Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 30: June rain


"Get out of the way!" The heavily armored soldier with the ax was also in a hurry, and raised his leg to give Fireball a kick.

It was probably because he had been wrestling with Gu Fei for too long just now, and now his kick was neither light nor heavy. What kind of skill is Fireball, can it compare with Gu Fei? He was kicked five meters away on the spot and turned over twice.

Fireball lying on the ground raised his eyelids at last, and said something very spineless: "Damn it, beauty!"

The girl lowered her body, her armor still rattling. Without saying a word, he picked up the bandage that Huoqiu dropped by mistake just now, and wrapped it around Gu Fei's wound, his hands and feet were very nimble.

"Hello!" Gu Fei called softly.

"What are you doing?" The girl stared.

"I mean, can you apply the medicine first, and then wrap the hemostatic bandage. What do you think?" Gu Fei said.

"Oops!" The girl cried out, "swish swish" a few times and wrapped the bandage back, picked up the medicine bottle on the ground, and splashed it on the wound on Gu Fei's body.

Gu Fei was really powerless. Forget about Xindao, it's just a game anyway, without so much hygiene knowledge, there won't be any sequelae! He didn't say anything at the moment, letting the other party manipulate him.

After sprinkling medicine and wrapping a bandage, the bleeding stopped quickly, and life stopped falling. After a few recovery spells, Gu Fei has already stood up again. My back was no longer sore, and my back was no longer hurting, but the fireball five meters behind me fell on the ground, straightened my neck and shouted: "Help me..."

Gu Fei reluctantly went over to help him, but as soon as he squatted down, Fireball leaned over and whispered, "Brother Drunk, leave me alone, I'll wait for the beauty to come and help me!"

Gu Fei is so angry! Ben had already helped him halfway up, and immediately threw him back to the ground, got up and walked back.

The two girls were very strange, looked at the fireball, and asked Gu Fei: "What's wrong?"

"He is already dead." Gu Fei said.

The two girls glanced at the fireball, but they didn't speak at all. The surrounding audience watched the fight and the fight was over, and the next scene may be to turn the fight into a jade silk. No one was interested in this kind of bridge break, and immediately dispersed.

"Go in and sit down!" Luoluo motioned for the two to enter the bar.

Gu Fei motioned for the two ladies to go first, and before he finally entered the door, he glanced at the fireball expressionlessly.

Boss Fireball got bored, got up from the ground in disgrace, and quickly chased after him.

The guests in the bar were seated again, Luoluo sat side by side with the girl at one end of a small round table for four, Gu Fei waited for the fireball to come over, and then went in side by side with him.

At the table, the warrior girl was taking off her armor. The helmet was taken off and stuffed into the pocket; the giant ax was stuffed into the pocket; a full set of armor was taken off and stuffed into the pocket. It's quite a weird scene, but fortunately, everyone is already familiar with the game settings, so they won't be surprised by it.

The girl who took off her armor was dressed in the cheapest gray cloth peasant clothes sold in clothing stores. His long hair was messed up by the helmet he had just taken off, coupled with the sweat on his face from the battle just now, at first glance, he looked like a beggar gang disciple.

The girl tidied up, and when she looked up, she saw Gu Fei and Huoqiu sitting down. "Hey, aren't you dead?" The girl looked at the fireball in surprise.

I rely on! This girl is so stupid! The corner of Gu Fei's mouth twitched a few times, and he said casually, "This is very close to the resurrection point."

"Is there a resurrection point near here?" The girl thought hard.

No one explained to her, Luo Luo glanced at her and Gu Fei and asked, "What's going on with you two?"

Gu Fei smiled wryly. After saying this, Fireball burst out laughing on the spot.

That Luoluo is worthy of being a model of a lady, she resolutely holds high the banner of smiling without showing her teeth. It's just that the upper and lower lips are completely out of control at this time, so I can only cover my mouth with one hand, and smile hoarsely with my head turned to one side.

"Hey, is it funny?" The girl patted the table.

"It's nothing." Gu Fei said solemnly, "I pass by there every day, and this kind of misunderstanding has happened countless times!"

"That's right, even just now, I didn't run over alone! What are you laughing at!" the girl said angrily.

"Don't smile, don't smile." Luoluo said, put her hands down from her mouth, and sat upright with a smile on her face. Only Huoqiu was the most unpromising, and he forced himself to laugh, making his whole body tremble, and the table was about to be overturned by him.

Seeing that Gu Fei didn't show a look of ridicule at all, the girl's last bit of complaints about the instigator finally vanished, and she said to Gu Fei, "My name is June's Yu, how about you?"

"Thousand Miles Drunk." Gu Fei said.

"What about you?" June Yu looked at Fireball again, sitting on the same table, so I still have to ask.

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When someone asked his name, Fireball's smiling face disappeared, and he cried again.

Luoluo smiled: "His name is Huoqiu."

"The fireball is the fireball, why are you crying!" June's Yu was surprised.

"I'm a mage." Fireball cried sadly.

"So what?" June Rain said.

