Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 114: Boots of the Wind


On the first day of the official operation of the parallel world, when Gu Fei went online, he was taken aback by the dense crowd around him. It was a dark night in the game when it went online that day, and the entire Mage Academy was full of floating fireballs, which reflected the entire academy in a strange and blurry way. In addition, countless players, men, women, and children indulged in shouting "Sho, Shoot", and the entire Mage Academy It made the atmosphere ambiguous.

It is said that a considerable number of mages were frightened and behaved abnormally that day. Gu Fei suspected that Huoqiu was the most serious of all the symptoms, because Huoqiu had not been online for a full four days after that day. After going online, when Gu Fei talked to him, he always didn't understand what he said, and his obvious thinking didn't slow down.

Too many people. This is the first intuitive feeling brought to people after the official operation. The explosive increase in the number of people has also brought great changes to the game pattern. Trading Street 1, Trading Street 2, and Trading Street 3 continued to pop up, and the plaza in the center of Yunyun City was also turned into a hypermarket. The price of primary equipment experienced a period of price increase before stabilizing after about two weeks. Some guys who received the official operation news in advance and have a business mind have made a lot of money in this wave.

Young Master Han and Brother Yu are one of them. Sword Demon lost nearly two levels of experience before, and has been leveling crazily, but it is said that Mr. Han has his shares in the business, and I believe he has made a lot of money.

But none of these guys are clearly pro gamers. Professional players will try their best to turn the currency in the game into real wealth. After these guys earn these gold coins, they squander them like crazy. Mr. Han was drunk in Xiaolei Tavern for several days in a row. As for how Brother Yu spends money, that's unknown.

Zhan Wushang and Yu Tian Shenming, the two extra members who seemed to be reborn in Amethyst at this time, although they could join Gu Fei, but they couldn't, they always felt aggrieved, but when they saw the two of them mixing with the girls to practice leveling, As if there were more members than Gu Fei, the official member, the two of them had no objections. As soon as the official operation started, Rebirth Amethyst quickly attracted many girls, and the two heroes became even busier. Leading a group of girls out of the city to practice leveling every day, in the eyes of some people, it is also very beautiful.

But Gu Fei, who has always been the most beautiful, seems to be very depressed at this time.

During this period of time, Gu Fei chose to linger at the wanted mission issuing office. This is the only place where you can reasonably PK.

But at the beginning, the gentle atmosphere of Yunyun City didn't make use of Gu Fei to carry out business. There are always a few sparse ones on the list of wanted missions, and they are all eliminated by him in a short while. But just when Gu Fei felt that his enthusiasm was fading, the vigorous official operation also brought Gu Fei an opportunity.

Countless players flood into the game, and countless players need to fight monsters and level up. However, the disadvantage of the disproportionate level of upgrade experience before and after level 30 in the parallel world was revealed at this time.

Back then, Sword Demon could reach level 24 in one day. Even if other players do not have this kind of opportunity and perseverance, it is conceivable that the difficulty of upgrading before level 30 is really not that great. In just a few days, the vast majority of players reached the level of 25-30. As a result, the leveling area in this interval has to carry several times the number of players at once.

Yunjiao Farm was originally an insidious place, but the insidiousness could not solve the problem at all. All the players began to fight openly, and the campaign of grabbing the monster circle continued, and the heads-up group fights formed cliques. Yunjiao Farm is now like a Yunjiao cemetery, with wailing everywhere and blood everywhere.

The most wanted list in the wanted mission distribution office was naturally swished, and Gu Fei was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. After practicing for a while every day, I started to squat here for tasks.

Gu Fei who works here makes other comrades in the mercenary group feel that he is too careless. If you use the wanted mission to level up, the efficiency is too low.

If the targets of the task are all standing at the door of the task issuing place waiting for you to chop, it will definitely be faster than brushing monsters and leveling in the practice area. But the problem is that this is not possible. Most of the time doing this task is wasted on the way back and forth and finding people.

It's a pity that this reasoning doesn't make sense to Gu Fei, and his purpose of doing this task is not for leveling. So he continued to enjoy it.

As expected by several people, Gu Fei, who soared to the first place in the mage experience list because of a quest chain, fell down very seriously on the list. sharp.

However, this situation has changed after two weeks of official operation, and Gu Fei's leveling speed has improved compared to before. A few people thought that Gu Fei's brain had opened up, and later it was mentioned at a party that Gu Fei just showed them one thing.

Wind Chaser Emblem.

The coat of arms has two functions. One is that it can refresh the coordinates of the mission target every minute; the other is that after the mission is completed, it can be directly sent back to the mission release place.

"Where did it come from?" All the masters were surprised. This is definitely a piece of equipment that has never appeared on the market. Players thought that there was no teleportation function in the parallel world game.

