VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1547: What is sagging


With the collapse of the stone towers, the entire Great Wall of Immortality gradually collapsed, and it was completely turned into ruins after a bang. The iron hoofs of the guilds of the Battle of Heaven Alliance, Candle Dragon, Snow Silver Fir, Violet Lily and other guilds stepped through the ruins of the Great Wall of Immortality, and battled the sky. Flying in the sky, holding the longevity knife, loudly shouted: "Kill directly under Yan'er County Castle, a small county city will definitely not be able to withstand our main attack."

Zhu Yingran smiled from a distance: "Zhantian, don't think about it too smoothly. I got news that the woman Xingyun is gathering a large number of people from Colosseum in the border area. Once we attack Yan'er County with all their strength, they will never stand idly by. , The blow of nearly 1500W online players in Colosseum City broke the boat. This price may not be affordable for us."

Zhan Tian frowned and said: "Then what do you want."

"It is necessary to send 3-5 main guilds over to intercept Xingyun Liushui, Dark Cloud and other guild forces outside the Valley of Life and Death. Otherwise, we will be attacked back and forth and it will be hard to get off."

Zhan Tian smiled: "Then Zhuying said, which guild is best to send in the past."

Zhu Ying groaned chaoticly: "These guilds must be super strong, otherwise they won't be able to stop the edge of Colossal City. I think Gujian, Xueyinshan, Purple Lily, and several guilds in the depths of Taoyuan couldn't be more suitable."

I suddenly raised my sword to the ground and stood in the air with a low voice: "Put P, the ancient sword has resisted the Northern Alliance in the iron halberd fortress. Why didn't you say a word? I want ancient sword to fight. The main force of the Colosseum City, dreaming, isn't the level experience of my brothers so worthless? I want the ancient sword to fight the Colosseum City, but there is no door."

Lin Yixin was by the side, took my hand, and whispered: "Little liar, Zhu Yingchao is too shameful. His heart is shameful. I just want to use this national war to weaken our guilds. Huh, Xingyun soars. He has become a god, and there is another god-level mage Leiluo with a twelve artifact staff. No one likes such an opponent wants to fight..."

Not far away, Zhang Chun rode a war horse and said, "Forget it, don't argue, let me make a decision. Let 5 of the ten major guilds of the Shenyin City lead the main force of the Shenyin City to intercept and kill. Sanctuary Rose, Hall of Eternal Life, Aspiration for the World, Providence, and Zero Degree Movement, these five guilds will pass, and I will give you 500W of the rest of the guild strength, is it enough."

In the crowd, a female knight stood out from the crowd. It was Rose Thorn, the lord of the Sanctuary Rose, a 255-level guardian knight. She was dressed in powerful equipment. She looked at Zhang Chun in silence with beautiful eyes, and said lightly: "Hot and sour powder, a few of us. The guild doesn’t even have a god-level player. How do you let us fight against Xingyun and Leiluo? Besides, the Dark Cloud Guild is the number one guild in Colosseum City. There are so many masters. What can we do to defeat them."

Zhang Chun took a breath and showed a smile: "Don’t worry about the beautiful roses. I don’t ask you to defeat them. I only ask that your five major guilds can hold back the players of Colosseum. It only takes 5 hours. After 5 hours, Yan'er County will It will fall, and then the Zhulong and Zhantian alliance will kill together and take the opportunity to take the Colossal Elephant City."

Rose Thorn smiled: "There must be some reward, right?"

On the side, the bloodthirsty war emperor of the Palace of Longevity carried a spear and smiled: "Yes, we are going to attack the main army of the Colosseum City. We must give us some rewards, right?"

Zhang Chun smiled, the pleats on his face seemed to bloom, and he spread his hands and said: "It's very simple, if you can keep the main force of Colosseum City from going for 5 hours, I will let the CGL Organizing Committee give extra points to the five leaders. Even, you can be exempted from promotion and let the 5 of you join the CGL Hall of Fame, how about it."

Rose thorn pursed her red lips, looked at Zhang Chun with icy eyes, and said, "Okay, but there is no proof. I will post this video to the forum immediately. How do you regret it? Don't be the chairman of the CGL Organizing Committee. Up."

Zhang Chun nodded: "No problem."

The rose thorn, the bloodthirsty war emperor, the word side by side, and others happily said loudly to a group of subordinates: "Turn around, go to the direction of the valley of life and death, go and kill the grandchildren of the giant elephant city."

I stood there silently, beside Bei Mingxue riding the Phoenix, pouting, and said: "It seems that the gold content of the CGL Hall of Fame is getting lower and lower..."

He Yi chuckled: "Fortunately, the god's fate is originally a member of the CGL Hall of Fame, but there is not much achievement in the national war. There is no way. The world changes with time. Some people will shine, some people will Gradually dimming, this is the law of history."

Lian Xin said: "The Rose Thorn and the Bloodthirsty War Emperor are too unreliable. They were forced to ask for official titles on the spot, which made Uncle Zhang Chun very uncomfortable..."

I smiled: "Uncle asked for himself, so he must be the strategic commander..."


