Violence Girl is Cute

Chapter 93: The president of the student collective!


Next, the judges scored and all students voted.

The head teacher of each class is responsible for distributing the prostitution to the students, and then take turns to vote in the three boxes in front of the podium in the order of the class. The judges are also intensively scoring and counting the total score.

Yun Xizhao nervously stared at the electronic screen behind the rostrum. Can she succeed? Can the proposal just now impress the students and the judges? Everything depends on the result of a while!

Must succeed!

It will succeed!

The final result was announced by Pandora's principal personally. He came to the microphone with a smile on his face, thanked all the classmates who came to the scene, said a lot of routines, and finally said the most critical word—

"According to the statistics of the campaign scores in all links, and after all the judges' verification and certification, I now solemnly announce that the new student collective president candidate, Senior Sophomore Class A Yun Xizhao was successfully elected!"

"Wow! Congratulations!"

"It was a girl who became the president! It's incredible."

"My God, I lost the bet!"

"Have you made a mistake? Zhou Hexuan would lose to her?"

Standing on the rostrum, Yun Xi looked at not far away. In the base camp of Class A in high school, the whole class was like fried dumplings. They all cheered and cheered, but her eyes only saw one person, Lu Chen. He stood there quietly, as if he had never moved, but his normally indifferent and handsome face finally slowly burst into a warm smile.

She succeeded.

She did it.

And he was like a silent knight, guarding behind his princess, watching her silently, protecting her, and never left.

"Classmate Yun Xizhao, congratulations! I hope you will work harder in the future to make more contributions to the student collective, and plan more lively and interesting activities for the whole school." The principal said routinely and took pictures of the girls. Shoulder, he returned to his seat with satisfaction.

The girl’s proposal is the most suitable for school reform and the most suitable for development trends.

Zhou Hexuan is different from Zhang Feicheng's upset and frustration. He just smiled slightly, put his hands in his pants pockets, and slowly walked to Yun Xizhao's body, looking at her condescendingly: "Congratulations, you did it."

Yun Xizhao raised her head and tried to suppress her inner excitement: "Yes, I did it. Thank you for letting me."

"I didn't let you. This is the result of your own hard work."

She smiled: "I don't believe you haven't thought about the future reform of the student collective society. Today's last assessment should have been your masterpiece, but you gave up."

Zhou Hexuan glanced at her, and suddenly smiled: "You really deserve to be the girl A Liang has fancyed. Don't worry, you won this seat by yourself, and I didn't let you."

The joy of victory and success has not disappeared for a long time.

For a time, Yun Xizhao became the hottest figure in Pandora High School.

Her limelight has even overshadowed the former Zhou Hexuan, Ouyang Liang and others, because in the history of Pandora, no girl has ever become the leader of the student group. But her appearance now represents a huge transformation that Pandora is about to come.


It was another leisurely weekend. After Yun Xizhao reviewed the activity plan submitted by the members of the collective society, she finally stretched her waist and went to the balcony to blow the air.

Ouyang Liang, I don't know what's going on now.

She didn't dare to visit him again, but occasionally heard news of him from La Feng's head.

He has been discharged from the hospital, and was taken to the home by Ouyang and his wife to continue recuperating, sunbathing, reading a book every day, and drinking prescriptions that nourish the body regularly. After two traumas, his physique is no longer as good as before, and he needs a good rest to get better.

All this is because of her existence.

Yun Xizhao felt a pain in her heart and forced herself not to think about him anymore. Between them, it's impossible in this life. She owed him too much, coupled with the intricate misunderstanding, it was very difficult to return to normal friendship.

Suddenly, the phone vibrated slightly, and a new short message came.

"Xizhao, come and help me organize the bookcase."

Yun Xi looked after the short message and smiled knowingly.

When I came to Lu's house next door, godfather and godmother both went to a friend's house. Only Lu Chen was at home. He was working alone in the study, moving out all the densely packed books, using a rag to clean the dust on the cabinet, and then Put the books back one by one.

"How long have you been sorting out by yourself?"

When Lu Chen saw her coming, he smiled softly: "It's been almost an hour, and my arm is really sore."

Yun Xizhao tied her long hair into ponytails, put on her apron, rolled up her sleeves and said with a smile, "Then you take a rest and I will wipe it."

Lu Chen stood sweaty on the small wooden stand, moving his hands constantly, sorting out the dense collection of books on the bookcase, and never forgot to explain: "I don't worry about you standing on the wooden stand. It's too dangerous. You’ll help me wash the rags below. Just wipe three more cabinets and it’s all done."

The girl looked at the beads of sweat on his forehead, her face suddenly turned red, and then she took out the handkerchief she had hidden on her body, and wanted to pass it to him.

