VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1521: Red maple robbery



Two figures flicked over the grass, and Li Chengfeng and I stopped in front of the convoy.

"Sister Mingyue, quickly add blood to Chengfeng."


Murong Mingyue threw down his treatments one by one, pulling back Li Chengfeng's nearly 400W Qi and blood in about 7 seconds, with a 60W treatment output per second, which is the current top priest's level.

Li Chengfeng clenched his fists and looked into the distance: "Their equipment is too sophisticated, NND, the Shenlie cloak without 50% damage reduction is really not powerful."

He Yi nodded and whispered: "Red Maple has gathered almost all the masters of Japan's server here, and I will shoot you with a volley. If it doesn't hurt, you will be hell."


The green grassland was trampled by horseshoes, and people like Cyan Shuang, Hot-blooded Vortex and others stepped out of the jungle. In addition, a few people and horses also came out in several other directions. Yugong’s Shooting Bow, the top four guilds in Japan’s server, and more than a dozen large and small guilds, as shown by the dark pupils, the surrounding area is densely covered with red dots. Unsurprisingly, there are at least one million guilds. Players are forming a siege to us.

"Hey..." Lu Buyi held a hidden dragon fan, fluttered in white clothes, raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile: "We stepped on a landmine, and actually let the JGL Hall of Fame players like Red Maple, Cyan Shuang, and Zi Lei fall into the nest. Come out, hum, they must have learned that this shipment of our goods is the core item of the SSS-level mission, otherwise, why is it so aggressive."

He Yi stroked Xue Jinglong's uneasy head and said, "Our first batch of reinforcements will take at least 10 minutes to arrive. What should we do now?"

I lowered my Xuanyuan sword and said with a smile: "It's simple, you have to protect the cargo for 10 minutes if you are desperate. After a while, they will definitely attack. Chengfeng and I will cover the entire field and attack. EVE, Xiaogui and Beiming will protect a car respectively. , Xiaoxin will be responsible for setting fires and magic everywhere, try not to let them approach the vehicle, the total blood of the tortoise shell car is only 100W, and it cannot withstand too many attacks."

Li Chengfeng nodded, but Fengyue asked, "Then what am I doing."

"The blood is good, and Chengfeng is good. He will become the key to take care of. After a while, Chengfeng will be more careful. Japanese players hate two people most. One is you and the other is me. I have a thick skin. They are very likely to be Kill you first, don't hang on here..." I smiled slightly.

Li Chengfeng carried the halberd on his shoulders, stood lazily in the air, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, people can't die, but they want to kill me, at least they have to pay a sufficient price, Lu Chen, look, big Tong Ge in the world of struggle, led a group of elite wizards are players with the heart of the holy demon, they control a silver city, and you will give priority to killing more wizards, so that our pressure will be much reduced."

My brow furrowed: "Well, for a multiple-choice question, my Xuanyuan Zhan + Xuanyuan Jue, one option is to kill Red Maple in seconds, and the other is to kill the mages of the Saint Demon Heart. Which one do you choose."

Gui Guzi made a fist: "Kill Red Maple. He is a soul figure in the realm of gods. Killing him can hurt their morale."

Bei Mingxue pouted: "Brother, let's kill the mage. I am worried that if they shoot in a volley, Xiaoxin and I will be killed in seconds. The holy magician shoots a volley at close range, and the attack power is too strong. Up."

He Yi said: "I also support killing the mage first. If Red Maple, let Chengfeng contain it for a while."

I nodded: "OK, then kill the mage first. God's realm possesses golden iron knights. It is not that scary to threaten us. Hearing my command for a while, when I release Xuanyuan Jue and reduce it by 70%, everyone uses the piece of kill skill for a second. Go out and count as much as you can kill."

Everyone nodded.

In the clearing, the dense crowds face us far away.

God’s realm camp, a piece of golden cavalry, it’s a golden cavalry, Red Maple stands in the air with a sharp blade, his mouth is raised, showing a cold smile: "Friends of the Chinese server, it’s rare that we want to see you again, guests from far away When I came to visit, I should treat each other with courtesy, but unfortunately, you brought a batch of materials. Hey, I won't let these materials enter the city of purple grapes."

My heart sighed, Red Maple really understood every detail of our mission. No wonder, there is no impermeable wall in the world.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Tong Ge's mouth, and said: "This time, all these ten people are to be kept within the city of Purple Grapes. You should have had such a realization. This land is what you want to come to think about. Just leave."

Li Chengfeng couldn't help smiling, and said, "Is that right? I have always regarded this place as a backyard in China. What do you think?"

"You put P."

The shogunate raised his staff: "Wait and see, we will counterattack sooner or later. At that time, the city of the sky will also be the dust under our feet. See how you can be contented."

I stretched out my hand and pointed: "You defeated, shut up."

The shogunate king paled with anger.

Hongfeng sneered: "The shogunate shut up, you can't tell him."

As he said, the player who is known as the number one player in the district raised his sword, his eyes filled with resentment, and he whispered: "No need to say more, prepare to attack, the golden iron cavalry will attack first, the holy magician second, don’t kill This group of people set fire to attack the transport vehicles and destroy the three transport vehicles. It is more enjoyable than killing them. Of course, it is best to kill them."

