Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 93: Wash PK


It didn't take long to receive the task, the coordinates had already been displayed, Gu Fei walked quickly on the street with his head held high, and he naturally became a weather vane again, wherever he went, the people in the past would be defeated. Gu Fei was quite depressed, he was such an amiable person, and now the people in Moonlight City saw him as if they were seeing the Demon King. Don't look at Mu Yun's group of boys who seem to be kind to themselves, but there is also a layer of chill hiding in their hearts.

So far, it is unclear how the battle was fought. The Young Master Elite Group said it was to help Gu Fei out of trouble, but when the total number of the two forces was counted, a thousand people were directly dragged into the water. Gu Fei was a little ashamed when he thought about it. Desperate myself.

But looking at it now, Gu Fei felt that he was thinking deeply. Helping Gu Fei out of trouble was just the idea of a few guys from the Young Master's elite group. Dusk in the Cloud and the others mainly acted when they saw the rare opportunity at the moment. On the contrary, it is the past. If they know that the real reason for this cruel blow is only because of 27149, they will definitely stay up all night regretting it.

What is a small loss? That's called.

While thinking about this stupid thing, Gu Fei moved towards the coordinates. After a while, he arrived at the Warrior Camp. The coordinates have always been here, and he has never moved.

The soldiers' camp was extremely lively at this time, and it was supplemented by heavy troops from the "Down with the Former Legion".

Obviously, the most powerful profession under Yinyue's "King's Order" is warriors. Yun Zhongmu and the others couldn't find where Yinyue went for a while, so they had to set the former soldiers as the priority targets for massacres, and the streets were full of people. hunt down. Furthermore, a large number of mages were hoarded outside the warrior camp, and the policy of suppressing the resurrection point remained unwavering.

If you really want to control all the soldiers, then Yinyue won't be so scary even if she holds the King's Sword. This method, uh, seems to be called dredging from the bottom.

As soon as Gu Fei showed his face at this moment, everyone immediately stood in awe. To say that those who admire Gu Fei the most are of course the players who are also mages. In their minds, Gu Fei is like a god.

"How can this guy's magic attack be so high? There must be some untold secret." The mages thought to themselves.

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If it were someone else, after being amazed, it would be inevitable to ponder sourly: "MB's mage profession is too perverted, if I had known I would also be a mage..."

"Hello, everyone!" Gu Fei waved to everyone, and walked towards the gate of the soldiers' camp with his head on. The coordinates showed that the target was inside the camp.

The camp is very lively, there are a large number of soldiers piled up, all of them are from the past, and they are stuck in the camp at this time, waiting for their own team members to rescue them!

Seeing this, Gu Fei felt relieved. Before that, he was still a little worried that if he got the people from Yun Zhongmu's side, whether he would do it or not. At this moment, seeing that it was from the past, I suddenly felt relieved.

Stepping into the safe zone, the former fighters looked at each other in blank dismay, and couldn't help but backed away. They were once "ordered by the king" by Yinyue, and they were not afraid of anything, but Gu Fei defeated them with a fire wheel from the sky.

When Gu Fei saw that his target was in the crowd, without saying a word, he raised his sword and shouted: "Fire wheels from the sky!"

"Ah!!" All the soldiers fled in all directions, showing how terrifying the shadow was—they even forgot that this was a safe zone.

A smile flashed across the corner of Gu Fei's mouth, and he quickly chased after his target, raising his sword and dropping it.

At this time, the soldiers had realized that this was a safe zone, and were about to make a statement, when they saw Gu Fei stabbing one of his comrades across the face. Everyone was at a loss again: Is this a safe zone

Naturally, that warrior wouldn't fail to fight back. He wanted to fight back twice with the huge sword in his hand, but who was afraid of Gu Fei single-handedly? Three times, five times and two times, a living warrior had already fallen at his feet. With a sound of "bang", a white light lit up, and the warrior disappeared.

Everyone was shocked: It was really terrible! This murderer didn't even resurrect at the resurrection point. Where did he get killed? Could it be that this guy has killed and killed the data of the system gods

The 7-point PK value would disappear so soon, Gu Fei couldn't help but laugh from ear to ear. This efficiency is too high. Gu Fei thought, and left the warrior camp without looking back. Leaving a bunch of former fighters here in fear. It is undeniable that after such a PK battle, everyone was a little nervous. For a while, no one came back to fight back. The soldier was sent to prison by Gu Fei's PK value washing. Everyone held the same idea: Where did the dead go

Someone sent a message to the soldier, but to no avail.

There is a lot of discussion, and people are panicking...

What was even more frightening was that Gu Fei had not been away for a long time, but suddenly came back again.

Gu Fei also had surprise on his face. He went to pick up another 6-point PK mission, but he didn't expect it to be here again.

"Fire wheels from the sky!" Gu Fei raised his sword and shouted.

