VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1539: Fight swiftly


Under the city, Gui Guzi turned on the god of riding, commanding a group of mysterious wolves galloping horizontally and horizontally, fighting in the crowd, cutting off the opponent's front and rear team formation in less than ten minutes.

In the air, a torch stone full of flames split into the air, and fell among the players of the North Border Alliance. The power of the white torch stone can be imagined. The single damage is never lower than the dragon cannon, almost once it hits directly. Just kill it directly, but Gu Jian is the guild with the largest number of Bai Ze chariots on the Chinese server. Dark Moon City has a high level and can hold more. He Yi is willing to pay his blood. A group of artisan players raised by Gu Jian The rush to build almost day and night is just for today's battle.

"Brother Xiaogui, their losses seem to be a bit big..." Bei Mingxue looked into the distance.

I frowned, as Bei Mingxue said, the 10W mysterious wolf ride rushed out, almost always bathing in the opponent's magic light ball and arrows, and the dark sadness of the gods has ordered the catapult to aim. The Chinese mysterious wolf rider under the city launched an attack. Under the dense torch stone, the mysterious wolf rider was almost killed in battle. That is to say, the super high schistosomiasis player like Guiguzi can support it, or it is a kind of high fighting spirit, bloodsucking. Players with an effect of more than 20% can raise the battle with battle.

But ordinary players want to get more than 20% blood-sucking equipment. It’s not easy. A 7% blood-sucking ring in the Sky City can be fetched for the sky-high price of 2W gold coins. If you want to collect more than 20% blood-sucking equipment, it’s less than I am afraid that 5WRMB cannot be taken down, which has already made more than 95% of players retreat. Of course, only with good equipment can you gain more in national warfare. The principle of high investment and high return is very simple.

He Yi slowly pulled out the Fire Suppression Sword and said, "Let's go there too, otherwise few of the 10W mysterious wolf riders will be able to recover..."

I shook my head: "No, this is equivalent to pushing our front line forward, and we will lose the natural danger advantage of the Iron Halberd Fortress. The loss will be even greater. Let the little ghost and bright eyes ride the mysterious wolf within 100 yards of the city like water. Fight, don't be too far away, so that the players in the city can help. In this way, the people of the Northern Border Alliance may not dare to continue advancing."


After He Yi gave an order, Guiguzi and Mingshui brought a mysterious wolf ride of nearly 7W to retreat to the city. The Northern Alliance that had climbed the city was almost completely slashed. Their first and second attacks have already All failed.


Gui Guzi held up the ghost blade halberd, and the black wolf riders raised their shields one after another, forming a thick shield formation under the city.

Thousands of steel rhino cavalry from the God Realm directly slammed into the shield formation. They were smashed and hacked by the barrier. Together with the magic and bow and arrow attacks on the city, thousands of people threw their bodies under the city in a blink of an eye.

"sky… "

Dark Sorrow took a deep breath, holding the staff, his eyes were cold, and loudly said: "The kerosene chariot is marching, smashing all the way, covering the magic crystal chariot to the city, this wave is gone, and the whole league will go together. Either conquer the iron halberd fortress, or die under the city. This is our vow before the God Realm enters the battle."

Nearly a million players raised their weapons one after another, and densely packed cavalry players spread across the canyon, pushing about a thousand kerosene vehicles to continuously approach the city.

"Humph… "

Sansheng Mo pouted: "It's shameful, do you want to use the scorched earth tactics of the kerosene cart to kill all our mysterious wolf riders in the city? This group of people in the gods are really cruel."

He Yi gritted his silver teeth and said: "The attack range of the oil tanker is 300 yards. The archer in our city will have an effective bow and arrow distance of 200 yards without turning on the range strategy. What should I do?"

"Then use the shooting range. It doesn't matter if you have less attack power. In addition, the players in the God Realm are pressing against the realm. The 7W mysterious wolf ride with the little ghost and Bright Eyes will definitely not be able to defend. They are too far away from the treatment. EVE, you and Chengfeng, Lian Xin, and Bei Ming's air power rushed to help. I went down to the city and selected tens of thousands of Dragon Yao cavalry to reinforce the little ghost."

I drew out the Xuanyuan sword, and when He Yi nodded, I flew into the fortress city.

Slowly falling in the city with the wind current, a group of elite Long Yao cavalry was waiting impatiently. The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry was holding a long sword: "Lu Chen, the killing is like that outside. We can't wait any longer. "

I nodded: "Well, I know that all the Dragon Yao cavalry listened to my orders, the level is higher than 245, the basic defense power is over 9W, and the basic qi blood is over 150W, all people will go out and come to me, ready to go out of the city with me. In the face of the battle, the singer team pays attention and blesses all the selected Long Yao cavalry."

Soon after, they gathered 3W+ Long Yao cavalry. These are the elite of the elite. A group of people are high in fighting spirit. After the blessing of the singer, the first-line adviser of the ancient sword will bless the blood strategy skills, the blood of the war, and the level 100 adviser. General skills, increase the upper limit of vitality by 20%, and increase the upper limit of vitality by 200%. However, the strategy value of the counselor must reach 1000 points to bless the effect to 200%, and the main points of the ancient sword can be combined to reach 1000 points strategy. More than a hundred worth of counsellors are enough.

