Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 61: The fight for justice


I thought I was already hung up. I looked at the system messages and I was happy!

System reminder: Congratulations, you passed the test of Dak!

Haha, the last medium bottle of potion still saved my life. Dak has already returned to the camp, and I immediately followed, waiting for the task reward!

Dak was still an NPC, already sitting firmly on the seat, and when he saw me, he said: "Young man, it seems that you are indeed strong enough to rescue Princess Misha. Then, the sword is self-defense. I can’t give you a sharp weapon, just take my pair of gloves. Old man Cavan and Misha both know it. This was a reward from the old king."

I took the glove and looked at it, but I didn't see anything—justice disputes, mission items.

Dak also said: "In order to prove that the princess is still alive, I hope you can bring the princess's token from the king. If you can do it, I will take my soldiers to re-loyal to the kingdom!"

I nodded, and the task was accepted.

Oh shit! I thought that Dark would give me the sword that might be a divine weapon, but in the end I got such a task item, and I didn't know what he was doing.

Looking at the time, it was already 4 pm, unknowingly it took more than two hours just to do this task. The map of the Mustang Plain is really big, and I don’t think the time is fast while walking while fighting monsters. .


Murong Shan sent a text message, but there was nothing, I only saw a picture book of equipment:

[Night Elf Sword] (Blue Equipment)

Attack: 120-175

Strength: +21

Stamina: +24

Agility: +16

Required level: 26

Oh my god, what is this concept

120-175 attack? My pinewood giant sword is only a 24-45 attack

Immediately turning on the communicator, Murong Shanshan's silver bell-like laughter was heard from the other end, and it seemed that this guy was already enjoying himself.

"Shanshan, is this your task reward?" I asked eagerly.

"Yeah, I did a five-hour mission, it's worth it!"

Two minutes later...

"Hey, Lin Fan, why don't you speak anymore?" Murong Shanshan asked with a grin.

I wiped my saliva and replied, "I'm learning from it, and I must have hit a weapon even better than yours. By the way, Shanshan, how did you add some points? How many attacks are you now?"

"It's all added to the strength, now the attack is 265-345, how about you?"


I was so distraught that I was beaten by Murong Shanshan for attacking because of a weapon. It seems that my 12th-level pinewood giant sword has indeed reached the time to be replaced. It is a pity that this kind of thing is in a hurry. Now, there is no better weapon in the market than the pinewood giant sword, and this kind of weapon is also unattainable, and no matter how many monsters you fight, it may not be able to explode.

"Lin Fan..." Murong Shanshan said again.


"I'm level 26 now. I can just equip this wizard sword. I tell you, this sword is beautiful. It's all crystal-clear green. I like it very much! To celebrate, I will treat you to dinner. ?"

"That's okay? By the way, tell me the details of your mission. Can you take it again? My weapon is too unreasonable..."

Murong Shanshan smiled mysteriously and said, "Let's talk about it when we eat. We will meet you in an hour, right?"

I thought about it. I was planning to accompany Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan for Christmas Eve. I didn't expect Murong Shanshan to be pulled over to eat because of weapons. Fortunately, she had a treat, so I was eating comfortably.

Turn off the communicator and still have an hour to eat, then go back to the city and hand in the task.

Liyong Castle, where the palace is located, is separated from Hurricane City by a bridge. There are not many guards. I entered the palace within a few checkpoints. Stepping on the red carpet felt very different. The king and queen were in the main hall of the palace.

At the guard of the main hall, they exchanged the quest items for the certificate of achievement, and then the second guard was able to enter the main hall, where the old king with beard and the graceful queen sat there.

Seeing my arrival, the king said: "Young brave man, I heard that you got his token from Captain Dak. May I know what kind of news you brought from him?"

"Yes, Captain Dark asked me to bring his gloves to show loyalty to the king, but he hopes to see the princess' token to confirm that she is still alive."

The old king said readily: "This is easy to handle. Bring up Captain Dak's token. The princess is in the palace on the left. Ask her for anything you need!"

I was stunned. I didn't expect things to be so easy to handle. It seems that the king is really helpless with the current situation. Otherwise, he would not change his attitude so much, and would not care about Duck's previous rebellious behavior.

I quickly stepped forward and handed the "Justice Controversy" to the king. I saw his excited gloves carefully wiped off, and said with a trembling, "It's really Duck's gloves. He must have eaten a lot over the years. bitter!"

I chuckled secretly. The program was too realistic. The old king acted the scene of the cat crying and the mouse so beautifully.

The old king looked at his gloves for a while and looked up and said: "Young warrior, this is my edict to Dak. I will forgive Dak and all the warriors of the Golden Knights for their sins. I hope they can immediately go to the twilight forest in the west. , Get rid of the undead power there! After liberating there, he can take the troops back to the kingdom army to report, and I will send someone to take over the Golden Knights again and re-number."

I was secretly surprised that the old king was indeed the old fox. Even before the return of Dak’s team, he still had to use his power to eradicate some of the undead to show loyalty. This kind of scheming and the city has already impressed me.

Seeing that I had not left yet, the old king suddenly smiled and said: "By the way, Dak's fist will probably not be withdrawn, brave warrior, I will give it to you. I hope you can work harder. Help the kingdom!"


System reminder: You have got the task reward-the battle for justice!

Dak’s equipment is definitely not bad, I quickly opened the package and took a look, and my heartbeat suddenly accelerated!

[Justice Controversy] (Blue Equipment-Armor)

Defense: 57

Stamina: +24

Strength: +22

Agility: +21

Additional: Increase the light healing effect received, up to 100 points

Required level: 28

It is a 28-level blue armor with high defense and high attribute points. The points above 20 in the three items are equivalent to the points added by level 12, which means that if it is not a resistance, this piece of equipment It can reach level 10, which shows the importance of equipment attributes in "Yueheng".

As for the additional healing effect, it probably means that when I was healed by the priest, the blood increased more than usual!