VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1517: Gu Jian Escort


In front of the three tortoise-shell trucks, there are a total of 100 NPC guards. They are all 320-level demon-level NPCs. They are not bad, but they are limited to slashing mobs and killing novice players. Level players, these NPCs are like fish on the chopping board, there is not much to fight back at all.

The NPC captain is a middle-aged knight uncle with a spear, an ancient fairy-level quasi-BOSS-level NPC, and Moen, the demon-breaking guard.

I nodded at Lu Buyi: "Captain, go and trigger the mission to start."

Lu Buyi held a hidden dragon fan: "OK, I'm a blessing of strategic skills, Lu Chen, you are the captain. Here, the leader, deputy leader, and army captains are all here. I don't dare to be the captain, Alexander..."

"Hurry up, cough cough..."

Lu Buyi stepped forward and talked with Captain Moen. Soon Moen raised his spear and smiled up to the sky: "The dew is waiting for the breeze on the branches, and the bird droppings are waiting for the leaves to fall. The journey in the wild begins, young Adventurers of, walk with me to see what other prey in that outer domain dare to challenge us."

I was silent, Captain Moen looked so arrogant.

A group of people moved forward slowly, the speed of the convoy was very fast, only about one-third of the walking speed of the Mage player, so we could only stop and wait for the convoy.

The dark pupils are swept away, each carriage has a health bar and defense. The defense value is 50W points, and the upper blood value is 1000W points. It is quite a lot, but once it is beaten by a monster or a group of players, this 1000W point of blood will be It's gone after a single swipe, which is a bit worrying.

He Yi rode the snow crystal dragon, soaring in the air, holding the fire-suppressing sword, and said: "Lu Chen cleared the way in front, and Li Chengfeng was behind the last car. Guiguzi, Beiming, and Lian Xin guarded the middle one together. Cars, Lian Xin and Bei Ming pay attention to attack coverage, they must be able to cover three carriages, and everyone changes to team attack mode."


Everyone nodded.

A group of people started on the road and followed the convoy carefully. At the same time, a progress bar appeared on our game interface. It was a long one. It slowly slid forward. I don’t know when it will reach the Purple Grape. City, but it seems it's not going too smoothly, otherwise it won't be worthy of an SSS-level mission.

Holding the Xuanyuan sword, I flew three meters above the ground, cautiously turning on the dark pupils, and constantly scanning the surrounding maps, without letting go of any clues, and we must not let anyone ruin our mission. They are a group of 255. It doesn’t hurt for the guys at level 5 to lose level 5, so I feel so distressed. If level 265 is upgraded to level 270, it will take half a year...

"Chengfeng." I shouted.

"Well, what's the matter." Li Chengfeng agreed at the end of the team.

I thought for a while and said: "Arrange tens of thousands of Dragon Lights Iron Knights and Dragon Lights Bow Knights to train in the city of Purple Grapes. Let Lunar Moon and high morale lead the team. We basically won’t be in Drift Ice City. Attacked by the player, but once we enter the ruins of Glacier County, I believe that the people like Red Maple and Qingshuang are willing to destroy our mission. As long as someone intervenes, we can immediately mobilize the Long Yao cavalry to launch a counterattack."

Li Chengfeng nodded: "OK, I will tell Luanyue, by the way, I will bring tens of thousands of holy magicians over. Last time I saw the holy magicians' group method kill the golden cavalry in the charge. It's too BT attack power, very good. To use, as long as you form a group and bless an encouragement, it’s so violent that you can’t say anything.”

"Well, you can decide."

After less than ten minutes of traveling, three tortoise-shell cars were walking through the dense forest. Suddenly, Bei Mingxue was on top of the fire phoenix, pointing to the right side: "Look, something is coming to hijack our cargo..."

In the jungle, dwarfs only about 0.4 meters rushed out. This is a little demon monster with a fiery red hat on his forehead and a rusty axe in his hand. There are hundreds of them. Ran out of the jungle, yelling as he ran: "Hurry over and grab the carriage, there must be a good baby in it."

At the same time, on the game interface, a skull image appeared on our task progress bar. Well, at the beginning of the progress bar, it refers to this group of monsters.


He Yi couldn't help laughing: "A 250-level ghost dance monster, Red Riding Hood Goblin, is this taunting us?"

I carried Xuanyuanjian: "Who will do it."

Guiguzi: "I'm coming."

The dark crystal dragon flew down, and Guiguzi's ghost blade halberd was already agitated in the jungle. At the same time, Bei Mingxue rushed to the sky to help, and Lian Xin also threw a sea of flames and set fire around the convoy. , With Lian Xin's magical attack power, these goblins simply couldn't get past the sea of fire, and all their blood was burned out.

I didn’t make any shots at all, and a few people got it done quickly. It’s no wonder that our team’s lineup is too strong, Xuanyuan Sword, Ghost Blade Halberd, Xuanming Bow, Qixian Yaoqin, 4 of the twelve artifacts All of them are in our team, and the little monsters robbed are not enough to see, at least it should be like this in the first few waves.

