Violence Girl is Cute

Chapter 103: I have never forgotten you


On this day, it seems to be still peaceful. The clock was ticking, and the hands slowly moved to the eight o'clock position.

"Jingle Bell… "

Yun Xizhao was lying in her bedroom watching the evening news in Lihe City, when she heard the sudden ringing in the living room, turned over briskly, and ran to answer the phone.

"Hello, hello, who can I look for?" She took off the receiver and pressed it to her ear, saying.

"... Hey, Xiao Xiyang, I finally found you! Guess who I am?" A slightly gasping male voice came from the other end of the phone.

Yun Xizhao was stunned, a trace of doubt appeared in the big Xing's eyes, "... Are you pulling the head?"

"What pulls the head?" The other party was obviously puzzled.

"You, are you Akan-senpai?"

"I'm back to leave the river too, hehe. I heard Cai Xiaoxiao say that you are getting married, why? Even good friends don't invite a sip of wedding wine? And why is your phone turned off? I have to ask everywhere Your home phone." Xiao Yuhan said in a breath.

"My phone is out of power..." Yun Xi chuckled, her eyes in a daze.

Pulling Feng's head, he was still thinking about her.

"Xiao Xiyang, come pick me up! I'm now... at the exit of Lihe Airport... I'm so cold tonight!" Xiao Yuhan still looked energetic on the phone, and his voice was surprisingly loud.

"Why should I pick you up?" Yun Xizhao interrupted his words before he finished.

"... Well, don't ask so much, just come quickly, I'm so tired..."

"Hey! I kindly flew back to drink your wedding wine, you are not willing to pick me up?"

"Okay, okay! Got it!"

What is in this kid's head

Yun Xizhao hung up the phone and was stunned for half a minute, a mess in his head.

Although I always knew that Xiao Yuhan had a special affection for him, but the time had passed so long, he should have let go of it long ago. She also understands that love is like a flower of lies, knowing that the beauty of objective existence can easily wither in a subjective world.


Yun Xizhao sighed, took back his thoughts, picked up the black coat on the sofa, and walked out of the house. But when she hurried down the stairs and turned to the street, she rushed into a big chest.

The warm breath immediately surrounded her.

Yun Xizhao took a deep breath, stretched out her hand to straighten out some messy hair, and then slowly raised her head.

"... It's you." Not a question, but a statement.

The dimly yellow street lamp shot obliquely, hitting Ouyang Liang's handsome side face with a strange soft light.

"It's so late, do you want to go out?" He asked in a low voice, his voice seems a bit hoarse.

Yun Xizhao met his eyes and stared so tenderly, causing her to panic: "... I, I'm going to pick up a friend, he came from a field."

She was afraid to name Xiao Yuhan. Fearing that he was unhappy, she went to see others in such a hurry, but kept avoiding him. But she didn't mean it, she also had difficulties.

Ouyang Liang looked at her lowered eyes quietly, as if trying to see something in them. "... Go to see Lu Chen?" Finally, he asked with difficulty.

Yun Xizhao turned away and looked at the neon sign behind him: "It's not Lu Chen, just a good friend."

Although her voice didn't have any warmth, it really warmed his heart on this autumn night.

A rock hanging in Ouyang Liang's heart fell to the ground. He stretched his arm and pointed to the corner of the street: "Then I'll take you there, I'm driving."

She looked in that direction, and sure enough, there was a black sports car hidden in the dark on the corner of the street, so quiet that it made no sound. When her eyes touched him again, her body seemed to be suddenly passed through by electricity, and a strange feeling surged into her heart.

Is he waiting for me here again tonight

Is he really so stupid

Wandering at the door of Yun's house in order to perhaps meet by chance, doing such a foolish thing

However, Yun Xizhao's mouth still said something against his will: "Don't bother you, Senior Ouyang, I'll just take a taxi and go by myself."

Ouyang Liang's eyes wrinkled slightly, are you still resisting, Xizhao? Without a word, he suddenly stretched out his right hand, took her left hand that was somewhat chilly, and gently tugged, and she approached him.

"Stop talking, let's go." He didn't turn his head, his eyes were hidden in the shadow of his hair, "... I'm not relieved to let you go alone."

The wind was very cold at night, and Yun Xizhao was sitting in the passenger seat, looking at the charming stars outside through the slightly lowered car window. The night view of Lihe City is unbelievably beautiful. Colorful neon lights dot the streets of Tokyo, and the whole city is immersed in a warm and peaceful atmosphere.

Suddenly soft music rang in her ears, Yun Xizhao turned her head in surprise, "I used to make a ringtone for this song, which is very nice."

"Yeah." Ouyang Liang responded softly, his eyes still fixed on the front, "I remember you like this song."

