VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1555: Teleportation tactics


"What's the situation, why... Why are you being ambushed? You are all attacking Yan'er County." I was a little anxious. If the 300W main force was ambushed and killed, our national war would still be a mess.

Lin Yixin was also a little anxious, saying: "The Blue Beast Guild has been attacking our camp, and both sides have suffered heavy losses, but... But Qingfeng Xinyu was beaten into residual blood by Li Song + Song of Ice and Fire. Tens of thousands of the Qing Beast's first division were defeated, and Zhan Tian was eager to kill people, so they took the main force of the Zhan Tian League to chase and kill them. Even the soul return shirt was taken over, because they believed that the main force of the Qing Beast was Here, who would have thought that in the Basa Valley at the junction of Feiyan Desert and the North, he was ambushed and suffered heavy losses, and he is still fighting to this day."

"Isn’t the Blue Beast’s guild supporting Yan'er County?" I clenched my fist: "It stands to reason that the Battle of Heaven Alliance + Soul Return Tabard is definitely not to be underestimated. In addition to the Blue Beast Guild, Qingtu City also Who can form the power of annihilation against the two guilds of the Battle of the Heaven Alliance and the Soul Return of the Battle Alliance."

Lin Yixin whimpered: "Vienna's grief appeared. Almost the entire League of Legends guild was in ambush in the Pasa Valley. Moreover, the tear-stained Throne of Wild Clan also came out, blocking the entrance, and Zhan Tian was tempted by others. The enemy has penetrated deeper, and their tactics are almost exactly the same as your tactics of gathering annihilation in the Falling Goose Valley."

"Damn." I punched the giant rock fiercely and said, "MLGBD, Zhan Tian is really uneasy. Can this guy not have a snack? I said before I left, and immediately destroy Yan'er County. , He actually went to chase and kill a branch of the other people, what if he chased and killed, this idiot, what did the Zhantian League be the number one guild, and his uncle."

Lin Yixin chuckled and laughed: "Okay, don't be angry, my dear, now you have to think about what to do. Pasa Valley is blocked by the Throne of the Wild Surname. Zhan Tian, Li Ge, and Song of Ice and Fire are attacking Gukou. It can break through the blockade, and about 200W people can come out, otherwise it will really be dumplings."

"Okay, I see, I will find a way, Yiyi, you have to block Xingyun's attack and get Yan'er County as soon as possible."

"Well, I promise you to destroy Yan'er County in 4 hours."

"Okay, what..."

"What you are, go and rescue."

"#@¥%#&... "

"What's wrong, Lu Chen." Luan Yue looked at me.

He Yi also asked: "Whose information."

I raised my head and said: "Lin Yixin’s information, the big thing is not good, 300W+ people from the two guilds of the Battle of the Sky and the Soul Return were lured into the Posao Valley on the border of the three major servers of Han, Yue and India. League of Legends and Ye Xing. The two great guilds of the throne finally showed their heads, and the tears of tears, together with Vienna’s sorrow, are about to annihilate the Celestial League and return the soul to the battle robe in the Psa Valley."

"Halo..." He Yi frowned: "These two guilds are the backbone of Chinese servers. If they are annihilated and their strength is severely hit, morale will also be greatly affected. What shall we do now."

I groaned: "We must attack, but not all of them, otherwise the Iron Halberd Fortress will be over..."

"Then..." Li Chengfeng held Qingfengji: "What the hell should I do, you have confused me..."

I thought for a while: "Chengfeng, in the main league, we will select 16,000 of the most elite Dragon Knights, but they must also be tight-lipped 1.6W people, okay."

"Okay, our core player, 1.6 still has it, what is it for."

"Assault, help Zhan Tianmeng and Soul Return to open the gap."

"Okay, I'll do it right away, and it will be done in 10 minutes."


I looked at Luanyue again and asked: "Now, how many people do we still have."

Luanyue curled his lips: "In this battle, I lost more than N. Now there are about 9W Long Yao cavalry and 5W Long Yao bow cavalry. Several leagues have also suffered heavy losses. Visual inspection... Ancient Sword Soul Dream can now be online. Players in the battle will not exceed 150W, they have already lost more than 50%..."

I gritted my teeth: "Just our 150W people, plus the hundreds of thousands of Momo, will definitely not be able to hold the Iron Halberd Fortress..."

"Then what to do."

"I think of a way... first clean the battlefield, hurry up"


I thought about it for a moment, turned over and flew up to the city, and stood behind a few people in the Guild of Extinguishers with a "pop".

"Depend on… "

Tyrant knife carried the sharp blade: "Scare me, Lu Chen suddenly came over, what are you doing."

I looked at the Tyrant Blade: "Do you want to defend the Iron Halberd Fortress?"

"Yes." Tyrant Dao blushed: "Why don't you think that these northern grandsons killed millions of my brothers. I dreamed that I wanted to defend the fortress and then destroy them."

I nodded: "Well, I will share the Guihui emblem of the Ancient Sword Soul Dream with you, Tyrant Blade, you change all the Guihui emblems of the gods and other large and small guilds into the ancient sword soul dream, and then add the ancient sword soul. The emblem of dreams."

