Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 111: Two people line up


After dinner, I made an appointment with Lu Xuehan to meet in the square. After entering the game, I first checked the status of my equipment sales. It was very good. The green equipment sold 24 pieces, and the blue equipment was all over It is sold at a high price. It seems that the current high-level players' demand for equipment is so hungry and impatient. Checking the transaction amount, a total of more than 160,000 has been received, and 20% of the cost of going out of the studio. After that, there will be 120,000, and my personal funds will be as high as 770,000. A new wealth star in China is rising!

When I repaired the equipment, Lu Xuehan had already come over, and Xin Yu and Xu Lin were next to him.

"Why, can't you bear Xuehan?" I smiled and said.

Xin Yu shook his head and said, "No, let's come over to see how the equipment is selling. Aren't you going to take Xuehan to do the task, don't you hurry up?"

Lu Xuehan smiled and said: "Lin Fan, let's go! Sister Lin and the others are going to help a 30th-level person with a task, let's not disturb them."

I nodded and said, "Xuehan, is the equipment full? It's best to fix it. The monster attacks there are very intensive, and the equipment consumes very quickly! Also, buy more blue medicines, and the following medicines will be consumed. Soon!"

"Well, I have already repaired it just now, and the blue medicine is also sufficient, let's go!"

"Wait, let's make a mission certificate first!"

As someone who came over, I quickly helped Lu Xuehan get the proof of going out of the East Gate, and everything is complete now!

Bring Lu Xuehan directly around the silver pine forest. At present, I only know that the Rhino King Cave can lead to the land of ice and wind behind. As long as there are other passages, there is no time to explore for a while. Lu Xuehan is very resistant. , Followed me all the way from the Silver Pine Forest into the Rhino King Cave. It was not until I lifted the pine grass that Lu Xuehan showed a very cute expression.

"Lin Fan... Going through here?"

I nodded and said, "This is the only way I know, or should I go there first?"

Lu Xuehan nodded embarrassedly and said, "Then... Okay..."

I immediately bent over and drilled over, then turned around and pulled Lu Xuehan's hand to carefully lead her out, not to mention how soft and greasy I felt in my hand.

Lu Xuehan struggled lightly, blushing and said: "I can already do it..."

I was stunned, and quickly let go of my hand, smirked and led Lu Xuehan to rush forward.

The nearly one-hour trip was extremely difficult, but fortunately, Lu Xuehan was originally the kind of gentle little girl, and he still had patience. If I changed to Xinyu, it would have been a tumult. I don’t have a headache. .

When I finally reached the snow mountain, I pointed my finger at it and said, "The Land of Ice Wind is in this mountain range. There are many monsters at the bottom level. If we kill all of them, we can at least raise both of us by two levels! Still conservatively estimate..."

Lu Xuehan looked at me in surprise and said, "Is it that exaggerated? The monster I burned for a day has only risen to half a level?"

"I'll know when I go in. Come on, the entrance is on the mountainside. The road is slippery. Take my hand."

Lu Xuehan hesitated for a while, and I said again, "Good fellow, didn't you want me to hold you with a branch?"

Lu Xuehan pursed her mouth and stretched out her hand to hold my arm: "I know, hurry up and go. It's an exaggeration to take such a long way to do a task, and I don't know how you got here."

I just wanted her to hold my hand, but I didn’t expect her to hold my arm, sweet...

After half an hour, we finally entered the entrance of the Land of Ice Wind. The monsters I killed in the morning have been brushed out, and I can only kill them all the way. Fortunately, with the assistance and attack of Lu Xuehan, the process of killing monsters Killed a lot faster than I was alone.

In a blink of an eye, he arrived at the break of the ice road again. Although Lu Xuehan was not afraid of heights, she was still a little reluctant to let her as a girl jump off such a high cliff.

Seeing Lu Xuehan's choice, I had to say: "I will jump down to attract the monsters first. You burn the monsters underneath with the blazing rain, and then give me blood. After the monsters are killed, jump down again. I will follow you. Don't worry, it must be safe. !"

Lu Xuehan bit her lip: "Okay, I'm fine!"

I nodded, took a few steps back, and then gritted my teeth and jumped down. From a distance, I saw the monsters gathering towards my landing spot, and I felt like being bitten by zombies in Resident Evil.

Fortunately, these monsters are not zombies, and I am not a mermaid prey. On the cliff, Lu Xuehan waved the priest’s staff, and a large scarlet fire rain fell from the sky for the first time. I saw her blazing rain for the first time. As a spectacle, the fire rain immediately formed a flaming sea of fire on the ground. The 10×10 attack range covered almost all the monsters, and I was not harmed because of the relationship with Lu Xuehan. Next, this feeling is really great!

I was going to kill a monster for ten minutes alone, and it burned out in just two minutes under Lu Xuehan's fire rain. This is the speed at which the mage can level up! Most of the early-stage mage players do not have group skills, but if there are more and more books about group skills in the later stage, more and more players of the mage profession will appear on the leaderboard!

"Lin Fan, I'm going down..."

Lu Xuehan poked his head out of it, and said with a smile, showing no signs of nervousness at all.

I took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Step back a few steps, rush over, don't be afraid, I will follow you."

Lu Xuehan nodded and took a few steps back quickly. After a few seconds, Lu Xuehan's figure appeared in the air. The snow-white priest's robe was blown backwards driven by the wind, and the beautiful carcass was faintly under the thin clothes. Weak, extremely attractive!

Quickly adjust the position, I don't want Lu Xuehan to fall to the ground first like mine.


Lu Xuehan’s petite body plunged into my arms with energy. The two of them skidded all the way on the ice until they hit the wall next to them. They stopped their inertia. Grandma’s, it hurts more than my head falls...

"Hey, Xuehan, you can get up..." I patted Lu Xuehan on my chest. At this time, my waist was already painful like a tear. I don't know if it was a fracture.

Lu Xuehan immediately blushed and got up. I quickly drank the lipstick potion. After the medicine was cured, all the pain was gone.

The two continued to kill in front of him. This time Lu Xuehan had experience. When he encountered a little more monsters, he would directly release the blazing rain. Coupled with my high attack, he quickly reached the top of the bottom. The monsters of the blockbuster movies are below, and in my eyes there is only experience left.