VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 112: Spurfish


Players appear in almost every corner of the ice forest. As the largest jungle zone in the ice floe city area, the ice forest is full of wild beasts and all kinds of exotic flowers and grasses grow in it. They are player upgrades, herbs, hunting and A good place to play, especially in the early stage, is a leveling paradise for level 30-70 players.

The huge number of Chinese players is well-known in the world. Within half a month of Tianzong’s opening, nearly 180 million players poured into them, and they were evenly divided among the nine major sub-cities, each with 20 million people in their turn, which resulted in the current low-level The leveling area is overcrowded. Players like me who don't take the usual path don't want to level up without walking for an hour or two.

It took a long time to walk through the ice forest, a full hour and a half, and finally arrived at the sea map.


Pulling aside the jungle, the eyes are bright, the sea breeze is blowing, the system prompts: You have entered the neutral map-Silver Scale Coast!

In the distance, the endless blue ocean, close, the vast coast is like a skirt surrounded by the ice forest, on the coast, large and small monsters are crawling, waiting for adventurers to come and kill!

What I'm looking for is fish meat, so naturally I want to go to the shallow sea area.

After not taking a few steps, I suddenly found a dark red area on the map, not too big, and my heart moved, could it be a temporary camp for NPC

Then don't worry about killing monsters in a hurry, and the three armies will go ahead before moving the food and grass, go to see the temporary camp, and try to earn a few tasks on the body before going to leveling.

Carrying the ghost ice soul, a blood-colored cloak fluttered in the wind behind him, and the whole person was full of cold aura, striding through the small forest with meteors, and the eyes lit up. Sure enough, a simple NPC camp appeared in the jungle clearing, not the Eidolon. It is not a human, but a few dark NPC soldiers with full armor. The leading NPC holds a sharp sword, his skin is glowing with blue luster, but his eyes are blood red!

Blood Dance Corps!

It’s too much like the image of Xuewei, the shadow dancer. Although the senior soldiers of the Blood Dance Legion belong to the undead, their bodies are intact, especially the eyes. It is a bloody color with deep sadness. As long as you take a look, you can't help but sink!

At least, the leading NPC must be a member of the high-level Blood Dance Corps, and a line of words flutters above his head—

[Easy? Dakara] (Bronze BOSS)

Level: 65

Introduction: The Scout Captain of the Seventh Division of the Fourth Army of the Blood Dance Alliance, originally a powerful warrior of mankind, became a member of the Blood Dance Alliance after the fall, possessing powerful combat power and wise judgment

I walked forward, before speaking, the scout team Dakala raised his sword and angrily said, "Who dares to break into the territory of the Blood Dance Alliance?"

"I am an adventurer from Frosthill!" I drew my long sword, ready to fight.

Unexpectedly, Da Kara’s attitude suddenly changed, retracted the sharp sword, and smiled: "I know you, young warrior, you have rescued the shadow dancer Xuewei from the ruins of your homeland, right? She often mentioned it to me. you!"

I was slightly shocked, and luckily, I met an acquaintance of an acquaintance!

So, stepped forward and said: "Yes."

Dakara said: "Master Xuewei has led her entourage back into the depths of the mountain to guard. The damn Eidolons tried to kill us all. It's really damning. I was sent by Master Xuewei to watch out on this beach. I didn't expect it. I encountered a group of alienated creatures again, it was really tricky... ”

Dakara frowned, my chance naturally came and asked, "What can I do for you?"

"Oh, you can help, that would be great!"

Da Karahaha smiled and said: "Recently, a strange force has been surging in the depths of the ocean, which has made many creatures become powerful. You see, there have been a large number of golden crabs on the beach. These crabs are very violent. Maybe you can. Help me kill some crabs!"


System prompt: Do you accept the task [Crystal Crab]? (Current task level: B-level medium)



System reminder: You have accepted the task [Crystal Crab]!

Quest content: A large number of golden crabs appeared near the seas of the Silver Scale Coast. Please be careful. After killing 1,000 crystal crabs, find the task and submit the task. He will give you rich rewards!

OK, the task is complete!

Turned around and left the camp of the Blood Dance Alliance, and at the same time had a clear understanding of the factions in this world. There are three forces on the Tianzong Continent, the Silver Moon Alliance composed of humans, barbarians, dwarves, elves, and shadow demons. , Represents the power of light, the Eidolon legion led by the strong hidden in the dark, represents the power of darkness, and the blood dance alliance led by Sophia is the third power, which is from the Eidolon camp The branch that split in is just for survival, fighting both the Silver Moon Alliance and the Eidolon Legion, which is considered a neutral camp.

And this is the direction I want to set foot on, joining the Blood Dance Alliance, but the tasks of the other two forces are also correct, and eating all three is the kingly way!

