VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1405: One thousand four hundred and four deep rock walkers


At present, no matter how kind people are, they have become unkind. Even those who have always been very stupid and high-spirited actively come to ask for equipment. This is the first time, but this axe is also instructed in my heart to give high-spirited fighting spirits. Yes, as the most violent ground rider of the ancient sword, coupled with the skills such as Haechi Roar and Whirlwind Slash, this axe seemed a shame if it didn't give a high morale.

I took a look at He Yi, she was also looking at me sweetly, nodding her head, and immediately I understood everything, and immediately threw the tomahawk out, "pop" and was caught by the fighting spirit, and said: "Okay, After deducting your 24W points, your fighting spirit will continue to work hard and get some more points in this event. Don’t be blinded by such a good weapon."

Fighting spirited and nodded: "Don't worry, it's all right."

After that, I raised the indigo-colored dagger. The texture of the dagger was very elegant, green, and its attack power was very high. At least in the world of daggers, the attack power of this dagger is now almost in the top ten. It is a must for the master hand dagger.

Clearing my voice, I said, "Green Mansions, the attack power is very high, and the additional effects are also good. I know that the archer brothers may also need daggers, but this kind of offensive weapon is better for assassins, so, The top ten assassin career ROLL points in this guild, it needs to consume 22W points."

The crowd was lonely. There were only two assassins who met the points requirements. One was a pretty Xiaoman, the other was Tianyan, both players of the eighth league, one was the leader, and the other was the deputy leader.

The pretty Xiaoman stood on the edge of the city wall and looked at me condescendingly. Xiaoman’s waist was glowing with crystals in the moonlight. She smiled and said, “Brother deputy leader, I happen to be missing a master dagger. Come on, let me tell you. Rock competition."

Tian Yan is a 27-year-old young man, holding a scarlet dagger, standing beside Xiaoman quite mightily, and smiled: "Leader, I will fight with you for this green light, in case you lose the roll point, you don’t I will avenge my personal revenge and slap my position as deputy leader."

The pretty young man smiled quite charmingly: "Oh, you want to poke it so much, then do it..."

"No, the leader is wise, my deputy leader wakes up and is greedy for the dark management of the guild.

"That's good, roll it."

The beautiful young man raised his hand and threw the dice. At 97, Tian Yan was also relieved, but with some unwillingness. There is no way. A weapon like Qingmang can greatly increase the output of an assassin. No one wants to miss it. what.

As a result, Tian Yan cast 91 points and lost Qingmang by a not too big gap, but also kept the position of deputy leader...

In the end, I took out the ghoul war bow, held it high, and said, "Although this bow is a bit ugly in shape and its name is quite disgusting, but its attack power is really high, Bei Mingxue has Xuan Ming Bow, and automatically abstain, the next archer, the top ten points come to ROLL points, don’t complain that the points are not enough, we participated in this event, the points of the killed monsters are partially converted into guild points, points It's not enough to explain that it's not strong enough, everyone roll..."

Archers and wizards belong to the kind of shameless group killing output profession, and their points are generally much higher than those of the riding combat system. They actually collected 10 players with 24W points and roll points together.

The roaring dice danced wildly. In the end, the Doomsday Warsong was awarded the Ghoul Warsong. This guy is the third archer in the guild. He has the skill of the bow commander. It can also be regarded as a leader of the Long Yao bow rider, Ghoul Wars. The bow can be used to the best of his ability.

After that, I distributed the enhanced gems, props, etc. that the BOSS exploded, and even a skill book, the sea of flames, the kill skills of the mage player, the lethality is about 50% of the normal damage, but the range covers 50 yards. Continuous attack, the necessary weapon for siege and defense of the city group, was taken away by Moonstone Roll. After Moonstone returned to the ancient sword, it was favored by thousands of people. Basically, Li Chengfeng, Guiguzi, and high fighting spirit came out of the wizard system. All of her equipment will give her priority, so the magic power quickly surpassed Yu Tong and became a character second only to Lian Xin. With the sea of flames, the edge during team battles will be even more eye-catching.

After the assignment was completed, He Yi had already reminded: "Be careful, the second wave of monsters will soon come, I think, maybe it has already come, but I can't see where it is, what's wrong with it."

I looked up into the distance, thunder rumbled and dark clouds rolled. I really didn't see half of the monster. I couldn't help but feel a little surprised: "Well, I also had a foreboding that the monster was coming, but I couldn't see what was going on."

Lin Yixin asked from a distance, "Does the dark pupil show up."

"No, it doesn't work."

"It's hard to say that monsters are different from players, and sometimes they don't follow the rules of the game at all."

"Well, everyone is on guard."

Everyone drew their swords together, a group of Long Yao cavalry guarded the front line, and Heavenly Rain, Sunny Sky and Snow, and Xu Yang had also rushed over from the main city again, bringing thousands of Long Yao cavalry into the canyon. Join forces with the main force to guard the eastern gate of the fortress.

