VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 160: Reunion again


The mission is completed. With my acquiescence, Gui Guzi ordered everyone to take advantage of the wolf woodland and level up there. As a Tier 3 player, leveling in the wolf woodland is safe and experienced. This is also the mad dragon's desperate fight. The reason for this site.

"Boss, do we want to make a reservation?" Guiguzi asked.

I looked into the distance and shook my head and said, "Don't, the charter is not good. From now on, only people from the Crazy Dragon Guild will not be allowed to come here. You can contact Gu Jian Hun Meng and ask their people to come back to level up..."

"OK, all right!"

At the end of the war, the people of the Crazy Dragon Guild did not dare to resurrect immediately. Many players resurrected one after another, and immediately after the resurrection they took out the City Return Scroll and crushed them. All of them are extremely brave, especially the two dark players of Guiguzi and Bei Mingxue. This is simply not something that the Crazy Dragon Guild can stop.

Holding the long sword, I walked out of the valley alone. From a distance, it was strikingly visible that the remnants of the crazy dragon were being divided into three pieces outside the valley, cutting and strangling them one by one.

In the distance, in the direction of Floating Ice City, a team of nearly two hundred Crazy Dragon Family players wanted to fight in and grab back the Greedy Wolf Woodland, but they were blocked from the outside.

The emblems of Xueyinshan are in one piece, under the banner of the war, the beauty of the leader of the beauty imaginatively holds the long sword in his hand, the shirt is flying, one head of hair is swaying gently, the snowy face is ridiculously smiling, and a pair of beautiful eyes looks at it. The crowd of the Crazy Dragon Guild in front of them, with red lips lightly opened, and a provocative smile: "Isn’t the Crazy Dragon Guild claiming to sweep the ice floe? Today, Xueyinshan is here. You can scan one for grandma. Look?"

As a result, deterred by the majesty of the Goddess of Fruit Knife, a group of players from the Crazy Dragon Guild did not dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool!

The goddess Lin Yixin is definitely not a goddess of benevolence, if she is also a god of murder, the sword's edge raised, and she said softly: "Anyone with the word "crazy dragon" will kill you without mercy! Don't leave one!"

Behind him, nearly Baixue Yinshan warriors rushed over with a red face, and under the envelope of Lin Yixin’s "beauty lord halo", one by one, the murderous aura increased, the lasting surname was doubled, the abdomen was full of anger, the blood was instantly full, and the spirited spirits were launched against the crazy dragon. A fatal blow!

Undoubtedly, a king's division like Xue Yinshan and Crazy Dragon's home team can't stop them, and the second-rate bench teams in front of them are even less worth mentioning!

I seized the opportunity to turn on the recording system and record the most exciting ten minutes!

Hum, there are already 7 videos about the slaying of the mad dragon in the personal video library, plus this section of Xueyinshan, will be all posted to the official forum in China in a while, and I don’t know how to humiliate the mad dragon. The guild of heaven and earth, by the way, advertises for Scarlet Mercenaries. After all, the main force on the battlefield is definitely Scarlet Mercenaries. As for Lin Yixin and Xue Yinshan, well, they just made up for the sword.

Lin Yixin didn't take part in the battle personally. She just stood on the hill and looked at the battlefield below with awe-inspiring awe. In fact, she is already a spiritual leader. As long as the players below see the beauty lord on top, they will rush and kill without hesitation!

I feel a little bit emotional. In fact, He Yi is also such an existence. In the world of lings, we rushed again and again, and so many brothers followed without hesitation. He Yi has a great relationship with the beauty leader. Nowadays, Gu The Dream of Sword Soul has been rebuilt, and I believe He Yi's personal charm will surely become a great cause!

At this moment, I don't know when, Lin Yixin on the hill disappeared.

I was looking around, looking around, and suddenly a soft little hand patted my shoulder, and Lin Yixin’s sweet voice came: "Hey, are you full? Nothing to run here to play with photographic equipment? Really? , There is no talent of GX, but he has his wretchedness..."