In the wind, a beautiful figure flew, Lin Yixin gently stopped in front of us, and chuckled: "Little liar, I'm going to attack Yan'er County with Xueyinshan's main force, do you want to come with us? "

I shook my head: "No, we have been online for a long time. We must go offline and adjust our state. For 72 hours of national war, we must remain calm and awake enough to remain invincible. You see, the sadness of Vienna, Tear Remnant, these top players have not appeared until now, maybe they went on vacation, and then appeared when we were most tired, and gave us a fatal blow."

"Then what are you going to do."

"Go offline, go see Xinran, eat something by the way, and get a good night's sleep..." Then, I looked at Guiguzi and Li Chengfeng and said, "Let’s all go offline and rest. Once the war is tight, Someone will inform us that everyone in the guild will take turns to rest, sleep for 5-7 hours, and fight for 72 hours, which will reduce the combat effectiveness drastically."

Li Chengfeng nodded and said: "Well, long-term fatigue will cause brainwave delays of 1-3 seconds. At that time, even Da Luo Jinxian will not be able to beat the first-line masters. I will discuss with Luan Yue and leave some people to guard. The iron halberd fortress, the rest of the people offline temporarily rest. In addition, the Destroyer’s Tyrant Blade brought players from the 500W small and medium guild to the iron halberd fortress. The next wave of siege will be handed over to them for defense, and we will be offline immediately. ,How about it."

I deeply agree: "Well, that's it, WC, it's suffocating me..."

Lin Yixin blushed and said, "Then I will take a break off the assembly line and let Zi Yihou, Le Xi and Chanel hold on for a while..."

I glanced at her: "You, as the leader of Xueyinshan and the boss of Xueyinshan's core studio, have been walking around us and have not left. Is this Yiyi going to carry on the meal to the end."

Lin Yixin slapped me: "I want you to tell me."

Murong Mingyue took the staff and said, "Everyone, go offline. I have already ordered the cook to cook a meal. You can start the meal in about 20 minutes. You can eat after washing it out. It's 9 o'clock in the evening and sleep until early in the morning. It is estimated that Shifen will have no chance to sleep, hurry up and hurry up."


Everyone returned to the city one after another, teleported from Darkmoon City to Dawn City, and then flew directly to the Iron Halberd Fortress. Looking at it from a distance, the next wave of attacks by the Northern Alliance has not yet fully launched, but there is no real main guild. This is true. Forget it, let the Tyrant Blade to resist them, let's take a rest.

Take off the helmet, take a quick bath, drink some water, and then go out.

In the hall, the smell of dishes is floating. The three cooks we brought are really amazing. A call in the middle of the night started cooking with a knife, but in the studio, except for me, there are MMs of national beauty and fragrant beauty. Several uncles think that cooking is also in a good mood, and even one of them was originally a celebrity chef of GGS company. He Yishun got him to Gu Jian's studio, which made everyone even more happy.

Inside the seat, I was holding a cup of hot water. When I saw that I was coming, I immediately put the water on the table and opened my arms: "Brother hug..."

I:"… "

Stepping forward, touching Xinran's head, I smiled and said, "How is your day, Xinran."

Xinran blinked his eyes: "A war broke out near the city of purple grapes. Sophie is very nervous. I have been in the city of purple grapes all day. Once there is an enemy, I will help Sophie guard her together. Lair..."

"The lair..." I was speechless.

I spit out my tongue: "Anyway, Sophie called the city of purple grapes like this... Brother, how is your national war going?"

Me: "Fortunately, the enemy is fierce, we are strong..."

"Brother, do you need me to help you." Xinran waved a small fist and smiled: "In the game, my strength is very strong, and my psychic umbrella has been upgraded to a new level. Sophie 10 times You can't break it even if you attack with all your strength..."

I clapped my hands and sat down: "Goodbye, then NX... can you stop Linna's attack."

I thought about it for a while and said, "Brother, I used to think Linner's power was terrifying, but now... I suddenly feel that Linner's power is very strong, but not so terrible. Why is that."

I shook my head: "I don't know..."

Xinran said: "Sophie told me that it was because I had received the baptism of the divine power in the Exile, so I was reborn and powerful, and Linna had never been in the Exile and did not dare to venture into it, so... "

I patted Xin Ran's head: "Well, then I can rest assured, I must kill Linna next time."


Xinran looked up at me without saying anything.

Bei Mingxue said, "Brother don't pat Xinran's head, he will grow up little..."

Murong Mingyue stretched her head to look at Xin Ran's chest, and said, "It's actually very big, and the advantages are very strong, there is no sign of sagging at all..."

I think so: "Sister Mingyue's eyes are like torches."

Looking at me puzzledly, his big eyes flickered: "Brother, what is sagging?"

Me: "There is no sagging in my heart, so don't worry about it..."

Lin Yixin and He Yi started filming the case together: "Have you seen it, haven't you..."

I trembled all over: "No... No... Let's eat, take a rest early, the national war is important..."

Bei Mingxue and Lian Xin laughed and gloated.

After hurriedly eating dinner and putting my heart to sleep, I went back to the room and fell asleep. The day was really exhausting.

I was half-dreaming and half-awake, and suddenly a ringing sound woke me up. I took it over and took a look at Li Chengfeng’s phone. Unsurprisingly, the situation of the national war had changed again.