Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 104: Who dares to touch my woman?


I rushed over, pushed the yellow hair aside, and then held the swaying Xin Yu with one hand. I saw that she was already drunk and blindfolded, and a pair of beautiful eyes glanced at my face, revealing a smile: "Lin Fan, why are you here?"

I asked with some reproach: "Xin Yu, why do you come to this place, do you know how dangerous it is?"

Xin Yu's smile gradually disappeared, and she said coldly, "Why do you care about me? Don't you really think I like you? You'd better not bother about me!"

Like a thunderbolt in the blue sky, Xin Yu seemed to be a different person in front of me.

At this moment, the Huang Mao came with a few people again, and punched me on the shoulder with a bang, which made the counter behind him shake for a while.


Several cups fell to the ground with a harsh, crisp sound.

"Boy, this girl doesn't buy your account at all. If you know you, stay away. Don't disturb the little master's interest in playing with this girl. Brothers, come on to me, and send this girl to the VIP room!"

Several thugs came over immediately, and there was no one in the tavern to prevent this from happening. Everyone looked at this side coldly, as if they were watching a farce that had nothing to do with them.

I looked at Xin Yu, she was almost unconscious, she fell softly on the counter, and several gangsters' hands had reached her waist.


I kicked a bastard's hand away, and then pulled Xin Yu into my arms. In Xin Yu's surprised eyes, I punched the other bastard's face with great strength. He had to knock down a glass table behind, and suddenly there was another sound of glass cracking.

The other gangsters were stunned on the spot, probably because they hadn't encountered anyone who dared to do something with them in a long time.

When I saw a rare opportunity, I hurriedly pulled Xin Yu out and ran outside. A waiter-like person immediately stood in front. I didn't hesitate to grab an empty wine bottle next to me and smashed it with my head and face.


Amidst the cry of the waiter crying, I was kicked hard in the back, and I ran forward with the strength of this foot, pulling Xin Yu and ran out of the bar door.

This group of little gangsters didn't seem to want to give up, but they all chased them out. The crowd on the street saw someone there, and they immediately dispersed, fearing to avoid it, and I was behind because of the relationship with Xinyu. I was punched hard in the last few seconds. Damn, this group of bastards didn’t take it lightly. When I helped Xin Yu block that foot, I felt like my chest was about to split, and there was a fiery pain on my back. , It was only then that this group of gangsters were holding bats in their hands, no wonder it hurt so much...

When the cold wind outside blew, Xin Yu's wine also woke up a lot. I had no strength in the tragic fist and kick situation. This time I was pulled by Xin Yu and ran out, not far away. The police desk is now, and there is a flower garden next to it.

I think I called Ye Qiu "Black Wind Shuangsha" was not a vain name. I ran forward with Xin Yu and occasionally kicked my head back and kicked. Unfortunately, I was beaten more frequently and my face was also beaten. After a few punches, tears fell from the pain.

Seeing that the policeman was already on duty in front of the pavilion, the gangsters immediately ran back, while Xin Yu took me to the flower garden and put me on the steps.

Under the moonlight, Xin Yu looked at me sadly: "Lin Fan, are you okay?"

I breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, Xin Yu, don't do this again in the future, you know, how worried we are about you..."

"Lin Fan, don't say anything, I'm sorry..." A warm and wet tear splashed on my neck, and Xin Yu sobbed quietly.

I smiled hard: "Why did you say that when you were in the bar just now?"

"I... I..." Xin Yu choked, suddenly lying softly on my body: "Lin Fan, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

I raised my hand vigorously and touched Xin Yu's soft hair, and I smiled bleakly, "Xin Yu, can you tell me what's the matter?"

Xin Yu sobbed, and said in a crying voice: "Lin Fan, I'm sorry, believe me, I love you, I love you..."

Xin Yuxue's greasy face was distressed in the bright moonlight with tears. I couldn't help but reach out to help her dry her tears, and smiled and said, "Fool, why are you crying? I didn't hang it."

"But... But... You look so badly hurt!" Xin Yu said cryingly.

I shook my head and moved my body, only then did I feel Xin Yu’s hot body pressing tightly on my body. A couple of men and women passing by the flower garden hurriedly left, and I could hear the man unwilling. Voice: "Depressed, the old place was robbed by these two people today..."

Listening to the conversation of the couple going away, Xin Yu's beautiful face blushed slightly, and then she got up from me, and then she helped me up, and asked worriedly: "It's okay, I'm badly injured, go to the hospital." ?"

I shook my head hurriedly and said, "No, it's just a skin injury. Just go back and lie down. Call sister Lin as soon as possible. They are all worried. By the way, why can't your phone get through?"

Xin Yu bit her lip: "I have thrown away that phone."

I vaguely remember that the phone was given to her by Xin Yu’s original boyfriend. It took two years for the baby, but now it’s thrown away

I took out my mobile phone with difficulty. Fortunately, it didn't break during the fight. I dialed Xu Lin's number and handed it to Xin Yu, asking her to tell Xu Lin in person that I have a little difficulty talking now.

"Hey, Sister Lin, this is Xin Yu, and Lin Fan is in the flower garden on XX Road. Come and pick us up. Lin Fan is hurt..."

Xu Lin on the other end of the phone was obviously very anxious, and hung up the phone in a hurry. Within a few minutes, Xu Lin and Lu Xuehan ran over from the other side of the road.

"Lin Fan, what's the matter with you?" Lu Xuehan and Xu Lin almost said the same thing in unison, and the two of them suddenly became embarrassed and stood blushing on the side.

I smiled and said, "Go back and talk about it. Xuehan will come and help me. Sister Lin will help Xinyu. She drank a lot of wine."

Xin Yu looked at me suspiciously, but still according to what I meant, but she and Lu Xuehan were helping me from left to right, all aching. I just found out that Lu Xuehan’s eyes were a little wrong when looking at me. But I can see that Xin Yu cried just now, and anyone with a discerning eye can see the tear marks on my collar. In this case, it’s strange that Lu Xuehan doesn’t think about it. This is why I asked Lu Xuehan to help me. If I don’t comfort her, I’m afraid The relationship will be cold.


The place where my right leg was kicked staggered, and my body sank down suddenly. Lu Xuehan hurriedly came to help me with a cry of exclamation. As I designed it, Lu Xuehan’s soft and tender body had already fallen into my embrace. , It feels so good!

Xin Yu seemed to have seen my intentions long ago, smiled and crossed me without breaking a glance...