
Chapter 230: The history of thatched cottage fame


King Qin's name is Qin Li, one of the most enchanting figures of the young generation in the Eastern Wasteland.

Today, his father is about to become one of the most powerful figures in the Eastern Desolation Realm, and he is canonized as the prince of the King of Qin. Qin Li's every move will undoubtedly be magnified.

Therefore, when Qin Yu was about to be canonized, Qin Li's words immediately caused a lot of waves in Qin Wangcheng.

Although Qin Li's words did not seem to be inappropriate, and did not even explicitly refer to Ye Futian's name, it is easy to misunderstand such words at this moment. Of course, there may be no misunderstanding. It is a kind of him. attitude.

Ye Futian is a disciple of the cottage in the academy, but Qin Wangsun is holding a disciple of Donghuazong. The implications are intriguing.

Of course, from another perspective, what Qin Wangsun said is not unreasonable. The record book was broken by future generations. It was only because Ye Futian broke too strong that it caused such a big impact in the realm of low-level law. The sensation, let the Eastern Desolation Realm know his name.

No one knows how strong Ye Futian will be in the future, but at least for now, he is still just a low-level practitioner.

As for the two peerless enchanting figures of Donghuazong, each of them is extremely outstanding, especially the figure who has stood at the peak of the Eastern Wasteland, probably only the quasi-prince Qin Yu, and Gu Dongliu of thatched cottage. , Can be compared with him.

Qin Li's words soon spread to the ears of the major forces that descended on King Qin City.

It is said that someone met a disciple of Donghuazong and asked what he thought of Wangsun Qinli's words. The disciple of Donghuazong laughed and said that although Ye Futian had performed well in the deserted ancient world and proved his talent, he wanted to get along with the East Wasteland. The most enchanting characters are on the same level, but they are still a little hotter, at least, he has never proved himself in combat power.

The Donghua Sect disciple said that maybe in a few years, Ye Futian's realm will be higher, and he will be qualified to compare with those top enchanting evildoers.

Many people nodded secretly, only feeling that Qin Li's words and Donghuazong disciples' words had some truth. Outstanding talent is one aspect, but if you think carefully about Ye Futian's performance in the desolate ancient world, he has indeed not proven his combat effectiveness. Maybe he In terms of will, he has an extraordinary talent.

Of course, their comparison to Ye Futian was the most enchanting group of people in the Eastern Desolation Realm.

In addition, some people smelled an unusual smell.

Qin Wang Sun Qinli will become the grandson, why would he publicly comment on the disciples of thatched cottage and the people of Donghuazong

Ye Futian didn't know the voices of Qin Li and Donghuazong people until the people of Liu Kingdom came to visit and found them.

"I have seen Senior Luo." Liu Feiyang and Liu Chenyu came from the country of Liu. When they saw Luo Fan, they bowed and bowed, and Ye Futian gradually got used to it. Even if the prince of the Qin Dynasty came, he should treat Luo Fan equally. It.

Of course, this is also because Ye Futian is preconceived. The first time he saw Senior Brother Five, he was cooking honestly, and he felt a little weird about everything in the outside world.

The disciples of the thatched cottage on Shushan are completely different from the disciples of the thatched cottage under the mountain.

"Your friend?" Luo Fan asked Ye Futian.

"Yeah." Ye Futian nodded.

"You tell me." Luo Fan said, walking to the side and sitting down.

"Is your house clean?" Ye Futian looked at Liu Chenyu and smiled.

Liu Chenyu glared at him.

"I checked, Wuchen shouldn't have come. Among your party, only you and Yu Sheng have arrived." Liu Feiyang said at this time.

"Jieyu didn't come either?" Ye Futian asked.

"No." Liu Feiyang shook his head, Ye Futian was a little bit lost, probably because Jieyu didn't know he would come.

"Have you heard about Qin Wangsun and Donghuazong?" Liu Feiyang asked.

Ye Futian shook his head: "What's the matter?"

Liu Feiyang told Ye Futian what had happened. Not far away, Luo Fan glanced here, a strange color flashed in his eyes, but then returned to normal, as if he didn't care too much.

Ye Futian showed a weird look and said, "Why does Qin Li say that?"

"It is said that the prospective prince Qin Yu is visiting the top powers, and his ambition is not small." Liu Feiyang said.

