
Chapter 165: How frivolous


At the moment when Ye Futian took the last step, he only felt that the entire grotto was imprinted in his mind. Those few stone statues, each stone statue was filled with the strong will of the coercion, such as a prince who would be crushed. His will.

Before, the will of these stone statues was actually split by Ye Futian's attack. At this time, it was more like sending out the strongest counterattack.

At the same time, Ye Futian's body also endured an unparalleled turbulent weather, constantly hitting his body.

The dual pressure of body and will is enough to crush a person, but to overcome it is another baptism.

The blood in Ye Futian's body seemed to be tumbling and roaring, and unparalleled power broke out on his body, and the nine strikes of the sky gathered the sky and the earth. Although standing there, the aura on his body was madly transformed and strong.

In my mind, the stone statue of the prince seemed to be extremely hideous, and he wanted to erase him from the world and not allow him to exist.

At this moment, Ye Futian thought a lot, thought of Xia Fan, who was once aloof, and thought of the irresistible will of the emperor, the impossible emperor and prince who once thought he was able to control his destiny... Go and die.

An extremely terrifying will was born, submerged the stone statue, and completely expelled it from his mind. Ye Futian opened his eyes, his eyes showed the spirit of arrogance to the world, his other foot also moved forward, and both feet stood firmly. , Stand proudly.

At this moment, he was fluttering in white clothes and flying long hair, just like a young emperor.

Countless eyes stared at that proud back, and his heart trembled wildly.

After 13 steps of death, Ye Futian stepped on all of them, and further forward, he can walk towards the grotto corridor and feel the will power of the grotto up close, just like the two above, how dazzling.

Looking at Zhao Han again, he still stayed at the eleventh step, thinking of his arrogant words before, if you lose, then die, somewhat ironic.

Ye Futian took the steps of death in the grotto for the first time in the realm of glory, and then all walked through it.

However, among the geniuses of the Thousand Leagues, no one except Zhao Han could take ten steps.

Make fun of, question? Everything is shattered at this moment.

Given his talents, if given time, why would he not be qualified to make Yunqianmo a maid, but Yunqianmo chose to follow him in the realm of glory in advance, which makes many people feel very strange, just because Yunqianmo is the proud girl of heaven, but Ye Futian is From the land of a hundred countries, and the realm is extremely low.

Yang Ziqi looked at his senior, and at Ye Futian, his expression was extremely embarrassing.

The beautiful eyes of Yunqianmo looked at Ye Futian in shock. She was already at the limit in the seventh step, and it was difficult to move forward.

Ye Futian, once passed by.

"Boom." A violent vibration pulled everyone's thoughts back, the earth trembled, and a roar roared between the sky and the earth.

At this moment, everyone turned their eyes, looking at Ye Futian not far away. When everyone was looking at Ye Futian, Yu Sheng had also completed the tenth step. At this moment, a strong challenge to Destiny III Step, he took the eleventh step.

For the rest of his life at this moment, his burly body seemed to stand upright and indestructible. He roared at the stone statue, and no one could crush his spine.

This step, falling steadily, let the violent storm hit him, and stand steady like a god of war for the rest of his life.

Not only him, but Ye Wuchen next to him is also challenging the eleventh step.

The heart of his eyebrows seemed to be born with a sword intent, and then there was a faint silver light blooming, a small silver sword shot out, shattering everything, and the next moment was the will of the infinite sword.

"Crazy." When everyone saw this scene, their hearts trembled wildly. Today, four people challenged the desperate three steps, and they all succeeded.

Ye Futian even took a full 13 steps.

The three of them were all challenging for the first time. Compared with them, Zhao Han couldn't compare with any of them.

Yu Sheng turned his arrogant gaze, looked at Zhao Han not far away, and said coldly, "Who do you think you are? It's not worthy to lift shoes for him."

Victory, nothing happened.

If you lose, you die

Zhao Han, he thought he was strong

Hearing Yu Sheng's strong words, the people sighed for a while, the son of Yujianzong, the talented Zhao Han, was beaten on the spot, and the facts were in front of them.

Zhao Han's face was pale when he heard Yu Sheng's words. Facing a man who had taken thirteen steps for the first time, he couldn't use his talent to prove anything. Even at this moment, he could not take thirteen steps.

Now Zhao Han is thinking, can he hit the twelfth step

While he was still thinking, for the rest of his life that looked away from him, he had already taken the twelfth step, wild power, bursting everything, his eyes opened, and those domineering eyes stared ahead. The carved stone statues are not afraid of the prince, with a loud roar, as if to destroy the will of the statue, even the prince grottoes, how can it crush him.

There was a loud bang, violent winds and waves, causing waves.

After Ye Futian, Yu Sheng took the twelfth step and surpassed Zhao Han.

