VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 180: Ghost Lamp Bracers



The charge came in an instant, and I quickly stood in front of He Yi. With the effect of the ice light skill, the ghost ice soul volume smashed into the forehead of the ghost lamp guard!

But I saw this dead soul suddenly danced the stone lantern to block him, his whole body curled up backwards, it was a prelude to the defensive skills!


With a soft sound, the ghost ice soul hit the defensive shield, and an inconspicuous damage number flew up-214!

Damn, it really is a legendary defensive skill. The damage value is controlled within 10% to 50%, and even my attack power can only knock out such a little blood!

Murong Mingyue Nunus mouth: "Halo, is this an iron-plate monster? A defensive skill, it makes him guard against the sky..."

I chuckled: "I'm looking for death!"

With a flip of the wrist, the ghost ice soul sent again, and the sword's edge was glowing with golden luster, which is the skill I learned newly-collapse attack!


In an instant, the long sword gently shook away the opponent's weapon from bottom to top, and the collapsing skill successfully broke the opponent's defense. The ghost ice soul cried into several sword lights directly through the monster's chest and abdomen. It caused much stronger attack damage than normal attacks!


Gee, it's so strong!

He Yi blinked and said in surprise: "This is the collapse?"


I nodded: "With this skill, who dares to use defensive skills in front of me is simply seeking a dead end!"

The CD of collapse is very short, only a short second. Whoever defends will collapse. It can be said to be the natural nemesis of defense skills. This skill is like a shield-breaking sledgehammer, the king of attacks in a certain sense. !

However, the monster’s IQ value is very limited. After I crashed once, it was less than 5 seconds. After using the "Dancing Lantern" skill to smash me 500 points of vitality, the monster adopted the defensive skill state. In fact, if If I didn't learn how to collapse, I would definitely grit my teeth when facing this state. It hurts when someone beats you. If you beat someone, they will defend. This is a very ridiculous gameplay.

However, in the case of collapse, I don't need active skills such as ice light, pardon, and fatal strike at all. I save the CD of skill combos and continue to collapse!


The monster’s defense is broken, a sword is in the air, and the golden light is great. The words of damage of more than 2000 points are particularly refreshing. Moreover, the monster is not a player. As for the player, if you see me using Crash, you will definitely switch off the defense state within 0.5 seconds. Once the opponent no longer uses defense, Crash can only be exchanged for a MISS!

In less than ten seconds, my two crashes and several normal attacks, plus Moonstone MM's Frost Dragon Roar, killed a ghost lamp guard. The defensive skills were ineffective against magic, and the Frost Dragon Roar was relatively sharp.


The moment the Ghost Lantern Guard fell, the experience bar rose by a small margin, and the experience points provided by the 75-level elite monsters were too rich!


The first monster, burst equipment!

A pair of black bracers glowing with flames, lying quietly on the slate ground.

I picked it up and looked at it, and I couldn't help being surprised: "Oh, it's still a mysterious iron tool, this elite monster is too interesting..."

"Oh, what is the surname?" He Yixiao asked.

I stretched out my hand, and the surname of the equipment was turned into a slide show and appeared in the night sky—

【Ghost Lamp Bracers】(Mysterious Ironware)

Defense: 115

Strength: +20

Stamina: +9

Additional: Increase the user's upper limit of life by 100 points

Required level: 70

Very good level 70 bracers, used by fighters, 20 power points are equivalent to 4 level bonus points, and it can also add 100 points to the upper limit of life. Whether it is a warrior, a demon knight or a ranger, it is needed. Family name.

I asked: "How to deal with it?"

He Yimei swept her eyes and smiled: "The level is too high. When will it take everyone to reach level 70? Why don't you just throw them in the auction house and sell the gold coins?"


I nodded in agreement: "The auction will make money or something, I like it the most..."

Several MMs were shy and shy: "We like it too!"

I:"… "

Throw the ghost lamp bracer into the package, and continue to find the trouble of the next ghost lamp guard!

There are many monsters in the Hall of Ghost King, and groups of ghost lamp guards appeared in the later stage. Out of respect and fear of defense skills, we did not bring a monster to kill. If a pair of ghost lamp guards defended together, Bei Mingxue’s evil Lingluan shot must be greatly reduced, so that our chances of killing monsters will not be high.

So, one by one attracted the ghost lamp guards, one by one, because the opponent is a 75-level elite monster, my collapse kills countless people, and the upgrade efficiency is not slow at all!

The Hall of the Ghost King is a circular map. Follow a rugged road to kill. On the big map, you can reach the core of the Hall of the Ghost King by killing all the way. There is a dazzling blood red there. It is conceivable that the boss must be there in the end. , What we have to do is to get in, kill the BOSS, take the equipment and the Sky Poison Snow Lotus and go back to hand in the task, and then it's complete.

