VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1496: 25% assets


Yueheng North headquarters, restaurant.

A table of hearty meals has been prepared. When I took Lin Yixin and He Yi in, Ling Xue, scholar, and Zhang Chun were also there, eating and drinking.

"In the game, I found my heart." Zhang Chun asked.

I sat down and nodded: "Well, I found it. Now arrange her in Violet City."

"Well, it's a good thing to find it. This table of wine is considered a celebration."

"Oh, so hungry..."

I didn’t eat anything for more than 15 hours. I immediately grabbed my chopsticks and got three pieces of braised pork on my belly. This was still more powerful. Ling Xue stood up and poured the wine by herself. The purple red wine was rippling in the glass. He raised his glass and said, "Congratulations to Lu Chen for finding his mind in the game. No matter what, you have completed the first step, right?"

As she said, she kicked the scholar under the table, and the scholar immediately stood up and held up the wine glass: "Yeah, we all thank Lu Chen for finding Xinran so quickly."

I drank it and said, "Thank you."

Zhang Chun said: "Lu Chen has been in Purgatory for more than 7 days, plus yesterday, 8 days and 8 nights, and then he found his mind. This road is really not that easy to walk, but of course, if Lu Chen If you can really wake up your mind, you are a great contributor to the Chinese server."

I was stunned: "Uncle Zhang Chun, I can't understand how to say this..."

Zhang Chun was taboo and smiled deeply: "The deep meaning of this, you have to ask the real party, whether the heart is awake or not, the conflict of interest is really too great, here, look at the scholar and Ling Xue, these two When did the guy accompany someone so diligently to eat, but today is different, of course it has something to do with his own interests..."

I looked at Ling Xue and asked, "Ms. Ling, what do you say."

Ling Xue took a deep breath, stood up, gathered her uniform jacket, but couldn't enclose a pair of proud 34Ds. She looked at me deeply and said softly, "Lu Chen, listen carefully. For the entire Yueheng company, 25% of them are In fact, the capital shares have always been in the hands of Dong Ren, the father of Yueheng, and Dong Ren’s will, the shares he holds are passed to his daughter Xinran, and Xu Ning is just the CEO of the Chinese headquarters. Holds less than 1% of the shares, not as many as I am, the most important thing is..."

She paused suddenly, and I trembled: "What is the most important thing."

Ling Xue raised the corner of her mouth and said: "The most important thing is that if you still don’t wake up after you reach adulthood in accordance with the agreement, the 25% of Yueheng’s shares will be directly diluted and become a joint stock. You know that 25% of Yueheng’s shares are Does it mean anything? It means... About 250 billion US dollars will be spilled from China to the world... And today, I am 17 years old, and next month, it will be her 18-year-old birthday." (Set Yueheng's total assets as 1,000 billion U.S. dollars,)

I:"… "

"Snapped… "

Sit back to the seat gently, the cup in my hand was almost unsteady: "It turns out... Xinran's identity is so... so prominent..."

The scholar nodded: "Yes, in Yueheng Company, she is called the little princess Yueheng. Once she wakes up, she will be Yueheng's largest shareholder, that is, the true CEO of Yueheng Global. , You must understand that this is also the reason why there are so many armed soldiers guarding this building. The Virtual Ministry and the Ministry of Economic Affairs have invested a lot of energy here, and I must wake up."

I took a deep breath and nodded: "Well, I will try my best, but I woke up, and 25% of Yueheng Assets remain in China, which seems to have no direct benefit to you."

Ling Xue chuckled: "We must consider the return of funds. If the 25% of the shares are in China, our Chinese server will be the largest investor of Yueheng. We have the final say in many aspects of the game, er, it means that we pass The effort to make money from games can be increased, and as the head of the Southern Headquarters in China, promotion and salary increase are not a problem..."

I was relieved: "Damn, that's it..."

Ling Xue closed her skirt, looked at He Yi, and said, "GGS's genius president... Uh, EVE, once you wake up, you can't grab our Blue Star's territory through Lu Chen's relationship. what… "

He Yi played with the cup in his hand and smiled: "Oh, I am aiming for the world, the game industry in the little China area, I haven't paid attention to it yet..."

The scholar trembled: "NO, I have an ominous premonition... EVE beauty keeps money..."

I also laughed: "Okay, don't worry, we are not the people who draw wages from the bottom of the pot, hurry up and eat, I will have to sleep for a while, and then go online."


Back to his room, he fell asleep almost as soon as he touched the pillow.

I don’t know how long it took until someone was knocking on the door. Lin Yixin said outside: "Little liar, my heart has already been transferred to the Sunshine Ward. You hurry up and wash and eat. It’s past 7 in the morning, so you don’t want to see you. Is it true to my heart, still sleeping, big lazy donkey..."

