VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1490: Goodbye heart


Two Buick Commercials, I'm the one in front.

Zhang Chun sat next to me, rubbing her hands with a solemn expression, and suddenly said, "Is it any surprise that I came to pick you up in person?"

I nodded: "Yeah."

Zhang Chun sighed and said, "This time, things are a bit big."

"What the hell is going on." I asked.

"I can't tell you the detailed situation now. When you arrive at Yueheng Base, you will naturally know everything..."

I was surprised: "We are going to Yueheng base, not to the virtual department."

"Well, yes, go to Yueheng Base."

In my heart, Zhang Chun entered a state of silence. He couldn't make a sound with a few sticks. It seemed that he was clinging to the news.

In fact, I only care about the safety of my heart. No matter what she is, even if my heart is a bunch of data, I hope she can be safe and sound. I have been fighting for so many days in the plane of purgatory and exile, not just to find it. Is it true

It took more than an hour to drive to Yueheng’s Yenching headquarters, which is also one of the three headquarters of Yueheng Company. It is said that Yenching headquarters used to be the real headquarters. Later, due to the deviation of funds, the center of gravity of Yueheng headquarters was Moved from Yenching to New York.

Getting off the bus, a group of staff with badges greeted me warmly. Among them, Tang Feng walked in the forefront, stretched out his hand and shook my hand, and said, "Lu Chen, you have come here for your hard work."

I nodded: "Nothing, Minister Tang, Lin Yixin and He Yi didn't have anything to eat at noon. Should we entertain us for a meal first, and then we will talk about business."

Tang Feng groaned, and said, "First talk about business, and then invite you to dinner."

I frowned: "What kind of event is it, I can't even care about the meal."

"Come with me… "


Entering a high-rise building with at least 40 stories above, in the lobby, another group of staff in Yueheng company uniforms are waiting for us. A middle-aged man who is about 50 years old walks forward and said: "Hello Lu Chen , I’m Xu Ning, the president of Yueheng Company in China."

"Hello… "

I glanced at it, but found that Ling Xue and the scholar were also there. Ling Xue stepped forward: "I am Ling Xue, the president of Yueheng Southern Branch in China. This is a scholar. You all know..."

I nodded: "Well, what happened in such a big battle."

The scholar sighed and said, "We are going to take you to meet someone."


The CEO Xu Ning walked forward steadily. He had only heard of such a person before. Today, I finally saw it. The CEO of Yueheng in China, this person is probably worth more than tens of billions.

A group of people entered the elevator, descended to the 5th floor, and stopped slowly. Our salute was taken away by the staff. He Yi and Lin Yixin were surprised, but did not panic. After all, even Ling Xue, scholar, and Zhang Chun. Everyone is here, Yueheng Company will definitely not treat us like that.

At the end of a long corridor, a big electronic door appeared. Xu Ning stepped forward and entered the password. The white door slowly opened. After everyone entered, they found that there was another door. After three consecutive times, a huge laboratory appeared. Before our eyes.

In the laboratory, there is no one, but a giant computer is running, and a large screen is constantly projecting the ups and downs of various data.

Zhang Chun saw my suspicion and said, "This is Yueheng’s main brain system. Everyone thinks that Yueheng’s main system is built in the headquarters in New York, but it’s actually wrong. In China, it has always been there. China is the birthplace of Yueheng. …"

I was stunned: "It turns out that it's not a multinational company..."

Ling Xue chuckled: "It's a multinational company, but it started in China."

Moving forward, a huge glass electronic door appeared in front of him. Xu Ning pointed to the front and said, "Behind that door is the answer to everything, but only you are qualified to go in, Lu Chen, go, everything is required. please… "

I trembled: "What's behind this door."

"If you go in, you'll know..." Xu Ning lowered his head, gritted his teeth, and said, "I beg you, go in, and complete my mission, which is also your mission... The electronic device on the door can scan your iris, this door , There are only two people who can start, one is you and the other is me..."

I didn't say anything. I stepped forward and an infrared ray swept in my eyes. Soon, the door slowly opened. When I walked in, it slowly closed. The scene in front of me was completely stunned.

It was a thin girl, tired of her body, lying in a giant container, in a transparent body, a dozen data grid lines connected to her head, she closed her eyes, and her long eyelashes were in the water. The girl's body is slightly stretched, her perfect chest is unobstructed, and her slender legs show the magic of the Creator. Such a beautiful appearance is hard to see in the world.


I suddenly fell to my knees, reached out to touch the easy glass outer wall, and muttered: "Xin Ran... Xin Ran, is that you."

The girl didn't respond, she was still asleep.

