VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 200: Chaos


I don’t know how long I slept, there was a conversation outside the door, it seemed that Xu Yang was talking to the professional players in the base—

Xu Yang: "What dream do you have?"

Player A: "I want a beautiful girl to be a girlfriend, the kind who is gentle and sensible."

Player B: "I want to change the base into an Internet cafe, and I will be the boss!"

Xu Yang: "Get out!"

Player C: "I hope to successfully pass the CET-4 exam so that I can graduate."

Xu Yang: "..."

Player D thought about it for a long time and said: "Safe** 365 days without accidents."

Xu Yang's voice dragged on for a long time: "Fuck..."

Look at the time, it's 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and there is still one hour left before the map of the Devil's Hall opens!

Turned to his feet, took a quick wash, put on a piece of clothing and flew out.

I rushed all the way downstairs, ordered a snack in the coffee shop, planed it in twos and threes, and went upstairs!

In the elevator room, the phone rang suddenly, it was Lin Yixin's number—

"Hey, Yiyi, what's the matter?" I was a little worried, the little girl won't come to ask the teacher for the incident of the text message harassment last night, right

Fortunately, Lin Yixin was not mentioning this matter.

"Lu Chen, have you heard about the devil's mourning hall?"

"whats the matter?"

"Dizzy, you just woke up?" Lin Yixin said silently: "The Great Sanctuary is crowded. A large group of Rank 3 players stayed in the waiting space of the coffin. I guess there will be at least a thousand people. I'm afraid the map is not there yet. Turn it on, they are about to kill."

I asked: "What are your plans?"

Lin Yixin said: "Only the hardship comes. I have gathered Ziyihou, Qingqing and Chanel the shadow man. I will rush in for a while, and strive to occupy a favorable position on the mourning hall square, and strive for at least one or two people to enter the mourning hall!"

I took a deep breath: "Okay, I'm online too, Gu Jianxun Meng will definitely do something."

"Well, then we... If we are lucky, see you in the hall!"


Hang up and go online!


As soon as the eyes lit up, a dim light came from the curtain of the tent, there was noisy outside, and the players shouted—

"Hey! Which shameless guy has set up a tent here? Damn, that's okay..."

"What's this? I've been in line at 12 o'clock last night until now, how easy is it for me! Damn, you jump in the queue and die!"

"Get out! Look at Lao Tzu's Flame Slash!"

"Go to hell, look at Lao Tzu's whirlwind!"

Sure enough, just as Lin Yixin had expected, before opening the Demon Hall, it had already been smashed into a ball.

Sitting on the edge of the tent, keeping the state of not fully online, watching the bustling crowd outside, I laughed and said nothing.

It’s completely invincible inside the tent. The people outside can’t help me at all. Tsk tsk, that’s not bad. There is still half an hour to open the mourning hall. I’ll wait here and wait until two o’clock in the afternoon. On the 9th floor of the mourning hall, kill the boss to get the power of God!

This piece of divine power is very important to everyone. After all, it takes a lot of guild experience for a level 2 guild to be upgraded to a level 3 guild. It takes at least half a month to get it. Development half a month ahead of schedule, the pre-emptive collection of 2,000 elites, after all, only the players in the guild can be considered reliable, the non-staff members have not yet entered the main league, and there is no loyalty at all.

It can be said that if you look at Floating Ice City, whoever can get this divine prestige will get the first opportunity. This is why the major guilds are fighting for divine prestige.


Murong Mingyue sent a message: "Lu Chen, your kid is finally online. EVE and I formed a team outside and couldn't get in. What should I do?"

I immediately sent a request to join. In the next moment, after a beep, I joined the team. The captain was He Yi. Xu Yang, Guiguzi, Beimingxue, Luanyue, Moonstone and others were all among them. 10 people, gathered all the top masters of the Ancient Sword Soul Dream Master League!

Gui Guzi smiled and said, "The boss of the jiji is here!"

Bei Mingxue said in surprise: "Halo, what's the location of the boss on the map... How could it be in the mourning hall square?"

I smiled shyly: "This... I set up a tent in the mourning hall square when I was offline last night..."

"Halo..." Murong Mingyue smirked: "You can think of this way, you really have you, it's too nasty... What's next, let's go inside and outside together?"

He Yi chuckles: "Don't worry, right?"

"It's Mao?" Murong Mingyue asked.

"It's very simple. Wait a moment. Five minutes before the opening of the Devil's Hall, the players outside must have gone violently. There will be chaos. Let's not worry, stand still in the corner and wait for the last minute to start working hard. Rush into the mourning hall square."

I couldn't help but praised: "Smart!"

He Yi smiled: "Thanks for the praise~"

Gui Guzi said: "I also support this, rushing forward early will only increase unnecessary casualties!"

Bei Mingxue chuckled softly: "Look, aren't there people from the Crazy Dragon Guild? Wow, I brought a group of a hundred people. Long Xing Tianxia is going to bloodbath the mourning hall square?"

