VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1578: One month deadline


A flock of white birds soars in the sky.

Tengyun boots lightly stepped on the soft grass, and I looked at everything around me blankly, where is this

The bluestone slabs paved a smooth road on the plain, extending all the way to the distance. On the horizon, it was a city floating in the air. The silver brilliance enveloped the entire city. On the pumice stone, I could see girls walking. , Dancing like a butterfly, behind them are baskets for collecting medicines, and bunches of wildflowers in their hands.

Amidst the sound of horses’ hoofs, rows of cavalry with sharp sword armor passed by, and the emblems of the kingdom gleamed terrifyingly on their shoulders. The knights rolled over and got off their horses, kneeling on both sides of the road, and their attitude towards me was unusual. Respectfully.

I walked towards the front leisurely, and soon, countless ghouls, ghouls, and hunters appeared on both sides of the road. These evil souls were crawling in my direction, as if they were in awe of the king.

… At the end of the road, under the banner of the kingdom, a beautiful girl was standing there with a sword in her hand. It was Karinshan, the owner of the Sky City. Karinshan had a lovely smile, and her red lips lightly opened: "We, take you as yours. Proud... Now, please swear your loyalty to the Sky Empire once again, my dearest soldier..."

I slowly knelt on one knee, Xuanyuan Sword stuck in the grass, but suddenly countless blood oozes from the grass, and it seemed to swallow everything in a blink of an eye. Even my fingers and cheeks were dripping with blood, and the sky changed even more. In a bloody color, Karin Shan and the city in the sky turned into a cloud of smoke in front of him, and everything seemed to have never happened before.

… "what!!"

Suddenly, I opened my eyes and saw He Yi's beautiful face. However, her eyes were red and swollen, and she seemed to cry for a long time. The haggardness was indescribable, and it made me feel distressed.

"EVE, is that you?" I whispered softly.

He Yi looked at me, tears welled up, and nodded again and again: "It's me, it's me... Lu Chen, you finally woke up, Uncle Du, Dr. Liu, come here, come here!"

Soon, two people in white chemical protective suits walked in. I knew one of them. That was Du Shisan’s father, who was also the head of a genetic research organization in Nanjing.

"Lu Chen, do you still know me?"

"Yes, Uncle Du, don't come here unharmed..."

"Oh, don't talk, come here, check your heartbeat, body temperature and vital signs..."

I lay there quietly, looking around, only He Yi was alone, Li Chengfeng, Lin Yixin, Bei Mingxue did not know where they were going.

"EVE, how long have I slept?" I asked.

He Yi sat aside, holding my cold hand, tears running down her face: "Four days and nights, fortunately... Fortunately you wake up, otherwise, the doctor said you might not wake up..."

I nodded, looked at the expert aside, and said, "Uncle Du, please tell me more about the situation. I have the right to know. I know that I will die. There is no worse result than this. Don't worry. Have anything to hide from me!"

Uncle Du frowned, and said in a low voice: "More than a year ago, Lin Yixin's blood could indeed inhibit the derivation of methamphetamine in your body, but it did not last long. We know that once the methamphetamine in your body produces an anti-surname, Lin Yixin's serum It loses any effect, but the speed of the methamphetamine derivative variant is much faster than we thought. We thought it would take at least five years. Whoever thought it would be only one year!"

I took a deep breath, felt the weakness of my body, and said, "Now, is there any way?"

"For the time being, not yet..." Uncle Du gritted his teeth and said: "The composition of this kind of methamphetamine is so much more than our technology that we can't even fully analyze it. However, this morning, the president of China Yueheng Branch Xu Ning has been here. He has sent blood sample data to the United States, Japan, Canada and other countries. We will do our best to develop a new antidote..."

"EVE, help me up..." I struggled to sit up.

He Yi stood by, gently helped me up and said, "What are you doing, rest more..."

I smiled and said, "This is not a cold or fever, and more rest will not help."

With that said, I looked at Du Shisan’s father again and asked, “Uncle Du, is our current technology really unable to parse this methamphetamine program? Or is there no way we can do it?”

"Well, there is a way. We have to conduct many experiments to prove that the drug developed has the effect of inhibiting or killing ice. However, it is initially estimated that hundreds of thousands or even tens of millions of simulation experiments can be completed. Moreover, we lack an optimal antigen body and cannot obtain the best experimental materials."

"What is the best antigen?"

"Anyone who can bear the methamphetamine in your blood, and who can derive antibodies from your body."

I:"… "

After being silent for a while, I asked again: "Uncle Du, how long can I live?"

"One month..." He frowned, a little distressed: "Perhaps less..."