The war is on.

The iron hoof smashed the grass, and a group of golden iron knights drew out their sharp blades, screaming and rushing over.

He Yi quickly instigated the Xue Jinglong to land, and raised the fire suppression sword horizontally: "Leave these cavalry to me, Lu Chen and Chengfeng don't do anything, wait for the opposing holy magician to approach and then kill."

I nodded, watching He Yi riding a dragon into the crowd of golden cavalry, a fire-suppressing sword "swiping" and dancing, bringing out a series of flames to kill in the crowd, at the same time, Lian Xin also released a piece of A sea of flames, dimensional storms, and an ice swirl matrix are constantly blooming at the feet of the golden cavalry. 200% of the damage is too terrifying, almost all of which are around 150W. With the flame burning, 3-5 attacks can kill the gold full of blood. Iron Cavalry, and Lian Xin's equipment is very strong, and the magic guidance time is short, which can be completed in about 7 seconds.


Li Chengfeng stared at the distance, Qingfeng halberd flicked, divine power swelled, and air currents swirled under his feet.

In the distance, at least tens of thousands of magicians with the heart of the holy demon approached slowly, stopped at a position nearly 30 yards closer to us, began to chant magic, and projectile attacks.

"It's not good, their goal is tortoiseshell car..."

My sword turned and shouted in a low voice: "I want Xuanyuan Jue, ready to attack."

The sound of "buzzing" came, and the three vortexes on the back of the sword were spinning rapidly. When Xuanyuan Jue started the prelude, Hongfeng who was not far away woke up, and pulled out a green vial from the package. Magic potion can ignore the effects of magic attack skills, and the black market price is 5000 gold coins per bottle.

At the moment when Xuanyuan Jue was launched, a large swath of players in front of the player's blood brush straightened out 70%, I had already jumped out, the sharp edge of the sword smashed, and the blade slash raged in a crowd of wizards with magic shields, and opened at the same time. With his left hand, 17 consecutive ancient runes bombarded the crowd one by one, the powerful attack power directly broke the shield, and then called the wind and the rain + Wanjian disappeared, all in a flash.

In the other direction, Gui Guzi raised the ghost blade halberd high, a hundred ghosts descended from the sky, and at the same time killed a group of people in seconds, Li Chengfeng stepped on the Divine Domain Cyclone to enter the crowd, and his skills bloomed.

The battle was extremely fierce. Numerous arrows and magic fell on the armor, and the blood was brushed straight away. Even 50% damage reduction was useless. Fortunately, 50% blood sucking was enough to recover. There was so much blood, there were so many players who died under my sword, and of course I didn't bother to count them.

Murong Mingyue almost locked Li Chengfeng as a treatment target, because Li Chengfeng was indeed taken care of.


Turning his body in the air for a week, Li Chengfeng turned the spear blade and pierced the neck of another master with a "pouch". Under his force, seven spear lights came out and swept the group behind. The golden cavalry stabbed into a pile of minced meat, and at the same time, his body trembled, and a blood-red dagger swept across Li Chengfeng's back. Fortunately, god-level players had a high chance of being stunned by MISS.

Without thinking about it, Li Chengfeng lifted his foot and kicked it, "Bang" shook off Zi Lei's sneak attack.

The maple leaves spin, and the maple kill skills "swipe" bloom around Li Chengfeng, Murong Mingyue, Lian Xin and others. Red Maple's attacks are as fierce as ever, and as a god-level player, the attack power bonus is placed there. , It was just a magical general that killed Ji Feng, which caused Lian Xin's vitality to drop a lot.

"Ice him." Bei Mingxue said.

Lian Xin nodded, with a small hand, the frozen domain skills enveloped Red Maple.

"Humph… "

The red maple stepped into the void and walked in the air with a cold snort, and a golden halo floated around his body. The effect was invincible. In order to avoid the frozen realm, this guy was actually invincible. This required much confidence. He confirmed that he could be able to do so in a short period of time. Kill us.

"Keng Keng."

Gui Guzi shook Qing Shuang's sword three times in a row, glanced at the blood of his surrounding teammates, and immediately a Shennong tasted the grass to reply to everyone, and shouted: "Be careful of those assassins, their target is Xiao Beiming."

Bei Mingxue immediately put away her longbow and backed up a few steps, launching Dongruo to watch the fire, Xuanming bow "brushed" and shuttled continuously, and the arrow shook in the air, shooting out assassins one by one. Sure enough, there was indeed a group of assassins. For us, the first archer with twelve artifacts.

However, Bei Mingxue did not perceive everything.

Nearly a hundred meters away, I can already see a phantom flying north to Mingxue, Zi Lei, the first assassin of the JGL Hall of Fame.

I suddenly danced my fist to drive the power of the domain. With a "bang", the golden iron knights behind me back again and again. With the help of the cyclone's counter-shock, I rushed towards Bei Mingxue, and opened my five fingers calmly. Shen Jue.


The bloody air current danced, and the purple thunder was imprisoned in place with a "uh" sound. A step away from Bei Mingxue, the capital of the dagger was about to be handed out.

"gosh… "

Bei Mingxue was so scared that her small face was pale, she hurriedly backed away, and Xuan Ming bow shot Zi Lei’s face out.