Lu Chen looked back and noticed that she was standing next to the wooden stand and saw the white handkerchief in her hand. He suddenly smiled and said, "My Xizhao is quite caring. Then you can do it well, just wipe it for me. .Otherwise, how can I wipe it myself?" As he said, he shook the book in her hand.

The blush of Yun Xizhao's cheeks is more obvious, and there is a snare drum in her heart beating "dangdang". After hesitating for a while, she still stood on her toes and stretched her white hand over his face.

With a smile on Lu Chen's lips, he slowly lowered his head and leaned in the direction of her hand.

At the moment when he was about to touch, the small wooden frame suddenly made a "crack" sound, and then the leg frame broke, and he involuntarily rushed towards her.


The two screamed at the same time.

Then, Yun Xizhao suddenly felt something strange on her back-in order not to crush her, Lu Chen's hands with the book were hugging her tightly, putting his arms under her body!

"Lu Chen!"

She screamed, watching his face close at hand, the high noses of the two touched together, and said anxiously: "Does it hurt? Did it fall somewhere?"

The girl's trembling breath echoed in her ears, soft and soft as if a feather was stroking.

Lu Chen's closed eyes suddenly opened, staring at her in a daze. It's been a long time, and it's been a long time since she felt such an urgent concern for her. His evening photos finally returned to him.

"... Lu Chen, are you okay? Does your arm hurt?"

Lu Chen still looked at her steadily, and in the girl's transparent and clear eyes, he saw himself with a shocked expression on his face.

"I'm okay... How about you? How are you?" He couldn't hear her calling at all in his ears, and he hurriedly asked stupidly.

Yun Xizhao grinned: "I was scared. I thought you hurt when you fell."

Immediately, the two of them looked at each other and laughed out with a "pouch", and he also took the opportunity to let go of his arms, and concealed the embarrassment that had just filled the surroundings without leaving a trace. At the same time, accompanied by laughter, there was a beautiful ringtone.

"Xizhao, your phone rang." Lu Chen touched his nose and said while looking at her.

"... Oh, I'll look for it. Where is the phone..."

As if back to the time when he hadn't broken the relationship before, Yun Xi looked like a panicked little rabbit, rummaging around on her body in a hurry. The heart was beating violently, and his cheeks were almost bleeding.

"What kind of weird ringtone? You can't hear such a soft sound..." Lu Chen frowned, revealing a look of contempt.

Sure enough, as soon as he returned to the usual mode of getting along, he started to hurt her again.

Yun Xizhao rolled her eyes upright, and replied unceremoniously: "What do you know as a musical idiot? This is the best light music, Bandari's tunes, and many film and television dramas use his music as interludes. Forget it, I won’t tell you anymore."

Lu Chen looked at her, narrowed his eyes dangerously, and the corners of his mouth began to twitch: "What did you call me just now? You dare to laugh at me now?"

Yun Xizhao laughed with joy: "Music idiot! Music idiot! Music idiot! Okay, as you wish, I will call you several times so that you can also know yourself clearly. Lu Chen, you have a high IQ and a high talent. It's a pity that no one is perfect, and the tone of the song is not perfect. I don't need to say more..." She took the opportunity to make a face.

Lu Chen took a sigh of relief: "Okay, you can be proud of it. If you can't find math problems in the future, you won't use it to find me again."

Heaven, this can't work!

Yun Xizhao immediately pleaded for mercy, "I'm joking."

"No need to say more."

Humph, silly man!

As soon as she turned on the phone, it turned out that it was another call from a member of the student collective. Since she became the president of the collective society in the last election contest, her time has almost been occupied by studies and clubs, and she can hardly find time to enjoy the rare world of two people. Fortunately, Lu Chen did not complain, and supported her as always, which made her less worried.

Not only the student collective, but even the pupils of the Taekwondo Club make people uneasy.

The two had been busy all afternoon, and finally wiped the inside and outside of the large bookcase of Lu's house clean and translucent. The books were neatly arranged and sorted. Lu Chen touched the dust on Yun Xizhao’s face, full of apologize and gratitude She hugged her: "Xizhao, thank you for your hard work. I spent a good weekend cleaning the bookcases. Would you blame me?"

"What silly thing to say?" She smiled sweetly, "With you, no matter what I do, I don't feel tired."

Lu Chen scraped her nose indifferently: "We find a delicious place that night, how about having a big meal?"

Yun Xizhao said, "But I have to rush to school before half past six. The Taekwondo Club has made an appointment for the training camp tonight, and I can't be absent."

Lu Chen was suddenly disappointed: "I forgot that you are still the president..."

The girl stood up on her tiptoes apologetically, kissed him on the cheek, and whispered, "I'm sorry."


He chuckled and hugged her.