VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1531: Lige's challenge


"Now, the biggest problem is that we have too few advanced players."

Zhang Chun waved his hand and said succinctly: "In these two days, the top players in the Northern Territory, Qingtu City, Colossal City and other cities will tacitly use the Baipin Divine Crystal Stone to trigger the ascension. They have more resources than us, so , God-level players will definitely be more than us, everyone must be psychologically prepared for this."

Zhan Tian nodded and said: "I have wasted 200 sacred spars. I failed twice in a row and suffered a little mental contusion. I will try again tonight. If I can't fly, I will rest for a few days."

Zhu Ying smiled faintly: "I have successfully soared, no pressure..."


With a cold snort, Li Ge appeared in the field from stealth state with a dagger.

"Damn, scare me..." I almost drew my sword.

October Yu hurriedly said: "Stop young man, don't hurt our surname..."

Li Ge smiled faintly: "He does have that ability."

I glanced at it and couldn't help but smile: "Li Ge, do you think Ghost Lake Mirror is really so omnipotent? Or, after we have finished the meeting for a while, we will go to the east gate for three life and death matches, do you dare?"

Li Ge gritted his teeth: "I dare not make a bet."

I raised a finger: "We don’t gamble too much, just 100W gold coins for one game. Uncle Hot and Sour Fan, you come to be a notary. Lige and I will each put 300W at your place. Whoever wins the gambling will return. Who."

"This… "

Zhang Chun frowned and said, "The national war is imminent, so don't engage in infighting, okay."

I held Xuanyuan Jian to the ground with a "knock" and whispered: "Some accounts, it should be liquidated long ago, and Lige is ranked first in the arena. This win rate is the first in the Chinese server. Don't kill him. Resolute, I'm afraid he still doesn't know that other people have no time to play in the arena."

Li Ge played with the dagger in his hand and looked at me with a sneer, "Really, since you Lu Chen returned to Gu Jian, Gu Jian has stepped on the throne of the Chinese server step by step, you probably think you are invincible in the world, right? It just so happens that the aggressiveness that kills you will let you know what it means there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world..."

Zhan Tian smiled proudly and patted Li Ge on the shoulder: "The reputation of the Zhan Tian League is up to you."

October Rain stomped his feet in a hurry: "Zhantian, how can you add fuel to the fire..."

He Yi had a pair of bright eyes, knowing everything, and smiled: "I'm afraid, it is because of Li Ge as the backing that the war genius will be so rampant, right? Rotten Guzi’s troubles were solved at once, and then we rushed to the battlefield together."

Zhan Tian nodded: "Okay, no matter the victory or defeat, this battle is just a contest."

I smiled: "Well, I'm fine."

… Zhang Chun coughed and said, “Then our conference will be held, this… You directly made a wild PK, and I was fascinated to step down…”

Sanshengmo chuckled with his staff: "Uncle, just sit and watch the good show, Xiaotianwang vs. King of Assassins, the textbook video of Three Battles V Thief is about to appear. I don't know how many soldiers and assassins are waiting. At this moment, I went to the forum to post, and everyone helped top it up. How about fighting in half an hour."

Sanshengmo, the girl, is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Okay, just post. You must really kill the power of Zhantian League at this time, otherwise Zhantian will secretly compete with Gu Jian in future national wars. , Then it's not easy to handle, you must let Zhantian know who has the final say during the national war.

A few minutes later, Sanshengmo stretched out her hand, and a forum link interface appeared in front of everyone. She smiled and said: "Okay, all the masters of the CGL Hall of Fame, please help me to post it. If nothing else, Dongmen It's going to be lively outside."

I clicked on the post, and it turned out that the smell of gunpowder was very strong, and the girl Sanshengmo would add fuel and jealousy too much.

[Hot Post]: The King of Assassins will fight against the King of Heaven. Li Ge and Luo Chen will fight a life and death battle outside the East Gate in 30 minutes, with a deposit of 3 million gold coins.

[1st Floor] Players' fantasy: I hope that Li Song can last one minute per game.

[2nd Floor] Player Zhantian: Lige will win.

[3rd Floor] Players laugh in the sky: Lige will win.

[4th Floor] Player Guiguzi: Victory Uncle... [5th Floor] Player Cold Wind: Looking forward to~ [6th Floor] Player Zhuyingchaan: A good show is about to be staged, interesting.

[7th floor] Player Bei Mingxue: Come on, brother.

… Behind the player ID in the front row, all the emblems of CGL Hall of Fame members, such posts are not popular, hell, a few minutes later, I went to Guowanlou, and it was really amazing.

Zhang Chun continued: "Then, the national war combat plan."

Zhan Tianyi made a fist: "No plan is needed. First send more people to Resha City and Chenxi Town to guard. If there is any movement, they will do it immediately, or if there is no movement, they will do it."

Zhang Chun said: "There must be a bottom line."

I raised my hand to return the Xuanyuan sword and said, "Now there are 5 people in the Chinese server who have advanced to the gods. When there are 10 people, immediately declare war. I suggest attacking Yan'er County first, after the national war starts. Step down in Yan'er County within 24 hours, so that no grass will grow there."

