eyes unconsciously pierced her deeply. She pretended not to see his movements, dodged her gaze, and put slippers at the door, "Senior Ouyang, I'll give you juice."

Senior Ouyang

She still calls him Senior Ouyang!

Ouyang Liang's body instantly stiffened when he heard this alienated address. The emotion that was flashing on his face disappeared instantly. He stared at her blankly, "Xizhao, can you call me'Aliang'?"

Yun Xizhao turned around and turned her back to him, as if there was a wet liquid in the bottom of her eyes, she was calm, and said to him: "...Should I drink juice? I will bring you the fresh orange I bought this morning. I made the sherbet in the refrigerator."

Suddenly, Ouyang Liang stretched out his hand and held her arm: "I have so many things to tell you, sunset."

Yun Xizhao sighed deeply: "If it is not convenient for you to leave a cup of tea, so be it. It's late today. Senior Ouyang should go home early. We are alone in the same room, which is not very convenient. ,"

Ouyang Liang's body trembled slightly, with a hint of frustration in his tone: "... Okay, I'll sit for a while after drinking the juice. I want a big cup."

Yun Xizhao didn't look back, and walked inside with her eyes down, but her arm was still firmly pulled. She struggled, and the throbbing in her heart could not help but said coldly: "Senior Ouyang, please let me go!"

"Why are you doing this to me?" Ouyang Liang asked lowly.

Her thin figure swayed, and then she stood up straight: "... I don't want to talk about the past. I have nothing to do with you anymore. It is easy to misunderstand if you say this."

"Why? You tell me the reason! Xizhao, you have never contacted me since you went to the United States. Why? You stingy to give me even the slightest nostalgia?" His voice began to tremble, and the painful depression finally broke out.

"I said that I don't want to mention it again, didn't you hear it?" Yun Xizhao turned around, her eyes were deeply stubborn.


From the beginning to the end, the road that we all walked side by side, gradually began to blur. I thought that what I gave you was the best of all, but I gradually realized that everything was just wishful thinking.

Ouyang Liang clenched his fists, and the blue veins on the back of his hand violently, "...Since this is the case, then I go first, and you have a good rest." He put down these words, turned and opened the door of the living room, paused, and held his hand Lived the door frame. Quietly, half a minute later, his still body finally moved outward.

… No, there is no sound.

Damn, he really wanted to hear her voice, thinking piercingly. Don't you even give me some polite words to stay, or even a "goodbye"

Did not look back.

Ouyang Liang's proud self-esteem began to make trouble again. He clearly wanted to stay that way. He clearly had a lot of things to say but couldn't do anything.

The door slowly closed behind him, making an old creak.

He stood in the dark corridor, his mind was blank.

That's ridiculous, evening photos! Why did I see you so hard, so hard to see, it turned out to be such a result? If Cai Xiaoxiao hadn't been crying and calling him in private, she might have really never wanted to see him again. The pain in his heart spread all over his body in an instant, he squatted down slumped against the wall, holding his heavy head with his hands.

Five years, sunset, five years, do you know how I got through it

The continuous nightmare every night, every time, I watched Qiangwei's unwilling eyes floating in the air, but the curse of "we never meet again" lingered in her ears.

The wanton and deep-seated misses seem to be in my heart, and they can't be forgotten, and they can't be thrown away.

This is my sorrow, the original lie, the price of such pain. Is it that you can't forgive until now? Or, never forgive

On the other side of the door panel, the indoor lighting was bright, and Yun Xizhao stood quietly by the door, her thin arms wrapped around her waist. There was a blur in front of my eyes, and Ouyang Liang's sad voice seemed to echo in his ears: "Can you call me'A Liang'?"

Tears filled his eyes again, and then ran down the pale face.

No weeping, no sobbing, for so many years, I have been accustomed to crying quietly.

But why does the heart still hurt so much

Aliang, really, we really can't go back.

It was like this five years ago, and it is still like this.

What has changed in five years

It's you, it's me, it's everything.