I turned around and stared, "Where am I..."

Lin Yixin straightened her chest and said, "Where are your eyes? You can't say that it's trivial?"

Under the shade of the tree, the dappled sunlight fell between the pair of peaks and mountains of the little beauty, reflecting the beautiful color of the blur, which made people fascinated. I tried not to look at it, but my eyes were unsatisfactory. It was like being affected by the law of universal gravitation. Restrained in general, I can't help but look at it!

Hey, is Lin Yixin a goddess? Why, I think she is more like a stunningly beautiful fairy


I swallowed and said, "Um... if it's insignificant, let's be insignificant, and you can't blame me..."

Lin Yixin pouted and turned around: "How can I not despise you..."

I smiled, standing side by side with Lin Yixin on the hillside, watching the scene of the fight in the distance, and then involuntarily glanced at Lin Yixin, and said: "Yiyi, are you really a goddess?"

Lin Yixin smiled, looked at me deeply, and whispered: "If I were a goddess, then I shouldn't marry a mortal for the rest of my life, quietly hiding somewhere in the red dust, with eyes shining like night, puff With a smile that dumps all beings, then, immortality will never grow old."

With that said, Lin Yixin smiled deeply and said: "Do you still think I am a goddess?"

I shook my head: "I never think you are a goddess, you are a little fairy..."

"You are a fairy..."

Lin Yixin thumped me with a small fist, although she was a little bit angry, but with a sweet smile.

The fierce battle lasted for half an hour, and the dust settled. With the combination of the Scarlet Mercenary and Xueyinshan, the Crazy Dragon Guild suffered the most tragic defeat in history, and almost the entire guild was killed!

After that, Lin Yixin went to level up.

I have nothing to do. I am going to find a leveling point, but I don’t want the ringtone of my mobile phone in reality. I can’t do anything. Take out the tent and go offline!

Picking up the phone, it was Murong Mingyue's number, which was hung up.

Dialed back and was picked up by seconds—

"Sister Mingyue, what's the matter?" I asked.

Murong Mingyue said: "Lu Chen, EVE has returned to Suzhou..."

"Okay, I get it now… "

"Just know it?" Murong Mingyue smiled deeply and said: "EVE told me this morning that she dreamed of you again last night and saw that you were covered in blood, and then... Then she wet the pillow... "

With that, Murong Mingyue sighed, and said, "EVE has been thinking about you all the time. I think it's time for you to see her, right?"

I nodded: "Yes, but I..."

"Nothing but nothing!" Murong Mingyue said firmly, "After three o'clock in the afternoon, EVE will personally inspect the Suzhou GGS Industrial Zone, which is not far from the University of Science and Technology. There are several electronic equipment factories there. You... come on, if You suddenly appear, EVE will definitely be the happiest person in the world at that moment~~"

I groaned: "Three o'clock in the afternoon?"

"Yeah. What else can you hesitate?"

"I worry… "

"Oh!" Murong Mingyue said helplessly: "Lu Chen, don't worry too much. Compared to you, the few people in Madman Studio are really insignificant. Don't you still know EVE's surname? As long as you say, Even if she was asked to sweep the Madman Studio out immediately, she would not hesitate to do it."

I frowned and said, "Sister Mingyue, give me a few more days. I plan to expand the Scarlet Mercenary. When I have 1,000 advanced players under my command, I will see the Ancient Sword Soul Dream again, okay? That way, I'll treat the boss. There is an explanation, and there is enough capital to compete with the few people in Madman's studio!"

Murong Mingyue couldn't help smiling: "Smelly boy, just do it with you. Anyway, EVE will go to the factory in Suzhou New District at about three in the afternoon. It's up to you. Maybe she will fly to the US headquarters tomorrow. I can't see her for half a month, just do it, anyway, you don't want her..."


Murong Mingyue hung up the phone, and I stood there blankly.

Do i miss her

Why don't you want to...

At three o'clock in the afternoon, feeling uneasy, sitting in the hall, poured a cup of hot tea, which turned into herbal tea.