"Then what."

"No more, then it will depend on the situation..."


… "okay."

I glanced at Li Ge and said, "Let's go, go outside the East Gate City. Do you have any requirements for the battle."

Li Ge calmly said: "If you don't need Xuanyuan Jue, it's not a requirement."

I nodded: "Okay, then I don't need Xuanyuan Jue."

Lin Yixin followed me out of the Great Sanctuary and whispered: "I got the first-hand information of Li Ge now. The weapons are the main hand dagger [Magic Kiss], the middle-level artifact, and the target’s 24% defense is ignored. , Can be superimposed, off-hand dagger [streaming blade], low-level artifact, ignoring the target 17% defense, can be superimposed, in addition, helmets and breastplates are low-level artifacts, wrists, cloaks, boots are ancient fairy JP leather armor equipment , The necklace is a ghost lake mirror. In addition, there is a ring called [Xuanyuan Blood Ring], a high-level artifact, a good thing that just broke out in Outland yesterday morning. The effect of this ring is to increase the upper limit of 100W Qi and blood, plus a 30% reduction Injury effect, so if you don't have a BUFF, you may not be able to get him in seconds."

I couldn't help but take a deep breath: "Well, it's no wonder that Zhan Tian is so confident. Just a few words, Lige's equipment is so strong that the basic energy and blood should be close to 180W, and it can be close to 500W with a card. With 30% damage reduction, it's really hard to kill."

Lin Yixin chuckled: "It's okay, your equipment is more BT, so many ghost weapons, what are you afraid of, but your equipment is detailed, and Lige must know it. In short, you must win, otherwise..."

I looked down at her: "Otherwise, you won't let me go to bed."

"Huh, no fucking..."

"Hmm, wait and see..."

… After going out of the east gate, there is indeed a sea of people, the open space on the edge of the pumice stone is full of players, and on the edge of the sparse jungle, a 100×100 yard wooden competition platform appeared there. That was the last time the system was maintained. The ones that came out are specially designed for players to fight in the wild. The system is very considerate... "Please let me..."

Lin Yixin walked in the front, holding me with one hand, while I was holding He Yi with the other hand. Today was a good deal. The goddess of the knife personally opened the way for me, while on the other side, Zhan Tian carried the longevity knife, domineering, with October rain, Li Ge and others squeezed past the crowd forcibly. Masters from Sanshengmo, Jingcheng Luoshen, Kissyue, Zhuyingchaan, Li Chengfeng and others all appeared on the sidelines. Guiguzi and Beimingxue rode on the dark crystal dragon and fire. The phoenix hovered in the air, seeming to be sweeping for me.

Guiguzi carried the ghost blade halberd, and smiled honestly: "Boss of the halberd, don't worry, if your equipment explodes, I will definitely pick it up for you..."

Bei Mingxue pouted: "Crow's mouth."

I laughed, and flew into the ring. Tengyun boots stood on the wooden platform with a "slap", only to find that the wooden board was almost cracked. NND, is my god-level equipment really that heavy

Lifting his arms away from the singer, he "swiped" and jumped onto the stage. It settled gently. He was very light, and the speed was definitely faster than me. This is a professional advantage.

… Zhang Chun took the knife and walked onto the stage and said, “Today is a friendship PK. I think… Let’s use the competition mode, so that if someone explodes the equipment and loses the level, that is also a loss in China. After all, you two They are all indispensable to us."

Li Ge said coldly: "Uncle, don't talk nonsense, just use the field mode, drop the level and explode equipment or something, I am mentally prepared."

Seeing the other person staring at my weapon, I couldn't help but smile, and raised Xuanyuan Sword high, saying every word: "The first of the twelve divine weapons, Xuanyuan Sword, has outstanding attack power in the world. Why, do you want Lige? , Okay, you can explode if you have the seed, and use it for the battlefield or for the adversaries, but I don't know if you have that ability."

The corner of Li Ge's mouth lightly raised: "Then you just wait and see."

Zhang Chun stretched out his arm: "Deposits from both parties."

… "Snapped… "

The heavy gold bag fell into Zhang Chun's hands. My 300W was delivered. I threw out 300W without thinking about it. Zhang Chun immediately stepped back and turned off the stage and said, "Okay, there are at least tens of thousands of people on the scene. Witness this duel, you guys... get ready to start."


Li Ge gently swung his magic kiss dagger, and the sound of cutting through the air was confusing. The next moment, a blood-colored banner fell on the open space in front of me with a "slap", and the player Li Ge challenged me to death mode.

As soon as I raised my hand, I drew out the Xuanyuan sword with a "keng" and accepted the challenge.

The system began to count down, and everyone’s breathing was almost asphyxiated by the freezing air.




Death mode, go to war.

… What surprised me was that Li Ge was not invisible. The dagger swung lightly, and wind patterns appeared under her feet. His sprinting skills accelerated. Is this a clear kill in the assassin’s PK law