Murong Mingyue said: "Look to the west again, N people like the Huajian faction have come, and the three traitors Chunni, Yeshang and Yueying have also come~~"

He Yijing said quietly: "Don't make public, let's watch the changes."


He Yi’s approach is very clever. Although there is a lot of people and strength, it was definitely a hellish existence half an hour before the opening of the Devil’s Hall. The Crazy Dragon Guild organized a group of hundred people, so what? Once you enter the square, I’m afraid It is a single player who can drown them with one spit. At this moment, there must be few and elite people, so that there will not be much loss, and the success rate can be maximized.

Lin Yixin is also a smart person, just forming a ten-member group. If you can get in, you can go in. If you can't get in, it's just a soy sauce.

Outside the tent, there was already a big fight. The two men and horses fought together, the frost dragon roared, the fire and the icy light skills were intertwined, here are all three-rank players above level 60, and the killing is unusually gorgeous. The singers played melodious tunes such as "Brave" and "Homecoming" with the yaoqin in their hands, adding a powerful BUFF to the fighters.


The fire was shining, and a soldier turned into a corpse and fell straight down. The murderer had not had time to be proud, and three consecutive frost dragons roared above his head, instantly falling!

In the rear, many people yelled: "Damn! That kid rushed to the side of the guards, everyone went up together, slaughtered him, and prepared to grab equipment!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Magic arrows were shot randomly, and the two NPC guards were already intertwined into a sea of flames. What is rare is that the two NPC uncles remained calm, chatting with their cigarette holders in their mouths—

"Hi, Snake, after guarding this ghost place today, how about going to the West City Pub to drink some malt. I heard that there is a stray girl from the Red River Basin who has smooth skin and excellent touch. It only takes 10 a night. It's just a gold coin, shall we piece it together?" The wretched uncle said with a smile.

Another NPC guard pouted: "Our monthly salary is only 1 gold coin. This is a whole year's income? Tiger, did you really decide to do that?"

The uncle's eyes were firm: "For the girl, what are the gold coins? Listen to me, otherwise you will be in regret for the rest of your life, regret not stepping on the girl's ivory bed!"

"Okay Tiger, you really are my beacon of the night, old man, let's go after this post, I can't wait!"


I was very speechless, so why is this game planning so wretched? Such lines, um, I appreciate it when they hear it, and minors will feel uneasy when they hear it!

Outside, the world was smashed to pieces, batches of players poured in, and then batches fell, and all kinds of equipment burst into one place. There were bronzes, fine irons, mysterious irons, and even one or two silverware, which provoked everyone to count. Red eyes, one by one lost the idea of a dog's civilization, and his eyes were full of desire and hope, and they shouted: "Damn! There is a silver bow there. Fuck, no one is allowed to grab it with Lao Tzu, that's me. Yes, damn, whoever stabs my ass with a sword, I fight you!"

As a result, a silver bow caused a bloody murder, and hundreds of players were killed in a ball and fell down like wheat.

At this moment, a ringing ring suddenly rang in my ears—


System prompt: Your tent stay time limit has expired, please cancel the tent status immediately!

There is a countdown on the interface, and my tent will disappear in 10 seconds!

Depend on!

My scalp was numb, and I was sitting next to the guardian uncle, which happened to be the focus of firepower. Once the tent disappeared, I might die miserably, and it would be impossible to be picked up by the Frost Dragon Roar in an instant!

At this kind of moment, you must be bold and decisive, otherwise you will die!

Keeping my mind calm, I took out the ghost ice soul, instantly canceled the tent effect, and rushed out with the sword. An oncoming assassin carried a dagger, and a gleaming blow came to the cold front!


The sword's edge was sent straight forward with a slurping sound straight through his chest and back, blood surged, and instantly killed, this assassin's best equipment was the mysterious iron weapon, which was simply vulnerable under the ghost ice soul!

In front, a group of players yelled: "Another one comes out, come on, do it!"

This group of people is completely crazy, regardless of whether they are the enemy or the enemy, they want to kill when they see a master. After all, killing the equipment, even if it is a silverware, is enough for a small amount of money.


The corners of my mouth lifted up, revealing a confident smile, the ghost ice soul lifted up high, the sword light flickered, and it came-Level 7 Qianhuan Slash!


Jianfeng transformed seven brilliant sword auras, with a range of 7 yards, and went straight down!


A whole piece of damage figures flew up, and dozens of players all fell down. Only a few fighters still kept the residual blood and fled back panicked.

I withdrew and retreated quickly, Hengjian stood by the corner of the wall, revealed my name, and looked at everyone coldly.

"Damn! It's him... the legendary undead god of war..."

A group of players finally regained a sense of sanity. No one dared to step forward. After getting the quest reward from the orc tribe, I was already level 71 and I was wearing three hidden gold defensive devices. These people knew that they were invincible. Won't be on again.

Of course, the most important reason is prestige!

In the entire Ice Floating City, there are only two people who can show the game ID to achieve the shocking effect, one is me and the other is Lin Yixin!