VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 115: Silver Swordsman


Cold Binggang, the authentic realm of Eidolons, filled with death and smelly, a group of skeleton puppets were carrying fresh flesh and throwing them into the blood pool of Cold Binggang, everything was so terrifying.

I frowned. If it wasn't for the instructor Undead Swordsman Su Lun here, I really didn't want to return to this place where birds don't shit.

Entering the cold ice hill, the instructor is standing proudly on the withered mound, holding a blood-colored long sword in his hand.

"Young Skeleton, are you back?" The instructor greeted him actively.

I stepped forward and said, "Teacher, I want to upgrade my professional level!"

"Well, you are strong enough, so let me complete a task for me, and I will give you the opportunity to improve your professional level!"


The system prompts: Do you accept the three-tier mission [Guardian Heart]? (Current task difficulty: A level)

Ok? What does this mean

I was stunned, and then I confirmed that I had accepted the task—


System reminder: You have accepted the mission of Rank 3 [Guardian Heart]!

Task content: Go to the small town near Frost Binggang, find the girl Xinran, she seems to have some thoughts.

The task of finding someone, and what I'm looking for is the little LOLI I haven't seen for a long time. What's this? Such a three-revolution mission is too undifficult, and it actually prompts it to be an A-level mission

I bother!

Pack up and leave!

I know the small town where Xin Ran’s family is located. I rushed all the way and arrived in less than ten minutes. In the lush jungle, a peaceful town is located in it. Twos and threes of women carry baskets in their hands and collect them from outside. , More of them are hunters with long bows on their shoulders, carrying the dead bodies of hyenas, rabbits and other animals on their shoulders.

I carried the ghost ice soul, shrouded my face in the cloak of blood-colored purgatory, strode into the town with meteors, searching everywhere, and finally found my mind beside the hut in the corner.

The years of the game go by quickly. It doesn’t take long in reality. My heart has grown from a 15-year-old LOLI to a 17-year-old beautiful girl, wearing a simple robe, a beautiful face, and a white neck, pure and innocent. Skin, everything tells the natural beauty of a girl.

She stood by the stake, waving a thin round wooden staff in her hand, and muttered to the stake: "Great God of Light, please give me the Holy Light-Revival!"


A faint stream of light fell, she had already mastered the priest's primary skills!

I stepped forward and said softly: "Heart?"

Suddenly, the girl slowly turned around, and when she saw my appearance, she couldn't help but exclaimed: "Brother, is that you?"


I put away my sword and smiled: "Xin Ran, how are you doing recently?"

"Yeah, good!" I walked forward with joy, suddenly grabbed my wrist, and smiled: "Brother, I know you will come back. We agreed that you will take me when your heart grows up. Go to the Great Sanctuary of Floating Ice City to be bathed in the Holy Light and formally become a great Silver Moon Alliance pastor, right?"

"Yeah, are you ready?"

"Well, ready, let's go!"


In the task list, the content becomes: escort Xinran to Floating Ice City to take up the post of pastor. You must ensure that Xinran survives, otherwise the mission will fail!

Humph, I won't tolerate any harm to my heart without mentioning the task. After all, such a cute, beautiful and kind-hearted NPC girl, who can bear to hurt her

Xinran followed me, and the two of them left the town, heading all the way to Floating Ice City, and they were able to arrive in about an hour at the speed of their minds!

"Brother, the teacher at the Pastor's College, isn't it fierce?" Xinran asked with a smile, holding my hand.

I ordered Xuanfeng to clear the way and shook my head and smiled: "Why, the old daddy of the Pastor’s College are all respectable, academically rigorous, responsible, respectful of students’ personality, and they don’t charge books, procrastinate, or punish students physically. They are all in the vanguard of education!"

My heart was so yearning to hear, and a pair of beautiful eyes were full of hope.

I was calm and composed and described everything in the Pastor’s College. In fact, I don’t know what kind of bird the Pastor’s College is like. I describe it entirely in the image of the University of Science and Technology. In the mysterious temple next to the priest's college, many bards gather to sing songs from the mainland. The mysterious temple is called "Xuehai KTV".

My heart was bluffed so that my eyes widened, and the smile grew thicker.

After more than 50 minutes, we had been overwhelmed by thorns and thorns, and we finally arrived at Floating Ice City. This majestic second-tier city stood like a giant on the territory of the mainland. After the war, it stood firm.

Entering Floating Ice City, my heart followed me closely, a pair of beautiful eyes looked around with curiosity and horror. Obviously, she had been living in a small town and had never seen such a big city, so she was still very restrained.

My heart was beautiful, and the surrounding players couldn't help but look at it a few more times, but because of my strong image, no bold disciples dared to provoke me.

All the way into the Great Sanctuary, there are high-level guards in armor and soldiers around the Great Sanctuary, which makes me feel a little stressed. If these NPC soldiers knew that I was the dead, they would have drawn their swords and killed me!

