VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 172: Ten Thousand Toxic Caves


The demon knight's eyes were sharp: "What about breaking the halberd and sinking the sand, kill it! The third, you disappear quickly, and after the fourth is frozen, you will ambush and pick up Long Xiao's pet. Can he have three heads and six arms?"

I was calm and relaxed, and suddenly flew forward, and the sword edge wiped the assassin's neck, still wanting to disappear? Then, let him disappear completely!

Unexpectedly, the assassin suddenly had a dagger across his chest, his face hidden in his arms, and the whole shrank into an oval.


Ghost Bingappa drew on the opponent's dagger, and saw the assassin's awe-inspiring and steady aura, with a light blue halo all over his body, actually defending this sword of mine!


Damn, misguided, this kid actually has defensive skills


Combat Tip: Player Xiaoqiao uses the skill [Defense] to make your attack only cause 20% damage output!

NND, really is a defensive skill! In the sky vertical, the unique skill of defensive stance. After deploying this skill, all physical attacks can cause 10%-50% damage. This is a stunt for the player’s life. It is a pity that once the player activates the defensive skill, it will Can't absorb any hatred, so this skill can't become the trump card skill for meat shield players to kill BOSS, but it is quite good for PK, especially when facing warrior or archer players.

At this stage, defense skill books are very rare, but there should be more in the later stages of the game, and everyone needs a defense.

Facing my tyrannical blow, the assassin held on firmly, suddenly showing his arrogance, and said with a smile: "The legendary immortal god of war is nothing more than this, then die!"

The dagger drew a perfect arc and swallowed my right body like a snake!

On the other side, the demon knight rushed forward, and the spear was glowing with fire, it was the fire skill!

What's more terrible is the mage. The mage actually possessed the skill of Frost Archery, which slowed down the mysterious bee, and the next Frost Dragon Roar had already flown over my head!

Don’t do it, you’re going to kill!

I suddenly stood still, my body rotated, and the sword swept out like the wind, just hitting the assassin's forehead. This time, he has no defensive skills effect!


A normal blow, a second kill!


The demon knight’s fire skills fell on my shoulders, and the armor hummed. The next moment, countless horrors suddenly appeared in his eyes: "Ah? This... forgive!"



After the pardon, the two skills are LV-6. There is no doubt that this demon knight who has not turned three is absolutely unstoppable, and fell to the ground with a sob!

The mage was furious, and the Frost Dragon Roar fell, but only 298 points of energy and blood were knocked out of me, and it didn't exceed 300 points!

The Xuanfeng got out of the slowing effect of Frost Arrow, rushed over, and I also launched a charge!

A round of sword sweep, smashed the wizard's magic shield, downplayed a sword, and done it!

I picked up the potion and cooking from the ground. It was not bad. These people are quite generous, especially the demon knight, who actually carried a lot of level 5 life potions on his body. 47 bottles broke out for me, saving a lot of money!

Picking up the trophies one by one, I was not in a hurry to leave. Even if these three people were resurrected, I would have the ability to kill them again, just a piece of cake!

After picking up things, going on the road, the target direction-Violet camp on the edge of Yongsong Forest. There, the commander-in-chief of the Blood Dance Alliance, Sophia and Shadow Dancer Xuewei, are there. I am also a soldier in the choreography, and I must report my allegiance. ! Well, allegiance or something, whatever, the main thing is to take on some tasks, earn some oil and water, and quickly upgrade the level!

Passing through the gloomy Yongsong Forest, in the distance, the Violet Camp has changed its appearance. When I came last time, the camp was surrounded by wooden fences with deer antlers. This time I look again. The wooden fences have been rebuilt with stone materials. The high wall built, obviously, this camp has been upgraded from the primitive age to the stone age.

Princess Sophia’s strategy is correct. First build a city to strengthen the defense of the Violet Camp, use this as a base, and then expand outwards, eventually occupying the Eversong Forest and the Violet Woodland, and then rebuilding the Violet Empire.

This is different from the concept of the Great Development and the Great Leap Forward.

Entering the camp, the surrounding undead were in awe. A line of necromancers galloped out, seeming to be a reconnaissance squad. In addition, many guards holding swords and shields in the camp are patrolling, and everything is so orderly.

Look at my rank of the Blood Dance Corps, the level 2 bone cavalry, I have to keep working hard!

At this time, a messenger came and said solemnly: "The dead from afar, why are you here for?"

I glanced at him, huh, the bones haven't grown, so you dare to pretend to be 13

So, I took off the cloak on the top of my head, revealing a handsome face with blood red in my eyes. Tsk tsk, after upgrading to Shura, my face is a lot more handsome, but my eyes are blood red, which is a bit scary, so much so that yesterday. I frightened He Yi again, sin~~

As soon as he saw me, the messenger immediately stood in awe, and said respectfully: "My lord, why are you here?"

I swaggered into the depths of the camp: "Shadow dancer Xuewei, where is she?"

