VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 234: Hell fire


It was not someone else who came, but the person I had been waiting for. Above the female mage’s head, a line of shiny words floated—

Beijing Luoshen LV-78 Title: Silver Master

Guild: Purple Lily

Position: Leader

City: Bingyue City

Finally, the legendary capital Luoshen appeared!

Moreover, the price of Beijing Luoshen's bid was an astonishing 100W gold coin. No one thought that an excellent dark gold staff would be fired to this price. Even I did not expect it. Moreover, ordinary players would not prepare for it. Many gold coins, because the gold coin trading platform takes time to exchange.

Long Xing Tianxia and Li Le both gritted their teeth. They did not lose money, but a prediction. They both underestimated the tremendous impact brought by the Scepter of Purgatory!

Beijing Luoshen arrived first and kept everyone silent with the sky-high price of 100W gold coins.

"The player Beijing Luoshen bid 1,000,000 gold coins for the first time!"

"The player Beijing Luoshen bid 1,000,000 gold coins for the second time!"

"The player Beijing Luoshen bid 1,000,000 gold coins, the third time!"

"Confirm the deal!"

The auctioneer MM quickly completed the transaction and happily took away 5% of the commission.


System reminder: Congratulations, the item you auctioned [Purgatory Scepter] was successfully auctioned at a price of 1,000,000 gold coins. After deducting the intermediary fee, you got 950,000 gold coins!

Very good, I got 950,000 RMB in one fell swoop. It seems that the woman in Beijing Luoshen is not only a strong person in the game, but in reality, she must also be a wealthy figure!

I quickly threw all the 95W gold coins in the account to the exchange to exchange for RMB. After about an hour, there was money in the bank account!

The golden scale bow, the scepter of purgatory, and the two dark gold tools, made me earn nearly 110W. Tsk tsk, if I can brush a few more lock magic towers, then it is not a dream to become a multi-millionaire!

I was thinking of many things with joy, and while looking down, I saw that there was a blood-stained staff in the hands of Luoshen Jingcheng, which was the scepter of purgatory that had just been acquired!

She looked around, her clear eyes filled with disdain, which showed that this was a rather arrogant woman.

Just as he was about to leave, suddenly Long Xing Tianxia appeared with his Dan Shu Tieqi, Turning Clouds and Rain and others, blocking the path of Luoshen in the capital: "This beauty, can you stop?"

"What?" Jingcheng Luoshen looked at Longxing Tianxia, with a scornful smile on his mouth, and said lightly: "Crazy Dragon Guild? It seems to be very active on the forum, shouting to dominate the floating ice city all day long..."

Long Xing Tianxia was a little embarrassed and said with a smile: "Beijing Luoshen, CGL Hall of Fame master, hey, fortunately, I am the leader of the crazy dragon, that... I have a word, I don't know if I should say it."

Jingcheng Luoshen curled up his mouth: "I won't let you say it, won't you?"

"Ha ha!"

Long Xing Tianxia didn't care, he smiled and said, "In fact, there is nothing, but whether it is the Floating Ice City where our Crazy Dragon is located or the Ice Moon City where Guimeng Purple Lily is located, it is only the second-tier main city in China. When the three major cities open, there is bound to be a war to dominate the main city. The kid dares to ask, which major city does your league intend to settle in in China? Skywind City, Sky City, or Shenyin City?"

I couldn't help but smile, and said indifferently: "Is this kid in Longxing Tianxia already planning to make friends with the other main city forces now? It seems that he still has a great vision of war, and understands that the battle for hegemony in Floating Ice City is only for a while, the battle for hegemony in the main city? That’s the real key."

Murong Mingyue pursed his lips and smiled: "This kind of kid with an international perspective is Sister Feng's dish."

"Yes, yes~~" He Yi nodded in agreement.

I am speechless, continue to look down.

Facing Long Xing Tianxia’s question, Jingcheng Luoshen took a deep breath and said, “It seems that the whereabouts of Violet Lily does not seem to have the opportunity to ask him, right?”

"This… "

Long Xing Tianxia touched his nose and said, "Beauty Luoshen, you are a wise man, and you should understand the benefits of having one more ally. On behalf of the Crazy Dragon Guild, I am looking forward to forming an alliance with your alliance, advancing and retreating together, and dividing the world! "

"hehe… "

Jingcheng Luoshen suddenly laughed and her mind trembled. She raised the scepter of purgatory, and smiled: "Go forward and retreat together? Well, let me put a word, do you dare to be an enemy of Zhulong? If you don't, then Don't form an alliance with Viola, you are not worthy! In addition, I can tell you where the Viola is going. After the main city is opened, where will the candle dragon go, where will I go with Viola!"


Long Xing Tianxia was silent for a long time, did not dare to say anything, and was an enemy of the Candle Dragon Guild. This is not a joke. Although the heroes are now together, the Candle Dragon Guild is still like the sky, responding in the morning city. Once the main city is opened, how can the power of the Candle Dragon Guild be provable by the Crazy Dragon

When Long Xing Tianxia raised his head, he found that Beijing Luoshen had already walked away, and a disdainful laugh came from the sky.

It seems that the outstanding female mage in this hall of fame is indeed a very arrogant person, but she has aloof capital.

I took He Yi, Murong Mingyue and Bei Mingxue out of the auction house.

