VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1520: Mountain rain is coming


"Damn, it's already slaughtered."

In the jungle clearing, Li Chengfeng stepped into the air and looked at the corpse of the Shogunate silently.

I looked in the distance: "Still playing, we are going to fall behind, hurry up and keep up with the team."


The two flew away, and in a blink of an eye they caught up with the three tortoiseshell cars.

Murong Mingyue pinched and counted: "How many people did you kill in exactly 5 minutes."

I groaned: "The total number of people killed by Chengfeng and I was about 1,500, and we ran away a lot, but this was just the first wave of people who interfered with our mission."

"The shogunate was killed." He Yi asked.


"What happened."

"It didn't explode..."

"Why don't Xiaoyao lock it."

"this… "

Li Chengfeng complained: "In order to seize the fleeting opportunity to kill the shogunate, he kept acting handsome, forgetting Xiaoyao and locked it..."

I:"… "

It’s amazing. In the next hour, nothing happened. Not only were there no monsters to attack, but no players even attacked us. Three tortoise carts drove slowly over the ruins of Glacier County, while I was holding the Xuanyuan sword. Walk in the forefront of the convoy.

"Strange, people." Bei Mingxue looked around.

Gui Guzi took a deep breath: "The mountain rain is about to come, this kind of precursor, I think they are going to make some big moves..."

I nodded and said yes: "I also feel the same way. This time, either we will not come, or the people who come will definitely make us unhappy, that... Chengfeng, let Luan Yue and high morale bring people over and tell them our Coordinates, Long Yao Iron Cavaliers come first, I think... in less than ten minutes, you may be able to see the torn Japanese server..."

Li Chengfeng smiled: "OK, Luanyue is already on the road with a 5W Longyao Iron Rider. It will take about 15-20 minutes to arrive. The fighting spirit, Xu Yang, and Tiantang Yu are raising the rest of their careers. Come here together. I made a false report. After reviewing the situation, I mobilized the elite of the 20W Ancient Sword Soul Dream to come over, let's fight a battle, it's an appetizer before the national war."

I jumped onto the tortoise car, sat on the tortoise shell, and said, "Well, the NPC transport team will not stop moving because we stop. We must maintain sufficient alert not to lose the cargo, or else the SSS grade is wasted in vain. Mission, and, I am the guarantor of this mission, I lost the goods, I will be offline for a while to see my heart..."

Guiguzi smiled cheaply: "Boss of Jiji, tell me honestly, have you already taken down Xinran's little sister? That day, I just glanced at it and found that although Xinran has been lying in the nutrient solution for many years, it is absolutely It’s a beautiful girl."

I glared at him: "I treat Xinran as my sister, can you fuck your own sister."

Murong Mingyue hugged Bei Mingxue's shoulders: "It's hard to tell, Bei Ming, right?"

Bei Mingxue's face was flushed, and she stubbornly said: "If my brother is not willing, I will not force it. If my brother is with other girls, I won't be jealous."

Murong Mingyue helped her forehead: "Uh, you can attack and retreat and defend, she's such a smart girl, EVE, did you hear that, if you and Lin Meimei don't deal with Lu Chen, someone will be happy to deal with him..."

He Yi's face also blushed: "Bah, the bright moon without festivals, do you want me to find you a handsome guy in the company? The director of the business department last time was pretty good. During the meeting, he kept staring. Look at it for you."

"That... Too mother, I still like Lu Chen like this..."

I:"… "

I didn't dare to speak up, otherwise I would definitely be teased by Murong Mingyue. I silently opened the friend list, found the ID of the hickey, clicked to open the past call, and immediately heard the voice of the hickey: "HI, boss, what's the matter?"

I was succinct and clear: "Ahem, my friend and I took a task to protect a batch of goods from Violet City to Purple Grape City, but here in the ruins of Glacier County, it is very likely that they will be ambushed by Japanese soldiers, so, You immediately followed Zhanhen with the elite of our umbrella, and brought as many people as there were online. The destination was the ruins of Glacier County, and how long it would take."

The hickey groaned: "20 minutes."

"OK, come here early, and wait for you to save me for this mission."

"Yeah, don't worry, boss, we will."

Later, I sent another message to Lin Yixin, because I realized that it might be difficult to cope with this small-scale war just by relying on the ancient sword soul dream guild.


"Well, little liar, what's the matter?" Lin Yixin laughed like a bell.

"Hey, miss you..."

"Come on, let's just talk about it."

"I took a mission, and I might encounter an ambush here at the Glacier County Fortress. If it's convenient for you, bring the elite of Xueyinshan over for a while, um, just bring pure cavalry, so the speed is the fastest."

"It turned out to be like this..." Lin Yixin smiled lightly: "But now many people in Xueyinshan are leveling outside. It's not good to call back halfway through the brush. I can't guarantee that there are too many, about... Uh, what a 10W cavalry looks like, Is it enough."

"Well, enough, come here."