"One day when the mission was completed and I went back to claim the reward, the system said that I had successfully completed the wanted mission 100 times, so I gave it." Gu Fei said.

Everyone was amazed. Even so, I am not very envious. Obviously, this thing is only useful in wanted missions. Apart from Gu Fei, which lunatic would do this for a wanted mission? However, thanks to this thing, Gu Fei's speed of gaining experience for the most wanted mission is much faster.

But what Gu Fei showed next made the eyeballs of several people pop out.

Windchaser Boots: Movement +60, movement speed increased by 35%.

"Boots with dual attributes!!" Everyone shouted.

The characters in the parallel world have a maximum movement speed when they are born, such as mages, which are neither high nor low, it is 100. Afterwards, by choosing to add points to agility, the growth of different professions will be calculated to obtain different movement speeds. The growth between the agility and movement speed of a mage is 1, that is, adding 1 point to agility and giving 1 point to movement speed.

The shoes in the parallel world have only one purpose, which is to increase the speed of movement. General shoes have only one attribute. Like movement +60, characters that don't add agility will usually choose this; the other is the movement increase percentage, which is generally used by occupations that add a little agility.

Taking Gu Fei as an example, adding points to all agility, plus the points automatically added at each level, at level 30, the agility is 180, and the movement speed is 180+100=280 points.

At this time, if you choose shoes with a movement speed of 35%, the movement can be increased by 98 points, which is obviously better than a pair of shoes with a movement speed of +60.

But if it is a normal mage without agility, the movement speed at level 30 is 130, then since it is a shoe that increases movement speed by 35%, it can only increase by 45 points, so it is better to choose a pair of shoes that increase movement speed by 60 .

For Gu Fei's pair of wind chasing boots, movement +60 can only be regarded as a general attribute, but the 35% bonus is quite high among the bonus shoes that have appeared so far. But right now these two attributes appear on a pair of shoes, none of the masters here have ever seen one more powerful than this pair.

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"Where did this come from?" Several people gasped. The teleportation function of the Windchaser Emblem surprised a few people, but other than that it was a laughing stock. These boots are different, especially for Sword Demon and Yutian Shenming.

Gu Fei smiled: "It was also when I handed in that mission, in addition to the reward just now, I also gave this pair of boots, saying that the wanted mission has been successfully completed 100 times in a row."

"Successful 100 times in a row!" Several people murmured. This requirement is significantly more demanding than the previous 100 times. There are too many conditions for the failure of the wanted mission. If the wanted mission fails, you will be K. This is of course the most embarrassing failure. In addition, the system will ruthlessly regard the target as your failure if someone catches the target first, or the target's PK value is wiped out by time, or he suddenly changes his mind and turns himself in to jail.

However, with such an excellent reward as the Windchaser Boots, it is hard not to be tempted.

Yu Tian Shenming obviously loves these boots the most, hesitated for a moment and finally said: "Qianli, lend me the Wind Chaser Emblem, and I will also brush a pair of boots."

Gu Fei was so happy that he gave the coat of arms to Yu Tian Shenming without even thinking about it: "Take it, I just plan to rush to the next level recently, I heard that there will be a job transfer task at level 40?"

It has been a month since the official operation. Experts like Mr. Han and the others, who have always been at the forefront, have broken through the 40 mark for a while, and the vast majority of players are in the process of hitting the 40th level. Gu Fei went to play some wanted missions because he was willing to degenerate, and fell from the top of the previous level list to the middle. Later, he got the wind chasing emblem to improve his efficiency, so he maintained no decline. After all, Gu Feiyue has the advantage of killing monsters and leveling at level 20 that no one else has. Relying on this for two hours a day is several times more efficient than others. If it wasn't for this advantage, Gu Fei would definitely lose his position in the mid-stream by relying on the wanted mission alone.

"Yes, yes, what do you want to travel thousands of miles? Water? Or electricity?" Yutian Shenming asked.

Gu Fei was stunned: "Still can only be a mage? Can't I turn into a mage?" At level 40, a mage can be transferred to a water type mage or an electric type mage. But Gu Fei understood the literal meaning of job change, thinking it was an opportunity to change jobs. I have patronized the study of two advanced fighters, boxers and qigong masters.

Brother Yu patted him: "Changing jobs is just a branch of this job, it's not for you to change jobs."

"That's it!" Gu Fei looked disappointed, "Then let me study it further, have you all turned yet?"

There are six members of the mercenary group, except for Gu Fei who is still at level 39, everyone else has arrived. Even Sword Demon, who had lost two levels of experience, reached 40 yesterday.

"Not yet, we're all researching." Brother Yu said.
