VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 167: Destroyed


Never imagined that my first battle to return to the Ancient Sword Soul Dream would come so soon!

Excitement, unbearable excitement, especially when the opponent is a person like Li Le, it should be more fun to kill, and it can also boost morale and strengthen the friendship with the main ancient sword players behind him.

Huajian sent a group of people to be a little dumbfounded. No one noticed that I was also in the team. They just arrogantly came over to dominate the field, and now it's a bit difficult to ride a tiger.

At the next moment, Li Le raised his brows and said, "We have worked together before, what do you mean now?"

I pressed the hilt with my hand, and said in a low voice: "Say what you just said again, do you want to snatch the leader of the ancient sword soul dream back as Mrs. Press?"

Li Le's expression was ashen, and he said coldly: "You must be less aggressive!"

"What if I forced you?"

With one hand, the Xuanfeng summoned it in the magic light, then raised the sword straight ahead, and said loudly: "Gu Jiansun Mengmen brothers, kill together, let this group of bastards see what strength is!"

Recklessly rushing to the front line, I am sure to block their attacks, after all, the ghost armor on my body is not a display!


The charge skill locks the Zhizujin fans, causing dizziness almost instantly, the sword swings, and ordinary attacks pass over the Zhizujin fans' necks!


The mage is too crisp!

Accompanied by the screams, the drunken gold fan widened his eyes and fell down like this. I couldn't bear even my ordinary blow. The gap was too big! Moreover, the consciousness of this guy is too bad, even before the war starts, the Sovereign will not open the magic shield, otherwise it will not die so fast.

Once the Rank 3 mage died, there was no more threat to the opponent!

Li Leqingjian was furious: "Kill him, archer, shoot indiscriminately! Master, big fireball!"

In addition, seven or eight fighters rushed over, including Li Le.

I smiled softly, moved my footsteps to the right, ran out of a straight tangent, and cleverly cruised to the flank of the opponent's camp, suddenly changed to accelerate, and immediately came to the front of several mages and archers. !

Thousands of magic cut!


In the crisp sound, the ghost ice soul transformed into six dazzling sword auras, and fell straight into the crowd. Suddenly, there was a loud noise like the sky and the earth. The earth was torn out six deep gullies, and the sand was flying. There were 9 archers and wizards. The players all fell to the ground, and the damage numbers of different highs and lows flew up one after another—





Basically all are all spikes, the Huajian faction players rarely reach the third rank, and they are simply vulnerable under the edge of the ghost ice soul!

"Depend on!"

Li Le opened his eyes wide, and couldn't believe what he saw before him. The talented and powerful generals he was proud of were actually solved by me with a single blow

At this time, Luanyue MM flew forward, the sword edged up, and the fire!


Li Le was shocked to retreat again and again, before he had time to react, he hit another demon-breaking arrow, and instantly his blood dropped to less than half!

A beautiful figure rushed towards him, and He Yi held a sharp sword in his hand and smiled: "I'll leave this cripple!"

The sword was raised, and Li Le hadn't reacted yet. He Yi hit Ling Lie's flames and fell straight on Li Le's forehead. The flames burst into the sky, and with a miserable howl, Li Le was already in He Yi's flames. It fell down and became a cold corpse, waiting for the soul to resurrect.

Tsk Tsk, although He Yi's work and consciousness are so maddening, his attack power is indeed good. At any rate, he is also the leader of the ancient sword soul dream. The equipment on his body is either mysterious iron or silver. In short Has reached the upper-middle class among the players.

The only shortcoming is that He Yi's level is a bit low. If there is a Rank 3, He Yi's strength is still very good.

Behind him, the "Hong Honghong" dragon roar roared, and several wizards of Ancient Jianxun Meng used the Frost Dragon Roar to solve their opponents one after another, while I acted as the MT at the forefront. The ghost and god armor was killed by bows and arrows. Buzzing, but not fatal, my defense of 502 points is really overbearing, even if the opponent's fighters can only destroy less than 200 points of vitality and blood, this iron plate is enough to make this group of people want to die. Desire.

As a result, the first opportunity was lost, there was no advantage of top players, and there was no CGL Hall of Fame's halo, the Huajian faction was defeated in only three minutes, and more than 20 people were killed, and one after another fell down. On the ground, the Ancient Sword Soul Dream party is exaggerated. The biggest loss is that my blood has fallen to 50%, and He Yi’s blood has fallen to 45%. Drink a blood bottle and give the priest milk, basically OK.

He Yi was holding a long sword, a pair of beautiful eyes swept back and forth on the ground, looked at these corpses, smiled and asked, "Lu Chen, shall we guard their corpses by the way?"

