Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 98: Spell proficiency


Yutian Shenming regretted it very much, really regretted it.

He thought that his mage skills were unparalleled in the world, and it would be unfair competition to use mages to play online games with others, so he gave up the mage profession without hesitation in the "parallel world" this time. Even ignoring that choosing a mage under holographic simulation is a brand new experience. This used to make him feel regretful, but it was far less intense than the current feeling.

At this moment, he was about to assist Gu Fei in the research of a new subject. Many characteristics, operations, and skills of mages came to mind, and he had naturally conceived many new fighting methods for mages. The fire in Yutian Shenming's heart had been extinguished and started to burn again, and it became more and more intense and vigorous. Until the dancing flames spell out the word "regret".

"My career as a sorcerer is not yet complete!" Yu Tian Shenming yelled in the practice area at the top of his voice.

The players who heard the reputation all showed surprise eyes: What kind of career is this archer called a mage

"Is there a need to be so excited?" Gu Fei was at a loss. Just like other people don't understand kung fu, sometimes he also can't understand the mentality of these online game players, the same is true for Sword Demon, and the same is true for Yutian Shenming.

"Okay, okay! Let's get started!" Yutian Shenming was even more excited than Gu Fei at this time.

Gu Fei nodded.

Yutian Shenming first made a theoretical summary: "The current level 30 mages have skill trees of level 0 fireball, level 6 resistance to fire ring, level 12 spell proficiency, level 18 double flame flash, level 24 fire wheel from the sky and level 30 skill tree. A level Lianju fireball. Spell mastery is a passive skill, don’t worry about it, the ones that can be used in battle are the other five.”

Gu Fei nodded. His "Moon Night Spirit Robe" has the attribute of "Spell Proficiency +1". At that time, he didn't quite understand it. He wanted to ask Hongchen Yixiao for advice, but the other party didn't come to answer something. Later, after learning all the skills in the Mage Academy, I read the explanation of the skill of spell proficiency, and I roughly understood it.

The passive skill spell proficiency has two effects, one is to strengthen the magic factor of the character, and the other is to increase the percentage of spell damage.

Unlike other skills, this passive skill shows skill level, not proficiency. It is level 1 at the beginning, and the coefficient of strengthening law and magic damage are 6% each. Players can only go to the academy to upgrade their skills after reaching a certain level. Since Gu Fei only learned spell proficiency at level 31, it was displayed as level 3 when he first came up, with 18% increased spell coefficient and spell damage.

And "Moon Night Spirit Robe" is displayed as "Spell Mastery +1", Gu Fei guessed that the level of the skill Mastery of Magic should be raised. Let Gu Fei's spell damage be further improved. Coupled with the high magic damage of the Dark Sword and Flowing Light Sword, Gu Fei's 0 proficient Skyfall Fire Wheel instantly lost the former warriors who were enjoying the "King's Command".

And the passive skill "XX Mastery" is not unique to mages. Rogue's "dagger proficiency", archer's "bow and crossbow proficiency", etc., respectively determine the specialty of each profession. Therefore, although each profession does not require the use of a certain weapon, it has its own specialties.

This is something that any ordinary player has already learned. Only those who haven't learned all of Gu Fei's skills, and haven't got a lot of information about the game will know at this moment.

Yu Tian Shenming continued to say at this time: "Resisting the ring of fire is a defensive skill. Originally, mages would try to keep a distance from others to fight. This skill is relatively weak. But if it is used in close combat, this skill will be more useful. Although the damage is not high, it is a continuous skill. If you can keep your people sticking to me like the knife sticking to me just now, using this skill may consume me to death. I have to calculate the specifics. Are you proficient now? How many?"

"Zero..." Gu Fei said.

"Damn!" Yutian Shenming rolled his eyes, "The burn won't kill him, too little proficiency and too little damage, you can use it more when you have nothing to do, there is no other shortcut to burn skills."

Gu Fei nodded.

"However, during the duration of the skill, how do you persist until the opponent is burned to death without being hacked to death by the opponent? This is very difficult." Yutian Shenming said.

"Increase your agility and make your body more flexible." Gu Fei said.

Yu Tian Shenming was speechless for a moment. If it is an online game in the past, the system will calculate whether the attack dodge is MISS, and adding points and equipment can solve everything. But in the "parallel world", actions such as attack dodging need to be completed by the player himself, and whether it misses or not is entirely determined by the player's own reaction. Players with fast reactions also need to add points accordingly to make fast enough dodging actions, which becomes the purpose of adding points. So in the "parallel world", there are no hit and avoid attributes in the character data. In the game's disgusting slogan, this is called "the initiative is in your hands".

Simple in theory, but it takes a long time for players to adapt. I believe that when this game is played, all gamers will become experts in fighting, and each has their own specialties.

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Of course, these are things for later, and most players are still in the adaptation stage. "Increase agility and make your skills more flexible", this kind of words made Yu Tian Shenming sound like empty talk of theory.

