VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1562: There is no ambivalence



The Fang was startled suddenly, but there was no time to react. The shield blocking the front was suddenly penetrated by the Excalibur. The next moment, the spiral blade directly penetrated the Fang's chest, bringing out a big damage number.


It was very shocking. This guy hadn't died yet. The total energy and blood must have been over 10 million. There were still many priests treating him behind him. However, the healing output obviously couldn't compare with Murong Mingyue's Kiss of the Goddess.


As I shot up, I stayed a metre in front of the fangs, stretched out my hand and grabbed the Xuanyuan sword that was circling, and the corner of my mouth raised: "Idiot, is the Chinese dog as weak as you think."


Fang Fang looked annoyed: "You get out of my way."

I lifted the Emperor Sea Shield and swept it violently. With a "knock", the fangs of the battle axe was slammed away, and my right arm moved along with the sharp blade. With a "click", the attack power was too strong, and the fangs could not stand such an offensive, my head Moving house, blood was splashing, a blood-red head flew up in the air, I jumped up and kicked it out.


Fang's head hit a shield with a "bang". Behind the shield, the witch Yeye's face turned green: "We are at odds with you."

"Then it's incompatible."

My eyes were cold, and my figure went violently. The blade swept across the crowd and slammed on the body of the demon knight. Under the collision of the mad god, the demon knight snorted and led the horse and the man back, and at the same time, it also drove the witch Ye Ye. His body retreated, that's right, it was to give priority to killing the witch Ye Ye, so as to make the Blue Beast Guild lose its spiritual support and commander here.

The golden light suddenly appeared, and the ancient runes blasted away.


The witch Ye Ye hurriedly retreated. She is just an archer. Where can she dare to eat my ancient rune, she knows very well in her heart that a player who reaches my level will have a strategy value of no less than 2000 points. Such a strategy The magical skill released by the value, its attack power is imaginable terrifying.

"Block him."

A group of players from the Blue Beast Guild swarmed in, breaking through the barriers and piercing through my breastplate and shield. Skills such as Shaking Yue Arrow and Concussion Arrow were extremely dense. Unfortunately, I am a god-level, no one. Mount Ren said that they can't defeat the blessing effect of the ancient dragon, and I have blessed the profound armor technique, and the damage to me from the barrier breaking is extremely limited.

Leaning slightly, I was half a meter above the ground, and I slammed the blade down. With a "bang", a demon knight and horse were overwhelmed to the ground. My boots slammed on his shield, and my body volleyed. Launch a thunder charge.


Instantly charged and stunned the witch Ye Ye, Xuanyuan Sword's rays of light burst, and the fiery blade pierced the abdomen of this beautiful Indian girl.




The witch Ye Ye looked at me with unwillingness on her face, and slowly fell to her death.


System Announcement: Please pay attention to all players, the player smashed the halberd and sinks the sand (China) successfully killed the heroic flag temple guard player Witch Ye Ye (India), and won 10% of its national war points, 192371 points.

Once the witch Ye Ye died, the situation was reversed. The military was in chaos, and the shield formation on the front line was extremely unstable. Li Chengfeng’s Chi Xiao Slash and Tian Yu’s tiger wings were smashed, and He Yi Chengying swept the storm. Slash, everyone completely shredded hundreds of meters of defense, Long Yao's cavalry quickly smashed through the shield formation, the next moment, Qianjun broke through the crowd one after another, and the opponent's long-range players suffered heavy losses.

"Kill, and annihilate them."

Xu Yang rushed forward with excitement while carrying Tongtian Slash. By her side, Luan Yue MM was carrying the Emperor Sea Sword with a smile on her face, but then she said: "Xu Yang, be careful, don’t die too ugly, anyway. It is also the first of the four elders of Yueyue and Stardust. If you hang it too ugly, it will affect the military's morale. Of course, you are the easiest to hang up with the four elders, and my invincible Lu Chen will not die easily."

Xu Yang widened his bull's eyes, "I'll go, when will our brother Lu Chen become your family?"

Luan Yue: "Be careful."

Xu Yang roared and was shot with arrows in his face, like a hedgehog, his vitality fell to less than 5%, and he would almost go to the west after eating two more gods and demons.

In the air, Murong Mingyue flew over, opened the priest's shield, and with a wave of his staff, he threw a kiss of the goddess of life to Xu Yang, and suddenly a big healing number flew up, too powerful.


Xu Yang grinned, "Mingyue, thank you."

Murong Mingyue was flying in the air, and the pair of peaks and mountains were drooping under gravity. They were wobbly in the clothes, which was very charming. She looked at Xu Yang and said, "It's really uneasy for your uncle."

Xu Yang: "..."

Qingkongxue MM carried a spear and said: "Long Yao bow ride is here, use the projectile."

Bei Mingxue: "Well, the spiral arrow blade + skyrocketing arrow cover, cover everyone's charge, suppress their long-range, otherwise our loss will be too great..."

Qingkongxue MM smiled: "Well, at the price of paying a 1W Long Yao cavalry, I can beat their phalanx."