Unknowingly, it was already more than eight o'clock in the morning. Because the experience was too rich, several MMs were very excited to kill, especially He Yi. When only half of the monsters in the Ghost King Palace were wiped out, she had already risen to 62. Level, replaced the sword of the abyss and the breastplate of the abyss without hesitation!


Two rays of light flew by, and the beautiful boss’s breastplate transformed into a delicate and exquisitely colored armor, glowing with a faint golden luster, which looked graceful and luxurious without losing its heroic spirit, especially the streamlined pattern of the armor on the chest, like Two green leaves holding the pair of suffocating peaks and mountains, the beautiful gully makes people can't help but fall, and can't help but sink.

The broken sword in He Yi's hand has also been replaced by the sword of the abyss, a level 62 golden weapon, and its attack power is much higher than that of my ghost ice soul. There are faintly floating patterns of magic runes, and anyone can see the difference of this sword.

For a while, the beautiful boss was full of joyful smiles on her beautiful face, and she loved the sword of the abyss, but looked at her breastplate: "Wow, so handsome..."

I asked: "How about the family name now?"

"The defense is 524 points, the attack power is 645 points, and the blood limit is 3240 points. How about it, is it still strong?" He Yi asked with a smile.

I was stunned, NND, more than strong? The defense power is no worse than mine, the attack power is slightly inferior, but the advantage of the upper limit of blood and blood is even more obvious!

However, with the blessing of ghost armor, strengthening bones, undead regeneration and other skills, my life ability still needs to be higher than that of He Yi. This cannot be changed, unless she can get a high-level golden shield to increase the chance of parry. This might be harder than my life.

I nodded and said, "If you are lucky, if you can build a shield, you will be completely strong EVE!"

He Yiliwo smiled, holding the sword of the abyss: "Well, I want to make those guys look at me with admiration! Go, let's go into the inner hall to kill the boss..."

"No hurry, this is still in the outer hall..."


Go step by step and slowly get in. In short, the 75-level ghost lamp guard has such a rich experience. If you don't kill it, you don't kill it.

After nine o'clock in the morning, there was a ring of bells in my ears.


System reminder: Your friend Feng Se Fantasy is online!

With a move in my heart, after a night, is Lin Yixin finally online

Immediately sent a message: "Yiyi?"

"What are you doing?" Lin Yixin replied.

I put aside my shyness: "I miss you..."

Lin Yixin replied: "I want to beat you!"

I laughed and continued to send another message: "Yiyi, I did my task all night last night. I woke up in the afternoon and have dinner together at night, okay?"

Lin Yixin asked: "Say okay first, who treats you?"

"Of course I do!"

"OK, then I reluctantly agreed!"


After a while, Lin Yixin suddenly sent another message: "Dizzy, Lu Chen, what map are you looking at, how come you have reached the top of the ranking list?"

I was secretly refreshed: "The secret of heaven must not be revealed!"

"Hmph, wait and see, when you wake up, I will definitely grab the first position!" Lin Yixin sent such a provocative sentence, and then added a cute smiley charm.

Very good, since she is willing to say so, she must be sure!

It is foreseeable that Lin Yixin must also have a leveling task like me in the Ten Thousand Toxic Caves, otherwise, where is the courage to surpass me. After so many days of understanding, I am very sure that although Lin Yixin is very proud, she will not say nothing. The words of the side.

It was agreed. At 7 o’clock in the evening, Xiaoyao will see you on the first floor on the first floor. Lin Yixin will locate the child, and then I will pay the bill. Basically, I don’t care much about the money anymore. Anyway, I don’t want to change it. With less RMB, it’s no problem to invite my sister to have a meal.

Continue to level up, step by step cleaned from the periphery into the inner periphery of the Ghost King Palace.


Jian Feng picked out the collapse attack skill, the ghost ice soul turned into several sword lights and pierced the body of the ghost lamp guard, the bright golden light was very dazzling.


A big magic stone rolled out a long way on the ground, Murong Mingyue chased it far, and finally caught it, hugged it in my arms and walked back. The big magic stone is between the beautiful snow-white peaks, and he must be happy. It's almost a nosebleed.

I pointed my sword forward and said, "Here, the core position of the Ghost King Palace is here. Let's go in and see if this Ghost King is really three-headed and six-armed. He has gathered so many young men to guard the door outside!"


Carrying the long sword, I took the Xuanfeng and walked in the forefront. The core of the Ghost King Palace is a loft filled with poisonous gas. There are many seals on the door, and there are more than N iron chains across it. It is obviously a forbidden place. !

Charge forward, sway the ghost ice soul!


A sword swept across, the iron chains were cut off, and the sharpness of the gold objects was extraordinary.