VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 18: Skull with thorns


Hanbinggang is as gloomy and cold as it used to be. Bronze pillars carved with devil patterns. The tips of the bronze pillars are crossed with bloody heads. There are humans, orcs, and shadow demons. Shadow demons are born. Meigu's race, this race has female surnames, which is why the shadow demons appearing in the game are all female players with female surnames.

I carried my sword into Frozen Hill, and came to Sentinel Captain Falk. After the conversation, the five-big and three-thick skeleton warrior raised his arm and quacked and laughed: "Little Skeleton, your growth really impresses me. It looks like you are already Very powerful, well, next, I will give you a very difficult task!"

I nodded slightly: "Come on!"

Fak said: "In the past few days, there has been a dead lord in the cemetery of Bingbinggang. He used to be a human noble knight. Now he has invaded our territory. Little skeleton. I hope you can kill him. Of course, that The undead lord is very powerful. The strongest undead swordsman in our camp, Su Lun, will walk with you. Go, you must first collect 40 thorn skeleton fingers and give them to Su Lun. Then he will kill the dead lord with you. -Qing Yu!"


System reminder: You have accepted the task [Dead Lord? Qing Yu]! (Task level: E-level medium)

Quest content: Go to the depths of the cemetery of Frozen Hill, kill 200 thorn skeletons, and collect 40 thorn skeleton fingers to the undead swordsman Su Lun, he will walk with you to kill the powerful undead lord? Qing Yu, After completing the task, you will receive a very generous reward!

I'm so excited, hey, E-level mid-range mission. This mission level is already very high. It is very likely to be the highest level mission that appears at this stage. It looks like I'm going to make a fortune!

Entered the Frostbite camp, traded a few potions with NPC, then repaired the equipment, ready to stop, and set off!

Walking along the forest path, you can see from a distance that Gui Guzi is killing monsters. His killing efficiency is very high. He carried a spear and monsters to kill a skeleton in twos or twos, and then began to use certain skills. Come search for extra experience.

Without interrupting him, I continued to enter the depths of the cemetery and walked for nearly ten minutes. Finally, the ground in front of me became darker and rancid, and the cemetery group appeared.

There are ghosts in the forest. I glanced over. It was a skeleton soldier that I had never seen before. The bones of his body had been mutated. A sharp barb appeared on the bone, and the barb glowed with green luster. , Seeing that people's hearts are cold, what is the difference between this 21st-level skeleton

Don't think about it, go!

I carried the green blade and rushed over. With a swing of the blade, the blade fell on the shoulder of the thorn skeleton with a heavy blow. With a click, the blade fell into the body of the thorn skeleton.


The attack power was still sharp, and a lot of the monster's vitality was cut off at once, but I also suffered from a pain in my whole body, and I actually lost 8 points of vitality!


Combat Tips: Your skill "Blade" caused 170 points of damage to the thorn skeleton soldier, and his thorn bone effect caused a damage rebound, and you received 8 points of damage!

Depend on! Is it actually a hurt reflex

Fortunately, only 5% of the quota is reflected, which can be tolerated. If it reaches a higher value of about 20%, then there is no need to mix, and you can go offline and wash your sleep.

The monster level is high, and the green blade's attack is obviously not strong enough. A 21st-level thorn skeleton took me nearly half a minute to get it done. This leveling efficiency is a bit low for me.

However, level 21 monsters also give quite a lot of experience. A thorn skeleton made my experience bar increase by a small amount visible to the naked eye. According to this efficiency, I should be able to finish this task almost to level 20. Now, one step further away from the 30-level mark!

Killed three thorn skeletons in a row, and finally, the first thorn skeleton finger was exposed, which was actually a bone, just a task item.

Cruising in the forest, looking for lonely skeletons. This monster has a very high attack power. Even with my 37-point defense, it is still very difficult to resist. Usually, killing 3 skeletons requires a bottle of blood. This consumes speed. Very scary, but fortunately I have enough silver coins, and the explosion rate of the thorns and skulls is also good!


Along with the majesty of a skeleton, a magic stone burst out, and my eyes immediately became straight-the big magic stone! That’s right, it’s the big magic stone. I didn’t expect this high-level ordinary monster to have a big magic stone. Before I got a big magic stone, I sold it for a astronomical price of 15 silver coins. The quality of that magic stone. It's 77, and the one in front of me is 51. Proportionally, I can sell for at least 10 silver coins. I have made a fortune, haha!