Dark clouds gradually shrouded our heads, and heavy rain was pouring down. Although the sky should be bright, it seemed like the night. Lightning illuminates everyone's armor, weapons, and everyone's eyes.

I wiped the rain on my face: "Fucking wool, why doesn't it appear..."

He Yi's chest trembled slightly, "Here."


Before the words fell, a "bang bang bang" sound was heard from the land directly in front of them, and big black centipedes broke through the ground, rubbing them. They attacked from the ground, no wonder they could escape my dark pupils.

Just a few meters away from me, a centipede monster also broke out of the ground. A pair of sharp tongs pierced through the chest of a dragon rider. It was an auger sting attack that directly brought out 5 damage numbers. That Long Yao cavalry full of BUFF was killed in seconds, which was really surprising.

"All defenses." I said loudly: "The archers in the city are covered with soaring arrows to cover everyone. The mage uses a piece to kill."

At the same time, there was a tremor from the ground under my feet, and I hurried back half a step, and suddenly a centipede broke through the soil, its body rotated, and at the same time a five-strike combo came, splashing on the Azure Dragon Shield "knock-kunk" The dazzling sparks also bring out a series of damage figures, but the attack damage of this monster is very amazing.






This skill definitely has the effect of breaking defenses, otherwise I won't be able to get rid of so much energy and blood. This is only a demon-level monster, but not a BOSS-level monster.

The dark pupil swept past, sweeping out the surname of the big centipede.

[Deep Rock Penetrator] (Demon-level monster)

Level: 305

Attack: 52000-60500

Defense: 60000

Qi and blood: 5000000

Skills: [Bite], [Fanatical Hole]

Introduction: Enchanted revenant monsters. These deep rock penetrators were originally Jedi centipedes living in volcanic areas. They have hard shells and sharp tongs, and can easily move underground. However, when these centipedes are killed After the call of, their beast surnames were completely aroused, and they became a powerful force under Han Blade, who was good at attacking and ambushing opponents underground. Countless human warriors were killed under the claws of the deep rock penetrators. The army of death has become a frightening existence

"A high attack, what to do." Gui Guzi instigated the dragon to slowly fly up, slashing the open space in vain.

My gaze was cold, and I retreated a big centipede directly in front of me, and suddenly my body sank, my palm covered the ground with Kyushu cold, and the earth trembled more violently. Come on, Zhen Longteng.

"Boom boom boom..."

A head of dragon soul form rushed out of the ground, and also brought out the big centipede lurking underground. While attacking the centipede a lot of energy and blood, it also smoothly broke their ground penetration form.

"Good job, come on."

The fighting spirit was high and laughed, and the new bone-cutter rushed into the monster group, the cyclone danced, the Haechi roar raged, and a group of large centipedes screamed and screamed, and the large centipede also launched a frenzied hole. , Fighting with high spirits, and screaming, fortunately, more than N pastors in the city locked the zealots for treatment, otherwise they would hang up in five seconds.

Once Zhen Long Teng was used up and needed to wait for the CD time, I rushed into the monster group, slashed out the slashing blade, and shouted into the distance: "Purgatory crazy dragon, don't be stunned, a touch of sunshine uses your god fire dragon to crack. Use the deep-rock penetrator’s form of burrowing, hurry up, or your people will be dead.”

In fact, the Purgatory Dragon has indeed suffered extremely heavy casualties, and has already fallen a large piece. The attack power of the big centipede is so strong that their chaotic and miscellaneous cavalry can't stop it at all.

A ray of sunshine didn’t show off his jealous posture anymore, he immediately used the god fire dragon to bring out a large group of big centipedes, and the candle shadow chased a group of horned beasts to cover the past. To help the purgatory dragon is to help himself, otherwise he is purgatory. The front line of the crazy dragon collapsed across the board, and the kick of the city is equivalent to being exposed to the edge of the monster. Once the city is broken, everyone will be ruined.

Even so, heavy casualties are inevitable. While the super players like Lin Yixin, He Yi, Li Chengfeng, and Gui Guzi have gained a lot of points, the rest of the players have suffered very great losses, almost all of them killed in battle. At this time, the long-distance in the city The player of the department shows the advantage, there is no need to fight in close combat, the infantry is hard work.

After nearly an hour of fighting, finally, the big centipedes were killed seven or eight. Everyone showed some fatigue. The players around them would always die a lot, they were all on the road, and this was the second place. Bo's monster attack actually caused everyone to fight like this.

"Did the BOSS show up?" I asked.

He Yi nodded: "Well, I appeared in the southwest. I was beaten by someone who was in the air, and I was killing him."

I screamed: "Xingyun is killing, then forget it..."

The corner of He Yi's mouth raised: "Oh, don't you have any more feelings for that Indian beauty..."

Me: "You think too much, I don't even know her..."

He Yi: "..."