VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 161: A dream comes true


Seeing my appearance, He Yi was surprised and delighted. She reached out her hand and wiped her tears, but the tears came out again, and her deep eyes were covered with beautiful mist.

"Is that you?"

He Yi walked forward tremblingly, while I was still kneeling on the ground. He Yi trembled slightly, suddenly closed his eyes, and cried bitterly: "I thought you just left like this, I thought... "

"Boss, I... You..."

Suddenly, I found the wound on He Yi's shoulder. The black uniform was torn and blood surged. In addition, her right arm was hanging down, as if it was broken, or even more so, the whole arm was covered. The blood, blood stains spread, soaked the original white shirt.


He Yi closed her eyes, raised her face, letting the tears fall, dripping on my shoulders, the next moment, she suddenly became soft, and she fell into my arms, and actually fainted.


I hugged He Yi and glanced around, and found that in the ruins where she was originally, there was a concrete slab with steel bars bursting out and blood stained on it. I really don't know what courage she used to stand up from the ruins.

The surrounding fire spread extremely fast, I picked up He Yi, my eyes could hardly distinguish things, and shouted a few loudly: "Sister Mingyue! Sister Mingyue!"

Seeing no response, he gritted his teeth and rushed out of the fire with He Yi in his arms!

Delayed spread, half of Suzhou New District was shrouded in dense smoke. Outside the factory hall, many fire alarms have arrived and are organizing evacuation!

Outside the crowd, Bei Mingxue broke through the blockade and ran to me all the way: "Boss, Boss, are you okay?"

I nodded and smiled bitterly: "It's okay..."

Bei Mingxue looked at He Yi in my arms and couldn't help but open her small mouth: "Boss...Who is this, so beautiful..."

"She is He Yi." I simply said, and then shouted to the distant crowd: "Ambulance! Ambulance! Hurry up..."

Several medical staff rushed over carrying a stretcher.

I put He Yi down, but couldn't get rid of it. One of her hands held my wrist tightly.

The nurse gritted her teeth and said: "You follow along too!"


After getting into the car, Bei Mingxue shouted from behind: "Boss, how about me, how about me?"

I nodded: "Come to the hospital to find me."

"good… "

The ambulance sirens sounded and rushed towards the municipal hospital.

I looked down, He Yi's beautiful face looked pale, and a trace of dust was stained on her forehead, but this did not conceal her beauty. She seemed to be in a nightmare, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, holding mine. The hand is getting tighter and tighter.

A doctor was busy disinfecting, looked up at me and asked: "Are you her boyfriend?"

I shook my head blankly.

"Then, I'm going to sterilize it."


I nodded and asked, "Doctor, is she okay?"

"The blood pressure is normal, the heartbeat is normal, but I have suffered some skin injuries. Besides, I feel a little agitated..."


I relaxed, but I thought of Murong Mingyue again. She might be with He Yi. Did she escape

I took out my mobile phone and dialed Murong Mingyue's phone, and it was actually connected—

After Murong Mingyue got on the phone, she cried and said, "Lu Chen, where are you? EVE has an accident, a production accident in GGS's factory... Oh, I can't find EVE, I can't find her..."

I smiled moved, and comforted: "Sister Mingyue, the boss is okay. He was with me, but was slightly injured and was on his way to a hospital."

"Oh, ah..." Murong Mingyue was a little incoherent, and said in surprise: "Okay, I'll drive over right away!"

Soon after, I arrived at the hospital, checked the wound, and then disinfected and bandaged it. Even if it was done, He Yi hadn't woke up yet.

In the ward, I was guarded by He Yi. In fact, I couldn't do it without guarding. She kept holding on to my hand tightly, as if she didn't give up.


The door suddenly opened, Murong Mingyue in a brown uniform dress rushed in, with worry on his face, looked at the fucking He Yi, and asked anxiously: "Lu Chen, how is EVE?"

"The injury has stabilized. It will be fine when she wakes up."

"Oh, like this!"

Murong Mingyue sat by the bed, looked at me, then at He Yi, and said with deep meaning: "Let's talk about it, how did you find EVE?"

I stared and said, "Sister Mingyue, are you still teasing me at this time?"

"Ha ha ha..." Murong Mingyue smiled lightly: "Finally, our Lu Chen has the courage to go home!"

I nodded, this is the end of the matter, and I appeared in front of He Yi, then the return of the Scarlet Mercenary to the Dream of Ancient Sword Soul is already imminent.

At this moment, He Yi let out a low moan, it seems that the wound is still a little painful, but it also means that she is awake.

Murong Mingyue and I looked back at the same time, only to find that He Yi looked at us two calmly with wide eyes open.



Murong Mingyue and I murmured.