Gu Fei shook his head, these two guys were a little silly. The rain in June couldn't understand the inconvenience of the name Fireball, and it still couldn't respond to the mention of Mage in Fireball, which was so stupid that it was convincing. As for Fireball, there is no logic at all. People asked him "what's wrong with Fireball", and he said "he is a mage". There is no connection between the two! The inconvenience caused by his name is only for the mages around him who need to call him by his name, such as Gu Fei, and it has nothing to do with whether he himself is a mage or not. He will also call himself failed.

June's Rain didn't understand what the fireball's name was, and he didn't think too much about it, so his attention returned to Gu Fei: "I seem to have seen your name somewhere before!"

"Really?" Gu Fei smiled, he thought of the legendary second place in the leveling efficiency list.

"That's right!" Jun Yu suddenly slapped the table and stood up, "You are the guy who sneaked into our guild."

Gu Fei subconsciously turned over the meeting panel and glanced at it. Sure enough, I saw the name of June's Yu, who was at the same level as me at level 30, but the position was lower than my own. When Gu Fei looked at the guild panel that day, he was quickly stunned by a column of "women", and he didn't pay much attention to the names of the members inside. He didn't watch it again after that, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Xiao Yu, don't say that, it was also a misunderstanding." Luo Luo explained for Gu Fei.

"Really?" Rain in June looked at Gu Fei, "Is it really a misunderstanding? Even if it was a misunderstanding, it's already started to have bad intentions, right?" Rain in June, apart from other things, has quite a lot of experience in online games. abundant. Judging by her obsession with hidden missions, it can be seen that this guy is very keen on online games.

There have always been more men than women in online games, and male players wish they could attack a female player directly. It's just that the ladyboys in online games used to go everywhere, which made most male players have to be cautious and hold back. Nowadays, in the "parallel world", not to mention that shemales are eliminated directly, even their appearances are real. What's more, in this real simulation system, there is no need to say something that is tacit. As a result, within 24 hours, the entire Cloud City was full of male players accosting female players.

Against this background, a professional girl group like Rebirth Amethyst is guaranteed to be a place where male players want to drill their heads. The rain in June is not good in other aspects, but it is clear about every bit of the game.

Regarding her doubts, Gu Fei just smiled and didn't say a word.

"I can't control others. I just remind you not to think about me. To tell you the truth, I'm gay and I'm not interested in men." June Yu said.

"Really?" Gu Fei held back his laughter, this girl's lie was really lame, it's hard to understand how she came up with it. "In this case, you can just treat me as your buddy!" Gu Fei said.

"No problem!" The girl nodded solemnly, and stretched out a hand to Gu Fei: "Shake hands."

Gu Fei didn't think too much, and immediately stretched out his hand.

Depend on! Clasping both hands, Gu Fei immediately shouted in his heart. Violent fighters of MLGB! Gu Fei spat out obscenities in his heart, he was so depressed that he couldn't help himself. Jun Yu's paw was grasped, and he used all his strength without reservation. Gu Fei's weak strength was completely unable to compete with him.

However, pain is one thing, and whether it can be tolerated is another. Gu Fei's hand was firmly clamped by the opponent, cursing in his heart, but his face didn't change at all.

"What? Don't you feel pain?" June Yu asked strangely.

"Of course it hurts." Gu Fei said.

"Then why don't you seem to be responding?"

Gu Fei smiled faintly: "Men!"

"Okay, stop messing around!" Luo Luo on the side didn't realize what happened this time, she knew it after hearing the conversation between the two, and hurried up to separate the two.

"Xiaoqi has news." Luoluo said to the two of them.

"What's the matter?" June Rain asked.

"It seems to have received a guild mission and told everyone online to go back to the meeting," Luoluo said.

"Mission? What mission?" The rain in June stood up excitedly as soon as she heard the mission. She was truly a taskaholic.

"Go back and have a look." Luoluo stood up and walked towards the door with her. The rain in June rushed to the door, and when he suddenly turned around, he saw Gu Fei who was still sitting still on his seat: "Hey, why are you still sitting there?"

"What? Am I going too?" Gu Fei was surprised.

"Nonsense, you are now a member of our guild!"

"Just go!" Gu Fei thought that there was nothing wrong with him, and immediately stood up. It suddenly occurred to him that Huoqiu was the one who asked him to come here, and he didn't say whether he had any serious business, so he immediately looked back at Huoqiu: "Are you okay?"

Huoqiu looked a bit lonely, shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Brother Zui, go!"

Gu Fei nodded, but Huoqiu saw that the two girls had turned around, and immediately flew closer to him: "I have something good to take care of!"

Gu Fei smiled: "It is necessary."

Followed the two girls out the door and walked towards the street where the Rebirth Amethyst Guild was located. The three of them were speechless all the way, and suddenly, that June Rain laughed loudly, shaking his head back and forth.

"What's wrong?" Gu Fei and Luo Luo were surprised.

"That person...that person's name is Huoqiu...hahahaha! I really laughed to death." June's rain laughed so hard that tears almost came down.

What kind of brain is this! Gu Fei was filled with emotion. (to be continued)