When we walked into the main hall, seven or eight senior priests stood in a row, with an archbishop in the middle. The level was simply not visible to me. Looking at me with a deep gaze, it seemed that my disguise had been seen through.

"My lord, my sister, I want to get a job and become a pastor!" I stepped forward and said fearlessly.

The archbishop looked deeply at Xinran, and said with a trembling voice: "Child, you have a pure heart, but your soul is hidden too deep and too deep. If you want to be a bright pastor, then Come here in 3 days and I will arrange a career trial for you!"

I was so frightened that I didn't dare to lift my head, just whispered: "I know, grandpa, I will come again in three days..."

The archbishop nodded, indicating that we can leave.

I glared at him. Isn’t it a high-level NPC? It's like two to five or eighty thousand. When I gather the god-level equipment, the first one will come back and chop you into seven or eight yuan to see my heart. So scared...

Holding Xinran's little hand, she walked out of the Great Sanctuary. She breathed a sigh of relief when she was far away, stroked her slightly full chest, and said, "Brother, I'm scared to death. Grandpa Archbishop is really scary." , Didn’t you tell me that the teachers at the Pastor’s College are not fierce?"

I shook my head and said, "No, this archbishop is just a Bodhisattva face and a knife heart... Oh no, it's a knife face Bodhisattva heart!"


"Well, really!"

I smiled: "Heartly, I'll take you home, there are too many bad guys in the ice forest!"

"Well, good, brother~~"

After another hour, she sent Xinran to the small town. She smiled and said, "Brother, where do you live?"

"Hanbinggang, temporary camp!"

"Oh, will you come to pick up Xinran in three days?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Okay, then we have an agreement!"

"good… "

At this time, the system bell rings for a while, and the task [Agreed] starts again.

I don’t know what this god-level mission is. Forget it, in the mission list, the level three mission has been shown to be completed. Go back and get the reward to learn skills!

Fly to Frozen Hill, find the undead swordsman Suren, and submit the task!


System reminder: Congratulations, you have completed the three-tier mission [Guardian Heart], successfully obtained the title [Silver Swordsman], and got the reward level +1!


Ascended by one level, at the same time, a ring of system bells echoed over Floating Ice City—


System Announcement: The player has completed the task by smashing the halberd and sinking the sand, successfully promoted to become the second silver player in Floating Ice City, and won the title of "Silver Swordsman", and as the second player with three ranks, he will receive a reward: level +1, And get reward items: [Scorching Blade]!

scare? Searing Blade? Doesn't it belong to the same series as the scorching boots obtained by Lin Yixin

Hurrying to open the package, a floodlight dagger was lying in the package, it was actually a high-end silver dagger!

[Scorching Blade] (Silverware)

Attack: 90-145

Strength: +24

Agility: +20

Additional: Increase the user's attack power by 2%

Need level: 60

I couldn’t help laughing. It’s a silver dagger. Its powerful attack power is comparable to that of the spear and sword system. It also adds 2% of its attack power. This is simply a good treasure tailored for the assassin profession. However, among the people I know, only Lin Yixin seems to be the most suitable.

Lin Yixin's ace skills Yuetong and Shattered Wushuang can be activated. The prerequisite is to be equipped with a dagger. The stronger the attack power of the dagger, the stronger the effect of the skill. Therefore, Lin Yixin's only pursuit is to have a powerful dagger.

I made a picture book of Searing Blade. Although Lin Yixin did not go online, she still sent her with a message: "I go to bed at 4 o'clock, don't disturb me after 12 o'clock..."

Get everything done, it's time to learn skills!

Dialogue with Undead Swordsman Suren, and a dialogue box for learning skills appeared in front of him—

[Strengthen bones]: Improve defense by 100 points

[Immortality]: After the health is exhausted, there is a 1% chance of rebirth in full state

[Undead Aura]: All surrounding undead creatures have attack power +7%, recovery speed 15%, movement and attack speed +5%, magic resistance of all surnames +1%.


It is worthy of a rank three skill, too powerful!

Strengthening bones, this is a passive skill to increase defense, it is the guarantee for me to transform into a steel fortress in the future, and the aura of undead will be broken, and the attacks of surrounding undead creatures and various surnames are added. In this case, I will team up with Guiguzi in the future. , Bei Mingxue leveling, I am equivalent to a counselor and singer who inspires and builds soldiers!

Of course, among the three skills, the most powerful is the second skill Immortality, with a 1% chance of resurrecting in situ after death. This is simply a halo of Brother Chun that relies on RP!

Level 1 immortality has a 1% chance of resurrection, then at level 10, it is estimated that there should be a 10% chance. Although it is still not very high, there is still a chance. Everything depends on character, and my RP... Say it