VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1535: The war is imminent


In front of the town hall, war horses neighed, Li Chengfeng, Gui Guzi and others were gathering Long Yao cavalry players. Everyone sharpened their swords. Obviously, they were all looking forward to this war that had already arrived. It was so long since the last national war that everyone They are about to get used to the ordinary life of leveling, and this time the national war, the biggest variable is the addition of god-level players and ancient magic skills, and the entire war situation may also change for this.

… "Lu Chen is here." Li Chengfeng stepped forward and said, "The war is coming faster than we thought. Our main league has a 17.7W Long Yao cavalry, but now because it is too early, many people are still at work. In school, there is no time to skip class, so only about 9W people are online, and the online rate is less than 50%. What should I do?"

I nodded: "It's okay to Chengfeng, let everyone teleport to Dawn City first, relax, and try not to use the dragon jade cavalry for 24 hours before the start of the battle, reduce losses, and save them for great use."


On the side, Luanyue MM said: "Then you can only use slightly lower-tier cavalry, but they are all public cavalry types. Our ancient swords have them, and other guilds also have them, Xuanlangqi, Xuanlang, and 210-level ground-level mounts. , This kind of mount can be captured in the sky forest. Scarlet mercenaries and several other alliances have a total of 10W+ mysterious wolf ride. In addition, the level 190 ground-level mount thunder beast is called thunder ride. This is more popular. We There are almost 20W+ people in various leagues, followed by 9W Long Yao Bow and 11W Saint Mage."

I couldn’t help being overjoyed: "Damn, the strength of our ancient sword is so strong. It’s great. Everyone teleports to the city of dawn, advances into the iron halberd fortress, and assists the NPC in guarding the iron halberd fortress. Soldiers go up to the city, ready to fight."

"Well, the beauty of Sanshengmo has been deployed in Dawn City, let's go there too."


… Everyone rushed into the teleportation formation in the territory, and the rays of light flashed, and all of them were teleported to Dawn City. As the second-level main city, Dawn City’s reputation has long been known throughout the server. After all, the first game In the National War, the first battle of Dawn City made the entire server shudder, and the name of Dawn City had already spread to the world.

Seeing the dense array of ancient sword players rushing into the teleportation formation, I waited for a long time. Murong Mingyue, He Yi, Bei Mingxue, and Lian Xin have been with me all the time, Lian Xin holding the staff: "Why isn't my brother leaving yet."

I smiled and said, "I have to do everything, I must keep a hand..."

"Keep any hand, even we are not hiding it."

I couldn’t help laughing. I took out a golden stone from the package. It was the teleportation stone, raised my arm, and calmly set the initial teleportation point within 100×100 yards in front of the town hall, canceling the plane of purgatory. Sixth-tier teleportation. In this way, I can teleport reinforcements from here to wherever I am, even the place of exile. It can be seen that the priority of this teleportation stone is definitely god-level, so the map The obstacles in front of it are almost all in vain. This is the real killer of my national war this time.

He Yi was clever and thorough, saw it really, and couldn't help but smile and said, "Well, I suddenly became full of confidence in this national war..."

I pursed my lips: "Don't be too confident, let's observe the offensive of the North Border Alliance, let's go, go to the Iron Halberd Fortress."


… "By the way, brother, look at you..." Aside, Lian Xin suddenly pulled my hand.

"What are you looking at." I glared at her beautiful face and suddenly smiled: "Did Xiaoxin tell me that the bust has soared by a cup last night, uh, it looks a little bigger, but it's not too big. Obviously..."

Lian Xin stomped his feet with anger: "Brother Pervert, I didn't say this, you open your eyes and watch..."


Right in front of my eyes, Lian Xin rose slowly, her snowy legs rising in front of me, and when she was about to see the pink inner inner part, she stopped, surrounded by the invisible shield of divine power. It can greatly reduce the extraordinary physique of low-level players hurting themselves. Hey, when will Lian Xin become a god

"This... When did Xiao Xin soar." I was stunned.

Lian Xin floated down and said with a smile: "Last night, I tried my luck in the middle of the night, and as a result 100 crystal stones soared up."

I slapped my forehead: "Forget, whoever was there last night how many people soared across the server."

Bei Mingxue said: "There are three people, one is Xiaoxin, the other is the old castle of the British server, and the other is the purple thunder of the Japanese server..."

"The Japanese server has three god-level players." I frowned.

He Yi chuckles: "Don't worry, in the guild attacking Yan'er County, Candle Dragon, Battle Heaven Alliance, Soul Return Tabard, Xueyin Cedar, and Purple Lily are all present. We have an absolute advantage in the number of god-level players. "

"That's good, there are Yiyi, Zhuyingchao, and Lige over there, I'm relieved, Red Maple can't make any big waves."

"Well, let's go."