"she… "

Chuan Lingbing suddenly knelt to the ground, and said in a trembled voice: "Master Xuewei is seriously injured and is resting in the camp!"

"What, seriously injured?"

I raised my sword eyebrows: "His sister, who would dare to hurt her?"

"My lord, I will take you to see her!"


Following the messenger, came to an elegant and secluded hut in the depths of the camp. The messenger stood aloof and said, "Master Xuewei is inside!"

I nodded, opened the curtain and walked in. The scene before me was very disturbing!

Xuewei, the heroic shadow dancer in the old days, is actually lying in her arms, described as haggard, her red eyes are dull and dull, her shoulders are covered with bloody gauze, the blood is dark black, filled with unpleasant smells. The stench!

Princess Sophia was also there, nodded at me and said: "You are here!"


I stepped forward and said straightforwardly: "What's wrong with Xuewei, how can I help?"

Sophia said: "Just a few days ago, Xuewei encountered an ambush when leading a Hundred Cavalry to the Eidolon Territory. She was seriously injured. More importantly, she was cursed by a necromancer, causing a lot of energy in her body. toxin!"

As she said, Princess Sophia looked worried: "If this continues, I'm afraid Xuewei will degenerate and become a real Eidolon, losing her last conscience..."

At this moment, Suddenly Xuewei slowly opened her eyes, stretched out her hand to hold my armband tightly, and said with a weeping voice: "I don't want to... Something, I... my family, definitely don't want me to be that kind of thing..."

I took a deep breath and said, "How can I get rid of this undead toxin?"

Sophia frowned and said, "There is a way, but it's too dangerous, alas..."

I puffed up my chest and said, "Let's talk, I am not afraid of any danger, thousands of rivers and mountains just wait for leisure..."

Princess Sophia nodded and said, "In the extreme south of the boundary of Floating Ice City, there is a mountain range that can reach the sky. Below the mountain range is a cave of 10,000 poisons. Legends have gathered all kinds of poisons on the continent. There are terrible demons living in it. There is a sky poisonous snow lotus growing in the depths of the poison cave. According to legend, the sky poisoned snow lotus can detoxify any toxin, and it must also be able to detoxify this undead toxin!"

With that said, Princess Sophia stood up, raised her arm on my shoulder, and whispered: "Young warrior, if you can find the poisonous snow lotus, I will definitely give you a very generous reward!"


The system prompts: Do you accept the task [Wan Drug Cave]? (Current task level: A-level medium)

Depend on! A-level intermediate tasks, developed, this oil and water must be indispensable!

I was so excited, I was sure to receive it quickly!


System reminder: You have accepted the task [Wan Drug Cave]!

Quest content: Go to the southern extreme of the map of Floating Ice City, find the Ten Thousand Toxic Cave, enter the bottom of the Ten Thousand Toxic Cave, obtain the poisonous snow lotus and give it to Princess Sophia, you will get an unusually rich reward! However, you must be more careful. There are many demons in the Ten Thousand Poison Caverns, and the miasma is heavy. If you lose your surname, you will be punished twice!

Depend on! Double punishment? Is it twice the burst rate and twice the drop

NND, if this task fails, the problem will be big!

Look at the task prompt, this task can be shared, and the highest five people can team up!

It seems that I should look for some helpers. At this time, if I still think about the Lone Ranger, I am afraid that I will die very ugly. First of all, without the priest, I will not be able to mix in it at all!

Five people, five people, together with myself, another 4 people are needed. This needs to be carefully studied!

The priest needs one, and the first choice is Murong Mingyue. Her healing output is higher than that of a linen bag, and she is beautiful. In the team, it is equivalent to adding 10% of the encouragement skills. In addition, it also needs a remote output, which is naturally Bei Mingxue. Now, evil spirits shoot randomly to spawn monsters in groups, it's best.

In this way, there are already three places, and a long-range mage is needed to prevent encountering physics-resistant monsters. The first choice is the third-ranking mage Moonstone MM. Her equipment and skills are not bad, at least it will not be delayed. !

I really can’t think of who to take the last place. I finally decided to take He Yi. This time I can have more experience and maybe get good equipment. Let the beauty leader get stronger as soon as possible, otherwise we Gu Jian will Despised by other guilds.

Moreover, He Yi's appearance is better than Murong Mingyue, and she belongs to the world-shocking beauties. If you are in the same group, you can add 20% encouragement, which is even more powerful.

I made the decision, and immediately started contacting and sent the same message to Bei Mingxue, He Yi, Murong Mingyue, and Moonstone: "Beauty, team up for a task, can you come? Come to the East Gate Square of Floating Ice City if you have time. !"

Soon, I got all kinds of replies—

Bei Mingxue: "Good boss, wait for me for three minutes!"

He Yi: "Immediately!"

Murong Mingyue: "HOHO, I finally use my sister~~"

Moonstone: "Brother Zheji, do you like the power of others?"

I replied to comfort one by one, and then I took out the scroll of returning to the city, ready to team up to open the Ten Thousand Toxic Cave!