VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 2: Surprise



A sharp brake sound rang on the highway, blood flowed, and a woman was lying on the road with blood under her body. There was a car accident!


He Yi frowned, and the car suddenly slowed down.

"Please, save my wife, she was hit by someone, please..." A middle-aged man about 50 years old rushed forward and cried: "Please take her to the hospital."


He Yi stopped the car without thinking, and said, "Lu Chen, save people first!"


I was about to get out of the car and glanced at it, but found a black car galloping from the side road, breaking the guardrail and rushing over!

No good, this is... I smell conspiracy!

The car crashed between the sparks and flints. I couldn't react, so I had to block He Yi with my body. He Yi's beautiful face flew up in surprise: "Don't..."


Accompanied by the loud noise, He Yi's black sports car was hit and slid off the road, but my head was blank. Under the huge impact, He Yi fell on the driver's seat, and a trace of blood appeared on his white forehead.

I shook my head desperately. In the thick smoke, two people with full faces rushed over, cursing and saying: "Let's see if that woman is dead!"

Sure enough, it was a deliberate murder!

I moved hurriedly, my hands and feet were not hurt, but there was some pain in my back.

Helping He Yi out of the car, she has passed out in a coma.

"Mom, there's another kid, hurry up!"

The two rushed over, each holding an iron rod in their hands, and they couldn't help but hit them.


The iron rod hit my shoulder hard, and there was pain in my heart.

I can't control that much. It's almost no man's land. Very few vehicles pass by. He Yi and I have fallen into a murder carefully planned by others.

He flew a kick and kicked one of the big guys' lower abdomen, and he immediately squatted down, clutching his stomach in pain.

I hurriedly put He Yi on my chest and ran to the highway quickly, only hope that someone would pass by.

A dull pain came from my shoulder again, and a trace of blood appeared on my chest through the white shirt. He Yi was unconscious, his eyes closed tightly, and his long eyelashes were so beautiful.

"You must protect her this time, and you can't hurt her again, even if you lose your surname!" At this moment, I warned myself time and time again in my heart.

Stumbled and climbed to the road, the sky had eyes, and a private car galloped in.

I hurriedly got in the center of the road, and the two thugs from behind waved their iron rods and rushed again.

"Open the car door!"

I said loudly, but the middle-aged man who was driving obviously didn't want to provoke trouble, and he shrank and didn't dare to open the door.

"You will open the door for me!" I punched the door hard, the glass cracked, and he had to open the door quickly.

Pushing He Yi into the car smoothly, I shouted, "Hurry up, take her to the hospital!"

The middle-aged man had to nod his head, but frightened in his eyes, and the two big men had already caught up.

I couldn't get off anymore, turned around to protect the car and drove away.

"Mom, this kid dared to do bad things and kill him!"

The big man's face was full of scars, and he rushed over with a grinning grin.

I didn't struggle too much, the previous injury was already too serious, and I was weak, and knelt down slowly on the ground.


He received a heavy blow in the back of his head, a hot sensation came, the sky turned around, and the whole person fell heavily on the highway.

It was dark, and nothing could be seen.

Am i dead

I asked myself sentence by sentence, but no one answered.

Kneeling in the darkness, I suddenly felt sad and desperate. My mother's words before her death seemed to be in my ears: Lu Chen, take care of yourself...

"Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't do it."

"Mom, I'm so scared..."

He kept crying, but he couldn't open his mouth or make any sound. The whole person was enveloped by boundless fear and despair.

Suddenly, a voice came from my ear—

"This kid doesn't know who it is, what should I do?"

"What should I do? Buried, mom, it's all this kid troublesome, he is looking for death on his own!"

After a while, I felt my body sink deeper and deeper, and my consciousness finally disappeared completely.

In the middle of the night, a piece of new soil appeared in the field in a quiet mountain village.


Suddenly there was a soft sound, and an arm broke through the ground.

Looking down at the mud-stained arm, I can hardly believe that I have been buried alive for so long and haven't died yet. How is this possible

I turned around in shock and found that the mud in the shallow pit behind me turned out. I was buried to a depth of about 20 centimeters. The mud was very loose. If you judge this way, the air may be enough to breathe, and there is an undead explanation.

"Uh… "

There was a groan, and there was a tearing pain in the back of my head. The sap that almost killed me in a coma was really heavy, but it was a blessing in misfortune to be able to escape.

I looked around, the sky was full of stars, and it was already night.

My phone had been lost, and the clothes on my shoulders were stained red with blood. I moved a little, and there were bursts of heart-piercing pain.

Fortunately, but worried about He Yi's situation, is she safe when she was taken to the hospital? Why did those people kill her, and there are still many mysteries that have not been solved...

I can't think of that much, I'll go home first, my stomach is groaning, and I don't know how long I have been hungry.