"Qin Yu wants to revive the Qin Dynasty in his hands, but it is not as simple as he imagined. Even if he joins hands with Donghuazong, he wants to build the former king of the Eastern Desolation..." Luo Fan smiled before he finished speaking. Shook his head.

Foolishly talk about dreams.

"Senior Luo meant that King Qin and Donghuazong joined forces?" Liu Feiyang showed sharp sharpness.

"One wants the rejuvenation of the dynasty, and the other wants to be the number one in the world. There is no contradiction between the two." Luo Fan smiled: "Even, there can be a force added to it, for example, to teach the world. Academy."

Liu Feiyang only felt a little frightened. It seemed that Qin Yu had already talked to Luo Fan.

If the three strongest forces in the Eastern Desolation Realm join forces, the energy they exert will definitely be terrifying, and there is indeed no contradiction between the three.

Dynasty, sect, and academy can complement each other.

Ye Futian glanced at Senior Brother Luo Fan in surprise. He didn't expect that just a simple meeting and the voices of King Qin and Donghuazong, Senior Brother Five guessed many things.

"The academy refused?" Liu Feiyang asked. If the academy also agreed, the influence of the academy, coupled with the King of Qin and Donghuazong, would be a bit scary.

"Now the academy is orthodox in the Eastern Wilderness, why do you want to make wedding dresses for others? Those guys are not stupid." Luo Fan smiled: "So I thought of the cottage for convenience, but the Qin Dynasty too underestimated the cottage. Although the teacher is lazy, but there are ideal people."

Ye Futian blinked. Before the fifth senior brother told Qin Yu that the cottage has the ideal of thatched cottage. He was a little curious and said, "What is the ideal of the teacher?"

"Forget, next time you see the teacher, you can ask the old man." Luo Fan said with a smile, Ye Futian was a little speechless.

"So, did Qin Wangsun's words deliberately belittle Ye Futian and lift Donghuazong?" Liu Feiyang's eyes flickered. Luo Fan was not too surprised by what Luo Fan said. The Qin Dynasty has always wanted to rejuvenate the dynasty, and Donghuazong has been moving forward. It’s no secret that I worked hard for the first time in the Eastern Famine.

"Perhaps." Luo Fan smiled and said.

"Do you want to fight back?" Liu Feiyang asked.

"The Caotang doesn't need to care about other people's opinions. Before the big brother went down the mountain, many people questioned who did not know anyone in the world after the Conferred God Battle. Some people thought that the big brother's existence was only accidental. Later, when the third brother went down the mountain, all the voices disappeared. Those who should shut up will naturally shut up."

Luo Fan said lightly, the history of thatched cottage's fame is very simple, just the story of two disciples going down the mountain.

But this simple story is vigorous enough. The Great Caotang disciple went down to challenge the Sect Master of Floating Cloud Sword Sect.

The history of the three brothers’ fame is even simpler. The teacher in the cottage wandered around and encountered a tragedy. A first-rate princely-level young man was rejected after being rejected by the family. When the teacher in the cottage met this family Only one orphan was left.

According to many rumors, the Caotang teacher does not practice much, but only teaches people to practice. The young man used to speak rudely, but was photographed by the majesty of the Caotang disciple. He didn't dare to do anything, so he could only let the Caotang teacher bring the orphan back.

Later, it was much simpler. The three disciples of thatched cottage went down the mountain, and the first-rate princely-level forces disappeared in the Eastern Wasteland.

With only these two things, thatched cottage became famous all over the world, and became a holy place for practice that countless people of the younger generation yearned for.

So that later on, although the disciples of thatched cottage didn't take much action, whenever a disciple came down the mountain, no one force dared to neglect. Who knows if they will cause a rebellious battle again!

Thinking of this, Luo Fan smiled and said: "Qin Wangsun is right. People in the world always forget the glory of their predecessors, they are habitually forgetful, and they don't take long lessons."

Liu Feiyang was speechless when he heard Luo Fan’s words. He thought that Caotang was indeed a Caotang, too proud. Moreover, this kind of pride seemed to be contagious. Every Caotang disciple was like this. Gu Dongliu had already experienced the situation when he came to Cangye. After that, the five disciples of that cottage are so proud now.

And Ye Futian, he himself is an extremely proud person, and now he enters a place like thatched cottage, he doesn't know what it will look like.