Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 7: No change, no change


At this time, Sword Demon's mentality is completely different compared to Gu Fei's. Just now three times in succession, he was so shocked that he broke out in cold sweat. Especially the last move, it was completely subconsciously protecting himself that helped him block this move.

The opponent is a mage, and he is a thief. It should have been him who tried every means to get close to the opponent, but the opponent tried every means to keep a distance from him and attack with long-range spells.

But now, it turned out that the mage was wielding a dagger and came to kill the thief. As a result, after receiving three blows at close range, the thief avoided it and dared not go forward. No matter how rich Sword Demon's experience in online games is, he never imagined that one day he would experience such a scene. At first, he was quite scruples about the mage's elementary magic fireball, regardless of its low level, but if he was really hit by a fireball, the damage would be worth two or three slashes. As a result, he didn't use spells at all, so he gave himself two or three hits with a knife. This is too unreliable!

The two sides were at a stalemate, and no one moved forward easily.

Sword Demon quickly calculated tactics. He didn't have any long-range attacks yet, and if he wanted to knock down the opponent, he had to get close, but when he thought of getting close, cold sweat broke out on Sword Demon's forehead again.

"Fireball..." Gu Fei suddenly spoke towards the crowd, but suddenly, a fireball ignited in front of him.

Oops. I was so concerned about that guy's melee combat ability that I forgot that he was a mage after all. As soon as Sword Demon saw the fireball, before the opponent sent it out, he had already started to move irregularly in an S shape. He had already seen mages cast fireballs in the game. After the fireball is shot, it will track the target in a short time and within a very small range. As long as it does not get hit or run out of range during this time, it is successfully avoided.

The Sword Demon writhed crazily in the open space among the crowd, just waiting for Gu Fei to say the word "shoot". Unexpectedly, Gu Fei looked at the fireball in front of him in a daze, then muttered, "I'm not calling you, I'm calling that fireball."

"Suddenly" a sound. The first fireball went out, but a second one ignited right after. Sword Demon's twisting became even crazier. But Gu Fei's fireball still didn't shoot out for a long time, and he stood there in a daze, and within a moment, the fireball extinguished by itself.

You have to worry about his fireball from a distance, and you can't gain the upper hand in close combat. How can you fight this? There's no way, that's the only way to go! The Sword Demon thought that Gu Fei repeatedly ignited the fireballs to restrain his actions, and before Gu Fei ignited the third one, he also used his special skills, and saw that the figure of the Sword Demon gradually became thinner like a mist, In a blink of an eye, he disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Latent!!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

Stealth is definitely the trump card ability of the rogue class, which should come as no surprise. What surprised everyone was that lurking was a skill that thieves could only learn at level 24. Although they knew that the sword ghost's level must be higher than theirs, they didn't expect it to be so much higher. It is indeed the number one player in the online game world. Just now, the people who were worried about the sword ghost being repelled by Gu Fei's three strokes were full of confidence in a blink of an eye.

In the world of online games, levels can best explain everything. Level 24 vs. Level 10, with such a disparity, you don't even need to fight!

Sword Demon disappeared from everyone's eyes. He hid in a certain position on the field, paying attention to Gu Fei's actions.

Sword Demon didn't use Lurking right away, all because of the Mage's sixth-level skill: Resist Ring of Fire.

The characteristic of lurking is that it will show up immediately once it makes an attack or is attacked. Although the attack of resisting the fire ring is small, its range is slightly farther than that of being completely close. So thieves can't get close quietly when mages use resist fireballs.

Of course, resisting fireballs also has weaknesses. It has skill time and freezing time, and the time difference between the two times makes it impossible for the mage to ensure that he is always wearing the ring of resistance fire. In this time difference, it is a good opportunity to launch a latent close-up sneak attack.

Sword Demon calculated two points based on his own experience. First, the junior mage PK will open the fire ring of resistance as soon as he comes up; second, the opponent must not have thought that he has mastered the skill lurking that can only be possessed by a thief at level 24. Therefore, his original plan was to wait for Gu Fei to consume the ring of resistance to fire, then he would lurk close and kill him with one blow.

But it now appears that both of his inferences were wrong. Gu Fei didn't activate the ring of fire resistance; nor did he show the slightest surprise at his lurking. In addition, this mage's melee ability is more terrifying than that of a thief, which is beyond the imagination of the sword ghost without personal experience.

Forced by the situation, Sword Demon could only use his ambush at this moment. He believed that after seeing that he used lurking, the mage would immediately open the ring of fire resistance no matter what. But my lurking time is three seconds longer than the time of resisting the fire ring. I will approach first, and after the resistance to the fireball cools down, I will use these three seconds to approach and kill the opponent. Unless... The opponent's fire ring of resistance has been raised, and the time is longer than his own latency. But this kind of possibility can be said to not exist. For a level 10 character, neither time nor money will allow him to upgrade any skill level.

Through the understanding of the game, accurate calculations, and the formulation of the best battle plan, this is the style of online games that Sword Demon has always had. Even if the opponent is only a tenth-level mage, he will not underestimate it at all.