He Yi suddenly sat up, and the next moment, desperately rushed into my arms, without saying a word, tears wet the front of my chest.

Murong Mingyue was stunned, kept quiet, and only coughed a few minutes later.

Suddenly, a touch of Hongxia flew over He Yi's face, but she quickly recovered her peace. Anyhow, it was GGS's vice president of Asia, so there was some restraint.

Looking straight at me, He Yi's eyes were full of anger: "Quickly, where have you gone these days?"

I lowered my head, not knowing how to answer.

Murong Mingyue smiled and relieved: "For the past month, Lu Chen has been busy leveling up, rushing to the top three in Floating Ice City, and created a guild called'Scarlet Mercenaries'. I said EVE, this will answer you. Satisfied?"

He Yi pursed his lips and looked at me deeply: "Since you are just sinking into the sand, why didn't you tell me that time?"

I trembled in my heart. Sure enough, women are careful, and she still remembers the things that took so long. How can this answer be a good answer

I looked at Murong Mingyue with a distress signal flashing in my eyes.

Murong Mingyue hurriedly sank down, leaned on He Yi's shoulder, and smiled: "EVE, Lu Chen is back, you are like a prisoner, be careful to scare him away!"

He Yi opened his mouth, looked at me again, and said, "Lu Chen, you rushed into the fire to save me, don't you fear death?"

I thought about him: "Oh, today's moonlight is so good..."


He Yi pursed his lips, stopped asking, and said to Murong Mingyue: "Call the chief physician!"


Murong Mingyue turned around, and soon after, an old doctor with pale hair came in and asked, "Are you looking for me?"

He Yi nodded and asked, "When will I be discharged from the hospital because of my injury?"

The doctor said: "I stay in the hospital for observation for one day, and I can be discharged tomorrow."

He Yi said: "Today!"

"But..." The doctor wanted to say something, but seeing He Yi's gaze was unquestionable, he nodded: "Well, I am discharged today, that... Your medical fees have not been paid yet?"

Murong Mingyue said: "I'll pay it!"

Soon after, Murong Mingyue came back with everything done.

He Yi struggled to get up, touched the gauze on his shoulder, and smiled: "It's just a little bit of pain, Mingyue, you go to the car and bring a set of clothes over and I'll change it."


A few minutes later, Murong Mingyue returned, holding a new set of underwear, shirts, uniforms, etc., it seems that He Yi's clothes are backed up.

Holding the clothes, He Yi looked at me with a smile: "Why, do you want to observe?"

I was slightly embarrassed, I smiled and walked to the window, listening to Xisuo Suo's voice behind me, about ten minutes later, He Yi said, "Alright, Lu Chen, come and help me!"

I turned around and found that He Yi had lost the blood-stained clothes, and his whole body was completely renewed.

Murong Mingyue was a little speechless: "Obviously it's just a skin wound, why is it bleeding so much?"

He Yi explained: "There is too much nutrition..."


I stepped forward, He Yi took my arm and stood up, smiling: "Let's go?"

"Where to go?" Murong Mingyue was at a loss.

He Yidao: "I'm going to see Lu Chen's Scarlet Mercenary Studio!"

"But… "

Murong Mingyue held up his cell phone and said, "The president called and wants you to fly to the United States tomorrow. He even booked the air ticket for you..."

"Isn't I hurt?"

"He asked you to go to California to heal..."

"I'm a little tired, I want to take a break and take a week off."

"He said this month, he will give you annual leave..."

"I'm back to the mountains..."


Murong Mingyue was helpless, and threw the phone away: "Go to his president..."

He Yi: "..."

Going downstairs, He Yi has been lovingly holding my arm. For me, this is a very happy thing. Looking at He Yi's smiling face, it seems that all the worries and worries have disappeared.

In the elevator, a group of male nurses stared at me with a murderous look, and then looked at He Yi, full of tenderness, and being with beautiful women. They were destined to suffer even more. This awareness was already there when I was shopping with Lin Yixin. , And He Yi is an evenly matched beauty compared with Lin Yixin, it is naturally inevitable.


The phone rang, it was Bei Mingxue's phone—

"Boss, which hospital are you in, we all take a taxi right away!"

"Not used, I'll go back right away!"

"Oh oh… "

I hung up the phone and came downstairs. He Yi's black Lamborghini was parked there. Obviously, driving such a car is really too glamorous.

Murong Mingyue drove, and I sat in the back with He Yi. After all, it was a famous car with a very powerful engine, and it came to my community quickly.

Downstairs, Bei Mingxue, Gui Guzi, Mother Bag and Du Shisan were already lined up to welcome them, but when they saw this black Lamborghini, they didn't take it seriously.