In this way, the singer adds a 120% surname, the counselor adds a 200% blood, and then uses 150% of the blood card. Basically, these dragons and iron knights have a blood limit of more than 800W, which is used to fight the fire. The odds of surviving a petrol truck are absolutely super high.

"Out of town."

With the opening of the gate, I carried my sword and flew out. Behind me, Hubaoqi, Xu Yang and others could not wait for a long time. Quickly expand the formation, and, under my instruction, everyone is very close to the city wall, and the priest-line players on the city can add vitality to everyone.

Gui Guzi swept a glance and couldn't help but smile and said, "Hey, the halberd boss fights side by side with us. The winning rate is much higher. How many dragons and iron knights he brought in total."


"Yes, it should be enough."

I smiled and said, "Well, although not very much, it is enough to destroy the God Realm."

In the distance, the crackling sound of wheels crushing stones was endless, and the kerosene car was slowly advancing under the impetus of the riding warrior players, and stopped at a position about 250 yards away from us, and the dark sorrow was carrying the staff. , Waved forward and shouted: "Prepare, the kerosene car will attack and burn these elite Chinese players to death."

I drew my sword at the same time and shouted: "Magic knight, use the shield, use the Holy Shield skills, and the others, use the defensive skills, first defend against their wave of kerosene attacks. Then, pay attention to drinking the blood bottles. Give me strength to treat the companions who have suffered more blood loss right in the front."

In the next moment, the string blades of the kerosene carts rang endlessly, and countless flaming red fuel bombs flew over and smashed into the crowd of Chinese cavalry, causing 50W up and down damage, but also on the ground. Flames ignited on the ceiling, and a group of us stood in the flames to resist the opponent's attack.

There was a scorching heat under my feet. I was okay. I had a vindictive wind and an extraordinary physique. The surrounding dragons and horses couldn't stand it. The blood burned about 50%. I hurriedly poured blood. At the same time, the priest in the city He also continued to treat, barely able to stand up.


The screams came one after another. Long Yao's iron cavalry blocked the continuous attacks of the kerosene cart, but the mysterious wolf cavalier was not so hardened. In a blink of an eye, hundreds of black wolf cavalry were burned to ashes in the flames, bursting out a pile of The piles of potions and equipment were not picked up. Everyone thought of filling up their positions at the first time and guarding the line of defense.

In the city, Bei Mingxue's Xuan Ming bow kept flying arrows, and Lian Xin was flying in the air, pouring piles of flames into the crowd of the God Realm Guild.

Li Chengfeng quickly flew to the vicinity of the kerosene car line, swaying the AOE group killing effect of the dragon blade whirling, Qingfeng halberd swept out, another 7 halberd attacks, but he flew too close and quickly received a bow and arrow. The intensive firepower of the hands and the mage dropped so much blood and energy, and they returned in embarrassment, stepping on the cyclone: "Goodbye, so fierce firepower, they are all long-range in the front row."

Gui Guzi gritted his teeth and said: "No, it hurts too much to burn people on a kerosene car, so it won't hold up."

My eyes lit up, I quickly drew my sword, and said loudly: "Everyone on the first and second fronts, start a charge forward, send them a wave of power, and then quickly retreat, no one should love to fight."


A group of people changed their shields one after another, drew their swords from their horsebacks, and rushed out. After being smashed by a kerosene car for so long, everyone was suffocated in their hearts and had to kill for a while to vent.

The hooves sounded loudly, and Long Yao's iron cavalry was fast, and arrived at the opponent's front line in a flash, facing the attack of the archer and the mage, resisting the attack, one after another raised their swords, crushing.

"Boom boom boom..."

The damage caused by the pure power difference, the opponent’s mages and archers are all broken. Each of the damage figures is over 20W. The dragon jade cavalry is so elite. The pure power is at least 5000 points higher than the archer. Multiplied by 40 times, the damage is superimposed. , Quickly killed a large number of remote players, and even dozens of kerosene vehicles were instantly destroyed.

While the three flames of sword aura swayed in the crowd, I suddenly raised my sharp blade, Xuanyuan Jue, and wounded 70% of my blood.

Countless blood lights fell in the sky, and the players on the opponent's front line were killed and injured in a blink of an eye. Coupled with the ultra-long-range mass killing skills of Bei Mingxue, Lian Xin and others, the God Realm Guild suffered heavy losses.


With an order, thousands of Long Yao cavalry quickly withdrew, of course, hundreds of people were left behind by the opponent's shock arrow, kiss dragon touch and other skills, but that was a price that had to be paid.

The dark sorrow made his eyes red: "All advance, the cavalry gives priority to attack, kill me, tear their defense under the city to pieces, and immediately go to Lao Tzu."

War horses neighed, black cavalry flew in, and we were waiting for this moment.

"It's time to harvest points."

I held the Xuanyuan sword tightly and said loudly: "Hold the line of defense. We have priests to add blood. They don't. We have dragon bow riders and holy magicians to attack and cover. They don't."