I sat up and said, "The rollers in the mill keep spinning every day, and the donkey never knows to rest. You actually said that the donkey is lazy. Is this fair to the donkey?"

Lin Yixin chuckled: "Well, I was wrong, you get up quickly, I'll wait for you in sister EVE's room."


Get up, quickly finish washing, put on a new set of clothes, go out, in He Yi’s room, two MMs are watching the content on the laptop, and they are both well-dressed, probably I saw Ling yesterday Xue Xue is aware of the threat, so she can't be compared with others.

I just glanced at it and felt that the two MMs were very satisfied with their outfits today. Really beautiful women look good in everything they wear, especially the proud and extraordinary little women like He Yi and Lin Yixin. A simple shirt is all right. Being able to wear an international style, from the door, it looks like two big stars.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

"Look at the third ascending place..."

"Damn, someone has advanced to become a god." I was stunned.

"Well, guess who it is." Lin Yixin smiled.

I was silent for a moment: "Li Chengfeng."

"He doesn't have that RP..."


"He doesn't have that face..."

Me: "Well, is it thirteen."

"He is not at level 250..."

"Who... Who the hell is Yiyi."

Lin Yixin pointed to the screen and smiled: "Sister Wang Luo, Temple of Order, extraordinary physique, flight, elemental focus, magic attack power hidden increased by 180%, I heard that this is the case..."

I grinned: "NB, next time I see her take a detour..."

He Yi chuckles: "She probably thinks that way too. She has to take a detour when she sees Lu Chen, so a god-level melee player with no surname can't do it by force."

I spread my hands: "Let's go, let's go to eat, and then go see Xinran."


After eating breakfast, under the leadership of two white coat staff, entered the sunshine convalescence ward.


The door opened, and I was the first to enter, and I saw a huge illness in this high-end ward. I was lying there with my body still undergoing infusion, but it was wiped clean, wearing a simple medical gown, and closed. His eyes had long eyelashes motionless.

Xu Ning hugged his arms and stood there quietly: "Oh, Lu Chen is here, come here..."

I nodded and walked over in a stride, but my eyes never left my heart's face. Yes, it is such a beautiful and refined face, almost exactly the same as the heart in the game, as if dreaming, just the day before. , I never thought that I would see the true mind, let alone that the situation would progress to this point.

Stepping forward, I gently held Xinran's hand, a chill.

"Heart, it's me, can you hear me."

Aside, Dr. Wang looked at the observer and shook his head and said, "No, there is no perception at all, and the brain wave activity is at a steady level."

Xu Ning said, "Don't worry too much, take your time, Lu Chen still needs time."

I pursed my lips: "You all go out, I want to be alone with my heart for a while."


Everyone walked out of the room. He Yi pointed to the next door and said, "I and Yiyi are waiting for you in the rest room next door. You have to wake up your mind quickly. I have seven or eight meetings to be held in the south..."

I nodded and smiled: "Well, go, I will try my best."


The moment the door closed, there was only me and Xinran in this room.

Holding Xinran's hand tightly, I sat down and said quietly: "You said that you are afraid that there is no me in the real world. I'm afraid this is just a dream. But for me, this is the real world. , Don’t you want to touch me in the real world? I said, I want to show you the color of the sun, smell the fragrance of roses, and listen to the chirping of birds. It’s not in the game anymore, just wake up. , Brother has no time..."

The shirt slid down my arm, revealing a piece of lavender skin. I felt a pain in my heart. I pressed Xinran's little hand to my cheek, and tears hovered in my eyes: "Heart, I want to listen to you in my lifetime and see you. Look at me, feel attentively, hurry up and wake up, my brother wants to see you, I... I really don’t have much time..."


On the side of the observation instrument, the peak value is constantly beating violently.

I wiped my tears: "Xin Ran... Xin Ran, did you hear it."

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door, and Dr. Wang shouted: "Lu Chen, the peak of Missy's brain wave has increased. What's the matter, can we go in."

I hurriedly pulled down my sleeves and said, "Well, come in."

A group of people poured in quickly, but everyone had disappointment on their faces, and they still didn't wake up.

"It seems that it's just a short period of fluctuation, and it still hasn't reached the peak of being able to wake up..." Dr. Wang shook his head disappointedly: "Forget it, let's go out and let the lady have a good rest."

Xu Ning also nodded: "Well, we must continue to supply nutrients at noon, and the sun should be irradiated."

Zhang Chun patted me on the shoulder: "Lu Chen, don't be sad, there is still a chance, let's go, let's go out and let my heart rest for a while."

Everyone walked out of the room one after another. I stood up and was about to leave, only to find that my hand was tightly held. Behind me, with my eyes closed, two lines of clear tears slipped down my cheeks.

"elder brother… "