The right hand was covered on the glass, it was cold, and I couldn’t help trembling: “What the hell is going on, who put you in it, who is it, what is going on, I feel like you open your eyes and tell me , Look at me, is it good? I feel like it’s me..."

Heavy punches on the glass, but not moving, this is bulletproof material.

There was a mess in my heart, and my heart actually existed. She is not a bunch of data, she is a real girl.

Turning around, I suddenly left this small room.

"Lu Chen, what's the matter?" Lin Yixin had already discovered that I was not in the right mood.

I stepped forward, grabbed Xu Ning's neck with one hand, pointed inside, and shouted in a low voice: "What the hell is wrong with my heart, why is she like this, what is going on."

Xu Ning smiled bitterly, gently pulled my hand away, and said, "Lu Chen, don't get excited, I know, you met Missy in the game, she is very dependent on you, right."

"Miss." I was dumbfounded.

Xu Ning nodded, sighed, and looked at the main brain system in the distance, and said, "Did you know that the entire Yueheng system was made by a genius scientist, and his name is Dong Ren."

I shook my head.

Xu Ning went on to say: "In Yueheng Company, Dong Ren is known as the father of Yueheng. He created this main system with one hand, and the reason he created the main system is to save his daughter..."

Reaching out for the airtight laboratory inside, Xu Ning said solemnly: "It's her, Dong Xinran, and I am just Dong Ren's deputy..."

I froze there.

The scholars, Ling Xue, Tang Feng, Zhang Chun and others were very silent, with solemn expressions.

Xu Ning gritted her teeth and said: "The eldest lady has lost any sense since she was born. Now she is 17 years old, but she has been living in a nutrient solution and a laboratory. The master knows that the technology will be mature in 10 years. Contact the brain wave system, so try to get the eldest lady into the game, trigger her brain wave to be active, and wake her up."

As he said, Xu Ning clenched his fists and punched the glass door hard, saying: "Unfortunately, the master can't see that day. When Yueheng was five years old, he died of illness and had five years of life. A complete leap in technology. For 1 year in Tianzong, the eldest lady entered the game and got acquainted with you, Lu Chen. In the battle of the Holy Helm Ruins, the eldest lady’s brainwave activity reached an unprecedented peak. We think this is her awakening. The prelude to coming, Lu Chen, do you know how important you are to my eldest lady and me? The master developed the Yueheng master brain system after 7 years, just to wait for this day and wait for someone to wake up the eldest lady."

I slumped against the wall, looked at the direction of the small room, and muttered: "I feel she... is she really a real person."

Xu Ning nodded: "She is right in front of you, just so quietly asleep. Although she can't talk to you, she is the wind chanter in the game. Isn't that true enough? What the wind chanter said , Everything is the true psychology of Missy, Lu Chen, don't you think this is enough."

"Enough... Enough..."

I clenched my fist and said, "What do you want me to do."

"You are already doing it."

Xu Ning patted me on the shoulder and said, "I entered the plane of purgatory for 7 days. This is the best proof. I think you must like Missy very much, otherwise you won't do this step, will you?"

I nodded: "Well, my heart is very important to me."

"That's good, enter the game, wake her up, not only wake up her in the game, but also wake up her in the real world at the same time."

After that, Xu Ning suddenly knelt in front of me on one knee, saying every word: "This is the long-cherished wish of the master. Xu Ning, I have never been a qualified businessman in my life, and even sold the game copyright to outsiders at a high price, and sold Yueheng's shares. There have been so many splits, but Xu Ning knows what Chengjun promises to keep for a lifetime. I must see the eldest lady wake up with my own eyes."

My mind was confused, and I didn't go to help Xu Ning, just watching the CEO of China Yueheng kneel down to me like this.

The scholar, Ling Xue, and Zhang Chun panicked, and hurriedly stepped forward to help them: "Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, what are you doing, dizzy, do you want to shame Lu Chen's stupid boy?"

Xu Ning stood up and asked, "Lu Chen, how far have you progressed on the plane of purgatory? I don't have permission to ask the main system, so I can only ask you..."

I said, "Under the seventh floor of the plane of purgatory, there is a place of exile. It is said that my heart was exiled to the place of exile by Linna, so I am now in the place of exile, but I haven't found the whereabouts of my heart. , There are many small maps in the exile. For the time being, I don’t know where my heart is, so I can only continue searching."

Xu Ning nodded his head: "Well, that's hard work for you. As long as the eldest lady wakes up, I will promise you... Uh, a lot of money."

I shook my head: "As long as I wake up, I don't need money."

"Well, then I will put the 1 billion dollar remuneration back to the lady's name..."

"You said the magic horse..."