I was also heartbroken, and I didn't expect that the time I left for me would be so short.

… "EVE…" I looked at He Yi.

He Yi also looked at me, with big red eyes: "What's the matter?"

"I want to go home..."

When I said this, I almost cried.

He Yi turned away, wiped away his tears, turned around and smiled and said to me: "Well, then go home..."

Uncle Du acquiesced and said: "Every day, give me a blood sample. I have to grasp first-hand data to deal with various changes... Also, Lu Chen, you have to be careful, your body will weaken day by day. Various senses may be greatly affected and weakened, so...you must have someone around you to take care of you."

I nodded: "I see..."

I hobbled down from putting it on, and He Yi helped me get dressed. Although I still have a steady pace, I have already clearly felt that my strength is not as good as before, and even the strength to make a fist is lacking.

He Yi put my arm around my neck, I hugged her, and walked out all the way. In the lobby of the research building, a large group of people were there, even Xinran, Bei Mingxue, Lin Yixin, Li Chengfeng, and Guiguzi. A lot of people.

… "elder brother… "

Xinran and Bei Mingxue stood up together, I smiled, opened my hands, and hugged each other in my arms: "It's okay, shall we go back to Suzhou?"

Lin Yixin stepped forward with red eyes and said, "Is it all right?"

He Yi is by the side: "Yiyi, stop asking, shall we go back to Suzhou?"


I tugged on the scarf to hide the terrible purple on my neck. It was like a curse that would erupt at any time and take my life. However, looking at the group of brothers and MM around me, it seemed that I was dead. No regrets.

… A bus, carrying us all back to Suzhou.

I sat in the corner quietly, opened my sleeves and looked at it. Purple lines also appeared on my arms, as if the meridians were about to burst. This situation is the same as when the corpse spots were created. This is me. The most worried.

Everyone was silent too, only Xinran sat beside me, holding my arms, looking at me with red eyes: "Brother, why... why are everyone crying?"

I stretched out my hand to touch her face and smiled: "Because my brother is sick and is now discharged from the hospital, everyone is very happy..."

On one side, Du Shisan suddenly leaned on the back of the front seat and cried.

… I coughed and patted Du Shisan’s shoulder: "Pay attention to the influence, Shisan, what's the big deal, I've already seen it a long time ago. There are some things that can't be stopped."

Du Shisan turned his face to wipe his tears, and said, "Fuck, SB just cried!"

I laughed: "Yes, cry wool! Come on, say something happier..."

"What are you talking about?" Du Shisan asked.

I thought for a while and said, "What happened in the game, what happened? I slept for 4 days and didn't know anything. How many cities did we destroy?"

"I don't know..." Luan Yue murmured.

I stared and said, "Don't let me know, report the situation to Lao Tzu!"

Luanyue's eyes turned red and said: "The four cities of Qingtu City, Seven Star City, Titan City, and Searing City were conquered by us, Yan'er County was abandoned, and Hero City was kept by them. At present, the Northern Border Alliance has completely collapsed. After losing Titan City and Seven Star City, Vienna’s grief took the blame and deleted their accounts. Together with the League of Legends, more than 20W people deleted their accounts within three days..."

I was secretly shocked: "My dear, Vienna is really a pure man, and this kind of thing can be done... By the way, after I fainted, I don't know the national war rewards. I am an MVP, what rewards did I get?"

Li Chengfeng said, "Pangu Axe is in your package, but no one should be able to touch it."

"Pangu Axe..." I grinned: "Very well, twelve artifacts, worth it..."

He Yi looked at me with her red lips: "After I go back, is it still online?"

I nodded: "Well, the matter of the ancient sword soul dream cannot be left unused just because I am alone. Even if I am gone one day, you must keep your promise to let the ancient sword iron hoof on the continent so that everyone Know, our brother’s original covenant!"

Gui Guzi made a fist: "Boss, rest assured!"

"That's right..." Li Chengfeng said: "In the second season of the WEL league, registration will begin immediately. Hey, how do you plan to form a team? Are you still from the Shuangyun studio?"

Li Chengfeng squeezed out a lot of smiles. He is indeed a wise man. Happiness is also a day, and sadness is also a day. Instead of this, he should live happily every day.

I nodded: "Well, I have teamed up with EVE, Beiming, Xiaoxin, and Mingyue."

Lin Yixin: "Lu Chen, how do you plan to solve your Pangu axe?"

"Give high morale!" I categorically cut the railway.

Fighting spirit was stunned: "Will it be too wasteful?"

"Wasting your sister, just practice and ascend!"
