VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1560: Piece together the legion


Shui Yun Yao looked at me pitifully: "What's wrong, Lu Chen, you seem to be gloomy, don't you want our souls to join Gu Jian in the battle robe?"

I shook my head hurriedly: "No... No, I have actually been looking forward to it for a long time. However, the fighting spirit and a group of brothers just died. At any rate, I mourned for half an hour to show my friendship. I can't be happy now like the New Year..."

Li Chengfeng laughed while touching his palms: "You don't need to mourn. The fighting spirit said that he was hungry. He took a few colleagues who died in the base to eat hot pot. Now he is living a lot more moisturized than us."

I smiled: "That's good."

After speaking, he looked at Shuiyun Yao and said: "Then I will be my own person in the future. During the national war, the soul return shirt obeys my orders. Can this be done?"

Shui Yun Yao nodded seriously: "Your order is our highest order."

I looked at the Song of Ice and Fire, God Bone, and Ring Spirit. They were the real backbone.

The Song of Ice and Fire touched his nose and said with a smile: "I obey all the arrangements of the eldest lady."

Shengu carried the spear, turned on his horse, and said, "There is nothing to say, we will be brothers from now on. With Lu Chen's words, we would not hesitate to be broken into pieces."

Ring Spirit is the most veteran, he hehe smiled: "Miss I wanted to recognize Lu Chen, your elder brother. Now that I have joined Gu Jian, I will do my best, but the mage has a thin skin. Remember to give a few dragons and iron knights to protect me..."

I nodded and smiled: "Well, then there is no problem."

Soon, the soul return shirt was replaced with the emblem of the ancient sword, becoming our second reading power division after the Scarlet Mercenary.

A group of people in the Zhantian League just watched, Zhantian rubbed his nose, and said, "What I didn't do, but I let Lu Chen do it. It's really good luck..."

I glared at him: "What nonsense... I will set off immediately, set foot on Yan'er County within 2 hours, and pull out this thorn in the flesh as soon as possible."


Everyone turned on their horses and galloped in the direction of Yan'er County.

I fly at low altitude and advance with MMs such as chaotic moon, heavenly rain, clear sky and snow, so as to protect them and hang up with high spirits, which is enough to prove that our first-line players are still far from the top of the world, even if they are at the level of Red Maple. , It is not Luan Moon and Heaven Rain that they can withstand, they must be protected.

Luanyue turned to look at me and said, "We can't even get the two 8,000-man teams together. Do we need to mobilize ten thousand dragons from the iron halberd fortress to help attack the city?"

I groaned: "Okay, pick the elite, and the rest will stay in the Iron Halberd Fortress, and Xu Yang will command the defense of the city in a unified manner."


"By the way, how is the situation on Youyun Shibaqi."

Luanyue smiled and said, "It went well. The ghost ships flying by the North Border Alliance have a flight distance limit. After entering the city of Dawn, they fell one by one, but they were all destroyed by the people led by Youyun, and they were all slaughtered. , Youyun Eighteen Cavaliers have brought people back to the Iron Halberd Fortress and joined the city guard."

"Well, with You Yun helping Xu Yang defend the city together, I'm relieved."

I put down a big rock in my heart. In fact, what makes me most assured is that the League of Legends, Throne of the Wild, and the Godbreaker guilds have finally appeared. If they are not hidden, it will be really easy to handle. The main goal appears, so I can Grasp the entire war pattern from the overall perspective.

Li Chengfeng lowered his flight altitude and said, "League of Legends, what do you do?"

Me: "It's very simple. They have hidden for a long time. They originally planned to destroy the Soul Return Tabard and the Battle of the Sky Alliance, and greatly attack the strength of the Chinese region. But now they have only achieved half of their goals. According to my prediction, they will only have There are two options. One is to detour to attack the Iron Halberd Fortress and use the offensive route of the first national war. The second is to directly attack the Tianling Fortress. After breaking through the fortress, attack the Sky City. This city of kings is the only option. They are pierced in the flesh."

Li Chengfeng said: "Then I will notify Zhang Chun in advance and ask him to send more guilds to Tianling Fortress to help NPC defend the city."


I nodded: "Although I definitely can't hold it, but I can delay it for a while."


Thirty minutes later, I arrived at Yan'er County Castle. I saw from a distance, smoke and dust billowed, blood-red names joined together. At least tens of millions of Qingtu City players intercepted in front of us, and the Blue Beast Guild was in the phalanx. The reason why the Chinese forces could not attack for a long time was that Qingtu City had invested at least 2000W troops in Yan'er County, and Ah San had smashed with us.

In the distant city, guilds such as Xueyinshan, Candle Dragon, and Purple Lily are all engaged in fierce siege battles. Nearly 2000W Chinese players are surrounded by the city and are attacked by the inside and outside. It will definitely be uncomfortable. Ear County, then it can be completely reversed.

Looking at the dense crowds in the distance, Gui Guzi took a breath: "I'm going, how many people have been dispatched from Qingtu City, this is going to tear my skin and do it with China..."

Zhan Tian looked gloomy, and said: "Our Zhan Tian League broke out from Pasa Valley with nearly 60W elites. The golden cavalry saves 9W+. In addition, there are more than a dozen sub alliances from the White Rose Fortress. The total strength is still about 150W. Do you go in head-on."