The door opened, Bei Mingxue walked out wearing loose clothes and looked at me in amazement: "Boss, in broad daylight, why are you not online?"

I smiled: "It's nothing, I'm a little tired, I want to go for a walk..."

"Oh? Go out for a walk?" Bei Mingxue pursed her mouth and said, "Take me with you, okay? I also feel that I'm in the game all day, so boring~~"

This seems to give me an excuse to take the members of the studio out to relax, ah, this is really a grand and awe-inspiring excuse, at least it proves that I am not just going out to meet the beautiful lord!

So, I nodded quickly: "Okay, go out immediately!"


Bei Mingxue stepped forward, took my arm, and smiled: "Let's go?"

I was a little speechless: "Xiao Beiming, this way, it seems... between lovers, right?"

"Oh, it's okay, we can pretend to be a couple..."

I'm completely speechless, I can only nod my head, whatever, anyway, Bei Mingxue is so many years younger than me, so Quan should be his sister.

When I went out, I said under the scorching heat, I started shopping.

With ulterior motives, Bei Mingxue was incomparably innocent, looked at the shops on the street with a smile, and talked to me about her hometown.

I nodded intentionally or unintentionally to deal with it, but looked straight at the factory area far away. At the entrance, there was a big GGS written on it.

The hall of the factory is very lively. He Yi should be there, right? On the parking lot, there was a black sports car. It was a Lamborghini Gallardo. The car that He Yi drove when he picked me up was her favorite. That's right, He Yi is indeed in it.

Sit down in a stall on the side of the road and bought two cold drinks.

Bei Mingxue looked at me and then at the GGS company, and finally determined: "Boss, you are absent-minded, is the person you have a crush on is in the factory?"

I panicked, and quickly concealed: "Where is it, Bei Ming, don't talk nonsense..."

"Hmph, I'm not talking nonsense, boss, your acting skills are worse than Guiguzi!"

I couldn't say it, so I said nothing!

Seeing Bei Mingxuezheng on the opposite side, eating a cold drink sweetly, she felt a little warm in her heart.

But at this moment, the ground shook suddenly, and there was a deafening explosion in my ears—

"Boom boom boom!"

After several consecutive sounds, I saw billowing smoke from the GGS factory area, explosions around the main hall, and flames flying!

"What... What's wrong?"

I stood up suddenly, looking at the explosion area, my voice was already trembling, and a heart seemed to be stabbed in an instant.

On the side, the old man who bought the cold drink opened his eyes wide, and said in horror: "This sound, I am afraid that the boiler of the electronics factory has exploded?"

"Boiler explosion?"

My eyes turned red instantly, and I flew towards the GGS factory area. Behind me, Bei Mingxue said loudly, "Boss, it's dangerous, what did you do in the past?"

I hurriedly turned around and said, "Xiao Beiming, don't move, wait for me here!"

With that, he turned around and rushed into the factory without hesitation.

Thick smoke bursts, the explosion continued, the hall was blown to pieces, all kinds of toxic gases filled the surroundings, and the flames were everywhere.

I saw many people wailing in the fire, seeing the ruins of the roof being blown up, falling to the ground, dusty, and hardly seeing anything.

The crowd was in a panic, some people kept running out, and the wounded were lying scattered on the ground, howling.

My heart looked like a thousand swords, rushing into the sea of flames. The smoke was so dense that I couldn't open my eyes. I looked at the wounded one by one, but I didn't see He Yi.

dead! Living people just die in front of me so real, there is nothing they can do!

The fire spread wildly, as if to swallow everything.

At this moment, my heart was ashamed, I suddenly fell to my knees, watching the endless flames, tears rolled down, and shouted: "Boss! He Yi! He Yi..."

At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind—

"I knew... I knew you weren't dead..."

Turning around suddenly, He Yi slowly stood up from the ruins, staggering, with blood on his shoulders, a pair of beautiful eyes looking at me, tears bursting from her eyes.