No one was fooled this time, and everyone stood still with their eyes firmly set.

The fire wheel suddenly appeared above everyone's heads, but the soldiers' eyes remained firm.

"Surrender!" Seeing that no one was hiding this time, Gu Fei didn't care, and issued an order.

The soldiers continued to look up firmly, but the fire wheel really came down. The soldiers cried and wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

The safe zone can chant and summon spells, but the attack designation should be invalid. What is going on now

The fire wheel fell, smashing everyone into a frenzy, but strangely, everyone was safe and sound.

Everyone was wondering, suddenly someone exclaimed: "Who is that? Who is missing?"

Everyone quickly examined their surroundings and found that a companion was missing!

The psychological shock of the former fighters has reached the limit, as can be seen from their words, they are no longer saying "dead" or "hanging", but directly saying "disappeared".

All of them had dead gray faces, and they looked at each other, and suddenly someone yelled strangely: "Ah!"

"What's wrong?" Everyone was terrified.

"27149 is gone too!" the man shouted.

"Fuck you, he walked out of the gate." Everyone scolded.

"What's going on, where did this person go?" Everyone discussed urgently.

"It's a bug, contact the GM!" Someone suggested. So a bunch of people contacted the online GM one after another.

The online GM in the parallel world has the same style as ordinary online games. First, he dislikes the inaccurate information description of everyone, so that everyone can think clearly before starting. Everyone thought it through, wrote it in detail, and then sent it again. The online GM said that you just asked me, so come back in a few minutes.

Everyone waited anxiously for a few minutes and went to the GM. The GM said that you will wait a few minutes...

After everyone managed to survive these few minutes and was about to send a message, Gu Fei came back first.

"Fire wheels from the sky!" Gu Fei shouted after entering the door.

Everyone was stuck there, with a look of bewilderment.

The steamer appeared, and this time no one stood still, and everyone ran in all directions. So Gu Fei didn't shout "Surrender", he caught up with the other with his sword, and slashed at him. The others just watched so stupidly, and a soldier "disappeared" again.

Gu Fei was very surprised, why didn't this group of people come up to help? If the former people have received the 27149 mission, they can also attack themselves in the safe zone!

How did Gu Fei know that in the eyes of former players, 27149 is no longer a mission number. When they saw someone appearing with the serial number 27149, their thoughts were not "Ah! The mission objective, it can be considered found!", but "Fuck, monster, dodge!".

After eliminating this warrior, Gu Fei's PK value has dropped to 10, one 7, two 6s, 19 points disappeared in an instant. Gu Fei happily left, leaving a group of soldiers trembling in the camp.

Why is it here every time I receive a mission? Gu Fei was puzzled and could only attribute it to his own character.

In fact, the three fighters that Gu Fei killed successively were all members of the elite fighter squad that followed Yinyue to sweep around. They assaulted the archer shooting range, followed by capturing the knight camp, and then surrounded and suppressed the warrior camp, and finally they were the main force to break up Dusk Cloud's formation outside the Mage Academy. It wasn't until Gu Fei appeared to turn the situation around that he died.

They are the squad that has experienced the most battles in today's war. Coupled with the fact that he has always been invincible and invincible, he has naturally accumulated a higher PK value than the others on the battlefield. At this moment, it is finally cheaper for Gu Fei.

When Gu Fei led the mission and returned for the fourth time, these guys finally realized what was going on.

Now Gu Fei didn't look so scary anymore. Although the spell is still powerful, the problem is that he can't hurt anyone except his mission target.

"If you try to sacrifice one more person, you have to surround this guy and beat him hard!" The soldiers gritted their teeth.

The abacus is drawn very well, but the calculation of man is not as good as the calculation of heaven. They never expected that Gu Fei didn't even bother to enter the gate this time, and stood directly outside the camp, shouting at their swarming soldiers: "Fire wheels from the sky!"

The soldiers were angry.

In fact, no matter the people from Qianchen or Yun Zhongmu and the others, they are all of the same kind. It is a group of violent elements who love PK. They are all passionate and heroic. If you really want to say that you are afraid of death, neither of them is.

At this time, Gu Fei's casual attitude when singing made everyone's anger rise rapidly.

"Desperately, I want to go up and kick this guy!" Everyone was pregnant with this idea by coincidence, so they swarmed towards Gu Fei who was outside the door.

Gu Fei was taken aback. He didn't expect that the group of guys who had been dazed all this time suddenly reacted violently, and hurriedly retreated.

All the soldiers rushed out of the safe zone, and then heard countless "fire wheels from the sky". It came faster than Gu Fei's, and the fire was stronger than Gu Fei's - the mages outside the safe zone shot together.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, and all the soldiers returned from the door to the door.

Before he could react, the sound of sword wind rang again in his ears. Looking back, a soldier had disappeared under Gu Fei's sword.

"4 o'clock left!" Gu Fei muttered and ran away.