Unfortunately, this time he judged wrong again.

Gu Fei still didn't open the resisting fire ring, nor did he wander around the field to avoid enemies he couldn't see, he still stood motionless.

"Could it be that he hasn't learned how to resist the ring of fire? Or is he really a rookie who can't get any better?" Sword Demon was in doubt, but he couldn't miss the opportunity. He quickly approached Gu Fei and predicted that Gu Fei Several routes are possible.

Gu Fei didn't move, not even a finger. Sword Demon even wondered if he had to put himself in front of him and blow on his face, so that he would have a sense of crisis

In a blink of an eye, the sword ghost had already arrived behind Gu Fei, but Gu Fei still didn't respond. Sword Demon has no time to think about it anymore, his latency time is coming soon, he is ready to use the strongest attack he has so far, the thief's level 18 skill: backstab.

Hence the name Siyi, this move should be performed behind the target. Can cause 200%+40 damage under normal circumstances. Although the hidden effect of the skill will disappear for a moment, and the exclamation of the people around will remind Gu Fei, but at that time, his dagger must have pierced his back. There is a difference of fourteen levels. The thief's backstab against the mage can't think of any other ending except killing the sword ghost in seconds.

Among the onlookers, no one understood the changes on the field, and no one knew that the sword ghost had already posted behind Gu Fei at this time.

But at this moment, Gu Fei suddenly turned around, and quickly stretched out his left hand. The onlookers couldn't help but let out incomprehensible exclamations. But immediately after, the figure of the sword ghost suddenly appeared in the air. His outstretched right hand was holding the dagger tightly, but the right wrist was firmly held by Gu Fei's left hand.

The images in people's minds were frozen at this moment, but the field did not stop changing.

Gu Fei's left hand pressed and twisted quickly, the sword ghost's wrist hurt, and his fingers became weak. With his palm open, the dagger fell from his hand. Gu Fei bent his right hand to fish, loosened and tightened his fingers, and while throwing down the small hand-cutting knife in his hand, he caught the Sword Demon's dagger at the same time. Following the area around the left hand, Sword Demon's right arm was bent behind him, Gu Fei had already rushed over, and with a lift of his right hand, the dagger lay across Sword Demon's neck.

These few blows by Gu Fei caused the rabbits to rise and fall, and when the people around them reacted, the Sword Demon was completely restrained by Gu Fei.

The knife rests on the neck. But this is an online game, and no one knows whether this situation is threatening; but anyone with long eyes can finally tell the difference between the outcome of this contest.

"Ah! Beautiful!!!" It was Fireball who made a sound suddenly. Thinking that once Gu Fei loses, he will be the next target to be dealt with by the other party, he is not less frightened. At this time, seeing Gu Fei won the beauty, his spirits were greatly lifted, and he rushed out of the crowd clapping his hands and came to the two of them. He patted the sword ghost and said, "You are level 24, right? You got fucked by a level 10 mage, are you convinced? Hahaha!" Huoqiu looked complacent, as if he had defeated the sword ghost.

Sword Ghost's face was ashen, he was very convinced of the defeat. Even lurking behind and backstabbing, he was given such a chance, but he was still taken down, what is there to be unconvinced? For a level 25 thief, that's all the tricks he can play. Who the hell is this guy? Looking at the moves he uses, they are not skills that come with the game at all!

Convincing doesn't mean losing happily, Sword Demon has all senses in his heart right now. In addition to doubts about Gu Fei's skill, there is also regret for himself. Thinking about being the number one player in online games back then, and now being defeated by a mage who is 15 levels behind him, is everything he used to be really a thing of the past

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly loosened his back, and Gu Fei had already let him go. Sword Demon turned around, took two steps back, and looked at Gu Fei: "What's your name?"

"Thousand Miles Drunk!" Gu Fei replied.

"Very good. I will come to you again!" Sword Demon said.

Gu Fei smiled and nodded. The Sword Demon turned to leave, but Gu Fei suddenly called him back: "Wait, your dagger." He said and threw it towards the Sword Demon.

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Sword Demon stretched out his hand to catch it, but was startled. His dagger is called Frost Memory. In addition to the damage, it also comes with 25 points of agility, a 30% chance of a fatal blow, and a 10% chance of level 3 freezing damage. It was caused by the sword ghost accidentally using the terrain card monsters in the forest to consume a boss of an unknown level. Among the weapons announced on the official website at present, none of the attributes exceeds it. Sword Demon's face was ashen after losing, half of the reason was because the dagger fell into Gu Fei's hands.

But at this moment Gu Fei threw it back into his hand, and the sword ghost held it tightly, he couldn't believe it was real. Nowadays, online games are filled with a large number of RMB fighters. This kind of top-notch can easily sell for a few months' wages of ordinary people, but this kid in front of him, he doesn't understand, or what's going on

Sword Demon couldn't figure it out, and didn't know what to say. He could only nod to Gu Fei, thanked him, and turned to leave. (to be continued)