VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1588: Inhibitor


The next day, it was more than 8 o'clock in the morning.

Lin Yixin sat quietly on the sofa and stared at me silently. After a while, she said, "Don't worry, today's situation will not be too bad..."

I nodded: "Well, I will accompany you."

After a while, her body trembled slightly, and the time of the toxin attack came as scheduled, but it was much more relaxed than yesterday, only a small amount of nosebleeds came out. I was by the side and helped her collect a blood sample and looked at her wrist. The densely packed pinholes, unspeakable distressed, for me, Lin Yixin gave almost everything.

Looking at the sweat oozing from my forehead, Lin Yixin frowned, smiled and wiped off my fine sweat, and said: "Look at you, how tense has become like this? I, the client, still has no problem..."

I looked up and smiled: "Yiyi, most of the toxins in your body have been eliminated. This is a good thing..."


Lin Yixin said leisurely: "The doctors who contacted me said that the potency of the toxin lasts for about 7 days. This is the fifth day, and it's almost there. By the way, you have a delay of nearly 3 seconds now. Follow me. Leveling in the fairy cloud ice cave, will it hold me back?"

The corner of my mouth twitched: "Don't hit me, even if my reaction speed is slow, I am enthusiastic about going to the Fairy Cloud Ice Cave to level up with you."

"Let's come, you obviously came with me for the 15th level potion..." The little beauty stood up her full chest, as if her waist was uncomfortably bent, but under the skirt, the pair of tall and tall peaks were too seductive. People.

I pursed my lips: "It's okay, even if I have more delays, it's great that I will open the Xuanjia as a T, and you can control the output..."

"Yeah! That's the only way... Going with a third-rate master to an ultra-advanced map like Xianyun Ice Cave is really stressful..."

"Damn, you owe a beating..."

I was angry, but the little beauty smiled like a silver bell.

… At noon, before eating, a Cadillac galloped from outside the villa area and stopped in front of the Xueyinshan studio. Several people in black suits walked down. The one in the front I knew was the Chinese month. President Heng Xu Ning. Behind Xu Ning, there are a few people with work badges on their chests. You don't need to think about them to know that they are experts in genetics.

Before welcoming me, I said, "Uncle Ning, why did you come here free? My heart is in our studio, not here!"

Xu Ning smiled slightly: "It's okay, I've been there just now, and now I'm here to look for you."

"Oh, what's the matter with me?"

Xu Ning raised a hand and held up a suitcase, and said: "The 24-hour high-intensity cockroach in California has formulated the first batch of inhibitors. They simulated the inhibitors developed by Lin Yixin’s toxin degradation process. It is said that the effective rate will be more than 90%. Although it cannot eradicate the toxins from your body, it can suppress it so that you will not be too sad in these days..."

I nodded: "Well, well, come on!"

Xu Ning put the suitcase on the desk in the studio. Nangong Lexi, Sun Qingqing, Chanel and other MMs looked dumbfounded, while Lin Yixin looked at me with wide eyes, seeming a little worried.

The suitcase was opened, and there were 3 blue syringes and an all-metal container. I just saw this in the movie before, but I didn't expect to have a taste of it today.

Stretching out my arm, I rolled up my sleeves. On my arm, the dense purple veins looked very scary. Nangong Lexi and Sun Qingqing were covering their mouths at the same time, and they almost screamed out in fright. Lin Yixin was distressed to death and wrinkled tightly. Frowning, he said softly: "Little liar, does it hurt?"

I shook my head: "No, I don't feel any pain at all."

"Then you screamed in pain late last night..."

"I… "

Xu Ning smiled: "Well, the inhibitor can suppress your pain, Lu Chen, are you ready?"

"Come on Uncle Ning!" I nodded.

On the side, the doctor with the work badge walked forward, took out the injection with NO.1 on it, and pierced it against my cortex. This needle is really big, so it doesn't hurt! The blue inhibitor was slowly injected into the body with an unusually cool sensation. When the needle was pulled out, I took a deep breath and my face was almost purple.

"How is it?" Lin Yixin supported my arm with concern: "Is it painful?"

I smiled: "It hurts me so much, my dear..."

Lin Yixin smiled and hit me: "Scare me at this time!"

Xu Ning was by the side and said: "Lu Chen, remember that these inhibitors are numbered, and the effectiveness of one inhibitor is only 24 hours. At this time tomorrow, you must inject the No. 2 inhibitor and the day after tomorrow the injection of No. 3!"

I looked up and asked, "Where is number 4?"

"It hasn't been developed yet..."


Seeing my speechlessness, Xu Ning smiled: “Don’t worry, we have almost used more than half of the world’s genetics and biochemistry experts. It will appear. Now, do you feel any changes in your body? Will it be very painful?"

I raised my arm, but felt very relaxed, but soon, there was a burning pain in my veins, and I couldn't help but sit down next to Lin Yixin with a "uh", her body trembled slightly, cold sweat was falling, low. Said: "I wipe it, it hurts... I..."