After fixing a wave of Red Riding Hood goblin attacks, the convoy proceeded in an orderly manner. Li Chengfeng carried Qingfeng halberd: "Cough cough, my hands are itchy. If you want to kill monsters, I have to kill them. The next wave will let me and Come on Lu Chen..."

It has nothing to do with Fengyue MM laughing: "You two CGL Hall of Fame players are going to kill goblins together. I'm ashamed, let us kill these little rookies to earn some experience..."

Lu Buyi nodded: "Well, let's kill it..."

I stretched out my hands: "Whatever you do, just scream if you can't stand it..."

Open the map and look at our path. On both sides of the road, many players no longer go to kill monsters, but stop and watch our team. No one has hidden their names. Everyone’s shoulders are all with the ancient sword emblem. It is inevitable that people will be moved, and there will be a lot of discussions.

"I'm going, isn't that Gu Jian's super lineup? The halberd, the legendary brave, Guiguzi, Beimingxue, and Lianxing are all there. They are almost all celebrities in the CGL Hall of Fame, strong."

"What are they doing, surrounded by three NPC carriages."

"Maybe you are doing a task, betting on darts or something, see that the carriage is the cargo..."

"How about we go robbing the darts."

"You have a few heads, go ahead, don't give it away..."


Soon afterwards, high cliffs appeared on both sides of the road, overgrown with weeds, which was extremely dangerous. Look at the map, it is called Broken Stone Ridge, which is a territory occupied by wild orcs.

"Be careful, maybe there is another wave of trouble here..." I said with a smile.

Gui Guzi carried the ghost blade halberd: "It's okay, just leave it to us..."

"Yeah." Bei Mingxue was also eager to try.

At this moment, suddenly dense green orcs appeared on the mountain, each holding an axe in his hand, one after another howling: "That is the goods of the Violet Empire, hurry over, cut down the undead guards, and rob the goods. Let’s go, Sophia’s police dispatched an army to kill our tribe at every turn. The time for our revenge is ripe."

The wild orcs rushed down all over the mountains, and this time their strength improved a lot. The 275-level demon-level monsters were no longer comparable to Red Riding Hood goblins in terms of blood and attack.

"I will help too."

He Yiqing took the Fire Suppressing Sword and instigated Xue Jinglong to rush out, "brushing" a few sword auras to kill in the wilderness, Bei Mingxue and Lian Xin continued to attack on the spot, not allowing the monster to approach the carriage.

Lu Buyi held the hidden dragon fan in his hand, stood still, and the fan was raised, a storm of dragon veins surged in the monster group, and the attack power was extremely sharp, even not inferior to the second-line Mage player.

Where did the wild orcs stand up to these people's attacks, and fell down like cutting wheat.

"Not good."

Li Chengfeng suddenly yelled, pointed at a group of red orcs in the distance, and said, "That's an axe throwing orc who can attack from a distance. They want it, I'll go, it's a big deal."

Sure enough, the orc asked you to throw the axe out with a scream. The next moment, the axe fell on the tortoise car like rain, stirring up a 500-1000 damage number, which makes people feel distressed, tortoiseshell. The durability of the car is so much that it cannot withstand such an attack.

"Chengfeng, let's get rid of those remote monsters together."

I flew out, and in the distance, Li Chengfeng also flew out and flew along the mountains. With his left palm open, golden runes flew up, dozens of ancient runes bombed one after another, and a group of axe-throwing orcs screamed. When I fell, my strategy value was too high, and my surname was absolutely superior. I could almost kill these level 275 ghost dance monsters in seconds.

Hastily cleaned the battlefield, hurriedly solved the crisis of being robbed this time, and continued to move slowly.

Moving on, you can see the Dragonbone Mountain Range from a distance. Above the Dragonbone Mountain Range, a fortress is constructed. It is the Scarlet Rose Fortress that we have fought before.

Holding the Xuanyuan sword, I slowly flew forward and said to a group of NPCs in the Sky City: "A batch of goods from the Violet Empire will be transported to the Purple Grape City. Please let us go."

The guard NPC looked at the rank of the Sky City on my shoulder, and nodded, "Yes, I will open the city gate immediately, please pass through, my lord."

It went smoothly. The three tortoise-shell cars passed through the Scarlet Rose Fortress and appeared on the plains of the Purple Grape City we have been missing for a long time. Looking at it from a distance, you can even see the frozen Great Wall cableway on the other side of the fortress. It’s the Fungus County where Japanese players currently survive. Bah, no, it’s Yan'er County. However, we don’t travel from Yan'er County today. It’s too blatant to bet darts on Japanese players’ sites. It's better to keep a low profile.

He Yi pointed his finger north: "Pass through the Lost Forest and you will reach the ruins of Glacier County. Players with umbrellas stationed there are basically safe to get there."

"Well, keep going, the SSS-level mission seems to be the same..."

Li Chengfeng smiled slightly, but at this moment, the ground in front of me collapsed suddenly, a rumbling piece, and in a blink of an eye, only a piece of ground under our feet was left intact. In the deep pit, a giant flame claw was holding on to the rock wall. As soon as he climbed up, a ferocious head faced us, grinning and said: "I can smell the smell of blood and flesh."

"Depend on… "

Li Chengfeng’s smile stiffened on his face,