"The Scepter of Purgatory was bought by someone from Bingyue City..." He Yi chuckled, "This time, Tyrant Sword, Longxing Tianxia, and Li Le are all very disappointed, right?"

I nodded and smiled: "That's natural."

Murong Mingyue suddenly pointed his finger into the distance, and said, "Hey, hurry up, there seems to be a good show on the Dongmen Bridge?"


When everyone looked at it together, they suddenly discovered that a large group of people were surrounding a person. The all-color emblem of the guild was the symbol of the Huajian School, and the person surrounded by the center was not someone else, but the capital of Luoshen, holding a purgatory scepter in his hand. , His eyes calmly looked at a circle of malicious players around.

Among the Huajian faction, Li Le carried a sword and said: "I don't care if you are a member of the CGL Hall of Fame. Anyway, if you don't want to take this purgatory scepter out of Floating Ice City, you should keep the stick. Come down, I will compensate you with 100W gold coins, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

Jingcheng Luoshen's mouth was smiling: "Humph, interesting!"

As she said, she raised the scepter of purgatory, and said: "Actually, I could have used Frozen Moon City’s city-returning scroll to immediately flash people, but since you are so bitterly pressing, then, see you outside the city, there is a kind of Come here, I'm not afraid of your crowds!"

With that, the capital Luoshen floated out of the city, and a smart and fiery red robe disappeared at the gate of the city.

Li Le Jianfeng pointed: "Go, kill out, kill this woman, you must explode the Scepter of Purgatory to me, that's our baby in Floating Ice City!"

Suddenly, a group of Huajian dispatched players rushed out, and one by one saw the hunting heart rise, greed appeared on their faces.

"Should we help?" He Yi asked.

I shook my head: "Go out and have a look first. Since Beijing Luoshen is so confident, she must be someone who has the confidence to deal with the Huajian faction. Otherwise, how could she be so bold?"


Several people in Frost Cloud Studio have hidden IDs. Bei Mingxue and I are both at level 70 or above, Murong Mingyue is at level 68, and He Yi is at level 64. With such a high level, it’s hard to be captured as long as the ID is hidden. People have detected it, of course, if you judge on the basis of appearance, there is no way.

He Yi, in particular, is too conspicuous. He wears a fierce armor and carries the sword of the abyss. His snowy face is exquisite and flawless. A cloak looks heroic and beautiful. Such a attire is equivalent to telling others his name and looking at the floating ice. In the city, besides the beautiful lord of Gu Jian Hun Meng, how can there be such a beautiful knight

Outside the city, the grass grows ying flies, but at this moment, he is full of murderous aura. The Luoshen of the capital is standing in the grass pretty, his purgatory scepter is glowing with blood, his eyes are calm, and he looks at the group of people around him very calmly.

As a person ranked higher than Dance of Gods in the CGL Hall of Fame, the strength of Beijing Luoshen is beyond doubt, and now, I have to see how strong she can be!

Tensions, just waiting for an order!


Li Le drew out the sharp sword, and shouted in a low voice: "Come on together, give me a round of her!"

Suddenly, Huajian sent a group of people to drew out the sharp blades, the warriors and the demon knights rushed forward, and the archers drew out their longbows, and the battle started immediately!

Jingcheng Luoshen smiled and stomped his feet suddenly. The magic shield came up. The purgatory scepter increased the magic tenacious name by 40%, coupled with the magic power bonus of Jingcheng Luoshen itself. It is hard to imagine how hard this magic shield is. In short, it is by no means that Li Le can easily break the shield.


A level 64 demon knight rushed forward, holding a spear, and sending a shot at Luoshen in Beijing!


With a sneer, Jingcheng Luoshen turned sideways slightly, with a scorching fire accumulated in his left palm, and suddenly sent out, Pyroblast!


The huge damage figure flew up, it was definitely not a fatal blow, it was an ordinary Pyroblast, and it directly killed a demon knight with a good level of 64 equipment!

Amid the screams, the demon knight seemed to be on fire, and slowly fell into the grass. This situation is very shocking!

"Wow, so high attack power..." He Yi beside me opened his mouth. Obviously, everyone was amazed. The attack power of a magician was so high that it could not be said to be very BT.

Li Le's eyes were blood red, and he furiously said, "Archer, volley!"

Jingcheng Luoshen reacted faster, and he started to swing his staff before the archer shot it, and saw a large icy rain falling in the crowd. Although it was only a low-level magic, it was level 7 and cooperated with the attack of the purgatory rod. Bonus, this kind of damage is more terrifying!

A series of damage numbers over a thousand flew up, and in the blink of an eye, a group of archers from the Huajian faction fell to the ground, and they were killed by a group of dozens of people!

However, a large group of knights, warriors and assassins have come to Luoshen in the capital, and the knives are dancing down!

Beijing Luoshen was not in a hurry, raised his staff high, and uttered softly: "Hell Fire!"


The ground around her suddenly cracked, as if a volcano erupted. In the next moment, countless flames burst out, burning a group of melee players in the fire!




A series of damage figures flew up, such a super attack output was simply terrifying, surrounded by corpses, the capital Luoshen two consecutive hell fires, and it easily burned hundreds of Huajian faction!


Li Le swallowed fiercely, and finally realized that he definitely provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked!