Violence Girl is Cute

Chapter 102: Reunion is like a stranger


In the early autumn, when the air is slightly cool, a black figure is holding a bunch of fresh white daisies and strolling along the intestinal path of the hillside. Although the cemetery on the outskirts is a bit desolate, it is surrounded by trees and the air is fresh. The fallen leaves flying in the deep blue sky like agate, fluttering and scattered all over the top of the mountain. An unknown dead leaf with a strange shape fell down.

Yun Xizhao took off the ink-colored sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, lowered her head, and looked at the small leaf in the palm of her hand. Although it was a bit withered and yellow, the lines were still so clear and pure.

Qiangwei, Yuzhu, are you here to meet me

The corners of her lips were filled with a faint smile, as warm as the setting sun hanging on a branch in autumn. The black skirt danced with the wind, making a "hulala" sound. The big eyes rolled around, and his eyes locked on the two small tombstones side by side.

A simple black-and-white photo, a simple name, and a string of names of people who mourned the dead constitute the simplest home for Li Qiangwei and Li Yuzhu after their deaths.

When I heard that Li's mother had buried her two daughters together, she divorced her husband. Since then, she has gone away from home and never returned to this sad place. The deceased was dead, and the two young girls could only lie in the cold ground forever.

Yun Xizhao slowly bent her body, placed the pure white chrysanthemum in her arms on the root of the stele, and then stretched out her white hand to slowly caress the black and white photo of Li Qiangwei.

"Qiangwei, forgive me, it took so long to see you."

She opened her lips gently, her eyes soft as water, "After so many years, I believe that the hatred in your heart should be solved..."

"... Lu Chen and I are about to get married, this time we return to China, we are just preparing for the wedding..." she murmured, her voice soft as if she could drift away with the wind at any time.

White clouds floated in the azure blue sky, and they were gradually dispersed by the autumn breeze.

The gentle girl in the photo, with her usual gentle expression, looked at her quietly, but seemed to be listening carefully to the voice from the other side of the world.

Yun Xizhao continued: "...I have already seen Ouyang Liang, he seems to be not doing well, he has lost a lot of weight."

The yellow leaves of autumn fluttered in curls, and fell there with only a sigh.

The weather is getting cooler and cooler, and sometimes a thin coat cannot withstand the rustling autumn wind. It has been more than a month since he returned to the river market, Yun Xizhao does the same things every day: cleaning the room, tidying up things that he didn't take away before, calling his former friends and informing them to come to the wedding in half a month. . Life was peaceful and comfortable.

Only occasionally, I would lie in the room I had lived in for seventeen years in a quiet night, frowning and thinking of the previous bits and pieces.

Only occasionally, when taking a walk after dinner, inadvertently walked to the door of the former Pandora High School.

On several occasions, when she was breathing fresh air by the window on the second floor of the small bungalow, she lowered her head and met the eyes of Ouyang Liang who "coincidentally" passed by.

With just such a glance, she seemed to have burned her eyes, and she suddenly retracted her gaze.

As if isolated from the outside world, Yun Xizhao hid herself in a safe fortress. She didn’t go out for ten days. It’s just that Huang Shanshan and Liu Xingzi often came with a lot of snacks. The three girls sat on the carpet, like As close as before, chatting happily all afternoon. It is said to be intimate, but in the end, there is no gap without the previous.

Because the lives of each other are not as familiar as before.

Once people grow up, once they transform, and once they mature, do they have to lose a lot of things? For example, innocence; for example, the so-called young love.

Sometimes, Yun Xizhao would also ask herself, is the decision to leave five years ago in exchange for what is right now, is it worth it? She didn't want to understand, but in fact, she didn't want to understand. There are some things that you can’t look back after you have done it. It's like a life that has passed away, which will never come back. No matter how you think about it, it will eventually disappear in people's memories.

The autumn away from the river is still beautiful and quiet, and the wind is blowing slightly, sweeping away the endless and constantly renewing memories in the world. The sunny afternoon makes people feel comfortable for no reason.

Yun Xizhao suddenly began to miss Pandora.

Wandering on the campus of Pandora High School, it is empty everywhere, with no active students. It was still time for class, Yun Xizhao raised his wrist to check his watch, and continued to walk inside. The plane tree beside the road began to drop its leaves, the branches dried up, and swayed lonely at the top.

She slowed down, savoring the long-lost memories.

The canteen, the teaching building, and the infirmary seem to be everywhere in the shadows of those two that looked very good. She and Lu Chen have always been recognized childhood sweethearts in the school, and they look like a natural match.

But later, she happened to leave him because of a misunderstanding.

There were waves of shouts from boys on the playground, Yun Xizhao stood on the steps and looked far away, a cheerful football dexterously shuttled under their feet, sweat slipped from his forehead, rippling youthful breath.

A person's shadow suddenly appeared in his mind.

Ouyang Liang.

Those blue and white jerseys were dazzling in the sun, she closed her eyes unconsciously, a slight pain in her heart. She was a little panicked, not knowing what she was evading, she didn't dare to look anymore, lowered her head and walked out.