On the battlefield, dust and smoke billowed. In the distance, Yan'er County was crumbling, but it was not captured. TMD was too strong. The city walls were full of Chinese players, but a group of them went up and was quickly repelled. Look, there are several dragon cannons on the four walls. This is the reason for their strength. The dragon cannon has rewritten the fate of the Japanese server to a certain extent. If there were no dragon cannons, we would have long since raised this server. The map is erased.

Soon after, the Saint Mage Legion came, Moonstone, Yu Tong and other MMs appeared in the forefront and asked in the guild channel: "Boss, what tactics do we use."

I didn't hesitate: "Advancing horizontally, the 9W Saint Magician is attacking and advancing under the cover of the whistling iron cavalry. Don't let any Indian player escape the canyon of Yan'er County."

"Well, there's more."

I thought for a while and said: "Contact the beautiful Xiaoman of the Eighth Division, and ask her to take the players of the guild to ambush near the gravel forest and set up traps. Once an Indian player wants to retreat from the gravel forest, all Kill, don't let one go."


Li Chengfeng asked: "Lu Chen, why do we define tactics this time."

Me: "Let's fight around and fight against the enemy, so that we can facilitate the implementation of our final strategy."

Li Chengfeng smiled: "Hey, I know..."


Lin Yixin sent a message: "Little liar, I heard that you attacked from the outside."

"Yeah." I replied: "You guys stand it up, we will almost be able to rendezvous with you soon, dear."

Lin Yixin turned on the communicator and laughed: "We played so badly. On the one hand, we were going to attack the city, and on the other hand, we were fighting against the giant elephant city players who came over from the flanks."

"Hey, isn't it the five great guilds of Shenyin City's Longevity Knife and Sanctuary Rose fighting against the Colossal Elephant City on the side of Life and Death Juegu?"

"Fight against the wool..." Lin Yixin curled her lips, a little angrily: "The bloodthirsty war emperor is simply a stupid pig. He was actually ambushed by Xingyun. Players from the Palace of Longevity of nearly 50W were ambushed in the Valley of Life and Death, killing all of them. All levels were returned to zero and the equipment was exposed. The guild of the Palace of Longevity was completely gone. The guilds of Sanctuary Rose and Aspiration of the World weren’t much better. The Liushui River outside the Valley of Life and Death fought against the main force of the Giant Elephant City, but was defeated. Yun dug up the river, 30W+ cavalry was trapped in the swamp, separated from the melee army at long range, and was broken by Xingyun. Almost all of the millions of coalition forces were eaten by the Colosseum. This should be after the Battle of Posuo Valley. Another fiasco."

Me: "Damn... What is this all about."

Lin Yixin smiled and said, "My dear, if you hadn't fought a beautiful ambush in Luoyan Valley, I really don't know where our morale will come from. Keep working hard to eat up all the troops in the outer Indian Qingtu City and join together. We are destroying Yan'er County. We are trying our best to bring down the dragon cannon on the wall. The range is too far. It’s really annoying. I suspect that we won’t be able to capture until they run out of dragon crystals..."

I comforted: "Well, don't be impatient, take your time, we still have a lot of time."

"Okay, work hard."

"the same as you."

The joining of the Saint Magician greatly improved our efficiency. At the same time, the number of Green Earth Castles on the interface has also begun to drop sharply. In less than two hours, there are already only the number of people less than 300W, and the Chinese region is losing money. After 200W+ people, there are new players coming from the direction of White Rose Fortress. The total number of players is 900W+.

"Go on and wipe them out completely."

I carried the Xuanyuan sword and chased down the players who were alone. In the distance, there were already players from Qingtucheng who were breaking through the encirclement. About tens of thousands of people rushed out of the encirclement and headed towards the gravel forest, but there were beautiful little men there. The eighth division of the League is waiting for them, pre-burying traps, don’t worry about me, the players in the divisions of the Battle of Heaven, Ancient Sword, Umbrella, and Soul Return are all killed with enthusiasm. Finally, after being passive for a long time, they will meet There was a partial victory. Perhaps the King of War and Qingfeng Xinyu would not have imagined that they stayed here to rescue the more than 10 million people in Yan'er County, and they were so brutally overwhelmed by our patchwork of forces. Lost.

In the distance, smoke and dust billowed, and in the east of Yan'er County, the black crowd smashed into a mass.

I frowned: "What's the situation?"

He Yi: "Guilds such as the Candle Dragon, Red Man Hall, Thunder and other guilds, where nearly 1,800W people from the Colosseum City, fought on the plains, and Zhu Yingchao personally set off. It is said that they lost 400W+ people, but they have already killed nearly 700W people from the other side. Up."

I smiled: "Zhuyingchaan finally awakened."

Gui Guzi: "No matter how hard the candle dragon is, we won't be able to fight anymore."

At this moment, Xu Yang galloped forward with the Heavenly Slash, panting heavily, and said: "EVE boss, Lu Chen, a battle report came from the direction of Tianling Fortress, League of Legends, Throne of the Wild, Godbreaker, etc. Large-scale guilds are attacking the Tianling Fortress, and with the nearly 100W Blue Beast players brought by the God of War and Qingfeng Xinyu, the total force is probably over 10 million."

"Hey, this is where the headache..." Li Chengfeng smiled.