Everything was ready to stop, I repeatedly refreshed the dark pupils, and suddenly, my whole body trembled. Within a 1000-yard field of view, dense red dots appeared on the map, all in the lost forest ahead, and they should have been ambushed.


Pulling out the Xuanyuan sword, I pointed forward and said, "In that forest, there are at least over ten thousand Yan'er County players in ambush. It seems that they are planning to ambush us. If you want, I will try it out first."

Li Chengfeng immediately shook his head and said, "No, Lu Chen, you are the commander. You must sit here. Let me test it out and see if I can force a strong opponent."

"Well, Chengfeng must be careful. Don’t be careless. God-level players are not wrong with extraordinary physiques. However, when encountering super-strong opponents, God-level players hardly have much advantage besides flying and armoring their mounts. Being besieged, you may die."

Li Chengfeng waved his hand happily and said, "I understand that when you fought against Zhu Yingchao last time, I saw it too. Don't worry, I am not Zhan Tian. When and where, I will not underestimate the enemy."

"Go ahead."


Li Chengfeng's feet exerted strength, and a few maple leaves danced in situ, but the person turned into a dark blue figure and swept away, holding the Qingfeng halberd in his hand, and when he approached the jungle, he suddenly waved the halberd, "Swipe The two halberds intersected and killed them in the jungle. Suddenly, a dozen archers screamed and knelt deep in the jungle.

"Get out." Li Chengfeng shouted in a low voice.

There was silence, and after a full 7 seconds, the jungle shook suddenly, and a whole row of dense arrows shot out, the target was Li Chengfeng.


The arrows were so dense that they penetrated Li Chengfeng's body instantly. No, it was the remnant of his figure. The dragon warrior had always been known for his agility and strength. The moment the opponent's arrow left the string, he had already started walking to avoid it.

In the jungle, magical energy dances, and a series of galaxy storms descend.

Li Chengfeng could only retreat, dragging about 60% of his health bar: "Damn, the attack is so powerful, who are you?"

In the bushes on the side, a tree broke with a "pop", and a berserker with a battle axe rushed out. The speed was extremely fast. remember me."


Li Chengfeng Qingfeng blocked with a halberd, but was shaken out when he was attacked. He dragged a trace on the grass. The halberd light flashed, and the halberd slashed out. He raised his leg and kicked the attacker, laughing. : "Hot-blooded whirlpool, sorry, you are not in my eyes."

The jungle grass was shaken, and another figure flew out. It was a female warrior wearing armor. The sword blade was dancing, the snowflakes were falling, and the ice knight Cyan Shuang's Frozen Slash was another old enemy.

Li Chengfeng shook the blood vortex with a single blow. He had not yet recovered his strength, so he sank and continued to press his face against the ground to avoid Cyan Frost's Frozen Slash.


At the moment when Frozen Slash was evasive, Li Chengfeng bounced up, his boots stomped into the void, and spiral space cracks appeared. The speed-increasing trail followed and killed him. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Qingshuang’s cloak. , Abruptly dragged her off the horse, Qingfeng halberd raised, and quickly pierced Qingshuang's snow-white neck.

Even if it is for women, he still goes all out, Li Chengfeng also knows that this is the enemy, and Lianxiangxiyu is irresponsible to the team.

The Qingfeng Halberd had not been pierced down, it had been smashed away with a "knock", it was a blood-red cone of ice, a short-term attack effect condensed from the domain of a god-level player.

Li Chengfeng suddenly raised his head. Above the sky, Hongfeng rushed down with a sharp sword, with a grinning smile at the corner of his mouth: "The legendary brave, you are going to die here today."

Vulcan cut.

Under the three-shot combo, Li Chengfeng snorted, his blood plummeted to about 30%, Qingfeng Ji shook in his hand, and a "pouch" penetrated Hongfeng's shoulder, and the probing hand hit Hongfeng's chest with a punch.

"No, Chengfeng can't beat the combination of Red Maple, Qingshuang, and Hot Blood Vortex alone." Gui Guzi clenched his iron fist.

I looked around for a week, when a large number of targets in the jungle were approaching, I said solemnly: "Little devil, use Shennong Taste the grass to add blood to Chengfeng, I will help him."


Standing up, I rushed over at a high speed of three meters above the ground, looking for an angle from a distance, and directly blasted out a slash.

"It's not good, the smashed halberd and the sand are coming."

The movements of Hongfeng and Qingshuang were almost exactly the same, and they assumed a defensive posture while holding their long swords.

"Boom boom boom..."

Amid the dull sound, the two people stepped back several tens of meters and poured a blood bottle at the same time. The healing light in the jungle flashed continuously, and the blood returned to more than 70%. It also made me give up the idea of using Xuanyuan Jue to kill them.

Li Chengfeng stood up, carried Qingfeng halberd, and suddenly grabbed my cloak: "Don't fight, flash people, here they have too many high-level players, they can't fight."

I nodded, and the two quickly slid out of the jungle. Behind them, a series of shock arrows and galaxy storms blasted on the ground. It seemed that the highest-ranking and best-equipped group of people in Yan'er County were already here.