"Why." On the side, the Domineering God of War was a little excited: "Lu Chen, are you trying to coerce us to become an alliance of Gu Jian, impossible? Although our God of Destruction is not as good as before, but at least we maintain our reading ability. I won’t become a vassal of any guild, neither can the candle dragon nor the ancient sword."

The Domineering Arrow God also frowned, "Lu Chen, what do you mean?"

I turned around and looked at the dark-pressed North Border Alliance crowd in the distance, and said: "They still have at least 1,500 troops there. How can we be able to defend it? The previous few battles almost gave the ancient sword soul dream to the family. It’s all done. Now, the battle is over. We must fight hard and fight for enough time."

The Domineering Magic God groaned, "Lu Chen, you want to... confuse their vision."

I nodded: "Yes."

The Tyrant Sword slapped his thigh and smiled: "I understand, the previous battles, the ancient sword soul dream has made the Northern Realm frightened. If our guild players all join the ancient sword, the city will suddenly With the appearance of millions of ancient sword players, the Northern Alliance may not dare to do it. This is probably the illusion of a war of hearts."

I nodded: "Hurry up, there are other things to do."


Soon, the players on the city were all replaced by the emblem of the ancient sword soul dream. Looking at it from a distance, the ancient sword soul dream's ancient sword emblem had become a sea of red.

Li Chengfeng flew over the city and whispered: "Brother, the 1.6W Long Yao cavalry has all been assembled, and now Lu Buyi and I are the captains, what else do we have to explain."

Me: "Chengfeng, you hand over the captain to EVE, and now take all these people back to our Darkmoon City. I set up a teleportation formation in front of the Darkmoon City’s town hall. After a while, once I activate the teleportation formation, You immediately brought all the people in and we broke through the tear-stained blockade from the periphery of Pasa Valley."

Li Chengfeng smiled relievedly: "I'll go, the infinite teleportation tactic is trivial enough, I like it, then I will give the captain to EVE, and use the two strategies of Wang Dao and Zilong to kill."

"Well, let's go, I'm leaving, I must arrive at Psara Valley in order to initiate the teleportation. Also, tell everyone in the team that no one should disclose this teleportation message and keep the mysterious surname of this tactic."

"Well, brother, take care."

"the same as you."

My figure slowly rose, and I suddenly exerted my strength, and the whole person shot up into the sky like a sharp arrow. I found the direction of Pasa Valley on the big map. There is only one exit, which is a death valley. This way, I can also carry 300W people and horses. Entering, Zhan Tian was really too impulsive, and the Song of Ice and Fire was also a good one. They were all too impulsive. The North Border Alliance was really bold enough to let the remnant breeze and rain as bait.

A layer of subtle qi lingers around my body, pushing away from the strong wind, the speed is full, and 100% speed rushes to Psao Valley, the forest of the earth swiftly backwards under my body, I raised my hand and drew out the Xuanyuan sword. The little red dots can be seen here, either monsters or people from the Northern Border Alliance. You must be vigilant at all times.

Fortunately, I didn't receive too many nuisances along the way. I flew at full speed and reached the Posuo Valley in 9 minutes. Looking at it from a distance, I didn't dare to get too close, for fear of being spotted.

The dark pupil raised his vision. Through the clouds, he could clearly see that the entire Posao Valley had been stained red with blood. The players of the Battle of Heaven Alliance and the Soul Return Tabard were fighting against each other, but the forces that besieged them are really strong. There are too many, even close to ten million, not only the League of Legends, the Throne of the Wild, but even the Godbreaker Guild of the British server, the second and third guilds in South Korea have come, and a total of nearly 10 million troops are encircled. Gathering and annihilating this group of [***] regiments.

"With all my strength, rush for a while, I use the longevity knife to summon the recovery circle, and restore everyone's vitality."

In the crowd, Zhan Tian danced with long knives and flew in mid-air. The longevity knife engulfed in green air currents, and it continued to fall in the crowd, and it also greatly restored the player's vitality. This is the magical effect of the longevity knife. Recovery The ability is super strong, comparable to Xuanyuan Jue and Shennong Gucao, and the endurance is very strong.

On the ground, iron knights rushed across the ground, and the Song of Ice and Fire, Fighters, Divine Bone, Xiao Cangtian and others all instigated their horses to rush over. About 100,000 people were attacking Taniguchi, and blood flowed into rivers.

The breeze was blowing, and above the valley mouth, above a green leaf forest, a beautiful beauty in armor, carrying a sword, and standing there with the soles of her feet stepping on the airflow, it was the traces of tears that soared into the gods. She looked at the players in the canyon. He counterattacked with a smile at the corners of his mouth: "Arrow Ballista, don't be polite, attack with all your strength, and shoot those who dare to resist."


The sound of arrows leaving the string continued, and the heavy equipment ambushed on the mountain ranged together. Ten thousand arrows were fired. Suddenly, the front row of cavalry of the Battle of Heaven Alliance was shot and killed in patches, and even the battle of Heaven was densely packed. The arrow shot back again and again, completely unstoppable.

I couldn’t stand it anymore. I clenched my fist and scanned my eyes. There was an open space in a pine forest outside the valley. There were many cavalry surnamed wild thrones patrolling around. Well, it’s this vacuum zone that serves as ours. Starting point of the raid.
