VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1572: Thousands of miles to send


This time, with Xuanyuan Jue’s 70% damage, my national war score has actually exploded to as much as 1250W, and there are still nearly 20 hours before the national war is over. By then, I might be able to cut down to about 1500W. That’s really unprecedented, and, based on the 100 points given for each initial death, I’ve cut 12W people. Of course, many of them are indirect kills. Those hero banner players will be given away by everyone. For my 10% points, they also have a share in their heads.

In addition, in the battle of Yan'er County, the fruit knife goddess shook all directions and completed a double kill against two super god level players. She survived to the end in such a brutal battle environment, and at the same time made her points more than 10 million. Ten million points have no water, and they are all cut down. It can be seen that Lin Yixin's current strength is indeed extremely tyrannical. I dare not say anything else, at least it must be stronger than Qingfengxinyu and Xingyun.

Lian Xin and Bei Mingxue, the two ancient swords' big killer MM, became the second and third in points. It is understandable that these two god-level remote players have killed too many people. Even I feel a little embarrassed. Li Chengfeng is persistent. The battle rushed to fifth place, and He Yi also entered the top ten. Looking it up, Guiguzi's points ranked 11th, and after a while, I can squeeze Qingfeng Xinyu into the top ten.

… In the sound of the rumbling Baize chariot attacking, the Searing City was crumbling. This city was indeed very strong. After being smashed for so long, there were still 55% of the city’s tenacious surname. I am afraid that it would have collapsed long ago when replaced by another city.

At this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes that shook the earth from the south behind him. It was so familiar that at least 10,000 heavy cavalry could make such a sound.

We all turned around, but saw on the horizon, black and oppressed men and horses slaughtered, all with blood-red names, and belonged to the main city, Qingtucheng, a player of the Zhenguo Guild.


Li Chengfeng clenched his fists: "Yewang, Yewang isn't dead yet, the main force of the Zhenguo Guild is still there, MLBBD, why did we miss the Second Guild of Qingtu City."

Gui Guzi frowned and said: "Yes, the town has never appeared, it seems that it was ordered by the God of War to stay in Qingtu Town to guard, in case we make a final counterattack."

He Yi opened his mouth and said, "There is no reason... Qingfeng Xinyu is thoughtful, keep one hand and let the Zhenguo Guild guard Qingtucheng. This can be expected, but... But at this time, Zhenguo should stay behind Qingtucheng. They came out of their nests, what is it to come to Searing City, isn't the relationship between Qingtu City and Searing City so good?"

"I don't know..." I licked my lips: "Maybe there is something else."

On the side, Luanyue MM raised her head and said: "There are some things, I don't know if I should say something..."

"I will beat you if I don't say..." I raised my fist.

Luanyue immediately held my arm like a cat, shaking her round buttocks and said: "Don't beat me, don't beat me, I just said..."

"No festival..." He Yi was speechless.

Luan Yue chuckled and said: "I got the latest news from the intelligence team. Tears and Ye Wang knew each other. They talked about it in the last WEL game, but now, they seem to have done something. In a transaction, the wild king led the town to help the tears to keep the Scorching City, and the tears to go to India to accompany the wild king to eat a meal, you know what to do after the meal..."

I trembled all over: "Send a thousand miles..."

Li Chengfeng clenched his fists and his eyes were red: "Fuck."

Luan Yue looked at Li Chengfeng: "It's not that you went to Qianli to send it off, Li Xiaozi, what are you excited about."

I hurriedly stop Luanyue, staring at her and beckoning her to stop talking. Li Chengfeng’s ex-girlfriend also did things like sending thousands of miles to her. It was the knot that Li Chengfeng could never untie, so he was so excited.

… "Keng."

The Xuanyuan sword came out of its sheath, and my sword guide Fang shouted: "No matter how many people come to the town, we will kill them. The idol rides in a small area can withstand our Long Yao cavalry. Defend on the spot and wait for them. Attack, Sister Shuiyunyao, you lead your soul to the battle robe and continue to siege the city with the front camp to prevent the tears from merging inside and outside, and splitting the attack."

Shui Yun Yao nodded, while the Song of Ice and Fire carried a sharp blade, he smiled: "Don't worry, Searing City is handed over to us, you just need to kill the Zhenguo Guild as soon as possible."

On the plains, there were densely packed with players, and the town guild did not run too fast. Behind them were archers, animal trainers and other long-range and auxiliary legions. This was a wise choice.

Li Chengfeng stood in the wasteland full of blood, Qingfeng halberd on the ground, stood shoulder to shoulder with me, and smiled: "My dear, this time I actually lived to the last day of the national war. I always feel an ominous premonition..."

I grinned: "Have a foreboding that your sister is ready to go to war."

Li Chengfeng continued: "The town country guild came out, and the wild king is really bold enough. She is obsessed with it. Although the tear-stained chick is good in figure and face, but... but the wild king is not afraid that it will come out. Yes, and, as everyone knows, the man whom Tears of tears loves is Zhuyingchao, and even the women of Zhuyingchao are on it. Yewang is not afraid to offend Zhuyingchao at all."