Seeing the disdain on Yutian Shenming's face, Gu Fei didn't explain, moved his body and said, "Let me demonstrate to you."


Gu Fei flashed in front of a monster and shouted, "Resist the ring of fire, come out!"

Resisting Fireball is also an instant skill, it doesn't need time, once the password is issued, it will immediately spin around Gu Fei. Then I heard the mob scream, and fell down at Gu Fei's feet.

Yutian Shenming's face turned pale: "Your spell damage is too strong, and your defensive skills can kill enemies instantly? What's the matter, aren't you proficient at 0? Where did you get such high damage?"

Gu Fei handed the dark sword Flowing Sword in his hand to Yutian Shenming.

Yu Tian Shenming took it in a puzzled manner, glanced at the attributes, and immediately had the urge to go offline with the sword and never get along with Gu Fei.

"Where did this come from!" Yu Tian Shenming screamed with his tongue out.

"Rewards from the quest chain." Gu Fei said calmly.

"Task chain rewards? Isn't that too perverted? No wonder your magic damage is so high, and the fucking physical damage is so perverted. I'm going to be killed by this sword. This... this..." Yu Tianshen Ming was speechless.

"No seconds, my sword factor is not high enough." Gu Fei said.

"Coefficient... how to explain this?" Yutian Shenming asked.

"Oh, this!" Gu Fei told Hong Chen to himself with a smile. At first, I was afraid that I could not remember clearly enough, and could not understand the meaning of the expression, but Yu Tian Shen Ming, a legendary master, whose comprehension in online games is equivalent to Gu Fei's talent in kung fu, understood what he meant without hearing two words. When it was over, he kept yelling "So that's how it is".

Although he is an expert in online games, there is no equipment that has the coefficient requirement in the game so far, so although he can see the word bow coefficient +18% in the skill "Bow and Crossbow Proficiency", he doesn't know what the coefficient is The meaning, and the usefulness of this data cannot be studied.

"In this way, equipment with coefficient requirements should be regarded as high-level equipment." Yu Tian Shenming looked at the sword, "Based on the magic damage of the existing staff, this sword should be at least level 50-60 equipment. In other words, characters at level 50-60 can meet the requirement of this coefficient by adding points accordingly. Otherwise, the setting of this coefficient is meaningless, right?"

"What are you going to say?" Gu Fei asked.

"What I mean is, you are now at level 30, and you have full agility plus points. It is impossible for you to have such a high magic coefficient to use all the magic damage of this sword. But, if you haven't fully used it, where did your 0 proficiency spell come from?" What's going on here? Where did you get the law coefficient?" Yu Tian Shenming muttered.

"Spell accuracy is level 3, only 18%. I have a piece of clothing with +1 spell proficiency, so it's only 24%. Mage should be born with some magic factor, right?" Gu Fei said.

"This sword requires 170% magic coefficient, the natural coefficient of a mage, so it won't be able to help you pick up the 50-level equipment, right? The point that affects the magic coefficient must be intelligence, at most it can be counted as spirit. Dexterity, you haven’t added these before, how much magic coefficient can you give with the 30 points of intelligence and spirit that come with level 30? Impossible, absolutely impossible!” Yu Tian Shenming muttered while calculating, and suddenly thought: “Wait Wait, you just said your clothes have +1 spell mastery? What clothes?"

Gu Fei immediately took off the Moon Night Spirit Robe on his body and showed it to Yu Tian Shenming.

"Damn it, where did this dress come from? This must be a dress of level 60 or 70!" Yu Tian Shenming was stunned again.

"It's also rewarded by the task chain."

"Clothes add 20 points of intelligence... It doesn't matter, spell proficiency +1... From this point of view, this +1 probably doesn't mean raising the passive skill spell proficiency to level 1." Yu Tian Shenming said.

"what does that mean?"

"Uh, the coefficient is expressed in the form of a percentage. Then, if +1 is equivalent to +100%? If so, the clothes will help you add 100% of the magic coefficient, then you can meet the requirements of the sword's magic coefficient. His might makes sense." Yu Tian Shenming's eyes were piercing, his expression was as if Columbus had discovered the New World.

"Quick! Try it!" Yutian Shenming rolled up Gu Fei's Yueye Lingpao, only returned the Dark Yeliu Sword to him, pointed at a mob and said, "Go!"

Gu Fei took the order, copied the Dark Yeliu Light Sword and rushed to the side of the mob shirtless, and summoned the "Fire Resisting Ring".

Sure enough, this time the mob was screaming strangely from the fire ring, but it never fell down. It was obvious that Gu Fei's spell damage had dropped a big step.

"Wahhaha! I am indeed the ultimate master among mages, and I solved the mystery of your magic so quickly." Yutian Shenming laughed.

Players around watched the rare animals again: This archer said he was a mage? idiot!