I thought for a while and said, "Forget it, let's move one mile to the coast on the left and continue leveling. I am worried that once the souls of this group of people come back together to attack, then we will lose the opportunity, although we can still Win, but there may be casualties, which is not good."

He Yi nodded: "Well, then the strategic surname will be shifted?"

Luanyue MM smiled and said: "Support the decision of the leader and Brother Zheji. We will move a small position. If this group of people come back later, it will be great to kill them again!"

I looked at He Yi and said, "Boss, your name is all red, let's go, at least we can get rid of your red name..."

"Yeah." He Yi leaned forward, picked up an armor bracer from Li Le's corpse, and smiled slightly: "That's right, mysterious iron bracer, who of you need it?"

The warrior scratched his head with simple and honest teeth, and said, "Boss, my current brace is still a black stone tool..."

"Damn..." I secretly took a breath. What a powerful guy, he reached level 60 with a black stone tool hanging on, and there are many talents in the ancient sword soul dream! However, it’s not uncommon, I have practiced nearly three ranks before without a necklace, the same talent~

He Yi smiled and threw the armor bracer to Spike, and then said: "There is also a stick over there. Who will look at it and what quality?"

Priest Yuelu stepped forward, picked it up and took a look, and smiled: "The 48-level mysterious iron rod, plus 2% magic attack and 50 healing output."

He Yi nodded: "Well, then I will give it to you. You are our only pastor."

"OK, all right!"

Very good, Huajian sent it once, but it has improved the strength of our players a lot.

Worthy of being a proletarian team, without guns or artillery, the enemy made it for us.

The whole team moved about one mile, and then continued to level up on the beach, killing crabs and spiny marlins. I also started hunting and collecting tuna fish. I went back to make some 6-level cooking stone pot fish, and I could mix some small flowers. money!

On one side, when I am not fighting, He Yi is standing on a small mound, holding a sharp blade, and flying his robe, commanding the battle beautifully and majesticly: "Don't stand the magic knight, go on! That, let the wizard add it. Blood, oh no, it's not right to add blood to the ranger, whoever, add blood, you can only ask if the group is destroyed!"

After everyone vomited blood and three fights, continue to fight!

Warrior Langya said: "Dear boss, that, you should let the demon knight be a T, the mage retreats, the priest increases the blood, you can't command like this..."

He Yimei glanced horizontally: "Are you questioning my commanding ability?"

Langya shook his whole body: "I listen to you, boss wise!"

The demon knight Alexander laughed heartlessly and pointed at Spikes and said: "You kid is too awkward. I'm afraid that a woman will be like this. The boss is a woman no matter how you say it. Would you like to be a little masculine? Haha? Ha ha… "


A silver light flew by, and with a sound of "bang", a silver shield was slapped on Alexander's face, and slowly slipped off. Alexander's face with Chinese characters was photographed into a white board, and two nosebleeds flowed across the board.

The shield, um, seems to be He Yi.

"Why, do you still want to taste the power of Divine Shield?" He Yi said with a smile.

Alexander repented and begged for mercy on one knee: "Boss, I am wrong, I will listen to you!"

I was dumbfounded, and couldn't help muttering: "Ah, is this a queen simulation game?"

He Yi glanced at me. Suddenly, I stopped talking. I got fish from the hunt and rushed to another dead fish. Luanyue MM wielded a sharp sword, stuck out her tongue and smiled: "Wow, good boss. Cruel, Lu Chen, was this the same when you used to be in Lingdong?"

I nodded and smiled: "It's good to be used to it, the boss is a typical Bodhisattva mouth and a knife heart... Oh no, it's a typical knife mouth Bodhisattva heart... "

Obviously, He Yi is a very powerful little woman. What she believes will not change. The only time she has changed was when I told her that the pictures of Chilling were too bad, so she paid for Teacher Bi to shoot. He won the Best Picture Award at the Golden Rooster Film Festival for "The Thorn Tomb 2".

In the IT industry, He Yi is a myth, an extremely moving and beautiful legend. At a young age, he relied on his talents to rank among the top of GGS, and then became the vice president of Asia. Under her research and development, GNS office software designed by GGS The application level in India, Japan, China and other places has surpassed that of Microsoft, which is one of the reasons why He Yi is calling for trouble in GGS.

Thinking of this, I turned around to look, but found that He Yi had already come to my side, owing my body to watch me gather fish, and asked with a smile, "Lu Chen, is this a hunting skill?"


He Yi curled his lips: "Unfortunately, my magic power is too low, otherwise you have to provide my food..."

"Little meaning~"

"By the way, I live next to you tonight. Would you like to have a supper? My skill at cooking quick-frozen dumplings is known as the dream of ancient swords and souls!"

I shivered: "Well, actually, my kung fu for instant noodles is also known as the bloody..."

He Yi smiled: "Well, after going offline at night, I want to try it~"