Summon the black bee, set foot near the coast, not far away, there is a golden crab, about one-third of the height of the human body, lifted the pair of tongs, the whole body is bright and transparent, like crystal, hence the name crystal Crab! My level is already 58. I can see that the surname of the Crystal Crab is not a problem—

【Crystal Crab】

Level: 65

Attack: 375-420

Defense: 350

Qi and blood: 5850

Skills: [Combination], [Tear]

Introduction: The mutants on the Silverscale Coast have powerful attack and recovery power

As a level 65 monster, the offensive and defensive surname of the Crystal Crab can only be regarded as average, at least it can be easily handled by the strength of me and Xuanfeng.

Flying forward, attack first-forgiveness + a throw of heaven and earth!



The blood-red light flooded the Crystal Crab’s forehead with a single blow, and the Crystal Crab decisively launched a counterattack. Two giant tongs were raised high, glowing with golden skill light, and the storm continued. Give me 4 consecutive attacks!

The level 5 ghost armor was hummed, and the attack power of the crab was really not low, and 4 damage numbers jumped out one after another on the forehead—





Good guy, just a thousand qi and blood disappeared in an instant!

I was so frightened that I retreated quickly, only to realize that the combo skill of Crystal Crab was level 6, and I could launch 4 attacks instantly, no wonder it made me so ecstasy!

Xuan Feng flew forward, "Papa Papa" hits three times in a row, killing the crab nearly two thousand points of blood, and I stepped forward again to make up for a sword!

"Jie Jie..."

Accompanied by the screams, the Crystal Crab fell to the ground. The attack power of this product was good, but the defense and blood were only average. In fact, the attack power of the Crystal Crab was the same. The key is the level 6 combo skill. It's too sturdy, and it makes Crystal Crab's attack output very ecstasy in one fell swoop.

Pour a bottle of potion, and then use a small dose of potion to slowly recover. At the same time, the previous battle screen appeared in my mind. The moment the Crystal Crab uses the combo skill, there is about 0.5 seconds of skill prelude and guidance. Although it is very short, it I haven't escaped my eyes. In this case, with the help of slaps, in fact, there are almost active MISS combos, so I won't be able to practice a monster and drink blood, such a consumption can not afford!

Give it a try first!

Spread five fingers and grab it, but this crystal crab hair didn't give it!

Continue to look for the next target, not far away, it is the second crystal crab, exposed on the beach domineeringly, actually walking sideways!

Pounced forward, raised his hand in a pardoning gesture, the attack and hatred had already been sent out!

However, at the moment I was about to shoot, I took two steps back. The pardon skill was cancelled, and the Crystal Crab also shot. Two pliers swiped in the air and swiped four times in a row, bringing out four gorgeous MISSs. !

Haha, it really succeeded, this kind of powerful attack output monster can be artificially made MISS drop!

I was so excited that I deceived the Crystal Crab’s combo skills, and it has nothing to threaten me. In this way, I attacked with the black bee and basically solved a 65-level crystal crab in ten seconds. , Plus the time to find the monsters, you can kill 2-3 in about a minute. Not only can you perform tasks, but the upgrade speed is also fast. It is estimated that it will be very interesting to rise to level 60 and three ranks within 48 hours!

In a blink of an hour, Xuanfeng reached level 58 again, which was the same as mine, and then no longer gained mission experience. Tianzong’s rule is that the pet level is not higher than the owner, which saves some RMB players who are only level 10. , But spend money to buy a level 100 pet and install 13 everywhere. This kind of thing is disgusting.


The ghost ice soul split into two swords and fell down, and the crystal crab in front of him was shocked, and he was beaten straight!


Tsk Tsk, the attack power of Level 1 Thousand Magic Slash is really not very good, and the attack distance is still 1 yard, and it needs a lot of practice. After the skill level increases, it should be much sharper.

Not enough. Thousands of magic cut consumes 50 mana points at a time. This eater is too cruel. Fortunately, I am a cook and the cooking can be sold domestically. Otherwise, I can't afford the money just to practice this skill!

Continue to kill, I don’t know how long it has passed, with a "ding"—system prompt: Congratulations, your skill Qianhuan has reached LV-2!

Haha, the proficiency of level 1 to level 2 is not much, so I got up so quickly!

Looking at the introduction of the Thousand Magic Slash skills, the attack power of the level 2 skill has increased to 80%, and it still splits the two sword auras, but the attack distance has become 2 yards, and finally it can be regarded as a long-range attack!

Excited, go on!

Killing until almost noon, the requirement for 1,000 crystal crabs is quite huge. This task is completely physical work, and I also got close to the sea intentionally or unintentionally. There are still crystal crabs on the shallow water beach, and there is another kind of crab. Very beloved water creature-spearfish!