I shook my head: "Zhantian, don't worry, let's count the troops, ice and fire, how many people are still in the jersey of the soul, and how many iron knights there are."

The Song of Ice and Fire held the sword and said: "We still have 50W+ people, of which 6W+ people have been saved by Iron Slayer. In addition, nearly 40W of troops have been saved in the direction of the Great Wall of Extremis. The total force is about one million. The leader, how? hit."

I thought for a while and said: "Stay here first, and wait until the force reaches 500W before attacking the direction of Qingtucheng. I want to summon the elite troops of the umbrella. The umbrellas are all foreign players in the outer domain. I didn't intend to pull them into this place. In the national war, but now it seems that they must be used. Battle of the sky, ice and fire, you must also summon the troops that can be summoned. Here we gather 500W troops to break through the encirclement, and we should defeat the 1000W green soil together. City people."


With that said, I opened the communicator and directly applied to talk to Hickey.

"HI, boss, I want to kill you~" Hickey's Chinese became more and more fluent.

I said: "Hickey, now you know the situation of the national war."

"Well, finally let us protect the umbrella."

"Yeah." I nodded and said: "You and Zhanshen brought the main force of the umbrella, coming from the White Rose Fortress at the fastest speed, tell me how many people can participate in the battle online with the umbrella now."

Hickey smiled and said: "Everyone is waiting for your order. A total of about 70W people can participate in the battle. We have taken in many smugglers from Chaos Twenty-Seven Kingdoms, Greedy Wolf City and other cities... Hey, boss no I will blame myself for recruiting soldiers and buying horses."

I couldn't help but smile: "No, so many troops, I don't have time to love you, hahaha, immediately summon the horses and horses, come from the white rose fortress, we will wait for you in the jungle outside Yan'er County, how long will it take? "

"One hour."

"OK, hurry up."


Everyone waited quietly. As a result, Gu Jianhunmeng’s 1W Long Yao cavalry came the fastest, and they joined the team of He Yi and Lu Buyi. In this way, we have gathered nearly 200W of troops, a dense group of people. Taking a break in the jungle for a while, some small guilds in Qingtu City couldn't bear their loneliness and came forward to provoke them. As a result, they were all hacked and killed in the wasteland by the three great cavalry of Long Yao cavalry, slashing cavalry, and golden cavalry. , Reduced to our points.

An hour later, smoke and dust billowed on the plain, and a group of sizzling iron horses with distinctive sword armor roared, and they also protected a large number of priests, mages, archers, singers and other teams. The umbrella 70W army finally came.

Warscar and Hickey rushed to the front, rolled over and dismounted, and smiled at He Yi and me: "The boss and the leader are always good."

I nodded: "Well, let everyone rest for 10 minutes and set up the formation. We are going to fight the Indians' phalanx."


The neighing of war horses became a continuous sound. This time I also brought a team of 8,000 people to the wind and iron cavalry, blessing the god of war, and famous players such as Luan Yue, Li Chengfeng, Guiguzi, Tianyuyu, Qingkong Xue and other famous players also brought 8,000 people in succession. To enhance our overall combat effectiveness, the formation is spread out, and the formation of more than ten kilometers is very spectacular. The battlefield alliance and the soul return shirt have also rushed under the two wings. At a glance, the war horse has become a forest. This is what it is. War scenes that make people blood boil.

Looking into the distance, I smiled slightly: "Okay, Qingtucheng 1000W Elite is right in front. Our patchwork army, it's time to meet them for a while."

He said, holding the sword high, and shouting loudly: "Chinese power, attack, crush the army of Qingtu City for Lao Tzu."

Horseshoes violently sounded, and countless dust was raised in the wasteland. The 1.7W+ Long Yao cavalry charged as a sharp knife at the forefront, and this was the strength of He Yi and Lu Buyi blessed with strategic skills. One was increased by 150%, all belonged to the family name, and the other was king. , 30% of the surnames who can ignore the target are very sharp.

In the distance, the crowd in Qingtu City shook, and quickly, the front shield formation suddenly retreated, revealing a whole piece of bright arrow crossbow car behind, it turned out to have been prepared long ago.

"Don't be afraid, rush forward and chop off those siege equipment." I laughed loudly. Most of the strikers behind me were blessed with buffs of singers and counsellors, and the damage caused by the Ballista to them was not so terrible.

"Swish swish..."

The cold wind blew, and dense steel arrows flew.

As the front line, he immediately swung the Xuanyuan sword, the blade swept across, bringing out a field of power, as if torn the space, the trajectory of the steel arrows was distorted, and they shot to the ground in advance. Li Chengfeng, Gui Guzi and others had already rushed into the crowd.

The sword's edge shook, and Xuanyuan Jue was launched, killing 70% of the vitality and blood. In an instant, tens of thousands of people lost blood, one by one was stunned.


Two MMs in Heaven Rain and Clear Sky and Snow led a large number of hissing iron cavalry, and the cavalry swept the other's shield formation like a patrol. The sound of the sword blade piercing the armor became one piece. In a blink of an eye, the wasteland has been dyed red with blood. Chinese troops , A whole piece of bright red five-star red flag emblem swept past like a red ocean, immersed in the 1000W camp of Qingtu City, the sword blade pierced and the skill light was chaotic, it was completely a war of warriors who met on a narrow road.