Gui Guzi carried the ghost blade halberd and smiled beside him: "Yewang is a generation of heroes in Qingtu City. When did he fear that the candle shadow was chaotic, besides, in the eyes of the players in Qingtu City, which green onion is the candle shadow? The real God-of-War in China is the boss of our halberd, not the candle shadow chaos, even if the tears are a woman with the candle shadow chaos, the wild king will dare to go."

Li Chengfeng looked at me: "Lu Chen, if Zhen Guo really guards the Searing City, will the tears go to India to dedicate his life to the Wild King?"

I couldn’t help laughing: "Chengfeng, we are adults. Don’t live in fairy tales. If you keep the Scorching City and the tears are achieved, why bother to dedicate yourself? Besides, even if it’s a dedication, it’s just a night’s pleasure. , I don’t necessarily care about the tears. You don’t think that the tears will stay like jade for the candle shadow chaos for so many years. She will go to the man’s bed because she has physical needs..."

Luanyue curled her lips: "You guys who are not stupid, can you talk about health."

Guiguzi: "Yes, my face is hot..."

Luanyue: "Your sister is hot, virgins are not allowed to speak."

Guiguzi: "..."

Bei Mingxue was flying in the sky with a longbow, her face flushed: "That's right, brother, don't say anything about the one-night pleasure, it's too... it's too much, Xiaoxin and I can't listen anymore."

Lian Xin was by the side, carrying the sacred fire stick, and joking: "It's okay, it's okay, brother can continue to say, we just have not heard it, and... When I was living in the United States, I don’t know what’s more popular than this. I've seen it as many as my brother said, it's nothing..."

Murong Mingyue joked: "Xiaoxin, have you ever had a boyfriend in the United States."

Lian Xin's face blushed: "No, I don't, Sister Mingyue, don't talk nonsense about me..."

Murong Mingyue chuckled, "Why, the little girl has to guard Lu Chen like a jade."

I looked up: "Shou your sister, Xiaoxin didn't know me very well when he was in the United States, okay..."

Lian Xin pouted: "No, I decided at that time, I would look for Luo Chen when I find a boyfriend, because I like it."

"You confessed..." Li Chengfeng looked at me.

I turned my face away: "The wild king is here, come on, fuck him."

Li Chengfeng: "..."

… "Everything that can withstand it, go forward 20 meters, cover the shield behind you, and output across the board, killing all the 20W idols in the town, and ruining the dream of the wild king."

I drew out the long sword and said with a smile: "It can be regarded as our ancient sword's gift to Zhu Yingchao."

Li Chengfeng, He Yi, Gui Guzi and others marched forward one after another. In front, horseshoes stirred up dust, and countless idol horses slaughtered them. The idol horse is a unit with insufficient speed, strength and physical strength. It is especially suitable for positional warfare. A big test for us.

No one wants to kill the wild king, because a player of his level can't attract our attention at all, just let him fight with Longyao Iron Knight.

Tengyun boots stepped on the airflow, I flew forward close to the ground, the sharp blade swept out, the "pap pap" three flames and sword aura bloomed in the crowd, hundreds of idols were beaten to each other, and several of them were fatal. One hit and 7 times the damage directly killed dozens of people in seconds. At the same time, he waved his hand to release the ice spin field, creating a fire net of ice cones in front of it to assist in the blow.

"Go around him, the brother on the right wing around the halberd and sink the sand." The wild king roared loudly.

When the opponent detoured, I followed and killed, and cooperated with Li Chengfeng and others to force the attack. As soon as the two parties contacted, the Zhen Guo Guild had no vigour. The look on the Ye Wang’s face was very unsightly. He also knew that the enemy faced was too strong. There are as many as 5 players who are advanced as gods, as well as the 3W+ elite dragon jade, the number is also dominant, and it is impossible to fight at all.

"Boom boom boom..."

The idol ride violently slammed into the shield formation formed by the dragon jade cavalry and the whistling wind cavalry, but was bounced back, and was immediately taken care of by long-range skills such as the gods and demons breaking, skyrocketing arrow, etc., suffering endlessly.

In less than 30 minutes, the Zhenguo Guild showed its defeat.

In the city, tears left her little face with green eyes: "Dizzy, the town state guild is weak..."

The legion commander was dumbfounded: "Leader, what shall we do then."

"Sit and watch the changes." Tears remnants hit the wall with a heavy sword, angrily.

… Soon after, Gu Jian launched a counterattack, and the cavalry of nearly 20W all kinds of cavalry counterattacked, and I rushed to the forefront with 8000 Long Yao cavalry. Now it is time to beheaded. The wild king is holding a spear and is less than 100 meters ahead.

"Chong, kill the wild king." Li Chengfeng laughed loudly.

"Are they running?" Gui Guzi asked in confusion.

"It's really at large, that direction..." I frowned.

… As night fell, the wild king led nearly a hundred thousand idols to escape in the desert, and soon everyone realized that something was wrong.

Li Chengfeng: "How do I feel that they were tempting the enemy, we chased and killed tens of thousands of people, and they didn't resist at all, they were still running away."

I opened the big map: "In front, there is a fortress..."

"What a fortress."

"Heavenly Desolate City, the 10th-level territory of the Wild Throne..."