The mobile phone rang at this time, the ringtone was crisp and sweet, and when she saw the call reminder, Yun Xizhao immediately picked up: "Shanshan, what's wrong?"

"Xizhao, aren't you busy now? Would you like to come to the second-level court on Xingdu Road?" Huang Shanshan said crudely on the phone.

Yun Xizhao felt tight, and asked quickly: "The court? What happened to you? Why are you there?"

"It's not me, don't worry, anyway, I hope you will come, I will wait for you at the door, that's it, hang up first."

Yun Xizhao still wants to ask more clearly, Huang Shanshan has hung up in a hurry.

No longer thinking about anything, she felt anxious, and took the time to walk to the street and stop a car, "Sir, to Xingdu Road Second Court."

As soon as I got off the car, I saw Huang Shanshan running over excitedly like a lively deer, and she took her hand and said happily: "Xizhao, you are here so fast! Come watch a wonderful debate with me later, let's go! "Speaking, he dragged her to the court.

"Hey, wait a minute, what happened..." However, Yun Xizhao was inexplicable, and her words were still stuck in her throat, and the person had been pulled into the trial hall.

The auditorium in the hall has already been crowded with people, and it seems that the court hearing will be a highly focused court debate.

Huang Shanshan struggled to push her away from the moving crowd, led her to the auditorium in the front row, and patted the seat for her to sit down.

"Don't think about anything now, Xizhao." She looked at the backstage door with a high spirit, turned her head and continued, "Senior Xiaoxiao told us to come, because today is when Senior Ouyang is defending, he is now Lawyers."

Yun Xizhao's heart sank suddenly.

In a daze, the spotlight suddenly flashing next to her attracted her attention. She took a close look at the huge trial hall, and only seven or eight reporter-like people were taking pictures around with their cameras.

Huang Shanshan came over and whispered: "Xingzi is really bad luck. It happened to be her turn to work overtime today, otherwise I would call her too. Senior Ouyang is now a celebrity in Lihe City's lawyers, and of course the media is interested!" She smiled mysteriously, "The court has very strict control of outside bystanders. These people come in by doing everything possible. In fact, I also rely on the relationship between Xiaoxiao-senpai to get the seat. Please don't disappoint my kindness. Yo."

"Does Senior Sister Xiaoxiao work in the court?" Yun Xizhao asked curiously.

"Well, she is a juror."

Yun Xizhao pursed her mouth, nodded softly in agreement, and patted Huang Shanshan's hand, then she was immediately held by her backhand.

The court finally opened.

The scene suddenly became quiet, the defendant, the plaintiff and the lawyers entrusted by them fought against each other, and the presiding judge asked serious questions, and everything proceeded in an orderly manner. Ouyang Liang sat next to the defendant, acting as the defendant’s defense lawyer. At this time, he began to question the plaintiff. A sharp question came along with his powerful deterrence. The plaintiff uttered a few words. Asked to be speechless.

There was a sudden turmoil in the audience, and the audience was interested in Ouyang Liang's wonderful questioning.

"Quiet!" "Please keep quiet!"

The judge hurriedly maintained order, and the warning came into effect.

Huang Shanshan still looked at Ouyang Liang with admiration as before. Suddenly, she grasped Yun Xizhao's hand tightly and whispered: "Senior Ouyang is still so handsome!"

A subtle atmosphere began to spread around.

Yun Xizhao's heart beat quickly, she tried to make herself look calm, but there was an unusual light in her eyes. Ouyang Liang's handsome and tall figure came into view, she watched quietly, hiding her gaze among the crowd. He is still so energetic, but in that full of confidence, there is more maturity and wisdom.

The plaintiff’s lawyer was questioned by Ouyang Liang’s words, and he got stuck for a while, but the plaintiff’s face was flushed and he couldn’t say anything.

Huang Shanshan clapped her hands excitedly and whispered: "That's amazing! Hey, Xi Zhao, look at his look, is he much more handsome compared to a few years ago? I like more mature men the most..."

She was still talking about it, but Yun Xizhao's ear was silent.

The women in the audience talked in low voices excitedly, rustling voices endlessly. Ouyang Liang's gaze swept across the spectator seat inadvertently. He saw them, Yun Xizhao was sure, but the gaze did not stop.

Does he still care about me? She asked herself with a wry smile.

However, it doesn't matter anymore.

For dozens of minutes of court debate, she watched silently in the audience. He used sharp words to defend his client on stage. The worlds of the two did not overlap.

Huang Shanshan looked at the two who had no eye contact, and sighed unconsciously. Senior Ouyang is a dead brain! I didn't grasp the good opportunity, wasted so much energy, and also failed Senior Sister Xiaoxiao's request.

Yun Xizhao turned her head and looked out the window, her eyes were ethereal and moist.

It is better not to meet, I am still afraid to face you, Aliang.

What should we do

As everyone knows, not far from her, there is a heart that hurts itself, dripping blood unconsciously.