Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 16: trade


After lying on the bed that Lu Xuehan helped me make, the whole person seemed to collapse, and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

My phone rang while I was half dreaming and half awake, and I opened my eyes to see that it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hey, are you Mr. Green Vegetable Bai Yutang?" There was a sweet female voice on the other side of the phone.

"I am, is there anything wrong?" Good dream was interrupted very annoyed, and my tone was very cold.

There was an obvious stun on the phone, and after a meeting, he said, "I’m sorry to disturb you late at night. That's it. I am also a player of "Yueheng" and want to practice a human female warrior. You sold it in Xinshou Village. I really want that sword, but there are not so many gold coins at all. I am also from Suzhou City. Can I buy it with real currency?"

My heart suddenly "cocked". Could it be that the first pot of gold since becoming a professional player will be in my pocket

"Well, how much do you pay?" I talked directly about the price, and then added: "Show me a little sincerity, I don't have to worry about selling this sword."

Indeed, this kind of green equipment, especially weapons, are very popular now. There is a post on the forum. A white sword attacking 4-8 has been privately traded for RMB1000, let alone 7- 12 Green weapons with added attributes

The other end of the phone seemed to hesitate, and after a while, he said, "According to the current market prices, I don’t want to bargain with you. What do you think of 3,500 yuan? This price is very relevant. You know, just a few minutes later. God’s words are not worth this money."

I calmly said, "Tell me your ID and send money first, if you trust me!"

"Well, my name is Murong Shanshan and I am also a player born in Wild Dog Village. I am not online now. Tell me your bank card account number. I will transfer money online!"

"Do you really trust me that much?"


"Thank you! Wait a minute, I'll go to the boss and ask for a bank account! I'll call you later!"


I immediately lost my sleepiness. I checked it was already 2:40 in the morning. I slept for less than 7 hours and it was almost the same.

Simply put on a piece of clothing and walked out of the room, knocked on the door of Xu Lin’s room, and soon after seeing sleepy Xin Yu opening the door, he looked surprised and said, “Lin Fan, you really want to It works? But it's not very convenient now. Sister Lin is also here..."

I immediately lost my temper and said silently: "I just came to see Sister Lin, don't get me wrong!"

"She is better than me in any way, is she bigger than me?" Xin Yu said with a pretty full breast, winking.

Xu Lin also woke up at this time, and immediately put on a dress and walked out and said, "Is there something wrong?"

"Of course." I nodded and said with joy: "Someone wants to buy my 7-12 green long sword at RMB 3,500. Now I ask us for a bank account and want to put the money in."

"What?! 3500? Really?" Xu Lin looked surprised and delighted, and then said to Xin Yu: "Xiao Yu, go and call everyone else. Time is almost up, let's have a meeting!"

People arrived soon. When I heard that my equipment was really selling for RMB, all of them were surprised and looked forward to it.

In front of everyone, I dialed the number just now:

"Hello, I'm Qingcai Baiyutang, you can take a note of my bank account: XXXXXXXXXXXX, named Xu Lin, if I see the money arrives, I will go online and trade it to you immediately!"

"No problem, you can check in five minutes, I will transfer the account immediately, and notify me when I see the money, let's go online together!"


This is Xu Lin's new bank card, so the balance is huge. Eight people and eight eyes are looking at Lu Xuehan's computer monitor.

Refresh! Is 0!

Refresh! Still 0!

Refresh again, OK!

That 0 finally became 3500!

Xu Lin and Xin Yu clapped their hands and cheered, then turned around and took their wallets. They drew out 12 red tickets from them and handed them to me, saying, "Every personal transaction will have a 1/3 commission, this 1200 is for you! Xiaolin, you Now it’s a role model for the rest of us, and I hope everyone can sell their own equipment to sell money soon!"

I was stunned, took a wad of money, and then took out half of it and returned it to Xu Lin: "This 600 counts as I invite you to dinner tomorrow. How about we celebrate together?"

Xu Lin nodded: "Okay, have a good meal in the hot pot city below tomorrow night~!"

Everyone laughed happily. It seems that we are one step closer to our goal.

"I officially announced that I accidentally clicked the wrong job. I am now a fighter." I suddenly remembered that I haven't told everyone about it.

Everyone was stunned for a while and all expressed their admiration for me.

I immediately called and asked that Murong Shanshan to go online together, and then everyone went back to their rooms to enter the game. There would be a time for breakfast in the morning.

With a flash of white light, I appeared in the center of the village, and soon received a text message from Murong Shanshan: "I'm next to the auction house. Go over."

The auction house was right next to me. I walked over immediately and saw a group of players looking at the auction items from a distance.

"Hey, I'm here~!" A slender white hand patted my shoulder, accompanied by the sweet voice of the master.

I turned my head and looked at it, and I was overwhelmed with surprise. Is this a real person

The soft black hair fell from the shoulders like water drops, the snowy face and delicate facial features looked so sweet, a pair of beautiful eyes flickered at me, Murong Shanshan’s smile seemed to melt away. A pool of spring|water.

"You... have your appearance adjusted?" I asked blankly.

Murong Shan pursed her lips and smiled and said, "No, why do you want to adjust? Am I not pretty enough?"

"Very beautiful!" I exclaimed sincerely, then turned around and took my sword from the shelf, and ordered a deal with Murong Shanshan and said, "This is your sword!"

After the transaction was over, Murong Shanshan immediately equipped this exquisite long sword with her slender figure, it was simply beautiful!

"This armor of yours... should be green?" Seeing the delicate female armor on Murong Shanshan's body turns, I said with some envy.

Murong Shanshan smiled and said: "Yes, green equipment that can be equipped only at level 7, plus 15 defense~ I got it by killing a level 10 wolf leader with a few sisters~!"

"Haha, yes, your level is not low, right?" I don't know what she would think if she knew that this piece of mine was 22 defense.

Murong Shanshan smiled and said: "Well, I'm already level 8 and a half, and I will be able to upgrade to level 9. Maybe the day after tomorrow, I can get a job and leave the Novice Village, but your level won't be low, right. Ah... Wait!! You have already taken office? So you are also a fighter!"

I smiled awkwardly: "It's just good luck!"

Murong Shanshan stopped asking, and said with a smile: "Okay, please let me know if you have good warrior equipment in the future, let's keep in touch for a long time~ let's add a friend first!"

"En." I clicked on the friend system and dragged her name into it.

Murong Shanshan yawned at this time and said lazily: "I haven't been offline for more than ten hours. It won't work. I have to rest. You can play slowly. Goodbye~"

I didn't even have time to say "goodbye" before she was offline.

Damn, it doesn't save face...