Put the big magic stone into the package and kill it again. About ten minutes later, the character exploded, and a big magic stone with a quality of 67 was exploded again. This is even more valuable!

After that, there were no big magic stones exploded in two hours. There were 4 small magic stones, but the little magic stones are not valuable. Of course, keep them all. No matter how small the mosquito’s legs are, it’s meat. Money is tight in the early stage of the game, and the real currency exchange function is not enabled in the game. If you want silver coins, you can only trade offline. Now everyone is a complete rookie. How many people like me with a possession of nearly a gold coin

It's late at night, while killing monsters while scrolling through the rankings, Floating Ice City is one of the nine major sub-cities in China. It gathers gaming elites from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. If I want to have a foothold in Floating Ice City in the future Where, then you must learn more about the celebrities on the top list!


Flipping the page, a line of ID came into view, and it was the top ten ranking in Floating Ice City—

1. Wind Fantasy Class 25: Bright Ranger

2. Dominate the 23rd-level class of the magic god: Mage

3. Domineering riding god level 23 occupation: magic knight

4. Domination of Archer God Level 23 Occupation: Archer

5. Domination of God of War Level 23 Occupation: Warrior

6. Lie Yue 22nd class occupation: Warrior

7. Guiguzi Level 22 Occupation: Necromancer

8. Longxing World Class 21: Magic Knight

9. Qingqingshuixiang Class 21: Archer

10. Yuntianhe Level 21 Occupation: Mage

Seeing dumbfounded, the undercurrent of Floating Ice City is raging! In the top ten of the rankings, there are actually four people who are domineering. What is the origin of this family? It seems that this domineering family has the stance of dominating Floating Ice City...

Of course, the real masters are not yet unremarkable.

Gui Guzi, the leveling madman, has compressed his sleep time to three hours a day. He is very energetic. I have killed him N times and can still hang on the top list. He is worthy of the title of leveling madman.

As for the most eye-catching thing, it is none other than style fantasy. This person's profession is not an ordinary ranger, but a bright ranger, and the level is high, an absolute pinnacle master, and it has already been exposed on the official forum. Ranked first in Floating Ice City, and in the ranking of the nine major sub-main cities in China, it is enough to rank in the top three!

This person is very worthy of attention, and is very likely to become the biggest obstacle to the dominance of Floating Ice City by Ancient Sword Soul Dream!

On the sky list, the four elders of the Ancient Sword Soul Dream Guild, and Xu Yang, ranked number one by Yueyue Stardust, are ranked number 6 on the sky list. This guy seems to be desperate for leveling!

I have a bad impression of Xu Yang and Murong Mingyue. He Yisheng said half a year ago that the three of them discussed with me and sent her a "Happy Birthday", and one of them, and I had a "say". , They didn't post it.

You can imagine how strange He Yi looked at me the next day.

This task requires a small number of monsters to kill, but the task items are surprisingly hard to come out. It took seven or eight hours to kill. The next morning, I still had 3 skeleton fingers to hand in the task.

The thorns and skeletons around the cemetery were almost killed by me, and among the pile of dead bones, a mighty undead lord stood in the center with his sword in his hand. It was the undead lord Qingyu who must be killed by the task!

I don’t dare to kill for the time being. My level has soared to level 20. I entered the top 100 in Floating Ice City again. It took half an hour and two skull fingers were exploded. Only the last one can go to move reinforcements and find me. The mentor of Undead Swordsman Su Lun is here to kill the BOSS!

Look at the time, it's 10:30 in the morning, and there is no trace of fatigue, so let's continue to kill!

Shanghai, a prosperous business district, at the top of a high-rise office building with a unique shape, and a meeting room.

About seven or eight elites were sitting on both sides, negotiating business. At the end was a young female with a surname, wearing a brown uniform, and the words "He Yi" on her badge.

"EVE? It's your turn, talk about your opinion?" A middle-aged man urged, looking at the beauty.

However, He Yi stared at the sky outside the window with sorrow in her beautiful eyes.

"EVE, what do you think of the decline in performance this month?"


Under the gaze of a group of directors, He Yi’s long eyelashes slowly covered her, and a line of tears slid down her snowy face, her red lips lightly opened, she closed her eyes and the tears flowed long, and she said: "But Lu Chen... Lu Chen, he... ”