I stumbled onto the road, and I was a little puzzled. When He Yi was in danger, I used my body to prevent her from hurting her without thinking. What was this all about

Shaking his head, God knows why.

There are very few buses in the suburbs. After waiting for more than half an hour, one finally came. The driver looked at me who got on the bus with a hell expression: "Dude, did you fall into the drain?"

I nodded and smiled: "Almost, really bad luck."

I lost my phone because of bumps along the way. Fortunately, the card He Yi gave me is still there. If this is the case, the rest of my life is still guaranteed. Tomorrow night will be the day when "Tian Zong" will be released. Even if you can't call the wind and rain, at least it's not a problem to eat a bite of rice.

I felt a slight pain at the back of my head, and there was always a suspicion in my heart. After suffering such a heavy blunt blow, I am afraid that my brain will burst, and I am buried in the mud for how long. How did I get out alive

Looking back at the area where I was buried in the night, it was an undeveloped area, which looked like a mass grave with many low graves.

After thinking about it for a long time, I laughed at myself suddenly: "Forget it, it's good to be able to come back alive, why do you think so much."

It was already dark when I returned to my residence. I lived in a one-bedroom apartment with a monthly rent of 2200RMB. Well, I almost owed money last month and couldn’t afford it. Thanks to a brother’s generosity, I was able to make it through. Through the difficulties, of course, the price that the kid lent me was to take a low-level artifact-level two-handed sword from my hand and enjoy it. However, Ling Yun almost stopped serving after a few days, and the equipment was actually not available. Too much value.

Walking up the gloomy stairs, I used to take out the keys, but I didn't want a figure to jump out of my room door.

"Damn! Why did you come back until now, what have you been doing in the past two days without answering the phone?"

I can tell who it is by sound alone.

Du Shisan, my best brother, the so-called "good" means that I want your good things and you want my good things. We had a very good relationship with Du Shisan from elementary school to university. Except for our girlfriends, we didn’t share any secrets. Of course, the reason why my girlfriends did not share was because I didn’t have a girlfriend at all, and Du Thirteen's girlfriend changed season after season, faster than a woman changing clothes.

Under the dim light, Du Shisan looked at me and said in amazement: "Lu Chen, why are you so embarrassed? Alas, I heard that you were killed by Zhuying chaotically... Forget it, Zhuying chaotic. Now, as Zhongtian is said to be, it is already covering the sky with one hand in China, and your ancient sword soul dreams really can't compete with it."

I smiled slightly, patted Du Shisan’s shoulder, and said: “It’s okay, look at it, the candle shadow chaos is now in full swing, but the peak will decline, and it’s just a small thing, it’s just a small thing, young People, be optimistic."

"Optimistic about your sister..." Du Shisan looked helpless: "I am here to comfort you, or you are here to comfort me..."

"Thirteen, why are you here with me?" I stared: "Tomorrow night is the day when Tianzong is open, why don't you go back and prepare the inventory to come to me for?"

Du Shisan took a bite of the cucumber and showed a look of horror: "Are you confused? The official opening of Tianzong is at 12 o'clock this evening. Why does it become tomorrow?"

"What? Today?! Today... what's the date?" I was a little confused.

"No. 10, isn't it?"

"No. 10..."

I was stunned. My meeting with He Yi was on the 8th, but today it was the 10th. Could it be that I have been in a coma in the mud for a day and a night? How can this be? !

"Hey, are you okay, brother?"

Du Shisan patted me on the shoulder and asked, "Why do you look so desperate? Today is the 10th, is there something wrong?"

I took a deep breath and smiled and said, "It's okay, so Tianzong will be open today, why do you still have time to come and hang out with me?"

"Damn, you have no conscience!" Du Shisan's saliva splashed: "I can't contact you for a few days. I am worried about whether you will hang up before I come to see. Now that you are back, I will go back, almost at 12 Get home before the point, and see you in the game! Come on, what ID do you plan to call, or do you still fall into the dust?"

"I don't know, probably not anymore, what's your name?"

"I don't know. There are too many squatting. I originally wanted to call Xiao Shao, handsome man or something, but it seems that the chance of squatting is not high."

"Well, then you go back first. It's not too late to contact you when you leave the Novice Village."

"Okay, I'm leaving first, and I brought you a few kilos of dry-cut beef. I wanted to have a few drinks with you. You came back too late, next time."

I stretched my head to see, indeed, there was a bag of beef and a bottle of Erguotou on the table, and a warm feeling arose in my heart. After so many years, there was a brother.

Thirteen is gone, and a long shadow is drawn under the street light. He is not a master in the game, and can even be included in the ranks of rookies. Others can leave a legend on the rivers and lakes, and he can only leave a legend. Back view.