Xu Ning nodded: "Well, this is an inevitable reaction. The inhibitor is killing the methamphetamine in your body. This process is not a normal pain. Come on, Dr. Liu, give him an injection of analgesic, which may relieve him!"

Before I had time to react, I pressed my left arm, and a shot of the medicine was quickly injected.

Everyone surrounded me, Lin Yixin drew on a piece of paper towels to wipe my sweat. At the same time, she looked at the wiped paper towels. There were blood stains on them. She couldn't help saying, "How could this be?"

Xu Ning said: "This is the blood of methamphetamine, which is normal. Otherwise, I would be worried..."

After that, Xu Ning looked at me: "Lu Chen, I have used the analgesic, is it still painful?"

I clenched my fists, sitting there with my whole body trembling, and squeezing a few words from my teeth: "Uncle Ning... This... Is this analgesic useful?!"

Aside, Dr. Liu couldn't help but laughed out: "Your pain is far more than ordinary people can bear. Without this analgesic, you would have passed out in pain..."

"OK, thank you… "

"You're welcome, what we should do..."

I rolled my eyes and continued to struggle.

About ten minutes, it was an unusually long process for me. My whole body was almost soaked in bloody sweat, and my whole body was about to collapse. But just ten minutes later, my body suddenly became relaxed and the pain disappeared. Vision and strength have been restored, and it seems that the whole person has returned to the original peak state.

Standing up, making a fist, I couldn't help but smile and said, "Damn, it's really effective. This inhibitor is a good thing..."

Xu Ning nodded and patted my shoulder: "Well, maintaining a healthy attitude is also good for getting rid of toxins. Your body is dirty like this, so let's take a shower!"

I shook my head: "No, eat first, I'm almost starving to death, Uncle Ning, you and a few doctors will also stay and finish eating before leaving. The food in Xueyinshan Studio is good, and today's food is very rich..."

Xu Ning smiled, "How embarrassed then?"

Lin Yixin: "We are really embarrassed if you don't stay for dinner. Because of Lu Chen's illness, you travel so far and come in person. A meal is a must..."

"Okay, then we will have a meal, otherwise we have to find a restaurant..."

Several MMs in the studio laughed. Xueyinshan’s lunch meal was ordered from outside, and it was indeed rich. Adding more rice was enough for ten people.

… After the inhibitor was injected, I even recovered my appetite. I gobbled it up. I haven't eaten so easily for a long time. On the side, Lin Yixin frowned. The toxin reaction in her body has not completely ended, so I held the chopsticks in one hand and the other. Shaking her small hand, Lin Yixin turned to look at me, squinted her big eyes, and gave me a beautiful smile: "Okay, eat!"


After eating, I took a shower in Lin Yixin’s room. After taking a good bath, Lin Yixin was outside and handed me a thick stack of clothes, saying: “Hey, Le Xi just bought you at Hailan’s house. One set, don’t you wear it? The original clothes are all dirty, and they can’t be washed clean, they can only be lost..."

I wailed: "Ah, my Versace... That was what you gave me..."

Lin Yixin chuckled: "It's okay, I'll buy you a few more sets in the afternoon... When the inhibitor is injected tomorrow, don't dress well, or it's wasted. A set of Versace is worth tens of thousands..."

"okay… "

… In the afternoon, Lin Yixin’s toxin reaction disappeared, and all the 7 blood samples were handed over to Yueheng staff, who were sent to other parts of the world by special plane, and I accompanied her to stroll around the street and bought two new sets for me. Clothes, then returned to the studio to fulfill my promise to Lin Yixin yesterday and accompany her to the Xianyun Ice Cave to collect level 15 herbs.

At the same time, He Yi called. After asking about my situation, he could not help but bring Bei Mingxue and Xinran's MM. After seeing me safe and sound, my body was much better than yesterday, I was very happy and fast. When he went back, he said he was going to prepare for the WEL game in the evening.



Appearing in the Sky City, looking at the potion equipment, etc., they are all brand new. I didn't go out to level up last time, and now it's OK to go out directly without any pressure.

Carrying Xuanyuan Sword, she walked out of the tavern in the Sky City. On the East Gate Bridge, a pretty young lady dressed in god armor, with long black hair dangling in the wind, her purple eyes as deep as the starry sky, she looked at my direction Yanran With a smile, Gu Pan was brilliant.

Seeing Lin Yixin's beautiful appearance, I stepped forward and couldn't help but praised: "Yiyi, you are really bestowed on me by God..."

Lin Yixin looked at me playfully: "Oh, what do you want?"

"I don't want to..."

I raised my hand and drew out the Xuanyuan Sword, a fierce blade slashed flames on the blade, and suddenly, my whole body trembled.

"What's the matter, little liar?" Lin Yixin also saw the clue.

Holding the sword, I trembled: "Yiyi... I... My 2.7 second delay disappeared..."