Zhao Han, is he strong

Is talent outstanding

The two people in the realm of glory beside him only used it once to surpass him and leave him behind.

Ye Wuchen saw Ye Futian's thirteen steps and the remaining twelve steps, his eyes flashed with a sharp meaning, like a sword, and the faith in his heart became firmer.

People can only motivate themselves when they walk with the strong, and they can challenge themselves with firmer beliefs and stronger will. This is also the reason why he will walk with Ye Futian and the others. There is an abnormality. People around, he will follow to challenge the limit he once thought.

Moreover, there is not only one abnormal person around him, but two.

So how can he fall behind.

Therefore, he also took the twelfth step, reckless and desperate, just like his sword, going forward without fear.

It's crazy.

Everyone's hearts trembled violently, is this a complete runaway

And it was not just one person running violently, but three people running violently together.

This is simply unheard of. I don't know if such a shocking scene has ever happened in front of the princely grottoes.

But at this time, their hearts were beating uncontrollably, too violent.

Ye Wuchen also took twelve steps, and all three of them threw away Zhao Han.

Zhao Han, who was inexperienced before, now stands alone behind the three, looking extremely ironic.

What qualifications does he take to be proud

The three low-level people from the land of a hundred countries all surpassed him, the son of the Imperial Sword Sect and the proud son of heaven. What qualifications does he have to say that he will die if he fails

He thought he would win, but in the end he found that the two people beside Ye Futian were inferior to him, so ironic.

Lin Yueyao's beautiful eyes at the back looked at the three figures in front of her for an instant, with a weird look in her beautiful eyes, she was desperate.

These three guys, can you think about how she feels

Thinking that these three people are the top three in the Cangye Country's Fenghua List, Lin Yueyao secretly said that Ye Tianzi's eyes are indeed vicious, and now they are still so dazzling in the desolate ancient world, and they have compared countless arrogances in the land of a thousand alliances.

Yunqianmo was also speechless. Before, she only thought that Ye Futian was the only outstanding person, but she did not expect that the rest of his life and Ye Wuchen would be so outstanding.

At this moment, she faintly understood why Ye Futian dared to be so arrogant and directly let her be a maid.

There was a silence in the void, and only those three people took away all the light between the heaven and the earth, and they all stopped, as if feeling the power in a grotto.

But at this moment, a sound came out, and they saw Ye Futian's body retreating all the way back, shocked by the violent force.

"Finally can't bear it?" Everyone's eyes flashed, but just now, why didn't he set foot on the grotto promenade directly

Many people were a little puzzled. Ye Futian's body stopped 13 steps before. He raised his head, looked at the Prince's Grottoes ahead, and exhaled a voice: "Come again."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this voice

Come again

Ye Futian, what does he mean

Just when they were puzzled, Ye Futian stepped forward again, this time releasing the power of attributes in his body.

A violent breath erupted from Ye Futian's body, faintly overbearing thunder light, heavy earth, and sharp golden breath.

At this moment, more stone statues lit up above the grotto, and a wave of violent power went straight to Ye Futian, and at the same time, a more terrifying will flew toward his will.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The amount of violent violent blast on Ye Futian's body, but everyone saw Ye Futian walking forward at will like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard.

One step, two steps... Soon, he took seven steps, a step that many people couldn't challenge, for him, it was so simple.

At this moment, they finally understood the meaning of the two more words Ye Futian said.

He did not choose to set foot on the grotto promenade to comprehend the grotto will.

Rather, I have to go again.

He directly overthrew the things that were unchallable in the eyes of others and tried his best to do it again, without any hesitation, as if in his opinion, the thirteen steps of death could be repeated at any time as long as he wanted to.

Taking the eighth step, Ye Futian's body is like a dragon, and the thunder power on his body is flying wildly.

Taking the ninth step, his figure is as sharp as a Peng.

Taking the tenth step, Ye Futian is like a divine ape who scorns the world, which can shake the world.

The incomparably terrifying will power turned into a substantive power of attack and rushed into the body madly, causing his body to make violent sounds constantly.

He took three desperate steps once again, and the eleventh step was taken. The blood in his body was boiling, roaring and rolling, and Wu Zhiyi was madly released. When the terrifying will rushed into the body, he did not resist, and It is to bear, his body is under the impact of unparalleled strength, the clicking sound is constant, and his body seems to be undergoing baptism and transformation.

"Boom..." A more violent breath erupted from Ye Futian, and Wu Zhiyi turned into a substantial light, bursting out, as if a real dragon was born.

Endless power erupted fiercely from his body, and bright brilliance enveloped him.

The physical body breaks the limit, the martial intent is transformed.

Break through, enter the Dharma!

He did it again, not to prove how superior he was, but to temper his body with the power of the grottoes and hit the realm!