"... Do you remember?" she asked softly.

"Always remember." He replied softly without hesitation.

Yun Xizhao flushed slightly, looked out the window again, and stopped talking, but her thoughts fluttered at this moment.

"... Last time, I didn't have time to say hello to the reporters. The reporters were too difficult." Ouyang Liang turned her head slightly and glanced at the side. Her face was still quiet and there was not the slightest wave of turbulence.

"Really? It doesn't matter. Anyway, I was called by Huang Shanshan temporarily, so I didn't bother you." Yun Xizhao was satisfied with her disguise, but did not dare to respond to his gaze.

Ouyang Liang turned his head and looked straight ahead: "Don't go out at this late in the future. If you have anything, you can ask a friend to help. It's not good to be alone... Isn't Lu Chen staying with you? How can he rest assured that you live here alone?"

Yun Xizhao's heart trembled for an instant, and she whispered: "I am no longer the simple little sunset that I used to be."

He was shocked, and the joints of his hand holding the steering wheel were pale and distinct, "I lied to you once... Yes, I was wrong."

Yun Xizhao held back the tears she was about to shed, and turned her head and looked out the window.

It's really useless, why do you want this

Obviously one should be calm, and obviously should be more graceful.

Too much loss, too much reunion, and the drips that linger in our hearts, at this moment, have already covered our eyes.

There is no excuse for cuddling, and no reason for parting ways.

When Yun Xizhao and Ouyang Liang wandered around the airport for more than an hour, they finally saw Xiao Yuhan still wearing the old haircut and carrying a large suitcase, leaning against the door of a small peddling shop at the exit, she Finally he let out a long sigh of relief.

"The friend you are talking about is him?" Ouyang Liang was a little surprised.

"Yeah. Say hello!"

Yun Xizhao walked forward with a smile and shook his head, which was still asleep but still asleep. First, he called gently, and then the storm followed.

"Hey, wake up, Senior Akan!"

"Wake up! Xiao Yuhan!"

"Ah!" Xiao Yuhan woke up with a short and yellow hair, staring at the delicate face in front of him with a confused expression.

"Little sunset?"

Yun Xi patted the palm of his hand and punched him on the shoulder: "Long time no see, you are still so confused. Hurry up and sit at the door of the store, really!"

I'm glad to see each other again. However, she also knew clearly that she only had the love of her friends for Xiao Yuhan.

Xiao Yuhan jumped three feet high with joy, and shook Yun Xizhao's shoulders vigorously: "Wow! It's been a long time since you have grown so beautiful, Lu Chen is really blessed!"

"What silly thing to say?"

"I'm telling the truth, not stupid." He grinned silly.

Standing ten meters away, Ouyang Liang coldly looked at the two figures in the distance, his eyes filled with loneliness. It seemed that he had been declared that he was living in another world. At this moment, she was completely without him in her eyes.

The wheel will eventually leave marks after being pressed, and the knife will eventually leave scars. Although they are talking about forgetting the past, there are some things that really exist in the present. Even if the marks disappear one day and the scars fade, we will still remember them.

Is it? Sunset.

"A Liang! You are here too!" Xiao Yuhan spotted Ouyang Liang not far away and immediately ran over with his hand waving.

Ouyang Liang nodded calmly: "Well, come to pick you up. Is the journey smooth?"

"Very good! The food on the plane is not very tasty. I am starving to death now. Come with me for a drink later? How about?"

"no problem."

They were still talking as intimately as before.

Yun Xizhao silently followed behind them, sighing in her heart.

There was no words on the way back, and the silence was always shrouded in this small atmosphere. While driving the car, Ouyang Liang looked into the rearview mirror from time to time and unconsciously, her tired face and Xiao Yuhan's sleepy appearance were reflected in it.

There was a knot in his heart, tangled and entangled, disturbing his original calm mood. The relationship between Ahan and her turned out to be even closer than the relationship between them. This discovery made him very jealous and even angry.

I saw them at the airport just now, and it didn't seem like the relationship of ordinary friends. A Han looked at her eyes, full of dependence, pity, and even longing. After so many years, he still can't forget her.

Thinking of her still being missed by so many people, Ouyang Liang gritted his teeth and let the pain in his heart spread. His originally so proud possessiveness, at this moment, turned out to be so cheap. Lu Chen completely owned her, but her heart refused to give him a corner.

The hearts and minds of so many years, the love of so many years, will never fade in the sculpting of years.

On the empty streets, cars rushed past with exhaust fumes.

Behind him is a large area of neon that never sleeps at night.

You don’t know, why am I staying here

And do you know

Why am I returning here

Xizhao, I have never forgotten you.

there has never been!