… I flew into the teleportation array, and soon, a few people appeared in the bustling Dawn City. The battle was approaching. Dawn City flew out of the teleportation array from the unprecedented excitement. I stood high in the sky, holding Murong Mingyue in my arms, He Yi took the irrelevant Fengyue MM, Bei Mingxue rode the Fire Phoenix, and Lian Xin flew by himself. A group of people had the ability to fly in the air.

Reaching out and pointing to the black fortress standing in the distance at the end of the canyon, I said, "Let's go, let's fly directly to the Iron Halberd Fortress. If the battle has already started, we can join the battle in advance and earn more points."

He Yi chuckles: "Well, race against time."

Looking at the national war interface, there are countless countries participating in the war. It is indeed a full-map war. Zhongzhou, Northern Territory, India, Yan'er County, Cold Sword City, Chaos Twenty-Seven Kingdoms and other servers have participated in the war, and they have been connected. As a whole, this means that in the maps of these servers, players will not be able to go online within three days regardless of the reason they die. Therefore, businessmen stay in the main city to do business and don’t run around. , So as not to be affected by the pond fish.

Several figures galloped through the air. In less than five minutes, we had arrived at the Iron Halberd Fortress. The city facing the outside was crowded with players. Most of them were players with flames and red lips. Hit the main force.


Floating down, standing on the edge of the city, put down Murong Mingyue in his arms, a light milk scent... A few meters away, Sanshengmo held a staff and smiled: "Lu Chen is finally here, this time according to the hot and sour powder. Uncle’s strategy, our Red Lips and Gu Jian are working together to guard the Iron Halberd Fortress. We must cooperate sincerely..."

I raised my brows: "Of course, Mo Mo, how many people can come here?"

"About 150W people, if all of them are online, what about Gu Jian."

"We have a normal online rate of 80%, the main league plus 29 sub leagues, 200W people are definitely not a problem, they all have the blessing of the war temple, how about it, strong?"

"Uh, strong is strong, but if you can stop the tiger wolf division of the Northern Alliance, look at..."

Sanshengmo stretched out his hand and pointed, I slowly turned around, and couldn't help taking a breath of air. NND, right behind me, right in front of the Iron Halberd Fortress, is densely packed with people and blood-red names. The North Border Alliance is almost like a nest. After that, in the plains and canyons in front of us, we have at least nearly 2000W of troops, and the players we guarded are up to 1000W, and most of the rest have gone to attack Yan'er County.

… "How about it, are you confident that you can resist it?" Kissyue MM asked with a dagger with a smile.

I pursed my lips: "Absolutely, there are so many people in the North Border Alliance. Have you seen those god-level players, Vienna, dilapidated castles and the like."

"Not yet." Sanshengmo blinked and said, "I checked. The guilds of the North Border Alliance in front of us can only be regarded as second-rate or third-rate in the local main city, equivalent to our crazy dragon, The guilds of the Huajian faction and the Redskin Hall, I think they are sending points, but... but I feel uneasy, where is the main guild of the Northern Border Alliance."

I clenched a fist and said, "Well, the League of Legends is the biggest threat. If we don't kill the League of Legends, we won't get rid of our heart disease."

Sanshengmo looked back at a group of Long Yao cavalry galloping into the city, and smiled: "Just like the dream of the ancient sword soul, Vienna's sorrow will definitely think so. The ancient sword will not come out, and it will eventually become a big worry for them."

"Don't say so much, arrange a defensive position."

"Well, how about the defense in the east, and the defense with Flame Lips in the west."


I took a look at the distance below the city, they were ready to move, and said: "It seems that fighting will definitely break out in 30 minutes, so let's deploy quickly."


I flew above the city, raised my arm, and shouted: "The ancient swordsman dream player listened to my order, and the Dragon Knight stayed in the city to rest for a while, and mobilized 50,000 magic knights, thunder knights and mysterious wolves. Riding on the city’s shield and armor, the holy magician and Long Yao’s bow ride up to the city, preparing for a long-range throwing attack. Our defense zone is on the east side of the city wall. We have high morale. Choose 5W elite Long Yao cavalry, and listen to my orders at any time to prepare to go out of the city to fight."

The fighting spirit held up the battle axe, and smiled: "I see."

… I returned to the edge of the city wall and said to He Yi who was beside me: "EVE, let Xu Yang begin to send our baggage over. The wall of the Iron Halberd Fortress is very wide, very suitable for erecting a catapult. We use Baize to fight. The car blasted them to death."

He Yi smiled and nodded: "Well, I understand."

… Below the city, in the distance, in front of the Northern Alliance camp, a 255-level demon knight suddenly drew a sharp sword from his waist, raised his long sword high, and shouted: "The time for revenge is here, prepare to attack, pull out the iron halberd fortress, Infiltrate the hinterland of China and sweep this group of indigenous people in Zhongzhou."

I looked behind me, and there were already a lot of Long Yao archers and holy magicians gathered. I was very confident. I drew out the Xuanyuan sword with a "keng" and shouted loudly: "Prepare to fight, kill all the targets 200 yards from the city wall. Kill without mercy."